Vampireking777's Journal

Vampireking777's Journal


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20 entries this month


17:35 Mar 22 2020
Times Read: 840

So I honestly think you are not bright and when we all have are right to a opinion so are you just proving how ignorant you are and will only get one warning.

So if you do anything to get to in my way you and you will have something to worry about offline then online and will just put VR at risk because of you and don't know who is on the keep dark web with how things going right now don't push that lucky.😏




The mask within the illusion of desire

07:21 Mar 22 2020
Times Read: 862

So the mask is the human illusion of them self to hide the reality of what they are try to stay within the little box of normal of what other's may think of them as the deflection that they have a mask on of the truth that they think is Hidden.

When their is a wiper in the darkness that hear all dark desires that want to be for filled and think everyone will judge the same for what they care for ever be sexual if they desire it .it cant be hidden forever.😏hahaha....haha



16:45 Mar 22 2020

Cornish imatation is brilliant...not

17:08 Mar 22 2020

Lol deflection

17:11 Mar 22 2020

Lol so stop so trying to think you have some could of intellect it's funny.

17:16 Mar 22 2020

Yep, thought so.


The hidden within the darkness

06:48 Mar 22 2020
Times Read: 869

Well my mind is all was thinking and see things within shadows the hidden one's.the that never show their face.the one's that never step into the light for the world to see hidden behind a screen claiming to be what they are.

so are we the wipers of maddness in the darkness of the web. But never see monster's listening to what the world the thinks is hidden or hear of the story's of the shadow man or the ghost ?hahaha haha




The light within the darkness

08:15 Mar 20 2020
Times Read: 904

Well All need hope or faith in something ever if many hide within the shadows of the pain and suffer that most let go of and move on and grow from it and not put are self down cause you think the world is your worst enemy when you are as why hate yourself it is not going to make you any happier now try changing the mindsets and see what happens.





07:59 Mar 20 2020
Times Read: 907

Well think and hope life will just give you happiness and take you out of the darkness of the suffer of the path you choose. happiness comes when you surrender to life that each breath is a blessing that many take for granted.💜




Open book 😏😉 how to fix it

03:08 Mar 20 2020
Times Read: 934

Oh I will say it how it is and of someone of are looking for vampires cause you are horny and some are mad cause others are getting more then or nothing at all.

as some of you are bitchy cause you are not getting fuck how you want it as some like it ruff some not so much. and that why most of you have depression or are mad at others.

This is the power I have I see you and the you the animal side. The needs tas vampires need energy so dont lie and just be honest with each and their will be less drama.I see past all masks😏lol isnt that right Lvy and others that can't hide it my power can be overwhelming.hahaha



03:22 Mar 20 2020

Lol so im honesty it's why Elizabeth is mad at me and playing stupid with me. cause I was not there to fuck how she wants it.and realize its not the same now I let her be free but she knows I will give her a punishment laster but she into that shit 😘😉so she a pain in my but I still love her and thinks it going worse then it is lol💜

04:39 Mar 20 2020

So im sorry But with my insight skill she has no clue I can feel her and acting like she gone to spy on me.

to see my behavior im smarter then that cause I can feel your heat beat Elizabeth and you are close so remember I help make what you are 😏

my dear the power is awakening like I said you will become and told you it will happen.

So dont get out of hand with it we have much to do 💜😘😏

04:49 Mar 20 2020

So I Have grown as what you are all feeling is a wave energy of how strong I am it just overflowing power. 😏

04:51 Mar 20 2020

I understand the mean of time and space and reality as you know it because im a fucking vampiric god from Egypt 😏lol

05:02 Mar 20 2020

So do you see get the bigger picture now can I control wild wolf's if you see the black wolfs they are looking for me their master and will kill anything in their way.oh Elizabeth can control them to 😏

05:27 Mar 20 2020

So for some of you may have seen the eclipse in a dream and a clock moving very slowly seeing dogs and cats or fish even snakes and random crows because that me change the time line of history because I have to 😏

05:31 Mar 20 2020

So that means the plante itself will defense me.because it's a life as well cause many don't see the illusion of control.

09:00 Mar 20 2020

Ok are you losing it or something, what the hell are you talking about or are you trying to get some attention, well you got mine so what do you want?

01:08 Mar 21 2020

Lol well anything to make VR have less drama

01:10 Mar 21 2020

So I was just putting it out there for my own reason


The madness of the world

01:15 Mar 20 2020
Times Read: 945

Well it is funny in a sad way like kids you pay for how they act for being selfish. as many see the ignorance of reaper of soul and it is the problem on VR and how stupid they are it's pathetic.lol




To the people that block me

07:57 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 968

Well so I get you have reasons because what it is really proving?

That children can't deal with facts or my opinion because of the lack of the respect of the community you come into. because if you know nothing about Goths or vampires that is ignorance at it's best and show me the level of intellect people here.

im a nice guy you are just rube 😏💜




The role of a king

07:27 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 973

The role of a king is to in power the people to be hopful for a better tomorrow when you think their is none. so dont act like you are not scared for you're children to give them strength for something out of your control I dont step into the open without reason when it out of love. We all used to be somethings else at a cost for a reason we think that is best for the people for a democracy you asked for. that not rule over by greed for leader's that can't keep to their word to anything they promise to uphold that kingdom. Aman to that 😏




Devil Angle 😈😇

06:31 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 979

Well I seen the bright side I know im a asshole at times but never lie to you and know you all suffer.and many dont think they will understands the pain or the depression within the lives you life.

So I can understand that maybe you are scared of me or nervous or even shy as I see people are not used to vampires.

when we are not all bad just like not all witch's are bad I know that feeling im just getting used to how things have changed.



11:29 Mar 19 2020

Hey hun, Going to tell you something you're an asshole that's why people go off on you. As for suffering well, I call it life but with suffering comes our primal side that's when all the fun starts, I'm not bad but I can be if I'm in the mood...lol

21:59 Mar 19 2020

Well I know I am Lvy lol but I dont care like most of you dont so being a hypocrite is something most people are as I point out the ignorance in the community.

and get upset and mad cause they can't deal with being in the wrong Like a child and think if they challenge me it will do them any good like childern that complain as they are in the wrong .😏

22:13 Mar 19 2020

So it is so common to call someone a asshole cause they tell the truth. Lol but say I complain but do the same fucking thing. it is why lvy you still can't deal with being a elder of the vampire community.

so I can prove that every time and to your lord and don they feel my energy.

when both of them and your sister have more reapect then you do sadly.

😏💜 I still care for you even if you think I dont.

22:36 Mar 19 2020

So yes im crazy yes im insane but not stupid but many have no clue who am lvy? 😏. As people like moonpie will learn the hard way.

Because I told witch's and human's if you cross and step on to my hunting ground I will kill you. so dont come into a community I know very well and talk about reapect 😏.

22:51 Mar 19 2020

So is it really about ego? when most of you hardly know what ego is? lol and talk to your sister about that behavior you have I just giggle at you cause I play stupid lvy.😏

23:04 Mar 19 2020

Lol so you see I could hurt people but just let you think I will as the bad grammar is a trap.💜😜 people are easy to fuck with lvy

23:11 Mar 19 2020

So I get a good laugh here cause I dont care or fear the government's lol or anyone here cause I know lot about them it is the game of knowledge and im winning it.

23:19 Mar 19 2020

Lol so you see I dont care what you think you are human demon vampire werewolves angle devils God's or goddess.

I will take the challenge to see if you are strong as you think you are or just arrogonet fool that full of ego lol😏

09:17 Mar 20 2020

LOL...WOW, I'm truly speechless so you're not only disrespecting me but my Elders and Family. Ok. will have to step back and LMFAO keep talking and running your mouth you may get some attention soon. I am sure there are a few that will come calling with your misguided Ideas of what Community is even on here. I think I may point some in your direction so they can school you on the subject.

01:06 Mar 21 2020

😏💜Lol why do you take everything to heart Lvy what can I pull your leg 😂


It crossed my mind

06:44 Mar 18 2020
Times Read: 1,000

Well im so used to just being what I am and not think if im mean with how honest I am im just so use of my way of living and see how maybe im crazy so what or other's are to shy to talk or even scared so I understand now.




My mindset

09:04 Mar 17 2020
Times Read: 1,014

Well for me I don't care what going on you are proving my point of how you kill 1000s of plant's and animals but human's get killed you are dramatic because you are selfish to everything and each other most of the time.




The small minded

08:51 Mar 17 2020
Times Read: 1,016

So really? all people can talk about lately is tolit paper.I get people are simple minded in a time of need and show how greedy sheep can be.

When more people have died from smoking each year oh you don't worry only you have somthing to lose then it's a problem.





06:42 Mar 17 2020
Times Read: 1,030

I Honestly think human's are pathetic to see how they act out of fear and ignorance but not off intelligence when it comes to health and the body's white blood cell's to fight off diseases and what to eat to better it. as it is cause of stupidity of why the virus got so far as life's are lost more by war then anything.but freak out over less then 10.000. Have die




monogamy nonsense

08:54 Mar 09 2020
Times Read: 1,110

Well it funny to me of the ignorance many believe is true when it is a rare thing within animal's that love is monogamy?

when their nothing to prove that it is but just talks about marriage when you can be loving trusting honestly without marriage. so it just comes down to is people are just selfish that all their is to it and why people dont share lover's to be a open lover.

so it speaks for itself when people get mad proving you are otherwise why get mad if you are not.



19:03 Mar 09 2020

Monogamy is a concept that is rife with morality, and could be seen by some as outdated.

There are many that even though they offer their hand and heart to others have taken to the idea of multiple partners. This is commonly referred to as polyamory. It is not cheating on your mate, so long as you are being forthright with your mate about who else you're seeing and what you are doing. Screw the stigmas attached or the taboos, it's not "slutting it up" or being a "man-whore" to be involved in something like that. This is also practiced by quite a few in the BDSM lifestyle, although with every relationship there is one important component: trust.

21:51 Mar 09 2020

Well I know this it is called being a open lover it is why people get mad when you call a closed lover selfish 90% of the time because most likely they are.

When you can have morality with out monogamy so it just excuses and ignoance of the meaning of the word to cover up how selfish they are because when it is a rare thing and not a common thing therefor no one can make a argument when logic and facts say otherwise and believe nonsense.

22:24 Mar 09 2020

So it is about trust and truth as many think im not respectful when many lack knowledge and just go by ignoant beliefs when marriage is more around money then anything and just prove how much religion controls people.


The heartless part 2

07:30 Mar 09 2020
Times Read: 1,114

Well it is amazing how a virus can just make the world more hateful and more racist for being careless because of greed and people just suffer for their ignoance. like now the world got hit by this because of their ignoance of man as the weak will die like they should cause when you are close to 80000000 some people will die as the selfish human race thinks no one should die.




I see now

07:58 Mar 08 2020
Times Read: 1,142

Well I see that thing's dont work out for everyone and see making friend's has not been my thing ? and see when it has just hit a dead end and move on and dont need to prove to people about the history's of vampires when many choose to be ignorant to it.




The heartless

20:27 Mar 04 2020
Times Read: 1,189

Hmmm....it is funny how people think I care about a ignorant community that are in a community they are not even apart of im seeing why the goth dont both with websites as many then ask questions about vampires when the website gives you facts about them to prove why I call people ignorant because they are.




The all seeing eye

10:57 Mar 04 2020
Times Read: 1,228

So it's amazing how good the tech is now day's and how easy it is to find who is behide the screen and to see if their mouth is the same in the real world as it is online when no one fully honest and behide the screen here just like many that got lucky and soon will learn their place you can hide but cant hide forever.



15:36 Mar 04 2020

Yeah Every time you talk shit comes flying out youre mouth

20:15 Mar 04 2020

Well how cute more cowards that can't do anything but talk run along sheep run along


Well the time being

10:47 Mar 04 2020
Times Read: 1,229

Well I think I see this is not a real goth website when I see they are not respect in their own community but have other community's like witch's when the agreement was that vampires and witchs dont share space so I see the ignorance on this website and see to many liars and will kill anything in my path vampire or human I don't care and will learn why you follow the rules of past agreements and still see who stronger wont we.



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