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Here Are Incredible Stories About The Black Eyed Children

04:10 May 22 2021
Times Read: 245

1. The Children Stopped A Journalist And Demanded A Ride:
Journalist Brian Bethel of Abilene, Texas, is credited with being the first person to post an online account of the black-eyed children phenomenon. It all began back in 1996. Bethel was sitting in his car writing out a check he intended to drop off at a nearby Internet provider’s office. He was startled by the sound of knocking on his window and looked up to see two kids.. He couldn’t figure out why, but a jolt of fear ran through him. They were just kids, but something was wrong with them, he just couldn’t figure out what.

He cracked his window just enough to talk with them. The oldest of the two boys asked for a ride to their mother’s house. He claimed they were going to see a movie, forgot their money, and needed a ride so they could make it back for the movie in time.

The movie theater was close enough that Bethel could read the marquee, so he asked the boys what they were going to see. Mortal Kombat was the reply. Brian knew that movie had already started an hour ago. Also, there was just something wrong with the pair: the way they spoke wasn’t natural; they didn’t sound as young as they looked.

2. "Just let us in, and we'll be gone before you know it. We'll go to our mother's house."

Everything the older boy said sent shivers down Bethel's spine, but then he saw it - the pitch black eyes lacking any real substance or soul. Bethel didn’t even try to hide his horror.

"C’mon, mister, we won't hurt you. You have to LET US IN. We don't have a gun."

The more he spoke, the more Bethel was sure he had to get out of there. He threw his car in reverse, the boy still yelling to be let in, and sped off. He gave one quick glance behind him but saw nothing. The black-eyed boys simply vanished before he even made it out of the parking lot.

3. The Children Stalked An Engineer Through His Security Cameras:
An engineer working the night shift for a data center in Ohio had a creepy exchange and posted his tale anonymously as Noetic. It was around 5 am on July 31, 2010. Noetic was taking a smoke break outside when he noticed two teenage boys standing motionlessly and staring at him from across the street. Though he felt somewhat unnerved, he finished his smoke and went back inside.

Ten minutes after heading inside, the intercom buzzed. Noetic checked the monitors and there they were. The two boys had made their way over to his building and were now staring into the surveillance camera like they could see him through it. Through the speaker he asked what they wanted. They said nothing but motioned for him to come outside. He hit the speaker button again and told them to go away. They didn’t leave, but continued to stare into the camera as if they were watching Noetic as he worked. After a short while, Noetic went to the door to chase them off.

Right before opening the door, he saw them through the one-way glass and was horrified to see their eyes were completely black. He knew he had to open up the door and tell them to go away, and he decided he’d call the police if he had to. As if the boy read his mind, the moment the door opened, he said, “That will not be necessary, sir, we simply need to use your phone, can you let us in?”

Noetic was not about to fall for that nonsense. He pulled out his cell phone and threatened to call the police if they didn’t leave. He made sure the door was locked and went back to the monitor. Only one boy was still there staring at the camera. Then he realized the second boy positioned himself out back and was staring into the camera there.

By 6 am, both boys had moved into a blind spot with no camera coverage. Noetic waited for them to reappear, but they simply vanished. The police arrived not long after, but both boys were gone.

4. A Couple Let The Children Into Their Home And Suffered From Terrible Illnesses Afterward:
In January 2016, a Vermont woman reported that she actually let black-eyed children into her home. A little over a year prior, a blizzard was ravaging the world outside her door, so she was very surprised to hear a loud knock on it. Figuring someone probably crashed their car trying to navigate the weather, she made her way to the door and peeked out the window. There was no car. She described a feeling of dread wash over her for reasons she couldn’t understand. The banging continued, so she decided to wake her husband to let him answer instead.

Two small children were on the other side of the door, and they were not dressed appropriately for the storm. The woman and her husband let the little boy and girl inside despite the great sense of unease their presence made them feel and regretted it almost instantly. One cat hissed while the other three hid - unusual behavior for them all. And it didn’t seem to matter what the woman asked them: What happened? Are you lost? Want some cocoa? The answer was always the same: “Our parents will be here soon.”

She made them cocoa anyway and when she returned with the mugs, that’s when she noticed their eyes. They were completely jet black, with no whites at all, just giant black pupils. They asked for the bathroom and she directed them to it. Then everything happened all at once: her husband’s nose started bleeding, the power went out, and as she rushed to get a tissue, she was confronted by both children staring at her from the hall.

"Our parents are here.”

They then walked out the front door. She watched as the creepy children got into a black car with two very tall men in suits. They left. Within months of the encounter, three of their four cats went missing; the fourth - the one that hissed - was found in a pool of blood, dead from a hemorrhage. Her husband's nose bleeds continued and he was eventually diagnosed with skin cancer - despite spending little time outdoors. The woman began suffering from chronic nosebleeds as her husband initially had, and her health began slowly deteriorating. She is certain it's because of the black-eyed children.



21:22 Jul 07 2021

Yeah, definitely not the first I've heard of or "bumped" into this one. I've also had dealings with the "phenomenon", myself. Though I won't say exactly what happened, I will say that it was what most would call "disturbing".


Here Are True Stories About Shadow People...Could They Be Visiting You?

03:55 May 22 2021
Times Read: 246

1. No Eyes
I was about 10 or 11 when I went to this house. It was daytime and the building was well lit. I looked into a few rooms and nothing out of the ordinary until I turned into a hallway and there it was, suddenly at the other end of the hall, just looking at me, even though it had no eyes. The shadow person and I looked at each other for some time, and I didn’t think it was real until it started walking towards me slowly. I turned around and he had traveled about 7 meters in a split second. I finally made it out of the house and I looked again. It had stopped at the door, almost like he was unable to leave the house, then he just simply turned away and walked back to where it was.

– Courtney

2. A Presence in the House
A few months before my mother died, she and my sister were discussing strange happenings at our old home. My mother stated that she had seen a dark shape originate from the closet in her bedroom several times, and she proceeded to describe this being as appearing to be wearing a dark cowl covering the upper torso.

My sister was amazed by my mother’s description of the shape that she had remembered as standing over her crib and poking her with a bony finger. They called me and asked if I had had any sightings in the house and I told them of the shadowy being that constantly stood at the foot of my bed, leaving me with a fear of the night so strong that I would not go to sleep without my covers wrapped around my head forming a blindfold for my eyes. But I can still remember sensing this thing and knowing if I looked out from under my makeshift blindfold that I would see it standing there.

My brother also told us of the little man that would come out of the closet just about every night and stay in his room. His shadow figure was more viewable even allowing my brother to describe that strange tam-like hat the being wore.

All of us will admit to the fact that going up to our rooms, a sense of anxiety would start at the base of your feet as you started up the steps, easing somewhat after you got to your room and checked out for the dark ones. But, none of us would come down those steps alone and turn our backs to the landing. We would back down those steps, believe it or not. It still makes my skin crawl when I talk about it.

– Katbowl

3. Shadow Child
It was probably ten years ago back in 1999 don’t recall the month, when I was living in a rental mobile home in Pleasanton south of San Antonio, TX. My ex-girlfriend and I experienced a shadow person in the form of a child. It was early in the morning around 3:30 to 4:15 when my ex and I were in the living room sleeping on the floor. When all of a sudden I just woke up; I opened my eyes and in front of me was a shadow that looked like a little boy, it was just a dark black that you can’t describe. It had no physical appearance of clothing but just pure blackness. It was facing me for just a few seconds when it took off running to my right or down the hallway. The hallway light was on at the time and I could see the shadow very clearly. When it ran off all I could hear were the footsteps being created as it ran down the hallway. The noise sounded like feet running across a wood floor, but the weird thing was that it was carpet with a vinyl plastic cover so we wouldn’t get the carpet dirty.

At that time, I was so scared that when I saw it I didn’t move. Another weird thing about the experience was that my ex-had woken up at the same time. When It ran off, all I heard was “Did you see that?” I knew I wasn’t the only one that had seen it and that it wasn’t just my imagination. After that, we both stayed awake the rest of the morning, just trying to understand what had just happened. My ex would always tell me she would hear a scratching noise coming from outside but I didn’t believe her. But this had gotten my attention. After this, I never experienced another encounter with the shadow. A couple of months later we moved out.

– Francisco

4. Sacred Blood Cemetery
A few years ago I went on a night time walk with a good friend through a cemetery. It’s name was sacred blood cemetery, as if it wasn’t creepy enough already. After a while we just felt creeped out but didn’t see anything so we decided to head out. We turned around and about 30 ft away there appeared to be a dark outline of something peering at us from behind a tree. Something felt sinister, my heart started pounding and the air seemed really thin. I tried to dismiss it at first as being part of the tree, but as we walked around the tree, it seemed to move with us to remain hidden behind the tree. It could have been nothing but we ran like hell thinking about the horror stories that seem to revolve around shadow people. Absolutely terrifying.

5. The real reason we moved
I was around 4 – 5 years old. I have a great memory, it’s kind of creepy to some because I have a photographic memory. Anyways, the house I lived in, my brothers and I swore to be haunted. The basement was the worst.

Picture this, you walk down a set of stairs, you look to your right, it’s a rumpus room. Ahead of you is a doorway to the laundry room, and the left of you is a hallway, at the end of that hallway is two rooms on your left and right. My older brother stayed in the room on the left, and his friends would NOT sleep over because of a shadowy figure in his closet always staring at them, or so my brother claims.

The room on the right, is where my uncle stayed in… Now this where it gets fucked up. My older brother was babysitting my twin brother and I, and we all played hide and seek, my twin and I went hiding, while my older brother seeked. I ran into my uncles room on the right, and into his closet. I sat down on the floor, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. At the time, I thought it was my twin brother, I remember asking “hiding in here too?”, to which there was no reply. Five minutes pass and I felt cold, so I left the closet THINKING my brother was following me. I went upstairs to the living room and both my brothers were sitting on the couch asking where I hid. They couldn’t believe where I told them because they think that the basement in general is creepy.

Fast forward a few nights, and my older brother was babysitting again, only my twin brother went grocery shopping with my mother and uncle at around 7 pm. We were rough housing and wrestling in his room, and we acted like we wrestled “outside of the ring” and into my uncles room which we considered a backstage. Mid-wrestle, the closet door swung open on it’s own like a blast of wind… My brother and I stopped wrestling, and stared in awe. A tall, dark, shadow man walks out of the closet and my brother books it out of the room leaving me behind. The shadow figure walks towards me, and stops in front of me. I proceed to run out of the room and down the hallway, up the stairs and by then, my uncle, mother and twin brother got home as I started crying on the stairs.

Rent went higher, we moved and that was that, or so I was told from my mother.

A few years ago, I get around to asking my uncle if his room was creepy in that house. He told me that yes, his closet would open on it’s own in the middle of the night. He told me that a shadow man would sometimes walk out of his closet and would sometimes stand at the foot of his bed. He also told me that this shadow figure wasn’t evil, and that he had a comforting presence, so he didn’t complain much. The shadow figure only came around once every few weeks. My uncle then told me the house’s grim history and the real reason we moved… My uncles closet, had a cubby hole which lead to underneath the house, and conjoined my brother and uncles closets together which made one long closet. A man was murdered in that house in the 70’s and his body was found in that cubby hole. My mother found out, freaked out and moved us, blamed it on “higher rent”. My uncle knew but vowed never to tell us.




True Love Stories To Spice Up The Mood :).

04:15 May 21 2021
Times Read: 264

He Rode Her Around San Francisco On His Bike:

Riding on the handlebars of an old bicycle, while my boyfriend rode me around San Francisco really late at night bar hopping. Full moon, gorgeous night, seeing all the little things of street life you miss if you're in a car. It was quiet and surreal and just fully luscious.
By anothergreenroom

Bob Harvey and Annette Adkins
Bob Harvey first met Annette Adkins during study hall in 1955—and was immediately smitten. "I couldn’t take my eyes off her," Harvey told the New York Times. "She had auburn hair and a stunningly beautiful face and her eyes were just, wow." The two teens ended up going to prom together, but as many young relationships go, they lost touch after high school and married other people. Harvey never forgot about Adkins, though. In 2017, after his wife died, he searched for Adkins on Google and discovered she had also become widowed. He sent her a card with his phone number and after chatting for a bit, Harvey drove 500 miles to visit her, stopping only for gas and a bouquet of carnations. "I handed her the flowers, and then I cupped her face in my hand and said, 'Whether you like it or not, I’m going to kiss you,'" he recalled. In October, the high school sweethearts married at a '50s-style diner and danced to Johnny Mathis—just like they did at prom 63 years earlier.




True Horror Stories:

04:30 May 15 2021
Times Read: 290

1. 'This new old house' by BatoutofHell821:
We bought an old house, my boyfriend and I. He's in charge of the "new" construction – converting the kitchen in to the master bedroom for instance, while I'm on wallpaper removal duty. The previous owner papered EVERY wall and CEILING! Removing it is brutal, but oddly satisfying. The best feeling is getting a long peel, similar to your skin when you're peeling from a sunburn. I don't know about you but I kinda make a game of peeling, on the hunt for the longest piece before it rips.Under a corner section of paper in every room is a person’s name and a date. Curiosity got the best of me one night when I Googled one of the names and discovered the person was actually a missing person, the missing date matching the date under the wallpaper! The next day, I made a list of all the names and dates. Sure enough each name was for a missing person with dates to match. We notified the police who naturally sent out the crime scene team. I overhead one tech say "yup, it's human." Human? What's human? "Ma'am, where is the material you removed from the walls already? This isn't wallpaper you were removing."

2. Florida Dad Robbed, Killed After Meeting Woman on Plenty of Fish Dating Site:
A single Florida dad was fatally shot after a woman he met on a dating website set him up to be robbed.

After connecting on PlentyOfFish, Adam Hilarie took Hailey Bustos bowling in Winter Haven, Florida, on Thursday, August 18. A few hours later, the two went back to his apartment. Later that night she texted him: “I had a good time and would like to see you again.” Investigators believe she was casing his home.
The following evening, Bustos, 18, returned to Hilarie’s Auburndale residence — but this time with three men. Bustos, Andre Warner, Gary Gray and Joshua Ellington knocked on Hilarie’s door, and when he opened it, they then forced their way in at gunpoint, the Associated Press reported. According to the arrest report, obtained by the AP, Bustos told authorities that “Hilarie was begging for his life, he was not putting up any kind of fight and was telling them that he had a 5-year-old daughter.”

During the robbery, Hilarie, 27, was shot in the head with a .38-caliber gun, per the AP. While Hilarie bled to death on the kitchen floor, the group then made off with an Xbox console, video games, three flat-screen TVs, an iPhone, a wallet and other items, according to police documents.

Authorities told The Washington Post that Bustos was paid $50 in cash for her role in the robbery.

Hilarie, who was a laborer and aspiring boxer, left behind his daughter, LaJaya.
“You couldn’t find a better dad,” Hilarie’s close friend Jennifer Meyer tells Us Weekly. “Adam’s life began and ended with his baby girl. Everything he did revolved around his daughter, that little princess was the light of his life.”
Bustos, Warner, 26, Gray, 31, and Ellington, 31, were arrested and charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and conspiracy to commit murder.

3. Plenty of Fish dating site rapist jailed:
A man who raped a mother in her own home after contacting her on dating website Plenty of Fish has been jailed for 12 years.

Dave Wilby, 35, went to the address in Swaffham, Norfolk, after she had refused to meet him for a drink.

He pushed his way inside and attacked the woman while her children were upstairs, hours after first exchanging messages online.

Wilby, of Montagu Close, Swaffham, had denied rape but was found guilty.

He had described himself as a "nice, honest, decent guy" on his profile, police said.

The two had been chatting on the site during the afternoon of 28 December when Wilby suggested they meet for a drink.

The victim refused, but Wilby continued to message and, at around 19:00 GMT in the evening, he knocked at the front door and said "It's me from Plenty of Fish."

She asked him to leave on a number of occasions but he eventually raped her in the lounge.

He left the house after being disturbed by one of the victim's children who had been upstairs.

4. 'Horrendous attack'
Wilby was arrested the following day and was found guilty at Norwich Crown Court in July following a five-day trial.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and placed on the sex offenders register for life.

Det Con Amy Beck from Norfolk Police said: "This was a horrendous attack on a woman who was in the safety of her own home.

"It has had a profound impact on the victim who had no intention of meeting with Wilby that evening.

"What makes this case even more shocking is the fact Wilby committed the offence knowing the victim's children were upstairs

"Such a stranger attack is extremely rare in Norfolk and we would like to commend the victim for the bravery she has shown throughout this investigation."



05:56 May 15 2021

good read


More Online Dating Stories...

04:12 May 15 2021
Times Read: 292

1. I went on an [OKCupid] date and had a lovely time. We were in a rush so I got up to take my card to the front to pay for my bill. As I'm paying she walks past me not saying a word and leaves the restaurant. Puzzled I head back to my table to notice I left my wallet on the table and all my credit cards and cash were taken. I asked the table next to me and they confirmed she went through it. I cancelled the cards. The police did nothing and I stopped dating for almost a year.

2. We talk for 5 minutes, she apologizes for being late and we go eat. So issue 1: she orders a LOT of expensive food. I don't think anything of paying, even when I'm with friends but I immediately took her up on her offer to go Dutch. Issue 2: We really quickly got on the topic of sex, which I thought was odd, and I said that I like to think that I'm open to anything, but some stuff I consider weird like furries, and I couldn't even try because I'd be laughing too hard. She then tells me that the way she has been making her living for the past several years is she goes to anime and furry conventions and draws pictures of patrons as animals with their junk out. So yeah.

Issue everything: Things spiral from here, and she tells me all these things unprovoked. I'm glad she was honest about them though. So she had been with this guy for the past 2 years. A YEAR before they broke up, she found out that he was having sex with his dog. So yeah. She stayed with him for a YEAR after finding out he was banging the dog. She did not emphasize this point, my BRAIN did, and it would not let it go. So his dog was not a lady dog, it was a boy dog. He was having homosexual dog sex. The part where it crossed the line for her and she decided to leave the relationship was because she found out that her boyfriend was the bottom. Apparently getting fucked BY the dog is her line, much like wearing animal costumes and making zebra noises is mine.

So it's an hour later and I'm still like this. And I'm ready to go home. She says she's had a good time, would like to see me again, and goes in for the hug. Not wanting to be rude, I hugged her back, and because she was wearing a strapless shirt (not attractive, btw) the insides of my arms touched her bare shoulders. I got home and changed my email address and POF account, went to bed. The next evening the insides of my arms were RIDDLED with ringworm. Ringworm, by the way, commonly transferred from dogs and cats. Which I now suspect she was screwing.

3. I may have dated a real-life vampire.
First date, things going reasonably well, in each other’s pants within the first hour. Later on I take her to a restaurant for dinner, she wants pizza so we split a pizza. A few bites into the pizza she starts crying, not loudly sobbing or anything but I can see her wiping tears away so I ask what’s wrong. She tells me there is garlic on the pizza and she has a “thing” with garlic and she would tell me about it if she got to know me better. Things were pretty awkward after that and didn’t end well, she ended up leaving my apartment crying.

Date was a real life vampire or some XXXX.

4. He wore a bad Hawaiian shirt and had Morgellons disease.
Guy desperate to date me, hits me up all the time on OKC. Our match was 90-something%, my age, but had potato quality pictures. I reluctantly agree to an innocent coffee date.

He shows up in a really bad Hawaiian shirt, sandals with socks, is a 3/10 at most. 15 minutes into the conversation he starts talking about how he’s positive he has Morgellons.

I ran home.




Part 2 On True Online Dating Horror Stories!

03:27 May 07 2021
Times Read: 342

1. Left for Dead: Woman’s Attack Exposes Real Risks of Online Dating:

Mary Kay Beckman, 50, was just looking for love but she brought home more than she’d bargained for. After just a few dates with Wade Ridley, she was smitten, yet she had no idea that his intention was to smite her. Ridley had no prior criminal record. There was nothing particularly suspicious about him and yet what began as an eight-day whirlwind romance has become a $10 million lawsuit that Beckman is waging against Match.com.

On Jan. 21st, 2012, after she realized that it was not a match with Ridley and had called it quits on their short-lived fling, Beckman allegedly came home to find Ridley in her garage harboring a knife and the intent to kill. Beckman narrowly escaped the attack with multiple stab wounds and brain trauma due to several kicks to the head. Ridley’s next ex-girlfriend was not so lucky. One month later, he allegedly broke into the apartment of Anne Simenson, 62, and murdered her much in the same manner he had attempted with Beckman.

Even after these horrific experiences, however, I maintain that online dating is not inherently more dangerous than meeting someone in a bar or through another anonymous avenue. Beckman deems Match.com to be culpable for her misfortune because the online dating giant does not advertise the risks of online dating and, “lulls women into a false sense of security.” Her lawyer said, “Match does nothing to ensure the safety of its people, but you pay $30, you think you’re getting some type of protection.”

No one should have to go through the terror that Beckman experienced, and yet I take tremendous issue with her lawyer’s statement. The correlation between paying for access to potential dates and security is an unrealistic expectation. If she paid $30 for drinks at a bar and went home with a murderer would the establishment also be responsible for her fate? If she bumped into a handsome stranger in a museum should the cost of admission give her an indication about the quality of the people there?

We are well aware that all you need is an email address to open an account on most online dating sites. How many of us have second, third, and even phantom free email accounts at our disposal? So where’s the security in that?

Not only did I meet my husband online, but I’ve also helped numerous singles become part of a couple online. There is risk in online dating but there is also risk in crossing the street, driving your car, and even in staying indoors with the windows shut (what if there is an earthquake or hurricane?) You are responsible for your own security online and in life. If you have any apprehension about online dating after hearing Beckman’s story, I offer you these basic tips that may help protect yourself from a similar fate:

1. Trust your gut. If something tells you that this guy or girl is not right, don’t second guess it. Our animal instincts prevail in dating, so if your antennae go up when you’re with someone, beware. Men are more likely to assume that they are safe but keep in mind that sociopathic behavior knows no gender.

2. Always meet them there. Until you get to know and trust someone you meet online, it’s always a good idea to meet your date in a public place. Do not let them pick you up or know the exact location of your home. There was one man that I met online before my husband who I never became comfortable with. Even after a month of seeing him, as handsome as he was, every time he asked me to come to his place, my gut said no. I never found out if he had nefarious intentions before calling it quits, but I am glad that I erred on the side of caution.

3. Phone a friend. Make sure at least one person knows the name and phone number of the person you’re meeting and where you’ll be with them. Say you’ll text them when you get home. If you do not do so or if they can’t make contact with you, instruct them that the next call should be to the date location and then the police. The chances of something happening are remote but I recommend having a backup plan just in case.

4. Do Your Research. Always Google and Facebook check your date before going out. You’re looking for any inconsistencies between what they said in their profile and what your search turns up. If they have no online identity at all, that can also be a red flag that something is amiss. Michael Fertik of Reputation.com recommends that, before meeting, you talk to your date on the phone and test them a little them on what they claim to be an expert in, “Ask yourself if the person online looks and feels like the one you’re talking to,” Fertik says.

Online dating can be a terrific tool for expanding your social circle and dating options. You should always keep your guard up in dating, regardless of the avenue through which you’re meeting dates. Beckman’s story makes headlines because it is so unusual, the worst that most online daters encounter is stale conversation or a date that is 10 lbs. heavier than expected. If you remain cautious and alert you can improve your chances of letting the right one in.

2. Ok, so I met this guy off POF at Wendy's. We chatted for a while, and the whole time he was trying to convince me to go for a ride in his car so that we could go check on his truck which was parked elsewhere. Finally, after asking so much, I decided to go for the ride. Dumbest thing you can do, I know. Anyway, he drives me all the way out on 16th to the church up on the hill. It's pitch black out. We get into his truck that is parked there and he starts it up to make sure its still running okay. So we're sitting there, and he starts tickling me. I told him to stop because I didn't like it and I didn't want him touching me. He wouldn't stop. Finally I convinced him to drive me to my friend's parents place so he wouldn't know where I lived. The next day he kept sending me messages about how he liked me and wanted to go out again. /delete

I know I got off really lucky because he could have raped me. Someone was looking out for me for sure.



16:32 May 14 2021

This makes it very clear that is not safe to date please be cautious always have your cell phone and don't go in cars with people you don't know!


These Are Online Dating Horror Stories That'll Make You Want To Be Single Forever!

03:37 May 06 2021
Times Read: 367

Submitted by Leyna P. (Facebook)
I met a guy on OkCupid, and we hit it off pretty well. After we hung out a few times, he came over to my place with a bottle of wine and a movie. He wasn't supposed to stay the night, but he lived 45 minutes away, it had snowed earlier, and I lived in a very rural area with a lot of hills and curves. So he decided he was going to stay that night instead of driving home. This only irritated me because he didn't really ask, he just decided. But the best part of the night was right before I went to bed (he was staying on the couch): He asked me if I should change my pad. I looked at him quizzically, and he said, "You need to change your pad before you go to bed — you could get TSS [toxic shock syndrome]." He proceeded to argue with me for a solid 10 minutes about whether or not I should change my pad. His argument was that he was an EMT and has a sister, so he "knows all about these things." My argument was that I've had a vagina for 20 years. Needless to say, he went home the next morning, and I've neither talked to or seen him since.

Submitted by nkrjj95736
I went out with a guy from MeetMe. Things were going really well, and he eventually almost moved in with me and my family. Then I caught him looking down my 12-year-old daughter's shirt. I broke up with him and didn't blink twice. Recently found out he is awaiting a hearing for a sexual attack on a child under 12. I dodged a bullet and will never trust dating online again.

Submitted by Georgieroset
I met a guy on Plenty of Fish. We began messaging, and he seemed like a nice person, so we exchanged numbers. After a few days of talking on WhatsApp, our conversation fizzled out, and we stopped talking. A couple of weeks later, totally out of the blue, he sent me a picture of a random woman's boobs. Confused by this, I just sent back a question mark, and he then said, "Send more." I am not the kind of person to send pictures of myself to people, ever, so I politely declined his request. He then said, "Send me more or I'll send that picture of the boobs to everyone you know!" "Whatever, fuck off," I said, knowing he was bullshitting. He then started reeling off names of people I'm friends with on Facebook, even though I hadn't told him my last name and we weren't Facebook friends! I was incredibly freaked out and threatened to call the police, which scared him off. I blocked his number and set all my Facebook settings to private, and I've not been on POF or anything similar since.

Submitted by katet4dbf41478
I had been chatting with a guy on Yahoo Singles for a while, and we got along fairly well. When he asked me out to dinner I figured, sure, why not? It was singularly the most awkward and uncomfortable evening I have ever spent on a date. We spent our time attempting to make disjointed conversation... At the end of the evening we just simply said good night, and I figured that was the end of it. Approximately six months later, I received a message from his Yahoo account that roughly said the following: "Hi! This is X's brother. This is going to sound really odd, but X is in prison for a few months (a big misunderstanding!) and I know he'd really like to hear from you. His address is through the ABC Correctional facility. Please write him!"
Submitted by estees2
I was speaking to this guy on Tinder, and after only a few minutes he asked me if I would marry him for $10,000. No joke. Apparently he was a foreigner and wanted to become an American citizen. He couldn't comprehend why I declined. He said, "Other people would do it for half the money!" I was like, "Not me, hun!"

Submitted by SamanthaG49
Met a guy online, and we hit it off on our first date. A couple weeks later we had gone on four dates, and he knew where I lived. That's when it started getting weird. He wouldn't return my phone calls, so after a week I stopped trying. Not long after, I glanced out the window of my house and saw him parked a couple houses down with another person in the car. I waited to see what he would do, and he drove off an hour later. A couple days later, he was back, except parked in a different location. I started to get freaked out. There was also a second person in the car that time. They left two hours later. The third time I saw his car outside, I was poised to call the cops. I didn't get a chance because there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a very pregnant girl on my front steps. She began to rant: How could I date a guy with a girlfriend, did I not have any morals, who did I think I was trying to steal her man, etc. I let her go on for a while before I interrupted her, told her I had no idea, and I asked why she was mad at me since I wasn't the one cheating on her. I found out that she forced him to drive to my house and sit outside nine different times. NINE. She wanted to see what I looked like and have him confront me and break it off, but he wouldn't go up to my door. I wish them all the best.

Submitted by SamanthaG49
Met a guy online, and we hit it off on our first date. A couple weeks later we had gone on four dates, and he knew where I lived. That's when it started getting weird. He wouldn't return my phone calls, so after a week I stopped trying. Not long after, I glanced out the window of my house and saw him parked a couple houses down with another person in the car. I waited to see what he would do, and he drove off an hour later. A couple days later, he was back, except parked in a different location. I started to get freaked out. There was also a second person in the car that time. They left two hours later. The third time I saw his car outside, I was poised to call the cops. I didn't get a chance because there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a very pregnant girl on my front steps. She began to rant: How could I date a guy with a girlfriend, did I not have any morals, who did I think I was trying to steal her man, etc. I let her go on for a while before I interrupted her, told her I had no idea, and I asked why she was mad at me since I wasn't the one cheating on her. I found out that she forced him to drive to my house and sit outside nine different times. NINE. She wanted to see what I looked like and have him confront me and break it off, but he wouldn't go up to my door. I wish them all the best.

He didn't know when to leave.
"I had a guy come over and he was attractive so we had sex and then went to sleep. I had to wake this kid up at noon and be like OK, I have to get ready for work, you need to leave.

So he started to get dressed and couldn't find one sock. HE ACCUSED ME OF STEALING IT. He searched through all my drawers and dumped out my dirty clothes hamper looking for it. I ended up finding it weeks later in my sock drawer. I kind of think he planted it there, but I'm not sure why.

So he finally starts to leave and HIS CAR GOT TOWED because he parked exactly where I told him not to. Looking back now I would've told him tough s---, got him an Uber and went to work. But I took him to the car tow place so he could get it back. And of course he doesn't have his wallet. So I had to pay for it, and sign for it because he doesn't have an ID on him. BUT the car tow place DOESN'T TAKE CARDS so we had to go find an ATM to get cash.

So he finally gets his car, I'm already like 30 minutes late to work, and he goes, 'Okay I'll call you later' and I just said 'Never talk to me again.'

He texted a few hours later and said he lost the stylus for his phone. I blocked his number."



16:12 May 06 2021

Good read

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