LadyDarkRayne's Journal


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2 entries this month

08:00 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 918

Oh, so you still want to play games do you Bexxi. Why don't you go cry to someone else about people being mean to you ?

Listen very carefully. I gave you a 1 and I blocked you. That is not attacking you. It was you getting what you deserved. As you would run back and forth between peoples cam saying one thing to one and talking shit in the other.

Everything and I mean EVERYTHING your crying to everyone about is all from your own making.

So your going to spill everyone's secrets and tell the be all and end all of everyone. You go right ahead.

And incase you didn't catch on yet, This Journal is all about you, Bexii

So now you can go play the victim to everyone saying I wrote my last journal entry about you. You ignorant self centered bitch It was not about you. But this one is.

Lets play copy and paste - being you keep changing your last entry and deleting comments because someone has already torn into your ass today in a previous journal.

Bexii's Journal

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August 2011

11 entries this month

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[ July 2011 ]

[ Personal Entries ]

07:47:44 - Aug 28 2011

Times Read: 60

so from now on.. if anyone wants to talk to me you can find me on vampirefreaks. im so done with the bullshit drama on this website. the backstabbing bitches, the bullshit covens who pretend to be nice, then when you want to leave they refuse to let you leave, they pretend to be your friend then talk shit about you. then theres bitches who dont even know you, who just decide to jump in and create drama, make people choose between friends because theyre sad and pahetic. ive met very few people i can say are ok. vf is so much nicer, no drama, no trapping in covens by people on power trips.

anyways for those who wanna stay in touch. pm me your yahoo/skype/msn or add me on vf.

enjoy the drama...


What, afraid someone is going to again prove your a liar ? I see you decided to delete part of this orginal journal, about Raina also being the mistress of hell and also a acm in your old place. A place where you were given chance after chance to stay out of drama and over and over you started shit.

I have told you before and I will tell you, yet again...Keep my name out of your mouth. I did NOT write my last journal entry about you. Get the stick out of your damn ass and own up to the fact that you created all of this on your own. Perhaps accidents wouldnt happen if you spent less time here and more time watching what is going on around you. Just so you know your not getting one over on anyone. So stop playing the poor victim - because you are no victim you are your own worst enemy.

One of the very first things you posted in Hell was this:


Savage (61)

Posts: 34

Message Gems

Posted: 08:07:35 - Aug 23 2011

Times viewed: 10


thanks saetan. i think im gonna like it here to be honest. hey at least i know im safe and not gonna be traded from place to place :)

and people in here dont seem so bad, i hear all the time people begging to be traded here :)

like i said in message, i will take part and post etc earn favor n whatever.

and i need to stay away from the drama that people drag me into n keep my mouth shut :p

hey i may even stay if i ever sire :)

Oh yes it really looks like your are trying to stay away from drama that people dragged you into.

Oh and I suppose this isn't drama that you were creating either huh ? It never you is it ?

(08/24/2011 4:34:46 AM) : bexivond: lol

bexivond: yup cats pussy, courtesy of toxickitten, i have plenty more of her nasty ass pussy, tht girl thinks she can fuck with me, u forget i always have 1 up, maybe not on you but on every1 else, but your journal amuses me bcus every1 see's the bullshit

bexivond: marci threatened me with hell the day b4 so its too funny tht i wake up in hell i know she owuld of asked you to do it, why else would she be cool with you going behind her back and fucking with her coven

(08/24/2011 4:35:38 AM) : bexivond: u goin to her best friends coven to stay safe, we arent dumb, come on, you know full well marci is more drama than anything. she said she wanted rid of me from her life bcus she cant deal with drama... then runs to cat who is drama also, shes lied over n over n now her lies have caught up, so many ppl told me not to trust her, n im having sooo many i told you so's sent to me, marci is prob the next hated person onto vr next to cat and anti christ

(08/24/2011 4:36:02 AM) : bexivond: marci fucked me, i know she did, u can defend her all u like

bexivond: but she teams up with cat... as do you... and she says she cant do drama cus of her health.... hmm seems tht way

08/24/2011 4:36:49 AM) :

bexivond: u fucked marci over and shes still ur best friend, i highly doubt tht, n rachy n marci r fine, trust me, dragon knows everything since lss and rachy r close

Lets pay special attention to this last part. Because well you keep claiming to be the victim- Well pay attention to this little gem.

(08/24/2011 4:37:40 AM) : bexivond: we both know marci and you planned it so the logs would be up so she wouldnt get the blame, you had no reason to send me, marci did, so we will never believe that story, we all know how much u always take the blame for tht drama queens mistakes, she wont get bk sire in 30days im lettin her think its stopped but theres more sires waiting for me to say do it, like a plesant suprise just as shes clawing back up.

Gee what shit don't you have your hands in ?

For you truely, everything you are told it goes in your ears and out your mouth. I feel bad for anyone that has ever confessed anything to you-because we all know it comes right out of your mouth and then splashed across the internet or into peopls cams.

So you know what Bexxii, delete do us all a favor you keep saying your going to leave but your like a fly swarming around a rotten garbage can full of shit.

Bless your little heart -- you think the world revolves around you.



08:15 Aug 29 2011

*starts clapping* well done!

08:24 Aug 29 2011

-tears fill my eyes-

Kodak moment.

09:12 Aug 29 2011

do i know you? for someone who goes on about other ppl being drama whores your sure do stick your nose in, i mean i dont even know who you are yet my names always on your lips, damn i know i taste good but at least take me on a date first :D

and i edited that journal because the person messaged me and talked to me NO1 CHEWED MY ASS infact every1 agrees. i edited it because she told me how much she cares for me and that it upset her to think that we were friends until then so i edited it for her :)

i can copy and paste too. but ill edit her name because i dont broadcast peoples contact details :D

Carolyn: I really did care ab out you bexi no matter what you think

Carolyn: you're cute funny and a ball to cut up with ,

Bexi Hinsley: i did too, still do, which is hurting.. when i hurt, i do what i know best, to fight. ;(

Bexi Hinsley: i dont mean to but its what i do, i fight to pretend im not hurt

Carolyn: I know I use to do the same shit but I had toi learn to just let it go and ignore it , its just words it's not who or what you are

Carolyn: besides it hurts people more if you don't respond to them more then it does if you do because it makes them pissed that there not getting to you

im so much drama yet you told a poor innocent girl to choose between you and i... but you wanna know a secret... she never walked ;)

09:13 Aug 29 2011

Lmfao, ToxicKitten. That comment made me laugh more than the entry. o.o

09:32 Aug 29 2011

Again proves yet again that your really a brainless twit. Aww, and ya know what I was talking about. You really are ignorant. It was saetan I was referring to if you actually had a brain you would have seen that. It clearly stated that you edited it out about Raina.

Do you know me, Bitch please my name has come out your damn mouth enough times in the last week. You assume a journal entry is about you and then go cry about it. You complain people are mean to you in hell, its where you deserve to be.

So go ahead cry and say your going to leave -

And - actually ya I told Marci that I didn't want to be associated with her because she is always in the middle of shit just like you and with you. But then again you talk enough shit behind her back like going in cam and telling people about her health issues and that its all bullshit. So ya ok what ever you nothing but a little bitch.

09:43 Aug 29 2011

slap a hoe Dark

09:48 Aug 29 2011

Guess she missed Saetans Journal Titled Bexii lol

12:21 Aug 29 2011

Notice when she is hit with the truth she can't or won't address most of the stuff we mentioned? That tell you anything? All she can harp on is Raina being Saetan and the Master of Hell - she brought someone else into this YET again that had nothing to do with it. *Face palm* What the fuck? Is she retarded or something?

13:19 Aug 29 2011


I have no friggin clue wads going on ... but hell yeah!!!!

Drama Rules!!!!

*throws up the 'rock on' sign*

16:58 Aug 29 2011

And to think most of this bullshit and drama started because I told her I didn't want to be her friend because she is always in drama. I sit here and I read this and I read all that was about me. From someone who was just fine with me not wanting to be their friend, because I needed to do what I needed to do. Said I love you and will miss you. Then attacks me when MY ACM sent her to Hell. Now she is attacking other people simply because she likes to fight. Bringing people into this that have no reason to be involved. This is all a bunch of bullshit. I knew she would attack me. I just didnt realize how many other people she would drag into this. I've been in Hell. Its not a bad place to be honestly. As long as you dont fuck over the wrong people. Damn I guess she didnt get that memo. Rach, I love you to death, girl you just threw EVERYTHING out there this time. I can't say this journal doesn't hurt me, but I CAN say that it needed to be posted. If anyone would like to see the original message that started MOST of this shit I would be willing to show you. Just message me.

18:45 Aug 29 2011

oh man I love vr tv, always makes me happy for saving on cable or sattelitte, now where is my remote for pause? I need to get more pop corn and soda ;)

18:47 Aug 29 2011

Now this is a very lovely and truthful journal. I find it very interesting and proves many peoples points over and over again. No matter what the girl says she will always find herself in drama.. because after all she has to become the center of attention and to make herself look innocent and like everyone turned on her. But the truth is now there for everyone to read. I applaud you my friend.

19:16 Aug 29 2011

LOLalways the same ole crap.

00:33 Aug 30 2011

Bexii's Journal

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August 2011

13 entries this month

14 total entries

[ July 2011 ]

[ Personal Entries ]

03:39:15 - Aug 29 2011

Times Read: 125

apparently, once your in hell. youre in there, youre not allowed to leave. even if you take a profile which is in there and you have done nothing wrong youre not allowed to leave because its the 'rules'

but youre allowed to pop in for little daytrips

yeah bending rules when YOU feel like it saeten/raina/mary





Aug 29 2011

Get over it. :D



Aug 29 2011

There's a difference between being a volunteer and being an inmate.

You, deserve to be there. :)

Kicking and screaming makes it all funnier.



Aug 29 2011

I have had volunteers since I opened the coven dumbass. Thats been happening since I opened. My prerogative. Hell is MY coven, not yours, and no one can tell me how to run MY coven, so get the fuck over it. People come in and help out all the time. Not everyone is a fucking troublemaker like you



Aug 29 2011

I also think it is funny that you seem to love TRYING to insult me, but you are failing miserably. The truth is you have nothing on me that you can really use to put in your journal about me since you don't know shit about me other than what my other profile is and that I am master of Hell. That's the best you got? Wow. I am SO impressed. Not. Try harder, maybe you won't look as much an idiot as you did this time.



Aug 29 2011

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:06:06): Mary is not gonna let it out , no one leaves Hells that is her policy

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:06:36): i know a few who have, but its her coven her rules right. im stuck in purg on scylla lol

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:07:01): its not actually that bad in purg tho

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:07:52): yep , mary is a sweetie but do not try to pull anything over on her , she stripped Virus for pulling that shit , sheich is why she is still in hell as a regular member

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:08:16): ahh., yeah i dont know her so i wont.

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:08:36): lol yes you do

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:09:32): i do?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:09:50): yep cause she has a pro in curious

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:09:58): o.O rly lol

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:10:04): do i talk to her?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:10:18): I guess , not lately as she hasn't been on

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:10:28): oh whts her name

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:10:47): R

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:00): r?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:19): Rania

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:22): ooohhhhh

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:28): do not Tell anyone

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:31): yh i dont think ive spoken to her

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:34): no i wont

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:34): told u

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:42): whts in coven stays in coven to me, i dont tell

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:56): good



Aug 29 2011

rules are rules ... once you are in Hell ... there's no way out. I thought everyone knows this ... no trades out of hell ... unless you are a volunteer. Even then ... only the master of the coven decides.



Aug 29 2011

Hmm now aint that a bitch lol.



Aug 29 2011

All I have to say to this is that....if it had been anyone else that entered Hell you would not have gave a fuck. But it wasnt just anyone....it was Josh....



Aug 29 2011

my favorite part of the vr manual, from the creator of Vampire Rave, you know the guy who makes the rule who can pull the pug, who is the life of vr the only one who has a say on here, others are simply worthless numbers, and I am not even offended for being a number, I am greatful he has not pull mine out of vr, Please I kindly ask you to read and maybe re read it, I mean I am french and I can understand this simple part of thr manual I am sure you are a perfect english person can udnerstand it?

The Society System


Induction into any House or Coven is forced. You do not have a choice as to whether or not you will be a member of a House/Coven. An exception to this rule are members who hold the rank of Sire. A Sire cannot be forcibly inducted. A Sire can join any House/Coven (with the Master's permission) and leave any House/Coven at any time. A Sire can also start their own Coven.

Your Master can sell or trade you to another House/Coven. You do not have a choice if you will be sold or traded.

Induction Requirements

A perspective inductee must meet the following:

Be at least level 20

Be free of affiliation

Not be a Sire.

If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave.


Jun 21 2011

oh and may I ask also this other nicely written note from the BOSS/Creator/ hold the pug mighty one of vr

4. Help! I'm in a House/Coven and I hate the Master!

Members do not have a choice as to whether or not they want to be in a specific House or Coven. A member can request of their Master that they be traded, however a Master is under no obligation to facilitate such a trade.

When a member reaches the Status of Sire they are free to leave any House or Coven.

ps in case you did not get the little info here, let me give you one nice little directive: go to edit profile, scroll down to the bottom and click: delete profile then click yes to confirm


and in french I would say: mange dont de la marde connasse!!

03:36:04 - Aug 29 2011

Times Read: 127

and i was gonna be nice before i go but you know what... after those little outbursts... fuck it

saeten/raina i dont give a fuck what you think of me, your so far up your own ass you think you are god but believe me sweetheart just because you think you have powerover people on here... it doesnt make you special.. it makes you sad and pathetic to be honest :D

ladydarkrayne - you need to shut your fat ugly piehole bcus i dont know who the fuck u r, you dont know me yet my names always in your mouth but then again... so are alot of things. dont talk about me when you dont know me. and telling me friends to choose between you or me.. very sad :D

i also have information of a convicted peadophile on here, im glad to be out of that coven. they all know about it yet dont tell people. when its all over the internet, when you have a real name its not that hard and with contact from this persons brother.. well yeah. i wont name in here BUT feel free to ask me on yahoo

im going out with fireworks, cus im such a attention whore :D enjoy





Aug 29 2011

You apparently DO give a fuck what we think because you are still running your fucking trap. No, I don't think I am god, but I am THE god of Hell, the coven your sorry ass is trapped in - all because of your whiney mouth. As far as the pedophile goes, nothing I can do about that, but I will say the only thing can be done is that proof, if it is proof ON Vr and not yahoo or someo other such site, needs to be sent to the site admins, otherwise nothing can be done. If you bothered to read TOS you would know that. Yeah, we all knew you were an attention whore, but that doesn't excuse the fact you're also THE drama whore. Go on out with a bang, because it will be quieter around here and a lot less bullshit without you and people like you around who start shit just because they are having another bipolar pms day.



Aug 29 2011

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:06:06): Mary is not gonna let it out , no one leaves Hells that is her policy

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:06:36): i know a few who have, but its her coven her rules right. im stuck in purg on scylla lol

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:07:01): its not actually that bad in purg tho

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:07:52): yep , mary is a sweetie but do not try to pull anything over on her , she stripped Virus for pulling that shit , sheich is why she is still in hell as a regular member

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:08:16): ahh., yeah i dont know her so i wont.

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:08:36): lol yes you do

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:09:32): i do?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:09:50): yep cause she has a pro in curious

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:09:58): o.O rly lol

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:10:04): do i talk to her?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:10:18): I guess , not lately as she hasn't been on

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:10:28): oh whts her name

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:10:47): R

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:00): r?

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:19): Rania

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:22): ooohhhhh

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:28): do not Tell anyone

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:31): yh i dont think ive spoken to her

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:34): no i wont

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:34): told u

Bexi Hinsley (18/07/2011 18:11:42): whts in coven stays in coven to me, i dont tell

Carolyn Stallings (18/07/2011 18:11:56): good

07:47:44 - Aug 28 2011

Times Read: 199

so from now on.. if anyone wants to talk to me you can find me on vampirefreaks. im so done with the bullshit drama on this website. the backstabbing bitches, the bullshit covens who pretend to be nice, then when you want to leave they refuse to let you leave, they pretend to be your friend then talk shit about you. then theres bitches who dont even know you, who just decide to jump in and create drama, make people choose between friends because theyre sad and pahetic. ive met very few people i can say are ok. vf is so much nicer, no drama, no trapping in covens by people on power trips.

anyways for those who wanna stay in touch. pm me your yahoo/skype/msn or add me on vf.

enjoy the drama...





Aug 28 2011

What, afraid someone is going to again prove your a liar ? I see you decided to delete part of this orginal journal, about Raina also being the mistress of hell and also a acm in your old place. A place where you were given chance after chance to stay out of drama and over and over you started shit.

I have told you before and I will tell you, yet again...

Keep my name out of your mouth. I did NOT write my last journal entry about you. Get the stick out of your damn ass and own up to the fact that you are the lowest peice of trash I have ever seen in my life... You will just delete this anyways - but also just so you know your not getting one up on anyone. So stop playing the poor victim - because you are no victim you are your own worst enemy.



Aug 29 2011

do i know u? you seem to talk about me all the time, yet i dont know who you are... hmm and im the drama queen? says the girl who got SO jealous over moonie liking a guy you did everything in your power to make them fight... sad litle girl. well not so little tbf


Wow - really I have told you this before and I will say it again. I am Not Jealous of Moonie. I had no reason to be jealous of moonie liking him. Because he is a very good friend. He heard from many sides what was being said. So again you stuck you foot in your mouth again.

Yes I may be a big girl and I know that. Was that supposed to hurt my feelings ? No it didn't. You claim I am such an ugly person. Yet your are such an ugly person on the inside because of all the vile things that you have to say. Yes I have multiple profiles. Ladydarkrayne, Mystic and Darkshifter are my accts. But you already know that because you have been told before. Yes you self deleted your bexii acct yet funny how things still continue to be said on alternate profiles like shadownyx that are your conversations with other people. So please, why dont you go and actually take care of your of shit in your own house, but yet again, how many accidents need to happen ? But, if you had been paying more attention and not running your mouth on here maybe you wouldn't have so many "accidents".

You run around with everyone elses names in your mouth saying this and saying that and when your confronted with it - you play the victim - every damn time.


13:21 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 1,052

I don't know how to make this anymore clear to you. I don't care - I stopped caring a long time ago. When you jump ship and find yourself sinking in shark infested waters and then act all surprised. Honestly, what did you expect ? My silence should have made that pretty clear.

Funny how I write something and then you write this big long book, with all the definitions. And then wonder why I have nothing to say to you.

Are you serious ?

Moving on to the next.

Coming in and acting like your all that. Took you long enough to get the hint that you were not wanted there. And the more you ran your mouth, the more ignorant you looked. Funny how your going to sit there and call people out and then tell others you will report them for bullying. I am sorry, isn't that what you have been doing ?

You are nothing but a hypocrite. And so there is no confusion on that.


A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for

I am not saying I am perfect, I have my own faults. I have my own issues and I own up to them. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else for that matter. But I am not the one who had the sick obsession with someone and continued to tell people "stay away he's mine". He is not a peice of meat, and you hold no ownership now or never have and never will. He is my friend, yes he is. I brought him here because I thought he would enjoy it. But that has been short lived. It is clear that you can't tell the difference between some harmless flirting and this relationship you had going on in your head. It's people that act like that, that make people be cautious and keep their guard up.

You speak of anons - Please really and how many times did you and your little friends come in there and do the same damn thing you accuse others of doing ? Oh, but wait you wouldn't be able to tell who an anon is unless you had a way to check their Ip now would you ?

But best of all my favorite thing was hearing you were going to pull strings to get me suspended for "attacking someone" because they were rated a 1 and blocked. Really, go ahead. Last time I checked you couldn't be suspended for blocking and rating someone a 1. By all means if the rules have changed there ought to be a lot of people suspended then shouldn't there be ?

So don't get your panties in a bunch and why don't you do what you told him you were going to to do last night, and leave the man alone. Let him enjoy his time here with out having to deal with the bullshit you bring. And what you think your some big ass person because you were calling me out and I didn't respond to you. Let me fill you in on something, you were not worth the time. I was enjoying talking to my friend.

You were once someone I thought very highly of and that all went down hill real fast. So I don't give a shit about what you and your "circle" think. While you and your band of mindless twits will continue to come in and start shit- it just proves what small minds you all have.

You have nothing better to do then to come in harass people that want nothing to do with you? Let me guess, you couldn't get the subtle hints to just leave ? It shouldn't have to come down to him having to be mean. But I guess that is the only way people get it sometimes.

I am done with all of this. So go along your merry way - I have nothing else to say to you or to any of the people that have to make new accts to send messages to me about this. Or anyone else for that matter. It is done it has been done and well are you really going to continue to beat a dead horse ?

But I am sure everything that has ever gone in your ears will now come out your mouth. Regardless I just don't give a shit anymore.

The End



13:39 Aug 27 2011

-applauds- WOOOOOOO!

16:23 Aug 27 2011

Well Said Dear :)

17:55 Aug 27 2011

Calm Sissy , take deep cleaning Calming Breathes , the stress is not worth it.

18:44 Aug 27 2011

Huh? I hope you are well dear...seems I'm missing a few things lol

21:23 Aug 27 2011

epic. and i was drinking my soda...i really believe you are trying to secretly kill me

21:48 Aug 27 2011

Glad you finally decided to tell this sis. It needed to be said.

22:31 Aug 27 2011

*hands you the awesome award*

13:15 Aug 29 2011

Some just dont get out of the water do they ..and yes,the sharks ARE hungry! LOL

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