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41 entries this month
bang, bang, bang, bang, thump, slam, slam, SLAM
16:54 Feb 28 2011
Times Read: 1,090
Today is going to be a sleep med day.
And not just because my lymph nodes are so swollen that it hurts to have a head.
A friend and I came to a mutual agreement last night... somedays you feel like you're just waiting to die.
I don't want to feel like that anymore.
07:27 Feb 28 2011
Times Read: 1,094
do I feel like I'm surrounded by fucking idiots?
some people are just redonkulous
18:12 Feb 27 2011
Times Read: 1,108
that is all
15:17 Feb 27 2011
Times Read: 1,114
Oooh the back is angry today. The lymphnodes in my neck are swollen and hurting too. Sounds like reason enough to take an airborne to me.
I think from now on when I take a flexoril no more VR for me until it wears off. I swear about 75% of my sentences failed last night. It was good to see VW and Nightgame on cam though.
Back to work for me tonight. Guess I should start doing laundry. =/
05:34 Feb 27 2011
Times Read: 1,117
I'm making the cheesecake tomorrow. I'm thinking about making a shortbread crust and having wc make banana's foster to put on top of it.
no $500 = no mri, oh well
16:44 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,126
13:47 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,129
I don't know why I'm so stressed about it. I've had one of these before.
Though the last time I was hopped up on pain killers, and I didn't have the metal that's now in my abdomen. No worries, right?
04:43 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,135
daydreaming of a more simple life
19:31 Feb 25 2011
Times Read: 1,151
I can't even begin to describe how shitty this feels. Though it's nowhere near the pain I felt last August when I fucked my SI.
Not only do I have a rib out in the front, I have one out in the back too, and I'm reminded with every breath I take. Coughing and sneezing are worse. I've been uber dizzy for about a week. I'm thinking its probably because my breathing is so shallow. The deeper the breath the stronger the pain.
Fun stuff.
19:12 Feb 25 2011
Times Read: 1,154
scheduled for tomorrow. I can't say that I'm looking forward to it, but maybe it will produce some answers.
First the back.
Then the chest.
One problem at a time.
Just a thought
10:12 Feb 25 2011
Times Read: 1,166
It's 19 degrees out, and I must be the only person in the mile high valeting cars in heels and a skirt.
I want to know.
22:51 Feb 23 2011
Times Read: 1,188
Sometimes I wonder, what kind of people we would be without our eletronics.
No television, idiot box, boob tube..
No video games, no computers, no cell phones..
No facebook, vr, or the next hottest social networking site..
Nothing electronic to consume countless hours of lives.
What kind of people would you be if you were forced to socialize in person instead of hiding behind electronics?
What would you do with your time if you weren't wasting it doing seemingly nothing more than racking up an electric bill?
03:01 Feb 22 2011
Times Read: 1,198
Thinking about making a cheesecake next weekend.
02:04 Feb 21 2011
Times Read: 1,207
I only got four hours of sleep today.
I was literally just laying down to get a couple more hours before work and the phone rang.
"Uh, yeah. I just got an email that they're taking the system down tonight."
After some prodding, I've found out it will be down for 6 hours. Guess who is getting their ass up and ready for work?
No sleep for the PD.
the bitches are mad16:32 Feb 20 2011
Times Read: 1,221
Because me and my loverboy are having alone time. Gotta love when they sleep with you, and cuddle you like they love you. ♥
00:01 Feb 20 2011
Times Read: 1,231
about throwing half of my stuff away, and moving away from everything I know.
It sucked so much the first time, why not do it again?
10:27 Feb 17 2011
Times Read: 1,246
I miss him.
It sucks to never get to sleep in the same bed as the person you're with.
Tomorrow I will sleep alone, and it will suck. I really dislike sleeping alone.
last night I dreamed he died..
16:34 Feb 16 2011
Times Read: 1,257
I didn't know if I was going to wake up crying or throwing up. Luckily he was the one who woke me up this morning, so I was able to supress both.
what do you do, when you've lost all hope?
18:14 Feb 15 2011
Times Read: 1,276
when real life isn't that great, my brain finds a way to make it worse
17:23 Feb 15 2011
Times Read: 1,281
I dreamed that some asshole maid at my mothers house had my dog killed because she tracked paw prints across a freshly mopped floor.
(Not that my family ever has or ever will have enough money to afford a maid.)
I miss my dog.
aaah valentine's day
16:57 Feb 14 2011
Times Read: 1,300
A day for males to buy chocolate, flowers, and jewelry.
And a day for females to get mad and cry when they don't.
03:40 Feb 13 2011
Times Read: 1,308
there goes my plans
17:42 Feb 11 2011
Times Read: 1,320
One of my ribs is not currently in place in my sternum. I can feel the pain of the misalignment when I move and breathe. This will make hyperventilating during turbulence especially difficult. I didn't bring any valum or vicodin because I have to get the rental car shortly after landing. Here's hoping I don't cause the plane to land. If I do, I'll try to plan on doing it near potatoville so I can see G again. Heh
03:02 Feb 10 2011
Times Read: 1,336
It seems these days that 90% of my attempts at communication get misconstrued. People miss what I say whether it's directly spoken, or just suggested. I'm not sure how to correct that. Some seem to think they have an idea of me, but it's no more than just their perception. Perhaps the chinese are correct, and the year of the rabbit is no bueno for this monkey.
A lot of nice things were said about me yesterday. More than I would have expected given the source.
I've become very uncertain about numerous things, and I fear I'm losing my grip on being in control. In more than one way.
01:49 Feb 10 2011
Times Read: 1,345
I just tweaked a nerve in my hip, and it made my inner thigh muscle cramp and my knee tingle. O.o what the hell?
It was amusing though.
23:50 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 1,359
I've just sent cancer a message with an idea that's been floating around my head for a while.
If he doesn't bite, maybe I'll figure out how to do something similar on my own.
holy crap
03:50 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 1,373
It's almost 9pm. I've worked for the last 22 hours with a 90 minute break in the middle to shower, change clothes, put makeup on my sleepy face, and talk to WC.
It was a fun day. I've openly voiced my desire to change my position at my work. I've bonded in overly TMI creepy ways with my management team. It's been a very tiring wonderful day. I'll get more into it later. I need to call WC and crash before I get physically ill from sleep deprivation. I didn't sleep well yesterday.
♥ to my peeps
my coworker said
10:23 Feb 08 2011
Times Read: 1,379
"those aren't oompa loompa's, it's the mexican cleaning crew"
O_o wtf?
23:04 Feb 07 2011
Times Read: 1,406
Stimulating conversation is not, when responses become annoyingly predictable.
When I know what you're going to say in response to something before it's said... I want to say random crazy shit just to see you say something new.
But I refrain.
Maybe I should not. O_o
I'm weird... or so they tell me.
09:54 Feb 07 2011
Times Read: 1,417
My eating habits tend to be especially bizarre on the overnight shift.
For instance. I'll order a chicken sandwich, and eat the top piece of bread. Then I'll eat the bacon. Sometimes I continue on with the tomato, the tomato here tends to be cut before it's ripe. I toss the lettuce aside (eew wilted lettuce). I finally eat the bottom piece of bread. Then I do the same thing with the second half of the sandwich. 85% of the time I don't bother eating the grilled chicken in the sandwich either.
Or if I order the ablt, sometimes I just eat the avacado, and bacon and junk the rest.
Very rarely do I actually eat a whole meal at work.
Good thing there aren't many people around to watch me be a weirdo.
20:13 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 1,426
very shortly I'll be in his arms again
fonacaneous08:32 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 1,440
Hahahahahahaaaaa ♥
*jealous*22:28 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,448
I called my sister to yap while I clean. She and my mother are currently shopping here right now. Those bizzles! I'm so jealous. Maybe I'll fly out for a 4 day weekend and go with them next year.
cleaning21:35 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,452
Oy vey. I've picked up the living room, got down on my hands and knees and spot cleaned the carpet, cleaned the lizard cages, started the laundry, and vacuumed.
I just need to do the shitty litter boxes, the dishes, take out the trash, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, feed the critters, go to a couple of stores (in the snow), finish the laundry, start the bedroom, wipe down the kitties, and start packing.
work work work
19:07 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,464
I was asked to come in to work last night to go through an hour worth of paperwork. One hour turned into four. I should have known better. The problem is, if I don't go through it and make sure it's all there, no one else will. So my options are, either come in and fix it all on my days off, or wait until I get back to work when it's too late.
Fun fun.
Isn't it great..
10:19 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,472
how people can treat you like crap or with indifference, and then disappear.
Then suddenly attempt to waltz back in to your life like all of the indifference and crap never happened?
I may be tolerant and forgiving. I don't hold grudges over the small stuff, and you have to royally fuck me over to get evicted from my life.
But, I certainly don't forget the way I've been treated either.
Just sayin'.
retarded ejaculation17:17 Feb 04 2011
Times Read: 1,488
who knew? *snort*
I wonder
17:10 Feb 04 2011
Times Read: 1,491
Do you think nuns masturbate?
white on white22:51 Feb 03 2011
Times Read: 1,500
A solitary carnation in the snow.

I dislike when hookers show up at my work19:11 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 1,514

It's not easy to tell the hookers annoy me is it? I've sent that to my boss. Heh.
It was supposed to snow 7 inches over the last couple of days, but we only got 3 inches. This is one of the very few instances where a female who was promised seven inches, and given three, is thrilled about it.
I should probably eat something more substantial than a tomato, and a handfull of cheese-its.
I miss WildChild.
20:43 Feb 01 2011
Times Read: 1,522
This frigid cold sucks.
My back spasms are keeping me awake.
It'll be nice when the temp is back in the positive numbers.