...Joli posted her list of things she can't stand. I'm not sure if I could equal that. Obviously I don't swap spit with just anyone, nor do I generously lick and receive licks from strangers or casual acquaintences. TV commercials featuring talking babies? Eh... most commercials in general make me groan in displeasure and lunge for a remote. (If I hear that singing fish one more time I'm going to start sending letter bombs to McDonalds.) So rarely does an advertisement actually reach me and make me think, "Yeah, I need that." Honestly, when I need something I know how to seek it out. The companies I want to see ads from are probably like mine and can't afford to put an ad on every street corner. It's unfortunate - those are usually the better companies to work with.
But, Kiwi fruit? No, it's not my favorite, but how can you hate fruit for being what it is?
From my understanding she has an aversion to zucchini too, which I just don't get.
What are the things I can't stand?
People who feel the needed to talk about their medical procedures or problems in great detail. Especially in public. Waiting for Morri who was trying on clothes I was treated to one of the store clerks telling another clerk all about her lasik surgery... I constantly witness "I'm so messed up" pissing contests online. Am I the only person NOT on multiple mood-altering prescriptions?
Foods? I'm pretty open minded. I don't know if I could eat rotting shark or some other "delicacy" featured on Extreme Foods... I think some things are meant to be eaten and some are not.
If it's already rotting, it's not. Just my take.
I don't know what else there is that I can't deal with... I think the biggest thing that annoys me are people who cannot think for themselves. But that works out to be about 95% of the population of the world so I guess I'm screwed there...
...talk about lowering the bar. Wow - you can't swing any further below the belt than just bold faced lies for slander sake. Way to be "more mature."
I can't raise the bar; it's bound down by all the hair-clogs in the drain that I always have to clean....
Oh yes... of course, here we go with the generic, passive-agressive journal entries... BIG surprise.
My money is on the "Private" entries showing up next...
*le sigh*
...today held so much promise. I felt like it was going to be a really good day and it end up just being completely, emotionally draining for lack of a better definition. I let too much negativity and the actions (or, non-actions) of others bring me down.
I have to stop doing that.
Tomorrow will be a better day...
I hate it when plans fall apart for no reason.
Literally, no good reason.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor???
Who's with me?????
Lol. I am assuming the historical inaccuracy is for comedic purposes.
"Forget it; he's rolling."
When the going gets tough!
*expectant pause*
The tough get going!!!!
I thought it was the French LOL...
what'd the little orange guys ever do to YOU!?
I thought it was my personal invite to the toga party....
I like the obligatory "thanks" they add on the end...
NY will without a doubt one day put a tax on feces.
Think about it... part of our property tax goes to city sewer maintenance, so technically they already do.
Ah...so fertilizer will go up in price.
brb I need a drink! lol
18:38 Mar 29 2010
I think the biggest thing that annoys me are people who cannot think for themselves. But that works out to be about 95% of the population of the world so I guess I'm screwed there...
haha me too
18:48 Mar 29 2010
My big irk is people who use their past as an excuse to not move into the future. They whine about how hard things have been for them and expect others to cater to their pity parties.
Everyone has a past. You have to make your future. You are not entitled to it on a silver platter.
19:44 Mar 29 2010
You know the reason I adore both you and Morri- is right in this entry and the comments left...
It's a beautiful day and I choose to see the sun :)