crowgirl's Journal

crowgirl's Journal


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6 entries this month

23:40 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 707

ok folks, this is gonna take some time. I apologize beforehand for probable spello's and whatnot. I'm still getting used to typing on a touch screen. :) still loving the iPhone. The one thing that made me really decide to get one is that I could have vr in my pocket. :)

Anyway, I might be going up bradgate park tomorrow. Y'know, that park with the beautiful ruined stately home in it? I'll take some pics and see if I can load them up from my phone. If I can't figure it out, you'll hear me yelling ;)



00:23 Sep 29 2008

I don't like your new phone.


16:07 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 709

Hey everyone! Just a quick note to say I love my new iPhone!!!!! I'll try to get online later.:)




00:09 Sep 21 2008
Times Read: 721

Well, it's Saturday night and I'm curled up with a few beers and a movie. Or I would be if the frickin' disc would work and not jump EVERY FIVE SECONDS!. 0.o


I get paid next Thursday *happy dance* So I've booked the afternoon off, in order to do some serious shopping in town. I'm not sure what I'll be getting. Can't decide between a lovely pair of platform shoes, or another pair of new rocks. :) I need a new phone too, and I've fallen in love with the new Iphone. I was messing around with it in the store today, got onto youtube and played Criss Angel's mindfreak video. Didn't know, however, that the volume was set to LOUD. Lots of strange looks. Heh.

Maybe some clothes, videos etc.

Other than that, there's not much to report. Apart from I somehow managed to drop a chopping board on my finger at work, and I got *checked out* twice today. First, by a kinda scary butch lady, second by a tall guy with long hair that looked oddly like Rob Zombie.

Anyway, I'm off to chat with Angelus now :) More ramblings later.




21:41 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 733

Good news! The skin healed back onto my finger! yay! It looks really weird. So I took a picture for ya'll.

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Aren't I nice? Now gimme the *ahhhhhhhh's*.




14:41 Sep 13 2008

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .."

(You're dead cute, you are.)


22:53 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 737

Christ my finger is hurting. I got the dressing changed yesterday, because it felt like it was gonna explode from all the throbbing that was going on. That, and I couldn't sleep at all. Yep, it hurts that bad. I did take some co-codamol, but they had the effect of making me go abseloutely wappy so I passed the day in a tired/stoned haze. I have my review on Thursday, to see if the skin flap has healed back onto my finger, or if it's died. The doctors didn't hold out much hope for it because the skin was already white (severely restricted blood flow) so they think it might have died, and I'll have a weird looking dip on my left pinky finger.

It hurts like a bitch if anything so much as touches it. Which has resulted in some very colourful expletives being heard along the histopathology corridors.

My boss, Caroline said it was the worst one she's seen in a while, and is amazed I didn't need stitches. I'm rather thankful, to be honest. I'd probably have needed enough tranquilizers to knock out a baby elephant. Heh.

I got to meet the Doctor who took a look at my finger today. (He was the one who told them to take me to A&E stat!) He asked how I was, and what had happened and I told him. Then I told him:

* I remember you saying something about amputation*

doc: *Well, I said it probably wouldn't need to be amputated*

*Yeah, I heard the word probably and saw a heck of a lot of blood and freaked out*

doc: *Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!*

*Eh, didn't matter anyway. I fainted. Couple of minutes later my ass met the floor spectacularly I'm told. I woke up in reception*

*Oh dear.....*

Heh. Bless him. Although I did find it funny he looked like Brian from QAF. That'll teach me to watch all of those fan vid's on youtube. 0.o

Anyway, I'm going to stop babbling now, and let you all try and get rid of the nausea. ;)




21:13 Sep 08 2008
Times Read: 740

I kinda cut a chunk out of my finger at work last week. Hence why I've not been on. Typing is hard. Google microtome machine and then look at how sharp the blades are. Feel sorry for my poor left pinkie finger. ;)

Oh, and a crazy man gave me ten pounds. 0.o He kept telling me he was at the hospital to see his grandkid and then needed to get into town. I was like: right, with no shoes and an admission band on your wrist? suuuuuuure. Anyway, he got ten pound out of his pocket, and kept trying to make me take it. I didn't want to, I didn't even know if it was his actual wallet, but in the end he made me take it saying * Go on love, treat yer boyfriend*

Security and the police caught up with him a few moments later after a few garbled sentences from me, and the money found it's way into a charity box. :)

I don't know what else to tell you, I'm afraid. I'll try and be online more. It's just motivating myself to turn on my computer and then do it. Hmmm. Maybe I should make an automatic spork poking machine, powered by my brainwaves. So when I don't want to log it, it pokes me right in the butt. This could take a while ;)



14:41 Sep 13 2008

typing was hard 'coz one finger was hurted?


I had one hand outta action and I kept lookin for you!!


Aw, I take it our pain thresh-hold is a tad different?

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