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30 entries this month

Out the blue..!

13:17 Aug 31 2012
Times Read: 684

I don’t know how to begin this entry, my mind is a little messed up right now. It seems it doesn’t take much to get to me these days.

It was not a good day, very busy with the usual stuff that fills my day.

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning as I had to see him about certain test results. I had to give blood and all sorts when I changed doctors following my recent move so this should have been routine. As reassuring as any doctor could be he is now arranging referrals for me to see a cardiologist and kidney specialist. Apparently they have spotted ‘something’ and he just wants to investigate further. He also started talking about too much protein in a urine sample and as he spoke I did what I always do and switched off. I don’t want to know or deal with the jargon he was saying. I think it’s because I can’t or maybe don’t know how to deal with this sort of thing.

A friend once said to me when she was diagnosed with cancer was that she felt like a footprint on the beach and the tide was coming in. She said she heard that expression in a series of Dr. Who. That night I cried. The thing is I could deal with her and her condition and I could help and do everything that was needed. I was there when she died and comforted her family.

This I hope is early days!



19:23 Aug 31 2012

WOOhhh.. back this train up. "Something" is not your cue that it is cancer. Give the Dr. some time to get the testing done, don't bring on more worry then you need. Face it as it comes but adding to the stress of this is not helping you. Keep positive.

19:55 Aug 31 2012

OMG, is that how that read?!! I know it's not cancer (wouldn't wish that on anyone) if anything it will be trouble with a kidney and heart valve. It's just that I can really do without all this right now. It's just one thing after another.

21:52 Aug 31 2012

Try to stay positive dear, it sucks waiting on the unknown, this I know. I'll be thinking of ya *hugs*.

04:45 Sep 02 2012

My most positive wishes and prayers to you.


Notting Hill ..again!

13:34 Aug 29 2012
Times Read: 689

Yea, last night I shed a tear or two on the final scene of ‘Notting Hill’. It’s not a brilliant film but it is good. I don’t think it’s the quality of the film so much that makes me feel like this but the soundtracks that get played! Plus of course seeing my little girl today just kinda put me in that sort of mood. Or do I just enjoy feeling emotional? Naa not me!



12:49 Aug 31 2012

That was such a sad ending Steve.. made me weep too. Hope you having a lovely time with your darling daughter :)


I Love You

17:54 Aug 28 2012
Times Read: 716

Have you ever been with someone and gone through the motions of dating them, making the best memories ever, getting engaged even marrying them but never telling them that you love them?

It could be argued that to do or go through all that you don’t really need to speak those words. It could also be argued that the sentiment is mushy or that it’s over used

Do we say them because of our own insecurities or theirs?

I once created an argument that only insecure people get married or was it that we marry because we are secure in life and able to make the decision to marry.

One thing is for sure I love hearing those wonderful words. But then that’s me.



18:35 Aug 28 2012

I tell my family AND friends that I love them. Often.

20:28 Aug 28 2012

Those three words are the best!!!! So love it!:)

21:59 Aug 28 2012

I say those lil' three words too, but I don't 'over-use' them, if that makes any sense - lol. I have noticed that one of my sisters has a hard time saying it though. I know that she is more reserved, but still...strange.

23:04 Aug 28 2012

My son and I say it to one another throughout the day, not a day goes by that we don't. On the other hand, I was married for 10 years and probably didn't say it enough to my then husband, it was a "difficult" marriage.

I like to think of myself as very romantic and have learned over time the power of those three little big words and the importance to say them with meaning.

12:51 Aug 31 2012

Never took time to think about that... We very obviously love each other after so long together but I must say, I cant remember the last time my hubby and I said those words to each other. I must ask him when he comes home!!



10:46 Aug 28 2012
Times Read: 730

My daughter has landed safely at Stansted Airport. She just texted me to say she’ll be home in an hour or so.

The world can carry on now.



15:01 Aug 28 2012

:) You are a good Daddy.

23:05 Aug 28 2012

What VW said :D


Full up!!

18:32 Aug 27 2012
Times Read: 758

I go to lunch for a few hours and the whole of VR decide to post a journal entry.

I’ve stuffed my face but to a comfortable level as I just had to have that chocolate sundae too.

Anyway now the evening can throw what it likes at me as right now I’m content!

My thoughts and prays are with my friends in the path of Isaac.



21:08 Aug 27 2012

LOL regarding the VR journal postings...

And I'm with you - I'm also concerned for the people in the path of Isaac.

22:12 Aug 27 2012

Yum! Chocolate sundae :) its the hurricane season over there for sure now..



10:05 Aug 27 2012
Times Read: 767

Two words, ‘Bank Holiday’, yay. Pub lunch today which means their carvery. It’s one of the few occasions I will indulge in red meat as most of the time I eat chicken or fish. So, looking forward to that.

I was helping with a birthday party yesterday. My friends mum had turned 70 and this was a surprise for her. Family had flown in from Israel and America to make her day special. It was very moving as her children and grandchildren made speeches that were just full of love. We had some dancing in the evening and I swear she and all her friends had more energy than me and the other youngsters (that’s right I’m a youngster). It was nice seeing the love in this family and it made me go all melancholy thinking if I live to be as old as her if the same would be done for me.



21:08 Aug 27 2012

That is so sweet!

00:14 Aug 28 2012

What the heck is a Bank Holiday?



00:14 Aug 26 2012
Times Read: 784

ABC broke the news..

Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who became first to walk on the moon as commander of Apollo 11, has died. He was 82 years old.




00:18 Aug 26 2012

I know I was in the kitchen and I just happened to tune in on the tv in the other room, I was like 'wow'.

00:26 Aug 26 2012

I feel sad about this as if I'd lost a family member, it's a strange feeling for me.

13:14 Aug 26 2012

Caught it this morning when I log in, even before the TV flipping got to it. :(


Just thinking.....

11:02 Aug 25 2012
Times Read: 809

It’s amazing how we react or respond to other members here. Some take the time to message you with a sweet word of encouragement or a friendly chat, maybe they seek advice or they are angry with you ‘because’.

Others stay silent and watch and choose not to be known. Some like to make a noise and everyone gets to know them, this is especially the case for the journal readers who I am one. I believe it’s the best way to really get to know a member on here is to read what they share in a journal.

It seems you can get in with a good or bad crowd, maybe by accident or by chose or you just may want to be seen as a rebel or revel in drama. It doesn’t make you a bad person but unfortunately as this is not real life and we don’t get to see the many sides of you we base our opinion of you by not only what you write but by how you write it too.

I have always struggled with getting my point across when writing it out but nevertheless I try. I know my humour can be lost in translation too but again I try.

I consider that I have been lucky and I like to think I have identified the many good people on here who I would actually entertain in real life. I have indeed met a few of you and this has proven my point. I wish I had the time to chat to more members and prise them out their shells.

Here’s another point I noticed about me. I react/respond to what you depict as an avatar. I interpret the picture as being an extension of that person. Some post funny pics, others (like myself) post an actual picture of themselves, some even change between a variety of pics.

I’m not going to tell you how I interpret them only that I do.

My overall picture of VR is that I like what I see and must now consider a lifetime membership. I must concede that there will always be bad drama on any site but it is soon forgotten and the good far out weighs the bad.



13:22 Aug 25 2012

I really like this train of thought BLOODLIFE.Great entry.

14:26 Aug 25 2012

We have had our own cross words but like you- reading a journal and learning a little more about a person can lead to some a friendship. :)

I read most all the journals, offline. I spend a lot of time here on the site and as I am not a fan of the forum much, it is how I past the time. Lead me to a few folks I want to know, a few I don't care to.

Over all- VR is a great place and glad I found it as it has lead me to some great folks. You are one of those folks.

22:24 Aug 25 2012

There is too much assumption on this medium of communication though should it be VR, yahoo, msn or whichever one. However, I have met some wonderful people online, and travelled to met them in Chicago and Georgia. I'd adore to met some of the characters here on Vampire Rave and have them over here in Ireland.. but it's such a big pond, and expensive to cross.

20:01 Aug 27 2012

Great post and I agree. I also have met several people from VR and all of them were great experiences. The funny part though, is when I tell RL friends about meeting people from VR they just don't get it.

21:11 Aug 27 2012

This posting reflects why I like you, Bloodlife!

00:19 Aug 28 2012

I love reading Journals here, I read them both on and offline. Not sure how well they depict the writers myself though, as not everyone is honest. I've had the good fortune to meet several members too, would like to meet more someday.

12:40 Aug 28 2012

As I stated in my journal, we make VR, if I afforded I would travel to meet others.


The Centre Parcs affect

21:42 Aug 24 2012
Times Read: 816

We have so much technology these days and yet nature seems to elude us when we try to become accurate about the more intricate things.

This post is really all about the latest hurricane due to hit the east coast of America (as always). It’s already on a course to sweep through Cuba and the other smaller islands. Has a dome over the area ever been suggested? Just thinking that the insurance and monies involved every year with rebuilds or just getting out the way or just fixing the area up afterwards would allow it to pay for itself in a short period of years.

I guess the question is would you want to live in a dome ?!!




What now....

17:23 Aug 24 2012
Times Read: 819

I’ve had a good day today, no fireworks or drama just a good day. I’m home now and that’s it for this week. I have no plans for the weekend as it seems strange not making any with my daughter in France. I could go visiting or just relax and chill at home. There are some things I want to catch up with and I need to list all these thing so I have some sort of a plan.

I will be looking at a new hob in the morning, it’s halogen and will do the trick quite comfortably. If I had my way I’d go for a gas hob but we can’t have gas in this complex. That will be the highlight of my weekend.



22:27 Aug 25 2012

Oh the halogen hob is fab! I would love one of those Steve :) Hubby got me a little halogen oven type of pot, and it works a great for the both of us. You can buy them at Argus :)


Ouch, my head hurts!

12:23 Aug 22 2012
Times Read: 847

When I’m roaming through VR and the journals in particular I do it through this account as it can get complicated (for me!).

Anyway I got a shock to see that everyone on my fav list had posted and on top of that pretty much everyone who I pop into now and again had posted too.

I thought I had my work cut out (but in a nice way) as it gives me something to do on here. I went into the journal of one such member only to find I had already posted there.

Did you guess?

Yep I was viewing from my other account!!

It’s an age thing when it comes to my memory. I logged out of my other account only to just log back in again to the same account!



13:02 Aug 22 2012

You are not alone in this friend.

13:24 Aug 22 2012

lol Reason I put my face on my other account, that way I don't get the "Sorry- you posted in my journal like we know each other. Do I know you?" messages.

I have all my accounts set on different layout too- but that doesn't help much either. ;)

16:35 Aug 22 2012

Aye.. lol, about two weeks ago too!

22:02 Aug 22 2012

Been there done that lol


From FB

01:46 Aug 21 2012
Times Read: 863

This made me LOL today, most of the conversation was in Hebrew between my niece and her friend... following a very long convo this is how it ended!

My niece - do u see this cup \_/ this is my caring cup....oh look its empty

Her friend - Oh no .. British humor!



22:37 Aug 21 2012

Heh, that or her friend was smart!


Good hair day

19:15 Aug 19 2012
Times Read: 872

I forgot to mention I had a haircut yesterday. I am now a skin-head much to the disappointment of my daughter who just nodded when first seeing it and saying to herself 'why bother'. (I recognised the look)

My timing was great too as this weekend has been the hottest on record.

Before it’s asked… yes I have pictures and ‘no’ I’m not posting them! Not for now anyway.



21:41 Aug 19 2012

Handsome I am sure :)

23:55 Aug 19 2012

Sweet of you to jump to that conclusion and who am I to argue! lol

But I don't think so, however it is fitting for this weather!

22:38 Aug 21 2012

Oh, go on... We want photos! You make me post them!


Come on you Reds

13:58 Aug 18 2012
Times Read: 894

Does the football season really start today?!! We are nowhere near the Autumn, at least that’s what I want to believe! It really has come around quick this year!

Go Arsenal go!



14:14 Aug 18 2012

It actually started last week.. but still in the pre season .2 more games until regular, feel sorry for the guys playing in the heat ..

10:43 Aug 19 2012

My Dad is an Aresnal fan... But he gets obsessed that I can hardly see him at the weekend of there is football on!

17:50 Aug 21 2012

Just watched Everton v Manchester U. Stabb was riled up and SO happy!


What did I do?

13:41 Aug 18 2012
Times Read: 895

Just walked to the shop with my kid and I was just singing/humming the words of ‘I kissed a girl and liked it’ only to notice my daughter slowed her stride so she’s a step behind me and giving me daggers for looks!



16:23 Aug 18 2012

Ahaha!!! That's a cardinal sin embarrassing your daughter like that don't ya know :P

10:45 Aug 19 2012

Giggles... Us girls are so cool!


All BBQ's smoke!

11:11 Aug 18 2012
Times Read: 897

Just typical that on the week that I complain about my breathing I’m off to a barbecue on what could be the hottest day of the year.

I don’t normally complain that it’s too hot or sunny (I’m a funny vampire like that) but when it affects my respiratory system it’s another story. I can hear all my friends saying ‘why don’t you quit smoking’, yea, why don’t I?!!



10:49 Aug 19 2012

I think every smoker secretly doesn't want to be a smoker. I know that was how it was with me and believe me, if anyone was addicted it was me. However, you can never ever give up unless it's your time. That will come. But listen.. I will always remember how much I enjoyed smoking and when I am in my nursing home I will restart them then, as life is about quality and not quantity then. :)


Yea, well...!

19:13 Aug 16 2012
Times Read: 940

I just came away from a journal that inspired this entry (if inspired is the right word here).

It's funny but sending a kid to a military school/academy was seen as a threat (out here) by parents of kids who didn't behave.

I can here those sentiments now about how it will do them good. Learning about respect, making them tough, ‘’making a man of them’’. I’m aware of the added incentive of them being a fine school and in some cases the only schools available.

Because it is military at the core I can’t help thinking that their education may become tainted. It’s important to be competitive but in a good way.

I know what I want to say here but I can’t seem to express it very well.

I know that the choice to go into a full military career will be by ‘choice’ but somehow I think it can be made too easy to ‘say’ hold a gun and shoot to kill on orders.

I’m also aware that some of the finest minds around today have had a military schooled background…. Not sure I know where I’m going now.

Something just doesn’t add up for me!



19:28 Aug 16 2012

The type of school you are talking about is also a boarding school. This school I am talking aout isnt. My son would still be living at home. This school isn't meant for disciplinary problem children.

The military isn't about wanting to shoot people or glorifying that, like karate isn't about wanting to fight. It's a place to learn many skills. And the academics there are not geared 'around' military, but the same ciriculum as the rest of our nation's schools. These kids aren't being screamed at by drill instructors, they are smiling and and loving their interactions and atmosphere. Touring aircrafts, learning about many, many things. It's high school, with a whole lot more. Like... He now attends a NASA Explorer School- that 'theme' doesn't taint his regular education. They still have every program all other schools have: arts (drama, choir, band, more), sports, academic teams. And they do not recruit kids to go into the military.

00:04 Aug 17 2012

A boarding school would be a more accurate description as to what I was thinking. I wasn’t really considering how themed schools have changed over the years out here as they are kept in the private sector and difficult to be enrolled in.

I also wasn’t questioning what the school out there was offering except perhaps the extra ‘theme’. Sure it’s not about glorifying killing but military is military and I’m sure it takes pride in what it does and teaches.

00:19 Aug 17 2012

I just wanted to clear up whatever wasn't adding up for you, as you put it. Imagine who I am, and what's share about my son. He is extremely well-behaved and he's not into sports. He's all about academics and his viola. He has no personal interest in being 'in' the military, but is excited to be part of something different than average public school if he can. We are extremely close and I could never imagine the thought of boarding school. His high school is actually, maybe only a five minute walk from our home- I can see the building from here.

He is personally interested in becoming physically stronger, so we've started working out as a family, and he'll be a part of more physical challenges at the academy. This is an experience he's looking forward to.

They don't use weapons in mlitary school. My son doesn't even like the idea of hunting. So he won't be made to to easily hold a gun and shoot on orders. If they happen to be a part of a drill team, that would be a fake weapon that they never use to even pretend to fire.

00:20 Aug 17 2012

Autocorrect fix: "imagine who I am and what *I* share about my son..."

00:30 Aug 17 2012

I like to think I've gotten to know you fairly well through what you do share and that said I know exactly how much love goes into all the decisions you make for the family and what now adds up perfectly in the way you explain it is me having a very archaic view on this subject.

I really am glad that he is looking forward to this new experience and challenge and I’m sure he will excel as a student.

11:00 Aug 19 2012

I think I hear what you are saying Bloodlife, and correct me if i am wrong. I too would be hesitant to send my kids to military school but only because it is like grooming/moulding them for the future. As an adult I would prefer secondary school not to be themed so that on completion of that schooling the child has a free mind choice of whether they want to join the military or not... Am I getting it?


Anon Chat is Off

23:26 Aug 15 2012
Times Read: 967

I don’t cam very much on VR but occasionally I will pop onto someone cam and say hi. I see a lot of members stating that they don’t want drama as if members on here do that regularly!

But here’s the thing, as I’m not sure, they also state as a header that they don’t want anons. I never knew that could be controlled, I though anybody was welcome to the party!!



23:29 Aug 15 2012

Anyone can watch, but if they turn that off, Anons can't chat.

Honestly though- if you have to state that as your topic, it is asking for drama.

23:36 Aug 15 2012

I sometimes tune in as an Anon but rarely speak, and it's fortunate none of my computers, including the apple stuff has a cam ...well besides my mobile but I rarely use that on VR. Are you enjoying all the half nekkid webcam shows? Lol

23:59 Aug 15 2012

I didn't know that either. I wouldn't go on with this mule face but the wife does when VW or NG are on.

11:02 Aug 19 2012

Have you ever gone into those cams as an anon? The drama in so w of those cams is a lark. I burst my corset laughing at it at times!

19:47 Aug 27 2012

I would liketo do it just to piss them off



19:22 Aug 15 2012
Times Read: 979

I’m in a very feel good mood right now and am looking forward to an even better weekend, it could be the last of the ‘big’ barbeques unless we get this Indian Summer we’ve been promised. With the weather finally breaking the temperatures have dipped just enough to cool things down and afford me a better nights’ sleep. The problem with cooler weather is that it brings the rain but I am good with that as I prefer my sleep these days, just hope it stays dry enough on the weekend.

My daughter is off to the south of France on Monday with her cousins and I’m hoping they will show up at the ‘Barbie’ before they fly out. I’ve spent a lot of time with her this summer as I have been out of work and it has been fun with a lot more bonding than I could ever have imagined and boy has she grown both in statue and in mind. I may be back at work but I am now living within a bus ride of her locale and it has helped so much.

Dinner’s ready……..



19:38 Aug 15 2012

Sounds like a wonderful Summer was had :)

20:30 Aug 15 2012

I have a feeling.... You make one of the better Dad's in the world. :)

21:34 Aug 15 2012

Have a great time!


Five years

23:15 Aug 13 2012
Times Read: 1,001

Wow, five years on VR, how did I miss that one?!! No celebrations thou, just another day!!



23:19 Aug 13 2012

But it's a great one!

00:22 Aug 14 2012


03:01 Aug 14 2012

Yeah - congrats!

22:30 Aug 14 2012

Where does the time go!

23:30 Aug 15 2012

Congrats! I get my 7 at the beginning of November.


The End

00:08 Aug 13 2012
Times Read: 1,015

For those of you not getting a live feed of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, you are in for such a treat. Enjoy.

Looking forward to Brazil now!



00:10 Aug 13 2012

I'll be watching with bells on. Set the DVR just in case.

06:07 Aug 13 2012

I'm watching it now, and it's fun! A great showcase!

(Not a Spice Girls fan though - lol).

22:39 Aug 13 2012

Wasn't it terrific! I think the UK has set a precedent and inspiration for all future games in their presentation of the Olympics :)

00:22 Aug 14 2012

I thought the models were a bit much honestly. You have these athletes that work so hard for their condition and then these sticks and bones that are addicts mostly. Ack!


Life is good

09:09 Aug 12 2012
Times Read: 1,021

I haven’t been sleeping very well what with the heat and being in new surroundings and then there’s the job and a heap of other factors I’m guessing. But I must sleep as I wake up!

Still today is easy as it’s a pub lunch with my daughter and a couple of friends. That means quality time with people I love, lots of giggles, no cooking or washing up and if the weather holds a stroll in the forest later! If I can knock myself out and get to bed at a reasonable time I just may have cracked the sleep thing!




Nearly finished

11:35 Aug 11 2012
Times Read: 1,044

The Olympics committee did a fantastic job in the run up to these games to unite Britain and get everyone behind Team GB. We live in a very multi cultural society especially in London and the mood has been very good indeed.

But get this. The BBC have been accused of being too British over the course of last week and yesterday The Daily Mail (a national newspaper) was told that they are too focused on Team GB.

There seems to be a different form of political correctness going on here.

I for one have been so proud of our team, they have been incredible. But then I have also cheered and showed my admiration for many other teams’ athletes’ British or not.



13:05 Aug 11 2012

They call that "click bait"

A sensationalist head line that makes people read it.

As an Australian I've been enjoying the games. And I've cheered for you Brits quote a bit, too. :p

15:50 Aug 11 2012

I have enjoyed watching these games as they are being done wonderfully and in some very beautiful places. How can you compare a venue like the Royal Horse grounds vs one newly built as fast as possible in atmosphere? I admire and support my US teams but I'm loving learning of and watching all the hard working athletes from all the other countries and I admit it's hard not to root for your countrymen as they have been such great hosts of these Olympics. I have to ask myself how can the coverage by your own press be "too British" when it's your country on show?

Anyway from one American lifelong fan of the Olympics, thank you all for the great games.

18:05 Aug 11 2012

Each country's media is supposed to give special focus to their own. It makes sense to me. The whiners over there want to see more of 'their' own while in London, but they should expect Great Britain be sprinkled with all things 'Great Britain'. That's like going to Italy and complaining about all the pasta. I know for a fact the American broadcast is totally American-focused. To the point I found it 'special' and a treat that they interviewed a few Jamaicans and others in the track races. We're getting a little bit of others only if they are some kind of big deal world-wide... But there's no doubt where the preferential camera is.

22:34 Aug 14 2012

I think GB has done a tremendous job, and set a very high standard of Olympic Games that any nation will find difficult to equal in future times.


It's funny I tell ya..!

16:53 Aug 09 2012
Times Read: 1,073

On July 9th 2012, a group of bikers from Liverpool were riding south on the M6 when they saw a girl about to jump off the Thelwall Viaduct.

So they stopped.

Paul Murray, their leader, a short fat man of 57, gets off his Harley, walks through a group of gawkers, past the Motorway Police, and says, "What are you doing?"

She says, "I'm going to commit suicide."

While he didn't want to appear "sensitive," he didn't want to miss a be-a-legend opportunity either so he asked ... "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss?"

So, with no hesitation at all, she leaned back over the railing and did just that ... and it was a long, deep, lingering tongue kiss, followed immediately by another one.

After they finished, Paul gets approval from his biker-buddies, the onlookers, and even the Police, and says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I have ever had Honey! That's a real talent you're wasting.

You could be famous if you rode with me. Why are you committing suicide?"

"My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl."

It's still unclear whether she jumped or was pushed.



16:56 Aug 09 2012

I feel so bad for... LMAO!

18:12 Aug 09 2012

Lmao, That's just wrong on so many levels. lol

22:46 Aug 09 2012


15:53 Aug 11 2012

I was laughing so hard my own 57year old brother asked me why so I read it to him too..... when he gets up off the floor I may laugh even more.


Simple as that, that and that!

18:50 Aug 07 2012
Times Read: 1,084

How to keep the kids quiet during the hols. Food does the trick every time.

After the barbeque last week I still had a flan base in my cupboard so I put it to use.

I had a couple of bananas, single cream and some Cadbury's Flakes. I mashed together the bananas and a little cream and poured the result onto a perforated open sponge flan base. I then crumpled the flakes (three of the buggers) on top.


Looking good!


Then for decoration I added a few fresh berries


It ends up like this.


Then you pop it in the fridge to cool (30mins to 1 hour) and serve.




20:07 Aug 07 2012

And you cook too? :)

20:35 Aug 07 2012

Where's my piece? :P

Now I'm hungry. haha

17:03 Aug 09 2012

Aside from how yummy that looks... I have to say, I HAVE THE SAME SCARF! YAY lol ;)

22:44 Aug 09 2012

Hi! Is that your daughter sozzling up to that yummy cake? If so she is gorgeous :) good photographs of you also S.


My Job

00:21 Aug 07 2012
Times Read: 1,100

My first day at work consisted of two meetings that lasted three hours and a pub meeting that lasted nearly four. Then I went home from there. I like my new job.

I'm guessing tomorrow will be different!



02:05 Aug 07 2012

A 'pub' meeting? It must be nice to get paid while drinking...yahoo!

Seriously - congrats again on the new job!

17:24 Aug 09 2012

Congrats! Hopefully you will always enjoy it as I am sure you know that is hard to attain.


My Flat

13:02 Aug 04 2012
Times Read: 1,126

I have finally gotten around to taking a few pics of my new place. Let me first state that you have to be Jewish to qualify for a flat here. Consequently all the communal residential areas are strictly kosher. That said what you do behind your own front door is your concern, I am far from being religious and bacon shall and will be eaten, but only if it’s crispy! It does have full security (not that you’d notice) but that’s just the nature of the beast these days. All the rooms have a Mezuzah and you are asked/told not to remove them even in your own flat. What is a Mezuzah? .

Shabbat candles are lit every Friday night in the main hall and you only attend if you want to. The hall is enormous and boasts a pool table and puts on shows etc throughout the year.

What is Shabbat?


On entering the flat it has a small hallway with a large storage cupboard. My kitchen is very small but suits me and comes off the lounge. There is a walk in wet room with a great shower and loo.

The two main rooms are the lounge and bedroom.

This is me posing at my desk.


From a similar angle


From the other end. Me posing with my friend’s beer!


The bedroom from the door/hallway.


..now from window to door. With the hidden ironing board!


The grounds to the complex are amazing and boasts its’ own little statue.

It has a ‘Sukkot’ which is the name of an out building and the holiday it represents more info can be found here . This area is also used for barbeques throughout the summer, there’s a contradiction in terms.

So this is the back of the grounds with the barbeque and Sukkot. The Sukkot will be decorated when in season.


The statue of The Dancers. I can’t begin to tell you how peaceful it is out there. I have only walked the grounds once just to collect my thoughts and it was bliss.


I had to show you guys this pic I took on my phone. As I entered the flat one evening the sun was setting just outside my window. I took it as a sign. lol


That’s all I got for now.



13:34 Aug 04 2012

It looks like a sign for "Get in the kitchen and make some food NOW!" Good luck in your new home, and thanks for sharing your photographs with us, it is a very nice cosy homely place just what I would expect from you :) Your daughter was a gorgeous wee baby too, and looks so much like her Dad! The eyes.. Wow!

16:24 Aug 04 2012

Desk is in a great spot, looking out the window as you work. :) Love the baby painting above the fireplace, and wow you got a lot of books.

Bedroom is big!

And the outside grounds- wonderful. Can't you just see it in snow. ;)

Great place and so happy life is working out for you so well. :D

17:48 Aug 04 2012

A jew only housing estate......isn't that a little, racist?

03:59 Aug 05 2012

Great pics! I have been watching a lot of these House Hunters-type programs so I know flats in the UK can tend to be small, but you have made yours look very homey and nice! and the grounds look fantastic. I think you have a very good place there!

02:12 Aug 07 2012

Nice! It's good to be settled in, isn't it?

I'm familiar with the Shabbat, but I have no idea what a mezuzah is...is it the 10 commandments? A parchment piece that is in a niche in the wall?

(I've seen those before)

17:27 Aug 09 2012

Your "friends" beer? lolol really? ;) Place looks great :)

16:01 Aug 11 2012

You have a beautiful home, I love the placement of your desk by the window and that outdoor area and statue is simply wonderful, it must me very relaxing to wander about it. You baby girl is so cute with that big smile on her face. I hope you're both very happy there.



11:25 Aug 03 2012
Times Read: 1,134

So the entry bellow was all about Carry on Screaming. Well done Daire!

I have the full collection of these films as they are just that ‘collectable’ the same reason why I have the full collection of James Bond films. I’m about to sell the whole lot along with a host of other films that I deemed worthy to keep at the time of the last big sell off, at that time I got rid of over 500 films and swore I wouldn’t collect again. This time they all will go and that will be that …. I hope.

I need the space nowadays and the latest media applications make it so easy to watch a film on demand without even stepping out the house.



21:51 Aug 03 2012

I wasn't a great fan of the Carry-On series but hey good you got them sold!


Did you guess?

00:03 Aug 03 2012
Times Read: 1,144

Just a couple of quotes from I film I just watched and wondered if anyone knows this film!

Constable Slobotham: Sorry, Sergeant ! I thought it was that horrible thing again.

Det Sgt. Bung: What horrible thing ?

Constable Slobotham: I don't know. It was something unspeakable.

Det Sgt. Bung: Unspeakable ?

Constable Slobotham: Yes. Never said a word.

Emily Bung: You haven't taken me out for ages

Det Sgt. Bung: Don't exaggerate, we went out a couple of months ago, had a lovely time.

Emily Bung: You call that lovely, my poor mother's funeral.

Det Sgt. Bung: Well I enjoyed it!



01:05 Aug 03 2012

OMG I know what that is but I can't remember the title!!!!

02:39 Aug 03 2012


Should I give the answer or hold my tongue?



19:29 Aug 01 2012
Times Read: 1,163

I kept this one quiet until now. I’ve been back in London about three weeks and have had three job offers, one, I was head hunted for but they didn’t know my new local until last week. I knew I wouldn’t have a problem finding a job once I was settled as I know I am good at what I do. I don’t want that to sound conceited as in the past I have had a problem believing in myself and my ability to work.

I have been pretty much in limbo since the end of March when my previous company went into liquidation owing me money (which will never be resolved). It made me rethink a lot of issues, anyway bottom line, I start work on Monday. I really am happy about this but there is something that is niggling at me and I can’t put my finger on it, it is however stopping me from jumping up and down.



19:45 Aug 01 2012

Yay! And you'll soon find out what that little nagging thing is... might not be bad either.

20:07 Aug 01 2012

Congrats!! Great news! :)

20:23 Aug 01 2012

Double yah, dude! I'm so happy for you!

21:01 Aug 01 2012

Awesomeness! :)

18:55 Aug 02 2012

Let the niggle wander, and enjoy your new job! Congratulations and all the best for the future S :)

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