
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Savage (61.27)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?




Bite DevlinX

Stalk DevlinX


this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta

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As ever this is UNDER CONSTRUCTION and I just dont have the time I use to devote to this part of my life ... (kids gotta eat) will attempt a full revision in time untill then ... sorry this is it ... have a laugh and Ill try really hard not to get suspended again !!! ;)
Tattooed and pierced although a lot of my piercings have been removed for now. I live on the seventh gate of Hell (just outside Manchester) and enjoy a variety of pastimes, some of which are frowned on by more than just the Catholic church (religion is mind control for the masses, Kill your God!) I have a passion for film, movies of any sort, but mainly dark bloody and violent. Italian and extreme Asian Horror gets my blood up, there’s some excellent independent deviants on the seen in the States and we have a few in bad old Blighty. Can’t seem to stay away from chicks in latex either that really gets the blood going (yes Latex, Vampire Goths from Hell would be perfect, throw in werewolves and you’ve got Underworld)

Music is an important part of my life. Here’s a few bands I appreciate in no particular order : Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, Muse, Metellica, Faith no More, Chilli’s, Distillers, Disturbed, My bloody Valentine, Funeral for a Friend, Manson, Queens of the stone age, Slipknot, Foo Fighters, The Automatic, Murderdolls, Cure, Deftones, Killswitch Engage, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Nonpoint, Ramstine, Probot, Pumpkins, Velvet Revolver, Offspring, Rage against the machine, Motorhead, Fear Factory, Alice in chains, Drowning Pool, and many many more.
I enjoy assaulting people with my guitar playing prowess and have been in many many wanna be bands that just never quite managed it. Well in reality usually dissapeared up their own assholes. Once it stops being fun, and every rehearsal turns into a battle (sometimes physical) youve got to step back and say "Do I need this shit in my life ?" I have now met some like minded lunatics and enjoy jam sessions at some of our local boozers. Always seem to end up looking for a drummer though (where I come from you'd think there would be no shortage of people who like to hit things)

Authors… lets see Koontz, King, Barker, Campbell etc classics like Lovecraft, stoker and Shelly. Graphic novels are pretty cool Preacher, Hellblazer etc this could go on and on ,anything with blood really.

Bit of an unhealthy fascination with serial killers but who hasn’t ?

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I like to think I’m cool calm and collected and give everyone a chance, but fuck that up and I’ll rip out your throat (only kidding … I’ll probably pull out your spinal column through your eye’s). I have a fairly twisted sence of humor and dont expect everyonr to like it. I dont often intentially offend people (unless there total wankers) so if a comment I make does rub you up the wrong way please forgive me (unless you are one of the affore mentioned wankers which in that case please kill yourself) I say Im fairly sexuall and this can also offend people on first contact but once you get to know me you realise you were right all along and I am deeply disturbed.
I guess I’m a cat person (mine’s called Midnight) they tend to do there own thing and realy dont give a shit and I can relate to that. but have always wanted a wolf. In my opinion the most beautiful creature on the planet, a hunter that can run in a pack, or work alone. Smart, cunning, noble and an accomplished killer. It cares for its pack and will fight to the death to protect them, as will I ! On full moons I can be found Fully enjoying the pleasures of life, this sometimes involves clubbing, drinking, howling and occasionally half naked roaming of the city, sometimes in a pack trying hard not to offend ....but usually failing .... miserably. If anyone reading this has had the misfortune then im sorry (but I bet you enjoyed it a little !) Hmmm we Ive told you practically nothing so ... time to go

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(you may wish to skip this unless your genuinely interested or have nothing better to do)

Even a man who is pure at heart
And says his prayers by night
May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
And the autumn moon is bright.

In folklore, Lycanthropy is the ability or power of a human being to undergo transformation into a wolf. The term comes from ancient Greek lykánthropos , lýkos ("wolf") + ánthr?pos ("man"). The word can also be used transitively, referring to the act of transforming someone else into a wolf, or werewolf.
Many European countries and cultures have stories of werewolves, including France (loup-garou), Greece (lycanthropos), Spain (hombre lobo), Bulgaria (varkolak, vulkodlak), Czech Republic (vlkodlak), Serbia (vukodlak), Russia (oboroten' , vurdalak), Ukraine (vovkulak(a),vovkun,pereverten' ), Croatia (vukodlak),Poland (wilko?ak), Romania (vârcolac), Scotland (werewolf, wulver), England (werwolf), Ireland (faoladh or conriocht), Germany (Werwolf), Denmark/Sweden (Varulv), Galicia(lobisón),, Portugal(( lobisomem)) Lithuania (vilkolakis and vilkatlakis), Latvia (vilkatis and vilkacis), Andorra (home llop), Estonia (libahunt), Argentina (lobizón, hombre lobo) and Italy (lupo mannaro)
The history of the werewolf can be traced back to Greek mythology, when the god Lykaon was turned into a wolf after serving Zues human flesh. This myth helped fuel a cult in Arcadia which involved human sacrifice and the thought of transformation into wolves. Although lycanthropy is usually associated with the metamorphosis into a wolf-human hybrid, different legends include the mutation into bears, cats and birds of prey.
During the medieval times, the fear of werewolves took grip of Europe. Wolves were known to attack man, as wolves during those times had no reason to fear man; guns were unheard of. In most of Europe, the fear of werewolves included wolfmen ("berserkers") who wore wolves skin and killed savagely. Germans, however, viewed the wolf with honor. Names such as Wolfgang and Wolfhard were common. As Christianity slowly gained prominence, such beliefs were condemned as Satanic.
Philosophers and religious thinkers contemplated the theory that perhaps the person did not physically change into a wolf but had been tricked by Satan into acting like the creatures. Generally, though, most believe that only God has the ability to change the body or mind of man.
To start with the classical references: Apart from the famous legend of Romulus and Remus, saved and fed by a friendly she-wolf, there are many other mythological and religious tales from this area of Europe: Apollo, the famous Greek God of Light, Medicine and Music, was born, together with his twin Arthemis, from Zeus and Latona, a woman turned into a she-wolf to be disguised and so protected from the wrath of Era, Zeus’ official wife (and sister). For this reason Apollo was always looked upon as a protector, both from and of the wolves: they were not to be killed if not absolutely necessary.
what happens when a werewolf dies? Easy: he becomes either a lubin (a French word for wolf shaped ghoul, living on corpses he digs in graveyards) or a vampire. Such fear was so great that special laws were approved to deal with suspected dead werewolves : in Germany and Serbia their corpses were burnt and in Normandy the priests oversaw the beheading of the dead suspects.
The process of transmogrification is portrayed in many films and works of literature to be painful. The resulting wolf is typically cunning but merciless, and prone to killing and eating people without compunction regardless of the moral character of the person when human. The form a werewolf takes is not always an ordinary wolf, but is often anthropomorphic or may be otherwise larger and more powerful than an ordinary wolf. Many modern werewolves are also supposedly immune to damage caused by ordinary weapons, being vulnerable only to silver objects (usually a bullet or blade). This negative reaction to silver is sometimes so strong that the mere touch of the metal on a werewolf's skin will cause burns. Current-day werewolf fiction almost exclusively involves lycanthropy being either a hereditary condition or being transmitted like a disease by the bite of another werewolf. But there are other ways:
Being a child conceived under a new moon
Being born on a full moon friday (Italy)
It's all in the timing
Being born on the winter solstice or Christmas Eve (Italy)
Jesus was a werewolf !
Being the elder son of priest
So no fucking priests for kicks girls !
Being the 7th of 7 consecutive (Germany).
Drinking water out of the footprint of a savage wolf
you would do this ?
Drinking downstream from wolves or from where a wolf pack has drunk
Drinking from haunted streams or pools (in the Harz Mountains in Germany)
Eating the brains or flesh of a wild wolf
You do and i'll eat YOUR fucking brain
Having tasted human flesh.
Having sex with a werewolf and surviving

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Things that annoy me a little !

Organized religion (thats all of you holy fuXXers who kill to enforce YOUR beliefs)
Pro life (the mother can decide fuck nuts)
Child abusers (die oh so painfully)
Preaching none smokers
EGL (you know who you are stay away from me)
Ignorant bigots
Boring people
My broadband provider
The anti smoking law
People who dont like Dexter (its a way of life)
Bad drivers (I own the road LEARN THIS !)
Police Nazis
Cock teasers (not all of you sometimes its fun you know who you are)
Closing time
People who play 9 ball better than me
Long working hours
Days when I dont have sex
The price of international calls (Deola !!!)
Not hearing from my Slave
Lack of money
Days that have an A in them
Assholes who think they can bully my friends on VR due to the fact their 1000's of miles away 2 words Plane ticket mother fucker
Angry boyfriends
Bank charges
Soft porn
Loud noises on my day off
Repo men
Road tax

Things that put a smile on my face and make me warm and happy!

My friends
Love (not necessarily of the undying kind)
Undying Love
Money (give me more)
Days off
Free Beer (buy em and keep me happy)
Good dirty porn
My solemate
My Con's
My old beautiful car (R.I.P.)
slutty girls
Blood (It dosent taste metallic)
Teasing (always good)
Knifes (oh how many people put this ? true I cant be alone but some of you ... come on !!!)
Nurses (my slutty queen ;))

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possibly forming a small cult-like religion to worship and adore them


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Queen of the Damned, princess of Death surrounded by her minions
she sucks the marrow out of mankind. Thoroughly wicked, sinfully sexy
and totally Evil ! An extremely talented singer/songwriter (PoR) Seriously
Check this out, Damn she good ! (and she's gorgeous)
Can be found riding out of hell dragging the devil by his balls
looking to make god her bitch and end the Christian Disease
My coconspirator, My life blood, My sinner in Hell, My soul mate, My Love!

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Ive Known Rayven for some time now and bonded to her instantly.
Youd sell your soul to have the imagination of this girl ! An effortlessly
talented writer with a mind much like my own (perversely sick lol)
Talented, sexy and depraved My CS
She has my upmost respect, careing and my love

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Possibly the most violent, demented and psychotic pussycat you will ever meet
Has a tongue like the business end of a chain-saw, the drinking capacity of an
alcoholic docker and the face of an angel. She has a thing for spleens. She hates me more with every passing second and I Love her to bits

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Where to start, one of my oldest friends on VR. Feel like Ive known her all my life
She's always willing to listen, always ready to help, and will cap your ass dead if you fuck with her. When we get going were on for hours, oh look another sunrise
A LOT of respect and love for this woman

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Mad, Bad (with a capital B) and dangerous to know, Needs a dam good spanking !. Resounding proof that nurses are evil, sexy creatures who carry handcuffs ! This girl can drain you of all your bodily fluids in seconds and youll die with a smile on your face !
Mad slutty love babe! Nurse the screens!

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BaDcAt32's lil sister and the first person I ever spoke to on VR. Helped me out a lot showed me the ropes, and made me feel welcome. Bit me every day for nearly a month. We dont seem to speak anymore as she's not on much. Can usually be found studying ..... I miss her a lot !

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One of the most intelligent, funny, sexy women on VR. Youd never guess her age as she's more mature than people ive known all my life. Has had a tough time of it but is incredible and remains strong and still makes me laugh. She Is ohh so cute and lovable and HOT (just to piss her off lol) She makes me worry when I dont hear from her for ages and makes me loose sleep when I do
Someone else I love and miss immensely

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She may be evil but she's no freak. A total sweetheart and will hate me calling her that. Cant stand compliments but you only live twice. Piss her off and she will come round, burn down your house and piss on your smoldering corpse
Mudvayne's no. 1 fan absolute addict. let me steal the eye gouging tag from her pro (thanx babe)

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Haven't Known her long but thoroughly enjoy talking to her, A little quiet at times but always says hi when shes on then gets in the mood and talks her sexy ass off.
Rapidly becoming one of my favorite people to spend time with.
Big love !

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Another old friend who doesn't seam to speak much any more and I miss. Sings in far too many bands, plays 6 string and bass (and drums when no ones looking) Also enjoys group sex with bikers lol (im going to be killed for that probably)

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Defies the dumb blond tag, highly independent, thoughtful, friendly, helpful ok and blond n sexy which is good ! lol Think vampiric biker chick and your there. Far to nice for her own good, a sweetie

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This girl is nuts in a seriously good way ! Were on a level of violent sickness not seen since .... well .... me! Instantly likable, funny, sick, sexy and thinks Im charming which is always a winner (I did say she's nuts) Pleasantly wiled away many afternoons with her as she doesn't sleep ...ever !

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Proof that cool things can come out of Wales lol A new vamp, we hardly ever talk on VR but email lots. Shop's where I do (Afflecks Palace), eats where I do (The Hellfire Club) and now hunts for victims on VR. Will soon be found off her head on sugar in some student dive somewhere in the UK

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The sexiest purple haired blood sucker I know Have lost days talking to this girl. She is quite capable of chewing you up and spitting you out so be nice! We dont talk anyway near as much now think she hates me :( Miss her !

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My sweet little thing, haven't know her long but she always says hi. Worries about me far too much. Loves lycans which shows she has excellent taste. Treat her well or youll have me to answer to !

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Last and possibly least my mate and friend of god only knows how many years. Introduced me to VR (so you have him to blame) The original Evil tattooed messiah, has been into vampires as long as Ive known him. A cool guy and most defiantly not a homosexual (or so he tells me). In all honesty I cant list his endless good points without being suspected of wanting to bear his children and he doesn't need any more. One of the good guys !

Please note this is not an extensive list and will be updated from time to time but im notoriously lazy when it comes to updates so if you think you should be on here
prod me with a sharp stick/knife/poker and ill get on it

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Dreamboat Exchanging Velvety Loving and Intense, Naughty Xperiences

Get Your Sexy Name

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"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back."

Hey click on the axe and grab it. Get your hands bloody baby! Add it to your page or put it in a comment box. Doesn't matter where you put it just PASS THE FUCKIN AXE!

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One of those quiz things we all love

About yourself Personality Quiz
Whats your full name?:Theopolis T. Wilderbeast
height?:about 5' 10 (yeah i know)
Weight?:11 stone (?? in pounds)
Natural hair color?:dark brown
Eye color?:very dark brown
Glasses/contacts?:only to keep out the sun
braces?:for my trousers ?
What is your worst fear?:I dont realy have one
Do you cuss?:no never ....
Do you smoke?:sometimes
Do you drink?:afraid so
Do you use drugs?:not any more
Have you ever stolen anything?:long time ago
If you could chose how you wanted to die what would it be?:who says I going to die !
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?:
What label would you be classified under?:I wouldent
Color:Black or red
Band:far to many
Song:see above
T.V. Show:I have no idea
Cartoon:Batman Ha ha ha
Movie:far to many
Video Game:lately its been Black
Book:American Psycho or the Batchman books
Drink:Jack (or if your good friends Jim) and coke
Animal:Wolf obviously
Website:hurm ..
Do you have a Job?:I have 2
Do you own a vehicle?:Yes
Do you excercise daily?:Depends what you meen
Are you kinky?:see above
Are you a virgin?:Think I may have slipped up once or twice
Are you a biter?:This is a vampire site what do you think
Do you masturbate?:Not whilst driving (well im trying to stop)
Do you watch pornography?:Only if its good or realy dirty
Are you religious?:I am the prodical son of God !
Do you like school?:Cant remember
What do you like most about life?:Sometime it will end
What do you dislike most about life?:Sometime it will end
Have you ever ran away from home?:What for ?
Have you ever gotten kicked out of your house?:ha ha oh yes
Do you have a true love?:several
Have you ever gotten in a fist fight?:it happens
Did you win?:on occation
Whos your best friend?:Chris
Whos your next to best friend?:everyone else is on the same level
Whos the other guy?:no one said it was a guy
Have you ever lost a friend?:yes
Have you ever fucked stuff up for no apparent reason?:not clever but yes
Have you ever been to a concert?:hell yes
How many?:no idea
Does the world piss you off?:no I love it more and more with each passing second
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Member Since: Jul 07, 2006
Last Login: Aug 22, 2011
Times Viewed: 20,982

Times Rated:523

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