![]() immortalxkiss Arch Sire (193) Posts: 571 Honor: 1,283 [ Give / Take ] |
Well, hey, I think it's about that time again where I go and whore one of my accounts out for adds. The account being this one, obviously. Normally this is where I apply my sense of humor and make some witty remarks about why you should add me even though it's not likely that I will "return the favor." But, not this time! I know, it's crazy.
So, what do I want from you dear Vampire Rave people? Not a whole lot, really. Just perhaps an add to your friends list, or maybe you could add my journal, even though I know I rarely post anything of interest. And, here's the kicker, I'll actually add you back. Maybe. I do draw a line with some people, I'm afraid. If I can't stand you and have no desire to ever see your avatar pop up in my little friends online deal, I will not make you my friend. But, fear not! There are actually very few people I can't stand, and I don't ever see those people adding me anyway, so it's all good.
Let's be friends, yeah? We can sit around the glow of our computer screens together and sing "Kumbaya" or something. That's what friends do, right? It's been a while since I ventured out of my little bubble, I must admit. All I do ask is that if we are to add each other and reap the mutual benefits of doing such, that we actually take the time to be, you know, friends. I don't ask for much, maybe just a message, so long as it consists of more than five words. Let's actually make an effort to get to know each other, and to perhaps connect. And then we can sing "Kumbaya" together...
This made me giggle snort *winks*
If I didn't already have you as a friend
after reading this you most certainly would
Will check I have your journal in a moment
but i'm pretty sure I do
Stay awesome lady
Got you. Also your graphic art work in your portfolio is amazing.
![]() immortalxkiss Arch Sire (193) Posts: 571 Honor: 1,283 [ Give / Take ] |
Of course I have added all of your profiles and journals with all of my accounts. :)
![]() immortalxkiss Arch Sire (193) Posts: 571 Honor: 1,283 [ Give / Take ] |
Um...are you telling me that there are actually people on this website that have not added immortalxkiss?
Added you with this newly acquired account. ;)
Everyone else should definitely do the same.