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31 entries this month

Happy New Year

08:56 Dec 31 2007
Times Read: 843

So the countdown has stopped.............I'm happy.




OMG - todays the day

00:23 Dec 30 2007
Times Read: 848

0 days to go -- OMFG, i gotta get to the airport!!

mood: hurried

News Events Of 1900

February 27th - The British Labour Party launched under Ramsay MacDonald

February 28th - The end of Ladysmith's 118 day seige

May 17th - The relief of Mafeking after 31 weeks seige by the Boers

July 1st - First flight by Count Zeppelin's airship

August 4th - Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (The Queen Mother), youngest daughter of 14th Earl of Strathmore, born at St. Paul's Walden Bury, Herts

August 14th - Boxer rising against Europeans in China, Peking stormed by the allies (British, German, Japanese, Russian and USA) to end the rebellion

The Commonwealth of Australia was created

Russia occupied Korea

Britain was building several new battleships for Japan

Germany was planning a new fleet of 38 battleships

The Daily Express was first published

Minoan culture discovered in Crete

John Ruskin dies, aged 81

Oscar Wilde dies in Paris




A Dynamite Event

11:52 Dec 29 2007
Times Read: 854

1 days to go

mood: cool

Events of 1901

January 1st - Commonwealth of Australia established

January 22nd - Death of Queen Victoria, aged 82 she ascended the throne in 1837, she is succeeded by King Edward VII

December 10th - First Nobel prizes awarded

President McKinley of the United States was assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

Peace in China, end to Boxer rebellion

Marconi transmits telegraphic radio messages from Cornwall to Newfoundland




...and so it was, toys would come to life....

10:35 Dec 28 2007
Times Read: 861

2 days to go

mood: scared to let go of myself. lol

News Events Of 1902

January 25th - The death penalty was abolished in Russia

January 30th - Anglo - Japanese Treaty of Alliance signed

Februay 19th - Vaccination against smallpox made compulsory in France

March 26th - death of Cecil Rhodes in South Africa, aged 48

April 16th - Protests in Dublin over propose changes in Irish Criminal law

May 28th - Thomas Edison announced the invention of the electric battery

May 31st - Terms of surrender signed by Boer generals at the Treaty of Vereeniging

June 24th - Edward VII's coronation delayed by emergency appendix operation

August 9th - Coronation of Edward VII

October 16th - Violence in the commons as Balfour refused to discuss Ireland

November 8th - Kaiser Wilhelm in London to improve Anglo-German relations

December 10th - Aswan dam in Egypt is completed

Lord Salisbury retires and A. J. Balfour becomes Prime Minister

The Order of Merit is instituted




1903 cars had a max speed of 20mph -- over 100 years later we see no improvement

12:51 Dec 27 2007
Times Read: 866

3 days to go


Events Of 1903

January 1st - India pledges allegiance to the Imperial sovereignty

June 16th - The Ford Motor Company was formed

July - The death of Pope Leo XIII

July - Athur Henderson won the Barnard Castle by election become the third MP in Keir Hardies Labour Party

August - Pope Pius X was crowned

October 10th - Mrs Pankhurst formed the Womens Social and Political Union with the slogan "Deeds not Words" to secure votes for women

December 17th - Wilbur and Orville Wright brothers first flight (12 seconds) in a heavier-than-air craft, at Kittyhawk nr. Kill Devil Hill, NorthCarolina

London had its first electric trams

Kew bridge opened in London and so did the Gaiety Theatre

The Pepsi Cola brand name was registered

The first Wild West film Kit Carson was made

Marconi's Telegraphy link between the UK and USA started

US - Panama treaty gives Amerca control of the canal although building wasn't to start until 1904

A speed limit of 20mph was set for cars on British roads

The first safety razor goes on sale in the US




Second Star On The Right, And Straight On Untill Morning

11:36 Dec 26 2007
Times Read: 871

4 days to go

mood: Floating

News Events Of 1904

February 10th - Russian fleet attacked by Japanese in Manchuria: war declared

April 30th - World Fair in St Louis, USA opened

August 3rd - Dalai Lama forced to flee as British capture Lhasa

Theodore Roosevelt elcted 26th US President

Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life published

J.M.Barrie's Peter Pan first performed




It Was All Relative

09:43 Dec 25 2007
Times Read: 874

5 days to go

mood: calm

News Events of 1905

January 22nd - 500 strikers shot in St Petersburg on "Bloody Sunday" demonstration

The Automobile Association formed by early motorists

The Russian battleship Potemkin was seized by crew members at Odessa

Russo-Japanese war ended by Treaty of Portsmouth

There were strikes and riots in Poland

Crete voted for Union with Greece

Norway gained its independence from Sweden

The Simplon tunnel through the Alps was finished

Professor Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity

First Exhibition by Matisse and other Fauvist painters in Paris divided the art world

The Balfour government were defeated and Henry Campbell-Bannerman becomes Prime Minister

Henry Irving dies, aged 67





10:39 Dec 24 2007
Times Read: 879

6 days to go

mood: stressed

News Events Of 1906

February - The royal Navy's super battleship Dreadnought was launched at Portsmouth by Edward VII- nicknamed John Bull afloat by Fred T Jane

February 7th - The Liberals won a landslide election victory in UK

April 18th - San Fransisco was devastated by an earthquake more than 2500 people died, 497 city blocks destroyed at a loss of $350 million the land was displaced horizontally by 21ft (7 metres) the steel framed Bullock and Jones building withstood the shock more successfully

May - The Duma Russia's first elected parliament took office

June - A deputation representing half a million women went with a petition to 10 Downing Street to press women's claim to the vote

July - The Duma was dissolved by the Tsar and Martial Law was declared

October 3rd - SOS was adopted as the international distress signal

November - Japan launches the worlds biggest battle ship the Satsuma

There was a general strike in Spain and the King and Queen of Spain were nearly blown up

Simplon Tunnel was opened

Rolls Royce was founded

US President Theodore Roosevelt award Nobel Peace Prize for help to negotiate peace in the Russo-Japanese War.

Alfred Dreyfus, a French-Jewish army officer wrongly convicted of treason in 1899, is exonerated.

President Theodore Roosevelt declares Devil's Tower the first US National Monument.




Dib, Dib, Dib

08:20 Dec 23 2007
Times Read: 882

7 days to go


News Events Of 1907

January - Earthquake in Jamaica

January - A bill proposed reduction in the power of the House of Lords

March - assasination of premier Petkov of Bulgaria

March 22nd - Gandhi began civil disobedience campaign in South Africa over restrictions imposed on asians by the Transvaal government

April 3rd - Worst famine on record reported in Russia

July - Major-General Sir Robert Baden-Powell formed the Boy Scout movement

October 11th - fastest ever Atlantic crossing made by Cunard's Lusitania 4 days 19 hours 52 mins

A meeting of 44 nations at the Hague proposed an International court of Justice

Britain, France and Spain form a Triple Alliance and in response the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria and Italy was renewed

The German Kaiser was cheered by huge crowds on a visit to London

The King and Queen opened the new Central Criminal Courts at the Old Bailey

RudyardKipling became the first Briton to win the Nobel Prize for literature

The first Cubist exhibition in Paris

Piccaso shocked the art world with his painting Demoiselles d'Avignon

New Zealand becomes a Dominion




A Beautiful day in Folkestone

10:10 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 885

8 days to go

mood: buzzin'


The Nassau, Germany's first Dreadnought, launched

H.H.Asquith becomes Prime Minister on the death of Campbell Bannerman

April 12th - Winston Churchill included in Asquith's cabinet

September 24th - Old Age Pensions introduced in Britain

King Carlos and the Crown Prince of Portugal assassinated

William Howard Taft elected 27th US President

First Model T motor car produced

Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows is published

The first ever beauty contest is held in Folkestone, England.

Devastating earthquake hits Messina, killing 100,000.

"Young Turk" revolution in Ottoman Empire.

Bulgaria declares independence from Ottoman Empire.

Bosnia-Herzegovnia annexed by Austro-Hungary.

Crete votes for union with Greece (union is not fully effected until 1913).

"Tunguska Event" - meteor impact in Siberia. The explosion is equivalent to 1,000 Hiroshma bombs.

SOS becomes the standard radio distress symbol.

Mother's Day is celebrated for the first time.

Sixteenth Amendment to US Constitution (authorizing Federal government to collect income tax) is ratified.

Seventeenth Amendment to US Constitution, requiring direct election of senators, is ratified.




Selfridge - Open For Business

08:22 Dec 21 2007
Times Read: 889

9 days to go

mood: OMG


April 6th - North Pole conquered by Commander Robert E Peary of the American Navy at 10pm

July 25th - Louis Blériot first to cross the English Channel in an aeroplane in 43 minutes

December 7th - Union of South Africa proclaimed in London

Lloyd George introduces his "People's Budget"

Selfridge's department store opens in London

Diaghilev's Ballets Russes perform in Paris




The King Is Dead -- "Long Live The King"

10:25 Dec 20 2007
Times Read: 894

10 days to go

mood: friendy

News Events Of 1910

March 10th - First Hollywood film released; Griffith's In Old California

May 6th - Death of Edward VII and is succeeded by George V

May - Halley's Comet

July 31st - Dr Crippen arrested at sea for murder

Mount Etna erupted,

Cholera epidemic in Russia

Liberals win general election in Britain

South Africa becomes a dominion - Louis Botha becomes premier

Post impressionist exhibition in London

Florence Nightingale dies, aged 90

Author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina Count Leo Tolstoy died aged 82

344 miners died in a coal mining disaster at Hulton Lancashire and 136 at Wellington pit Whitehaven




Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa men have named you

11:15 Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 897

11 days to go

mood: quietly confident

News Events Of 1911

January 3rd - Seige of Sidney Street, 1000 troops and armed police, ended as anarchists burn to death

January 21st - Publication of the discovery that cancer is spread by a virus

February 21st - Ramsay MacDonald elected Labour Party leader

June 23rd - George V crowned at Westminster Abbey

July 1st - Union of South Africa became a British Dominion

August 8th - Troops called in to control rioting strikers, fired on and killed one,in Liverpool

August 22nd - Mona Lisa stolen from the Louvre

October 23rd - First model T Ford produced outside the United States. in Manchester

December 10th - Madame Curie awarded her second Nobel prize

December 14th - Captain Roald Amundsen (Norway) is the first man to the South Pole

December 29th - Revolution in China - Manchu dynasty overthrown - Centuries of imperial control ended by the first Chinese republic. Dr Sun Yat Sen took power

Italy declared war on Turkish troops in North africa

The Titanic was launched with her sister ship Olympic

New copyright law protected musicians and writers works for 50 years

Crystal Palace was bought for the nation

Cubism shook the art world when it was displayed at the Salo d'Automne in Paris

Gustav Mahler died in Vienna he was 50

Strauss's Der Rosenkavelier was performed for the first time in Dresden

The first Indianapolis 500 race took place in the USA

Broadway Ziegfields Follies launched the Irving Berlin hit "Everybody's doing it"

Parliament Act reduces powers of the House of Lords

FW Woolworth founded




Titanic tragedy

09:58 Dec 18 2007
Times Read: 904

12 days to go

mood: lovin' it

Major Events of 1912

Sun Yat-sen made first provisional President of Chinese Republic. Boy Emperor, Xuan Tong ("Pu Yi") abdicates in February 1912. Yuan Shikai becomes second provisional President.

January 12th - Captain Robert Scott reached the South Pole, none of his party survived the return.

March 1st - Window smashing rampage in Londons West end by Suffragettes

April 15th - Titanic sunk on her maiden voyage, 1513 passengers and crew were drowned and 706 were saved after an SOS mesage was picked up by the Liner Carpathia

September 28th - Ulster Loyalists determined to fight Home Rule by force

October 1st - First Balkan war - Turkey invaded by Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro

November 5th - Democrat Woodrow Wilson elected 28th president of the usa

US marines invade Honduras.

New Mexico admitted as 47th US state.

Arizona admitted as 48th US State.




Never Tango with a German

07:47 Dec 17 2007
Times Read: 908

13 days to go

mood: relaxed ...ish

Events of 1913

January 31st - Irish Home Rule Bill rejected by the Lords

February 17th - Modern and abstract art intoduced in the USA at Armory Show

April 14th - Typhus vaccine discovered

May 30th - Peace declared between Turkey and the Balkan league

June 4th - Miss Emily Davison died after she threw herself under the Kings horse at the Derby

July 1st - 2nd Balkan War declared on Bulgaria by Greece and Serbia and ends with The Treaty of Bucharest

October 10th - Panama Canal effectively opened by blowing up of Gamboa

Emmeline Pankhurst was sentenced to 3 years after planting a bomb that destroyed Lloyd George's golfing villa in Surrey

In New York the Grand Central Station opened and a couple were arrested for kissing in the street

In Germany the Kaiser banned soldiers and sailors from dancing the Tango

In Paris the premiere of Stravinky's The Rite of Spring caused a riot

Albert Schweitzer opens Lambaréné Hospital (Gabon)

More than 400 miners died in a Colliery fire in the Aber Valley

Anglo Turkish treaty gave Britain the sole rights to oil exploration in Arabia, Mesopotamia and Syria




"Lots of chocolate for me to eat - warm face, warm hands, warm feet, wouldn't it be lovely"

11:47 Dec 16 2007
Times Read: 935

14 days to go

mood: two weeks today .... WOOOOOOOOOOO

January 15th - Warnings of threatened Civil war in Ulster over Home Rule

April 12th - Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion had a triumphant opening

April 21st - US Marines seized the Mexican Port of Veracruz

May 22nd - 57 arrested after "Votes for Women" protest at Buckingham Palace

June 28th - Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand (heir to Austro-Hungarian Empire) assassinated in Sarajevo

August 1st - German declaration of war on Russia

August 4th - British declaration of war after German invasion of Belgium

August 23rd - British retreat from Mons

September 14th - German Armies stopped by the French at the Marne

November 17th - Announcement that income tax was to be doubled in UK to finance the war

November 29th - Former president Roosevelt criticised US neutrality policy

December 16th - North East of England coastal towns, Scarborough, shelled by German warships several fatalities

Suffragettes - Mary Richardson slashed the Rokeby Venus at the National Gallery and got six months. More attacks followed to the British Museum, The Royal Academy a bomb destroyed Yarmouth Pier and Wargrave church was burnt down

Union leaders in South Africa were arrested and secretly deported after a general strike

Cricket ball makers in Kent went on strike for better wages!

Irish Home Rule Act was passed but was immediately suspended

Northeren and Southern Nigeria were united as one colony

The screen début of Charlie Chaplin

Ford Motor Company announces an 8-hour working day, paid at a minimum, $5 per day.

USA and Panama sign Panama Canal Treaty.

Last known Passenger Pigeon dies at Cincinnati Zoo.

Federal Reserve Bank of the United States opens.




Denmark....how civilised

12:30 Dec 15 2007
Times Read: 940

15 days to go

mood: numb

Major Events of 1915

British and Commonwealth forces land in Gallipoli.

The Lusitania sank by German U-Boat off Irish coast.

Italy declares war on Austro-Hungary.

Anglo-French forces land at Salonika, Greece.

Germans introduce poison gas into warfare.

Denmark grants the vote to women.

First stone of Lincoln Memorial placed in Washington DC.





01:23 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 948

16 days to go

mood: excited

headlines for 1916

January 6th - House of Commons voted in favour of conscription in Britain

February 21st - German offensive launched at Verdun, checked by the French

April 25th - Easter Rising in Dublin with a proclamation of the Irish Republic

May 21st - British Summer Time introduced, clocks went forward 1 hour

May 27th - Call for a "League of Nations" by president Wilson of the USA

May 31st - Battle of Jutland; heavy losses by British and German Navies

June 6th - Lord Kitchener, Britain's War Secretary, was drowned when HMS Hampshire was sunk

June 21st - Arab rising against the Turks started

July 3rd - Somme offensive launched (my great grandfather killed July 16th)(the combined battles of Verdun and the Somme claimed nearly 2 million lives)

July 6th - David Lloyd George appointed War Secretary, in succession to Lord Kitchener

August 3rd - Sir Roger Casement executed for high treason

September 15th - Tanks first used in Battle on the Somme

September 23rd - The first Zeppelin to crash on Britain at Potters Bar

September 28th - John D Rockefeller became the worlds first Billionaire

November - The Emperor of Austria Franz Josef died

December 7th - David Lloyd George took over as British Prime Minister

December 30th - Grigori Rasputin was murdered in Russia

T. E. Lawrence appointed liaison officer to Faysal's army




Balfour Declaration - getting there......

11:33 Dec 13 2007
Times Read: 951

17 days to go

mood: Excellent Mood

February 1st - German submarine war intensified, US ships armed

The Germans ask Mexico to declare war on the US

March 16th - Tsar of Russia abdicated :Cossacks demonstrating in Petrograd

The Housatonic is sunk off Sicily

April 6th - War declared on Germany by the USA

April 19th - The US ship Mongolia sank a German submarine

April 16th - Lenin returned to Russia from exile in Europe

June 1st - Convoy system introduced as defence against U-Boats

June 13th - First bombing raid on London by German aircraft with 100 fatalities

August 20th - Third Ypres offensive launched by Allies

September 17th - Russian army defeated by Germans at Riga

October 15th - Mata Hari (born Margaretha Gertruida Zelle in 1876, the notorious Dutch exotic dancer was executed at Vincennes, Paris, for spying for the Germans

October 27th - American troops had their first engagement on the Western Front

October 30th - Italians defeated at Caporetto

November 7th - Kerensky's government ousted by Bolshevik coup in Russia, Lenin and Trotsky rise to power and Joseph Stalin became a member of the Politburo

November 9th - Jewish homeland in Palestine promised by Balfour Declaration

November 29th - Peace talks announced between Russia and Germany

December 9th - Jerusalem captured by the British

December - The US Senate vote for the Prohibition of Alcohol

Buffalo Bill (Cody) died

n New York at Reisenwebers restaurant the Original dixieland Jass (later Jazz)Band played. The first Jazz record was recorded :The Original Dixieland One Step

Puerto Rico became part of the USA

Degas and Rodin died

Battle of Passchendaele

Trans - Siberian railway completed




The Guns Fell Silent at 11AM

12:22 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 962

18 days to go

mood: glad I woke up

Headlines for 1918

January 8th - 'Fourteen Points' for peace announced by President Wilson

January 25th - Food rationing introduced in Britain and the health of the nation improved!

March 3rd - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed by Russia and Germany

School leaving age raised to 14

March - Moscow was declared the new capital of Russia instead of Petrograd

March 31st - German offensive launched breaking all allied lines

Stonehenge was presented to the nation

April 1st - Royal Air Force formed in Britain (combined the Royal Flying Corps with The Royal Naval Air Service)

April 21st - Manfred von Richthofen (The Red Baron) was shot down and killed

June - British marines seized Murmansk to stop the port falling into german hands

July 16th - Tsar Nicholas II and his family murdered in Russia

August 2nd - Allied troops landed in Archangel to support White Russians

August 8th - Allied counter offensive launched on Western Front

Spanish Flu sweeps through France and Britain 2000 per week were dying in London and more Americans died from Flu than in battle!

October 3rd - Damascus taken by Arab forces under T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia)

German High Seas Fleet mutinies

October 31st - Germany appealed for an armistice

November 11th - Germany signed armistice with Allies at Compiègne the guns fell silent at 11am; End of 1st World War Ten million people had died, nearly 1 million from Britain and her Empire and "the lost generation" was a familiar phrase

December 28th - First women voted in UK (over 30); Lloyd George's government re-elected

Charlie Chaplin stars in Shoulder Arms

In USA daylight saving time was introduced

George Gershwin had his first hit with Swanee

Wilfred Owen dies, aged 25

Lloyd George's coalition goverment is returned to power in British general election




Goooooooo Nancy

11:22 Dec 11 2007
Times Read: 967

19 days to go

mood: silently smiling

January 3rd - The atom was split by Rutherford

March 3rd - Comintern launched by Lenin to promote world revolution

March 23rd - Fascist party launched by Mussolini in Italy

June 15th - Alcock and Brown first to cross the Atlantic non-cross by air in Vickers Vimy bi-plane, 16 hrs to fly 1890 miles

June 28th - Peace Treaty of Versailles finally signed by Germany

Suzanne Lenglen, 20, wins Wimbledon for first time out of 6 times she would win the title

November 28th - Nancy Astor elected as Britain's first woman MP

German Fleet scuttled at Scapa Flow

Louis Botha dies and Jan Smuts becomes South African Premier

Prohibition amendment passed in the USA

J M Keynes's The Economic Consequences of the Peace was published




women can vote.............nooooooooooooo. lol

01:15 Dec 10 2007
Times Read: 974

20 days to go

mood: calm

Major Events of 1920

League of Nations established.

The Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution goes into effect, prohibiting alcohol in the United States.

The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote, is ratified.

The United States Senate votes against joining the League of Nations.

Mexican revolution (1910-1920) ends.

Allies and Turkey sign Treaty of Sevres, ceding most of the Ottoman Empire's land to the Allies.




Relatively speaking.........all's well

00:04 Dec 09 2007
Times Read: 978

21 days to go

mood: confident

Major Events of 1921

February 16th - Unemployment in Britain exceeded 1 million, by June it was 2 million

February 18th - Etienne Oehmichen made the first flight by helicopter

March 17th - First Birth Control Clinic opened in London by Marie Stopes

August 4th - Lenin asked for world help to overcome Russian famine

November 5th - Prince Hirohito appointed Regent of Japan

December 7th - Agreement signed by Eamon de Valera, Sinn Fein leader, to setup the Irish Free State with Dominion status

Lloyd George sold Titles! - reported to be £10,000 for a Knighthood and £50,000 for a Peerage

Rudolf Valentino starred in The Sheikh

Cricklewood, London had it's own Stoll film Studios (Hollywood! Pinewood!)

Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics (Relativity was the buzz word)

MK Gandhi campaigned in India to boycott all european goods he became known as a "Mahatma" possessed of miraculous powers

Enrico Caruso dies, aged 48

First Miss America pageant held in Atlantic City.

Mongolia declares independence from China.




Ulysses.............oh what a journey!!!!

10:43 Dec 08 2007
Times Read: 986

22 days to go

mood: cautious

Major Events of 1922

January 15th - The Irish Free State began under President Arthur Griffith

August 22nd - Irish Nationalist leader Michael Collins shot dead in Cork

October 7th - First woman Senator sworn in in the USA

October 18th - British Broadcasting Company (later Corporation) formed BBC

October 19th - Coalition government ended in UK: Bonar Law (Canadian Born) becomes new Prime Minister, succeeding Lloyd George, leader of the liberals

October 30th - Benito Mussolini takes over as dictator of Italy (Blackshirts)

November 26th - Treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb first revealed by Howard Carter (he was backed by the Earl of Carnarvon)

The AA has 160,000 members, car ownership is rising fast

TS Eliot (american by birth British by adotion) published the Waste Land in the Criterion magazine

James Joyce publishes Ulysses in Dublin which was banned in Britain and USA

The USSR formed by Soviet States

First use of insulin to treat diabetes in a human patient.




Tutankhamens - let the curse begin

10:22 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 988

23 days to go

mood: cheerie

January 11th - Ruhr occupied by the French because Germany refused to pay war reparations to seize payment in coal

January 23rd - The engagement of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (The Queen Mother who died in 2002) and The Duke of York (King George VI who died in 1952)

January 27th - First Nazi (National Socialist) party rally held in Munich, addressed by Hitler

February 16th Friday was the opening of Tutankhamens Tomb by Howard Carter

April 26th - The Wedding of The Duke of York and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

September 1st - Tokyo and Yokohama destroyed by earthquake 72,000 deaths

October 29th - Turkish Republic proclaimed by military leader Mustafa Kemal

November 11th - Hitler arrested after failed coup in Munich. He was jailed for 5 years and whilst in prison wrote Mein Kampf (My struggle)

November 15th - German currency worthless; cost of loaf was 200 Billion marks, children used bundles of Mark notes as building blocks and paper Marks generally were sold to waste paper merchants

Dr FG Banting discovers Insulin as a treatment of Diabetics following previous testing the year before

Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister

Calvin Coolidge becomes 30th US president after the death of Harding




Chariots of Fire

11:04 Dec 06 2007
Times Read: 999

24 days to go

mood: hmmmm

January 21st - Death of Lenin, founder of the Soviet State, at 54. Buried on the 27th to a salute of factory sirens. Stalin takes power

January 22nd - Britains first Labour government under Ramsay MacDonald

March 31st - Imperial Airways formed as Britain's National airline

April 4th - The BBC broadcasted the first radio programmes for schools

April 23rd - British Empire Exhibition opened at Wembley

July - The Paris Olympic Games Harold Abrahams won gold 100 metres and Eric Liddell 400 metres (later a film Chariots of Fire)

August - pictures from the telescope on Mount Wilson observatory California proclaimed Venus as having abundant vegetation and animal life!

October 31st - Labour routed by Tories after a "red scare", provoked by Zinoviev letter (ordering a Red Revolution in Britain)it is now considered to have been a forgery Baldwin became Prime Minister once more.

More Tutankhamun treasures revealed

George Bernard Shaw's St Joan was produced on the London Stage

Sansovino won the Derby

Calvin Coolidge elected 30th President of the USA

E. M. Forster's A Passage to India was published

J. Edgar Hoover appointed to head Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mahatma Gandhi goes on 21-day fast for Indian unity and religious tolerance, after communal fighting between Hindus and Muslims.

First Winter Olympics held in Chamonix, France.

Edwin Hubble announces the existence of other galaxies.




It was a Bluebird I tell you................

11:39 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 1,004

25 days to go

mood: quiet

Major Events of 1925

January 16th - Trotsky removed from Soviet War Council by Stalin

March 13th - Daylight saving Summer time , in the UK, made permanent by parliament.

April 4th - A tornado went through 5 states and in particular Murphysboro, Illinois, it killed 800 people and injured 3000

April 30th - Art Deco style launched by Paris Exposition des Art Décoratifs.

May 25th - John Scopes brought to trial in Tennessee, USA, for teaching about evolution.

June 29th - Colour bar made legal in South Africa with work ban for the blacks.

June 18th - Hitler's personal testament, Mein Kamp ('My Struggle') published.

October 24th - Thomas Bell, Ernest Cant and Willie Gallacher were charged at Bow Street under the Incitement to Mutiny act of 1797, as leading communists. A few hundred people collected outside and sang "The Red Flag".

PG Wodehouse publishes his second novel about Bertie Wooster - Carry on Jeeves

Many people migrated to Canada, New Zealand, Australia or South Africa and Rhodesia, in the UK there was bad housing education, bad wages and little health care.

Roman mosaic uncovered at Colchester

Roman ruins at Jemila, Algeria described as an 'African "Pompei"'

Mr LSB Leakey's British Musem Expedition in Tanganyika which had set out to obtain bones of a Gigantosaurus

So many cars on the road in the UK that there were suggestions for a three tier system for cities - pedestrians above, cars at ground level and railways below as the dazzle of car headlights was a continuing problem

John Logie Baird demonstrates television?

Malcolm Campbell breaks the world land speed record.




Red, Amber, Green, Amber, Amber, Red

12:19 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 1,009

26 days to go

mood: tired

News Headlines of 1926

January 27th - Television first demonstrated by its inventor, John Logie Baird. The BBC adopted his system but dropped it in 1937

April 10th - The Duchess of York gave birth to her first child, Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II)

April 17th - 20,000 women march through London on an anti strike demonstration

May 3rd - Britain's first General Strike started in support of miners

May 8th - The Grenadier Guards acted as protection to a convoy of lorries moving flour out of London Docks

May 12th - The official general strike was over

August 3rd - London's first traffic lights installed at Piccadilly Circus

Clipston Colliery in Nottinghamshire strikers drew their first wage packets after the strike

August 14th - The first woman to swim the English Channel, 18 year old American Gertrude Ederle, France to England, 14hrs 39 min 6 sec

September 8th - Germany admitted to League of Nations after a unanimous vote

December 25th - Hirohitp became Emperor of Japan on the death of his father

Leonard Wooley unearthed the royal graves and the temple of Nin-Gal, the Moon Goddess of Ur, in Mesopotamia

Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket.

TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) published The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, for private circulation

Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev ousted from Politburo in USSR.

Chiang Kai-shek leads Northern Expedition in China. Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalists) defeat warlords.




MAMMY - Go Jolson

09:54 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 1,017

27 days to go

mood: happy WOOOOOOOOOO

World News of 1927

January 8th - First scheduled London-Delhi air service started

February 25th - British troops in action defending foreign national in Shanghai

May 21st - First solo transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh ended at Le Bourget, Paris in The Spirit of St Louis

October 6th - The first talking picture, The Jazz Singer, with Al Jolson, produced

October 22nd - Able Gance's film Napoleon which was shown on a 16 yard long triple screen

November 18th - World Cup Soccer competition proposed by FIFA head Jules Rimet

The German silent film Metropolis was made

All Churches were losing congregations, divorces were rising dramatically and birth control was being practised on an increasing scale

The BBC sponsored the Proms concerts under Sir Henry Wood

Adolf Hitler held his first National Socialist party meeting in Berlin to the chant of Heil Hitler

In Russia Stalin expelled Leon Trotsky and Grigori Zinoviev from the Soviet Communist Party. Stalin takes full control.

"Black Friday" in Germany as the economy collapses

Mae West sentenced to 10 days in prison for obscenity.

First trans-Atlantic telephone call, from New York to London.

Australian Parliament moves to Canberra.

Ford produces the last Model T.

Babe Ruth becomes the first baseball player to hit 60 home-runs in a season.

Carving of Mount Rushmore begins.




The Ten Shilling Note

11:01 Dec 02 2007
Times Read: 1,027

28 days to go

mood: disappointed

January 6th - Central London flooded by Thames after thaw and high tide

May 7th - Equal Franchise Act gave all British women the vote at 21

May 15th - Start of the Flying Doctor service in Australia to cover 250,000 sq miles

August 27th - Kellogg-Briand 'no war' Pact signed by 15 Nations, including Germany

September 30th - Announcement of discovery of Penicillin by Alexander Fleming

November 22nd - First £1 and 10 shilling notes in circulation in Britain

The R100 and R101 Airships were being built in Britain

During the Year Thomas Hardy, Emmeline Pankhurst and Herbert Asquith died

Amsterdam hosted the Olympic Games

Herbert Hoover was elected Republican 31st President of the USA

November - In China the Peking government surrendered to General Chiank Kai-Shek ending civil war, he was made president of the Chinese republic

In Turkey Premier Mustafa Kemal introduced the Roman Alphabet to replace Arabic

The Oxford English Dictionary was published after decades of work on it.

The controversial The Well of Loneliness, by Marguerite Radclyffe Hall, which dealt with Lebianism was published

DH Lawrence published Lady Chatterley's Lover, in Florence in order to avoid censorship at home

Paul Robeson appeared as Joe in Show Boat at Drury Lane, London

First Mickey Mouse films produced by Walt Disney




The beginning of the Great Depression

13:53 Dec 01 2007
Times Read: 1,031

29 days to go

mood: Still dying

The British General election returned a historic victory for Labour who polled less votes than the Conservatives

February 11th - Mussolini and the Pope agreed to create a Vatican State

February 17th - First in-flight movie shown on an internal flight in the USA

May Day riots demonstrations of Communists in Berlin and 23 people were killed

May - Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford presented the first 'Oscars' for outstanding films

June 7th - First british woman, Margaret Bondfield, cabinet minister appointed

June 27th - First colour television image demonstrated in New York

August 19th - Death of Sergei Diaghilev, impresario of Russian Ballet

August 28th - The German airship Graf Zeppelin arrived in Los Angeles after crossing the Pacific from Tokyo in 12 days as part of its round the world flight in 21 days

September 5th - United States of Europe suggested by French premier Briand, Kellogg-Briand pact outlawing war comes into operation

October 24th - Wall Street Crash began with 13 million shares changing hands, in 4 days 5 billion dollars were wiped off stock and share values. This set off the great world wide depression of the 30s when at its worst 1 person in 3 (of the employable) was unemployed in the US

October - Viceroy of India Lord Irwin stated that India would eventually be granted dominion status

November 18th - The Japanese began to invade Manchuria

November - some American police have started making sound-films of prisoners under interrogation to shown in court.

December 2nd - Britains first 22 public telephone boxes came into service

December 8th - Nazi Party victorious in Bavarian municipal elections

Books - Robert Graves Goodbye to All That describing with realism the degradation suffered by the men who died in the trenches as a result of obstinate stupidity of the generals.

Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front told the story of unspeakable horrors endured by the German troops in trench warfare

A 2 seater Morris Minor cost £100 (GBP)



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