aquababy62sheart's Journal

aquababy62sheart's Journal


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4 entries this month

you've done this to me!

11:32 Nov 29 2023
Times Read: 108

life wasn't fair life was bad but you where the worst thing my life ever encountered I'm become a shell sometimes I cry because my minor pts kicks in from memories just fluding me things trigger a memory or two sometimes fluding me with pain the feel of your hit the laugh you made about while calling me names telling me I deserve it for getting you up for work like you asked I feel the pain I hear your voice I hear my new life partner say something to me and boom the sound of what he said triggers everything is my fault I've done this to everyone because I was an almost brain dead body mind and soul from you feeding me lies and tearing me so low I wasn't able to think for myself he told me I was worthless I told my self I was worthless he said I'm not loved I said I'm not loved he said I was a waste of space I said I was a waste of space he said his kids didn't love I said they are starting not to because now they are treating me as he is the way they see him doing things to me is not okay I'm now mentally and physically attacked by them as welland I'm just stuck,stuck due to the mind altering manipulation and torment drilling into my brain thati almost took my life more than once to save everyone from ever having to deal with my wasting of space on this planet I was told over and over that I was the problem and I started to believe he was right if I was gone for good everyone would be much more happier.




deaths door

09:01 Nov 16 2023
Times Read: 171

dieing inside after you've become so close to feeding me the poison the coolaid the lies you tell me over and over and over to eventually believe you that their real your right I'm nothing I'm no good I'm a peace of shift I cook clean do the dish sweep the galls take out the trash do the laundry mow the law take care of the garden the kids get them from school after I do over time for you to spend all my money and take it from me every time I get paid I bring you your cloths shoes make dinner for you to tell me I'm just poisoning you you won't eat this slop clean the fridge wash the walls dust clean the windows make your lunch for work and do nothing for myself and sleep about two hours to hear how you dress is the wort what you do is the worst your no good no one loves you cares about you wants you around or comes to see you no one calls you or checks in on you why do you call your mom and talk with her who does that your stupid your dumb and then you hit me and make me believe I'm worthless tell me that why everyone walks out on you your so stupid ugly and a bother to the world and my kids don't even love you or care about ohh poor baby your sick again you have a collapsed lung I don't care cancele your doc apt you self peice of shit not thinking about us your not going to doc apt I'm tierd of this sick bull shot end it now.




no one's will.

11:48 Nov 14 2023
Times Read: 197

when you stop pretending your amazing after leading several to almost end their lives tear their arms legs and body up mutilated because you drive them mentally you almost end another by them almost wrapping around a pole hang making them selves suffocating themselves and almost dieing more than once not by choice you leave them dieing on the sofa life less seeing two bleeding and burning up as hot as a furnace when one says the other us not well you stick your nose up they almost end life so young so not well but you don't care you say their fine everyone is fine but you your the worst you can't do nothing no one loves cares or wants you around as you go out have fun and leave them to do everything alone as much as they can you almost kill all these people in some manner helping them leads to this not away but we're the monsters locked in cages you made for us were birds to watch for your pleasure we suffer you laugh I'm such a great person everyone loves me everyone hates you no one comes to see no one cares.




no sun for the wicked

08:59 Nov 14 2023
Times Read: 205

bleed out until you actually feel pain you dish it out you deserve it back your not nice kind or considerate you leave people torn shattered and shredded until you've blended them up ate them and spit them out calling them every name in the book I hope karma reaches you soon I hope life treats you well well enough to feel what you've done to other until your blood runs out I hope your drained of your I'm a high priests I'm all powerful and knowing but I don't do good I do even for fun take your sun su art of war and shove it where your eyes can't see it drink your own coolaid you feed others and feel the words you tell them more than they do.



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