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The Great Wall AKA Matt Damon gets paid

22:35 Feb 28 2017
Times Read: 897

Apparently, this is a Chinese produced film that was intended for a western audience so they wanted a well known western actor in the lead role. I imagine they had to roll up dump trucks full of money to Matt Damon's front door to get him to sign on.

A bunch of Chinese industrial kingpins, backed by the government who thinks it might make China likeable if they flood the world with propaganda, have decided to go into the movie business and are spending tens of billions of dollars on it. Hollywood happy to sell-out. The Chinese are willing to shoulder big losses on these flops too since it is a patriotic national initiative with government sponsorship, so expect to see a deluge of crap this over the next decade no matter how bad they are.

A few of my friends went to see it yesterday. I was invited to go but declined and from what they told me after they saw it I saved myself some bucks. Here is what some of them told me after seeing it. I told them all the movie looked pretty awful in all the trailers I saw for it. I admire their dedication to go see this for us. They are all brave man.

Dirty, uncivilized white man goes to China and learns the errors of his ways through exposure to superior Asian culture, becomes the hero and tries to save the day. The uneven plot, which gets pretty stupid at times, doesn't help and saying Matt Damon was miscast for this is an understatement. He doesn't look comfortable in the fantasy setting and whatever accent he was trying to use disappears after about 20 mins into the film. Just wait for it on Netflix or whatever.




20:33 Feb 24 2017
Times Read: 923

It's Dutch but self explanatory. Only funny for people with the mental age of 15 that giggle on "He said a naughty word!". Like me. And now I gave the video away. Oh well.

Now, something actually worthwhile. A great sketch about Danish. It's in English.



20:43 Feb 24 2017

I could not stop laughing especialy wthh the second video. I think my breath caught in me. It was sooooooo funnyyyyyyyyy.

Where you go and find all these????

Next you will find a video with greek speaking english

"Not greek. a kseno"

This line from my Big Fat greek wedding will always stuck in my head


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04:45 Feb 19 2017
Times Read: 974

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10:18 Feb 19 2017

I will give you my chocolate soufle for it. No wait... Yes... No...

Ohh I dont know I like chocolate... "chuckles tackling you down"

11:42 Feb 19 2017

Sold! You know are the proud owner of part of Sean's journal. That was fun last night. Chocolate moose *sp* was good... I misspelled it and its too early for my brain to care yet....


16:49 Feb 17 2017
Times Read: 1,012

My favourite random language facts are both in French and Spanish.

In Spanish, the word for a fish is 'pez'. But that's the word for a fish that's swimming around and still alive. If you go to a supermarket or restaurant and buy fish to eat, it's called 'pescado'. Which is a past participle of the verb 'pescar' meaning, 'to fish'. So pescado is 'one who has been fished'.

In English, most of our words for meat are from the French - pork/porc, beef/boeuf, pullet (archaic now)/poulet - while the names of animals that give us meat are mostly Saxon in origin - cow, swine, hen, etc. Because after the Norman invasion, the French nobles were the ones who ate the meat while the Saxon peasants were the ones who raised the animals.



06:32 Feb 19 2017

I love the word for jellyfish, medusa. :)

10:22 Feb 19 2017

What is "funny" Is that some words their sounds in italian or french and spanish is weird to other countries. For example A words to them might sound like a cuss to other countries and only by the sound and not by the meaning.

We are a weird civilatation

I still think the candies when I hear PEZ though "smiles"

20:56 Feb 24 2017

In french (which is my birth language and main one) there is a lot of words that are pronounce in english weird, at times I hear my roomate trying to speak french and it looks liek they are suffering from the jaw loll

Meduse is the french word for jelleyfish, its pronounce 'mayduz' sort of, don't really know how to 'pronounce' write but its as close as I can think of.

I love seafood and I love the sea so a lot of things formt he sea I loved to learn who they are said in english, since my friends are anglophones and when we go to restaurants they ask to have the menu in english I got to adapt lol

Scalop -petoncle, squid-pieuvre, shrimp-crevette....only thing i find hard on here tho is the fact that I can't put the 'symbol' on top of the letters that are with it. Like in meduse the first 'e' would have a symbol in petoncle the same, its like a bare that points forward. Not sure if you understand what it means.

As for spanish I tried to learn it, I loooooooooooove that language but I failed, only know a few words but I still love to hear it speak, its so beautfiul, sounds like a song when spoken :)


05:24 Feb 16 2017
Times Read: 1,055

I have been watching the news about the biggest Dam in the USA and how it is about to burst open. America should take a page from our rivers play book. In Canada we bullied our rivers into submission decades ago. They know that just one false move will get them wrapped up in a pipe and buried forever.



08:32 Feb 16 2017

It's a tossup between lack of repairing the infrastructure and the shit ton of rain we in California have gotten. It has seemed to be storm after storm since January, and it's still not letting up, as we expect more storms to roll in this week. California water systems just aren't built for the pounding we've taken, as we rarely see to this much rain. I mean, we were in a pretty bad drought, and I want to say the last six months or so, we've gotten half of the state out of it. That's a lot of rain needed to accomplish that feat. Far more than can really be accommodated. Plus the lack of money that went towards repairs. People have been warning about the possibility of the spillway failing for years and nothing had been done about it. So, I mean, if this is what it takes to get the government to wake up, then, well, it sucks, but sometimes bad things have to happen to open peoples eyes. I'm hoping things don't fail completely like many think they will, because I have friends who live in Oroville, where the dam is, who would lose everything if it flooded.

09:05 Feb 16 2017

The government has had a specific approach to problems. "Kick the can down the road", has been the main approach to "dealing " with so many important issues here. Lives should not be lost or people lose all they have because of a bunch of idiot paper pushers in government.

20:41 Feb 17 2017

I am crying a little today. If the dam breaks, my favorite grower will lose his crop of GSC. I want to scream at people. I love that grower, he is magical lol.


21:48 Feb 15 2017
Times Read: 1,090

So I stopped all the pain pills I was on that I never abused but it was time to get off that shit. The dreams on that stuff. You close your eyes and it's like the tunnel from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, although more abstract. I think I gave birth to a new Elder God in my mind when I actually managed to sleep. (If a giant, rotting, black dragon appears out of the sand in the Sahara and starts turning people into amorphous slug-people that gather humans for his mass consumption, while breathing insanity inducing plagues from his mouth: I'm sorry.)



23:40 Feb 15 2017

Vivid dremas for sure. I told you to not see that many horoor movies before bed and lessen the chocolate "sneak stealing some hidding it in her shirt"

Give it time love soon the side effects from the pain pills will leave your system and your dreams will be calm again. You are so strong and I am so very proud of you.

00:36 Feb 16 2017

Crazy dreams for sure but those are the best kind. I enjoy the more horrific and strange dreams.


05:12 Feb 12 2017
Times Read: 1,121

Happy V Day Lily. Thank you and you know why.



10:26 Feb 12 2017

Happy V day my sweet love!! Thank you for being in my life and being next to me in every step we take holding my hand and smiling to me!! I always be by yourside!! Forever!!

I love you so much deep and strong!!


Go Canada!

19:28 Feb 09 2017
Times Read: 1,164

So, word is that now when American's travel overseas some are claiming to be from Canada and wear jackets with the Canadian Flag on it. There has been an increase in sales on Canadian appeal that has our flag on it. I suppose this will last 4 more years.



19:37 Feb 09 2017

lol. I never travel so I guess I am safe lol.

19:53 Feb 09 2017

A lot of Canadians wear them too because we don't want people thinking we're Americans either.

22:45 Feb 09 2017

I cannot blame you for that. America has made to look really stupid right now.


19:28 Feb 08 2017
Times Read: 1,206



19:50 Feb 08 2017

No words to express the feelings of this song no matter who sang it.

One of the best and full of emotions.

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you

It's strange what desire will make foolish people do

I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you

22:05 Feb 08 2017

I so have to send one of you to the other so you two can just get laid. I know I work with sugar but DAMN, ya'll two give me cavities lol. I LOVE YOU BOTH, HUGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


19:23 Feb 06 2017
Times Read: 1,271

It's very simple, I am with someone. Taken. I am not going to cyber with you. I am not going to engage in sexual talk with you. If you come at me with this I will not respond. If you want to be my friend these are the simple rules. I like making friends here. But I will not cross these lines I have set up for myself.



19:46 Feb 06 2017

People should be more respectful towards you both. Everyone on this site knows that you're in a committed relationship since you both make it known with your kismets. (I mean if that doesn't make it any more obvious that you're with someone, I don't know what will.) However there always has to be that one person who has to overstep their boundaries and not be respectful to you both. They should really be ashamed of themselves.

20:25 Feb 06 2017

It's all over my profile too.

20:30 Feb 06 2017

Its not only about us bit tp every sing;e couple in here. Even if someone singe had put that they rent interested on cyber and sexual comments that should be respected but not all people have common sence and the do not use their brain to see that the cause problems.

I know in my heart soul and mind where my heart belongs too and i am comminted to him only "snuggles to Dakotah"

20:59 Feb 06 2017

Its not my fault you wont let me have the duck back.

You know if you sent him back to me, then the orange saucy talk along with plucking and basting wouldn't be sent.

19:01 Feb 07 2017

Sorry Rose, Thou shall never get the duck!

22:04 Feb 08 2017

I told ya being a hottie is going to bring ya trouble lmao. You are too damn sexy for your own good. But I will film you and the goddess for n extra fee. Just don't mind the heavy breathing in the corner :}


17:41 Feb 02 2017
Times Read: 1,325

I posted a month or so ago about Mr. D. A duck we found or I should say found us. We asked around the neighborhood and checked with vets because he clearly was a pet. We found his owners who are away for a few months and the person who was watching Mr D said he did a great escape. It was decided that Mr D would stay with us till his owners returned, so he wintering with the Injuns. I made him a stall in the barn all his own which he loves but we let him in the house about every day ( after we lay down a lot of plastic on the floor, ducks poop a lot). Any ways where is a picture of Mr D taking a swim in the tub which he loves to do. He likes the water a little warm.

 photo Capture_zpsbcqwrdnd.png



17:49 Feb 02 2017

I think that mr D will do the trip from His owners house back to you every six months or so. How the birds change places to go to warmer ones. Mr D will do that from one house to the other. Something like from his house to the vacation one and back.

I can see the horses and wonder dog expecting him every time.

Bu nonetheless he is one lucky duck to fall on you love. He could froze to death with these outside temperatures if it wasnt for you. Duck popsicle.

02:43 Feb 03 2017

Awwwww! So much cute!

19:42 Feb 06 2017

If you ever get hungry, at least you can have roast duck lol

21:00 Feb 06 2017

I know of an awesome sauce to go with a roast duck.

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