LadyDarkRayne's Journal


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13 entries this month

02:56 Jun 14 2013
Times Read: 713

Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes. Going to get the kids to bed and decide on whether its going to be Oz or Hansel and Gretal. Make a big bowl of popcorn put my leg up and ice it and have a wonderful evening.



17:51 Jun 14 2013

Both are great movies. Enjoy!

18:31 Jun 14 2013

We watched the great and powerful Oz. At first I thought something was wrong with the tv because it was so small and black and white but nope its just how they made it lol.

Got a bunch of things to do today. Have to make the 3 salads for tomorrows party. Have to go and pick up the cakes. I got Tinkerbelle cake lol


04:52 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 733

This week has been heart wrenching to say the least.

A few months ago a young couple with two small children 1 and 2 and one on the way moved in down the street. I always saw them walking with the two kids and they didn't have a stroller so i picked them up one of those umbrella strollers that way the girl who was 7 months pregant didnt have carry the one year old everywhere.

I went and got out all tys old cloths for her new baby and afew other items. I told then the kids were more then welcome to come down and go swimming in Ty's pool. So they started coming down and i always had snack for the kids and her two kids would devoure everything. So I got to talking to her and she said they were struggling. So it got to the oint we were feeding the kids.

Saturday night she went into labor and had the baby at the house. The cord was wrapped around his neck, her bf cut the cord and the baby wasnt breathing. He was ruched by ambulance to the hospital. She was bleeding out pretty bad.

When I got down there, I asked where the kids were. ( I had become very attached to them) she said the little boy Jr was with her uncle and her 1 yr old daughter was sleeping in her crib. I said well what are you doing with her? They were going to take her with them in the ambulance, or so they thought. The emts told them she couldnt go.

I told her I would keep her until her moms could come and get her tomorrow.

I walked into to get her out of the crib, walking past pools of blood, birthing matter, feces rotten food, piles of dirty diapers, bugs..... It was disgusting. I pick her up and the foul smell was enough to make me gag. She grabbed her blankie and is was so filthy, smelling of days and days of urine i imagine.

i asked if they had a bottle for her and her soy forumla. He grabs this nasty old bottle with rotten fomula in it. Tells me here is some formula, just add milk to it, to make it go farther.

Ok, the baby is lactose intolerate as per why she is on soy formula. Why she is still drinking formula, I have no idea. But you can't mix soy fomula with cow milk, it will make her sick, and she had been throwing up and having loose bowel movements for days now, the mother told me it was because of the heat.

I walk back down to my house, told the oldman to start a bath and get ready to do a load of laundry. I strip the baby down throw her nasty dirty puke and pee soaked cloths in washer and give her a long bath. Washed her hair and got her in some clean cloths.

Her and Tyare just a few months apart in age. She weighs about 18-20 pounds and she is tiny. So i was able to find some of Ty's small cloths to fit her. Got her blankets washed and got her all set up in Tys playpen. She slept peacefully all night.

The next day, the mother calls. Not asking how her daughter is, just wanting to know where the bf was, as he had left her there. she wanted me to walk down to the house to see if he was there because he wasnt answering his phone. She crying she sounds depressed. I asked her how the baby was doing, she replies with good I guess, I haven't seen him yet. Again she asks me to go fnd her bf.

I go down to the house, it ws pretty humid all night, so when i walked back up onto the porch the smell was enough to make anyones stomache turn. He is in there tearing things apart. I asked what he was looking for. He said she hide my shit that stupid bitch she knows better. I'm like what are you talking about, she is in the hospital still. He was bugging out.

I tell him that his gf is wanting him to call her. He opens the door to the apartment and after being closed up with no air on,and with how hot it was already, all of the blood and everything from when she gave birth in there living room was still there. the emts had cleaned up a bit of it but it was still every where.

I told him best thing you could do is drag the matress out to the porch atleast and clean it up before taking it down to the dumpster. He drags it out stands it up against the railing on the deck, blood side facing the railing and slides it over the top down to the ground, as they are on the 2nd floor. Blood and chunks are runing down the deck and dripping down on the neighbors porch. It was so disgusting I turned around and walk back home.

Three hours later 5 city police cars show up, we are out sitting on our patio with some friends. I'm like ok now what. The emts had called in to report how filthy it was and they knew I had the little girl and they wanted to check her out. She had marks on her ribs and when you touched her back she would pull away. She had a horrible rask from sitting in dirty diapers for hours on end. They take pictures and call in their report.

Around 7pm a State worker shows up to follow up on the reports made. As she is looking over the little girl she asks me where the older child was, and I told her an uncle had come and got him before she had the baby the night before.

She calls into toher supervisor and the uncle shows up to take the little girl. She tells him he is not going anywhere with her until she said so. He gets pissy with her saying he is the uncle. she tells him she is going to follow him back to his house to see the two year old. He says fine and they leave.

Monday afternoon, I get a call from the worker handling the case. She wanted to know how I ended up with the little girl and wanted to know how and what we knew about them.

I explained about how i bought her the stroller and gave her the baby cloths and forumla and food and that I told her her kids could come fdown and play in the yard with Ty, because they didn't have ayard and the kids were always strapped in a stroller. I told her about the consditione of the house and how filthy the baby was.

Its now been 2 fulls days of heat and thier apartment being closed up and all the blod dripping down. No one had come back and cleaned any of that up. The neighbors below them are nw seeing maggots of the bloody matter he threw off the porch. Its just disguting.

The sheriffs wouldn't even go all the way up their stairs when they went there after talking with everyone.

The mother had called a few times and I missed her call so I called the hospital and gave the name she had told me. They say there is no one there by that name. I explain she had been brought in after having the baby at home. They say thy have two mothers with her first name but the last namewasnt either of theirs. HUGE RED FLAG. So I wait for her to call back.

She calls back and i tell her i tried to call her back but they toldmethere was none there by her name. SHe tells me well my last name is ##$%%$ and I don't want anyone to know that.

I'm just like ok. Again I ask how is the baby, she reflies fine I guess have you seen the boyfriend he took off again. I ask her when she is going to get released to come home and she tells me tuesday afternoon. She didnt have a car seat for the new baby.

The state worker calls gain monday and asks if anything else neded to be added as she was going to see the conditions of the house and if i knew if the kids had beds. i told her there were only 2 beds. the babys crib and the matress she had the baby on. the little boy didn't have a bed and he slept in there bed. or the stroller. (they were always in the stroller). She said she was going there in the morning. She wanted to kow if i had known where they lived before here.

i told her that the mother had told me they had been homles for a while and moved from place to place.and that the they had just came here from Knoxville and didn't have anything when they moved in. People in the neighborhood had given them various things, a couch a tv pots and pans. I told her that they hadn't pid the rent because they put a deposit on a place in NC and where going to move this coming weekend. but they needed to pay the new landlord the remaing balance. the bf is on ssi and panhandles and thet was the reason they were moving to NC, because he can panhandle there without being harrased by the police.

yesterday morning a team of state workers went to their house before she was relased from the hospital with the new baby. they didn't even make it up the stairs and came back down and got masks. They were not there long.

they get home two hours later, none of us saw the 3 kids. we didn't think they were there. thought maybe they wouldn't let the baby come home with her.an hour later, 2 state vans show up and two city police cars show up. they go up and remove all 3 kids.

It was heart wrenching. The parents didn't shed a tear. I was so upset, as these kids had been eating down at our house for weeks. Just so i knew they were being fed. I wasn't upset that they had removed them. i was upset at how they could let their children live in that filith and not feed them.

We found out later that night that she had 3 more kids and the state took them as well. they had multiple open child abuse reports in other states. She would lose her kid get pregnant again lose that one and just continue doing this.

I can rest easy knowing that those 3 babys going to be fed, loved and provided for.

I think people like that should lose their right to reproduce. If you read all of this, I thank you. I just had to get all of that off my chest. No child deserves to have live on the streets, wondering whether they were going to eat. I hope that they are placed in a stable home with parents who will love them and spoil them.



05:15 Jun 13 2013

We had two such families on our block. Both houses were condemned.

07:43 Jun 13 2013

This is heart wrenching to read. It's good that there are people like you to step in and make a difference even if only for a short time.

19:17 Jun 13 2013

My Lord. I do't know how you could live with all this, sugar. You are truly blessed as a human being. I hope those kids go to good homes, and I wish to God the state would sterilize her.



00:00 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 738



17:09 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 751

Update on Baby Patrick.

I spoke with Alissa this morning. Baby Patrick is doing just great today. He is breathing on his own. His official birth information was Born June 8th at 11:19 pm weighing in at 8 pounds. They are keeping both baby and mom for 2 days.



17:21 Jun 09 2013

sweeet !


05:34 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 760

what an interesting night it has been. Walked to the store to get a few things and on the way back there was a ton of sirens. the girl down the road had her baby at the house and the cord was wrapped around his throat and he was not breathing, her boyfriend had to cut the cord off. the emts got there right after she delivered and they took the baby to the hospital first. she has two other small children, her uncle came and got the little boy who is 2 but didn't take her 1 year old daughter.

so i went and got her daughter so she didn't have to worry about what to do with her. Doing a load of laundry and washing everything she is in and ill give her bath. Poor thing is down right filthy. Got her something to eat and put her down in Ty playpen to sleep.

I don't know the status of the baby as of yet, I know she named him Patrick.




17:11 Jun 07 2013
Times Read: 769

Rented a few movies last night. We saw, Killing Them Softyly, Gangster Squad and This is 40.

This is 40 was so funny. With my 40th right around the corner I thought that would be a good choice.

Killing Them Softly was with Brad Pitt and a slew of other people typical in Mob movies. Half the cast from Sopranos was in it. It was pretty good.

Gangster Squad was pretty good Sean Penn playing yet another bad guy, he plays those roles pretty well.

If the weather holds out I am thinking of taking the kids down to the Blue Plum Festival this weekend. Great Music lots of great food and it is always a ton of fun.




Happy Birthday

23:12 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 775

A million stars up in the sky

one shines brighter I can't deny

A love so precious a love so true

a love that comes from me to you

The angels sing when you are near

within your arms I have nothing to fear

You always know just what to say

just talking to you makes my day

I love you honey with all of my heart

together forever and never to part.

I hope you enjoy your day !

♥We love you♥




02:51 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 785

In revenge as in life every action has an equal and opposite reaction... In the end the guilty always fall. •Emily Thorne•




02:10 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 793

– Trust is a difficult thing, whether it’s finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting your heart is the the riskiest thing of all. In the end, the only person we can truly trust is ourselves. ♦Emily Thorne♦




06:33 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 804

Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn't really our choices that distinguish who we are but our commitment to them. •Emily Thorne•




03:16 Jun 02 2013
Times Read: 820

Tragedy and scandal it seems have a unique way of clarifying peoples priorities. -•Emily Thorne•-



03:25 Jun 02 2013




03:15 Jun 02 2013
Times Read: 827



07:20 Jun 01 2013
Times Read: 851

"Justice like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim, others see evil incarnate getting exactly what's deserved." - Emily Thorne



13:29 Jun 01 2013

That's a deep Quote

02:53 Jun 02 2013

I thought the exact same thing when I heard it.

00:05 Jun 03 2013

Applies to several I can think of around here...

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