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06:28 Sep 28 2010
Times Read: 869

So I have been thinking about what I wanted go as this Halloween. I have toyed with a few idea's. Some of which have been, a gypsy, masquarade belle with a full dress and a ventian cat mask and a cat. But I have since decided I think I will go as Red Riding Hood...

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

I mean I already have a mean ole man, so he can go as The Big bad Wolf.



11:11 Sep 28 2010


Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

17:36 Sep 28 2010

lol cute , but don't forget the heels


07:32 Sep 05 2010
Times Read: 903

Had a great day although its was cold ....50 something degress out today and raining on and off here in NY and we went to Niagara Falls and saw the falls and got wet from the mist... paid 10 bucks to freaking park it was crazy then went to the olemans moms house and heard all the stories about how he became the mean ole man and pictures to boot....Had a great time with his mom shes great ! AND NOW IN 24 HOURS i get to head home... I sure have missed my mean oleman




22:04 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 922

Three and a half more days and I get to head back home, do I want to take the time to reflect on the last few weeks ???.... Sort of , but what will that get me. Just aggrivated. The only two things that I will have enjoyed on this trip is spending all the time I have with Alex and then going to spend some time with the ole mans mom. Beyond that it just reminds me of why I have moved as far away from my family as I have several times over the last 18 years. I came back because my grandparents were dying I stayed because I thought maybe things might have changed. But in the 6 years that I had been back here it was the same as it always was and I see know that that will never change.

Before Gram and my Mom passed away they both told me that thy knew I didn't want to be here anymore and to follow my heart, and go where I am happy and be with people that treat me well and are kind and loving.

We don't get to chose the family that we are brought into but we can certainly make our own and that is how it has been for me for a very long time.

There are several women who have been like a mother to me, my Gram, Jules, Renee. My grandfather was the only real father figure that I had, and perhaps that is why I married someone so much older then me when I was just 20.

And then there are the multitudes of friends who I will always consider siblings, because my own two are simply worthless.

My best friend Tam, we have been through thick and thin together. No matter were in life we are we always end up near one another. She will be moving down to TN later this year.

My brothers from another as we so joking call them, Tony and Jarad and Dave and Matty, Mikey. I don't know what I would have done with out them.

And the many people on this site that I have become very close with over the nearly 4 years.

These would be th ones that I talk to , the ones that call when I havent been around to let me know they are concerned. Yes there are many that are good friends, but just a select few that I consider family.



00:17 Sep 03 2010



06:22 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 932

I’ve just been thinking about you, and reminding myself of some of the reasons why I love you:

You are kind and will go out of your way to help some one or just do a random act of kindness, just because you can. Our lives are interwoven together and I can not even fathom what life would be with out you in it. The time it took to get us to the point that we are actually together was worth thr wait. When we are are away from each other --- I miss you so much. You’re smart, sensitive, full of integrity. You bring the best out in me, and remind me that I am loved even when I don't feel like I am. Perhaps now I should share with you how much I am affected when you tell me that you love me! I can think of nothing else that means more to me than your love; your love has captivated my mind and heart, and in this respect you have made me your prisoner! I want to pledge to you my sincere, heart-felt affection and deepest devotion. But you know you have always had that right from the start.

These last few weeks have seemed to last forever and I just want to get back home. It took me coming here to realize that the family I have is with you and Alex and that is all that matters to me. I Love You.




16:21 Sep 01 2010
Times Read: 955

It is always nice to see when Karma comes back to bite someone in the ass. Especially when they then call you and want your help. Sometimes bridges have been burnt so badly that they can not be rebuilt and people need to learn that the reap what they sow.

New York passed a new Law in Dec 2009 called Leandra's Law.

On November 18, 2009, New York State Governor David A. Paterson signed into law the Child Passenger Protection Act, now known as Leandra's Law. It went into effect in December 2009. The legislation made it a felony for anyone to drive while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs when children are in the vehicle. Before this bill was passed, it was considered a misdemeanor and could merely be treated as a traffic violation.

Before Leandra's Law was available to the prosecution, prosecutors often charged individuals who drove drunk with children in their car with misdemeanor DWI along with misdemeanor Endangering the Welfare of a Child and either felony or misdemeanor Reckless Endangerment if applicable. Endangering the Welfare of a Child as well as misdemeanor Reckless Endangerment is punishable by up to one year in jail while felony Reckless Endangerment is punishable by up to 2 and 1/3 to 7 years in prison. It is important to note that these crimes can still be charged along with the other charges.

Its very sad that two parents were so drunk that they didn't see it as a problem to place their 3 children in the car aftera night of drinking and then attempt to drive home.

I'm sorry but it is people like that that don't deserve to have their children.



17:35 Sep 01 2010

nope they dont.

18:48 Sep 01 2010

I agree

19:27 Sep 01 2010


05:45 Sep 02 2010

Bah, we need to steralize stupid people.

00:03 Sep 03 2010

I am a great believer in karma. It works!

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