LawMarshal's Journal

LawMarshal's Journal


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3 entries this month


The Sigh

01:50 Mar 30 2020
Times Read: 324

The quiet Nile, sighing with age, passed down towards the sea; there loomed the menacing Pyramids across the twi- light; beneath them, in monstrous dignity, crouched that Shadow from whose eyes of battered stone pro- ceeds the nameless thing that contracts the heart, then opens it again to terror; and everywhere, from towering monoliths as from secret tombs, rose that strange, long whisper which, defying time and dis- tance, laughs at death.




Ok, some of you read the first part. How about the complete Part One of The Red Book?

14:57 Mar 16 2020
Times Read: 358


“Disclosure is the first step into madness” anonymous

“I said, no!” Ralph yelled while at the door of his Nana’s home.

“But, you know all about this book. I have no one else to ask,” Elsie deferred while stomping her right foot down for emphasis.

“You cannot fathom what you are asking,” Ralph added with a press of his finger against Elsie’s lips.

“I sleep with this damned book underneath my pillow every night. And it’s been that way for twenty years! I need answers about why I have to continue doing it. I’m not five years old anymore! What is this book about? Evil? Good? Spells? Rituals?"

Ralph ingnored her and paused, knocked three short times, paused again and knocked once very hard. He closed his eyes. Elsie could see his lips move but could not decipher what he said.

A split second later, the door opened and an avalanche of welcomes and good natured expressions of love poured over the both of them. Soon after, an evening long dinner lasted into the early hours past midnight.

Elsie controlled her irritated demeanor throughout the evening with the book tucked deep into her large handbag.

In-between spoonfuls of vegetable stew, her thoughts prompted a strategy to break her husband down and get answers.

The only other source of information was her Nana, who would never talk of it on her special birthday.

The problem was what Elsie had to bear every night, watching her sleep. That face. it hovered over her bed nightly and her eyes were the only ones privy to the experience. And up to last night, it remained harmelss.Her fingertips felt her right cheek and how her make-up was wearing thin.

She excused herself from the table to powder her face and cover up the injury to her cheek. It was a mild cut, but it hadn't closed up completely. Plus, the wound stung and screamed at her with every mouthful of stew.

After tidying up her face, her hands pressed on either side of the sink, her head hung low and she tried not to cry.

Behind her, a quiet density of dark energy developed and hovered over her, waiting for its moment.



"Elsie!"Ralph yelled at the bottom of the spiraling stairwell.

"Coming," she replied half-heartedly.

"We're leaving in 5 minutes," Ralph added, ignoring her response.

Ralph and Nana hugged and exchanged a dozen variations of goodbye before Elsie revealed her presence.

"My dear girl, you're peaked and white. You alright?" Nana asked with her bushy eyebrows furrowing into a straight line across the southern border of her forehead.

Elsie nodded meekly and donned her long pink cashmere overcoat, keeping her head low and away from any further examination.

Elsie and Ralph exited and entered their 2019 Subaru and drove off.

No words broke the interior air as the pavement skirted underneath their all weather tires. Elsie leaned her head against the car window and invited light sleep during the twenty minute drive home.

Within an unknown amount of time, cold air aroused her awake and she found herself in her bed, tucked in, and with a warm cup of something on her side table. She reached over to the other side of the bed and found nothing. Her slow exhale renewed a deep sleep.

Inside her dreams, Ralph's yelling persisted inside varying degrees of growling, spitting and violent yammerings, challenging the peace of her slumber.

Her eyes fluttered open and she rolled onto her back.

There it was again.

That face.

This time she could feel its breath upon her face.

She froze and said nothing ~ for hours.





My First Post

21:14 Mar 15 2020
Times Read: 384

Hmm, what to say?

Well, how about this...


“Disclosure is the first step into madness” anonymous

“I said, no!” Ralph yelled while at the door of his Nana’s home.

“But, you know all about this book. I have no one else to ask,” Elsie deferred while stomping her right foot down for emphasis.

“You cannot fathom what you are asking,” Ralph added with a press of his finger against Elsie’s lips.

“I sleep with this damned book underneath my pillow every night. And it’s been that way for twenty years! I need answers about why I have to continue doing it. I’m not five years old anymore!”

Ralph paused, knocked three short times, paused and knocked once very hard. He closed his eyes. Elsie could see his lips move but could not decipher what he said.

A split second later, the door opened and an avalanche of welcomes and good natured expressions of love poured over the both of them. Soon after, an evening long dinner lasted into the early hours past midnight.

Elsie controlled her irritated demeanor throughout the evening with the book tucked deep into her large handbag.

In-between spoonfuls of vegetable stew, her thoughts prompted a strategy to break her husband down and get answers.

The only other source of infomration was her Nana, who would never talk of it on her special birthday.

The problem was what Elsie had to bear every night, watching her sleep. That face. it hovered over her bed nightly and her eyes were the only ones privy to the experience. And up to last night, it remained harmelss.Her fingertips felt her right cheek and how her make-up was wearing thin.

She excused herself from the table to powder her face and cover up the injury to her cheek. It was a mild cut, but it hadn't closed up completely. Plus, the wound stung and screamed at her with every mouthful of stew.

After tidying up her face, her hands pressed on either side of the sink, her head hung low and she tried not to cry.

Behind her, a quiet density of dark energy developed and hovered over her, waiting for its moment.




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