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Hell (Coven)

Blood is...a wine not to be wasted. *studying*
Set at 18:39 on October 30, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Evil Spirit (60.89)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  March 21, 1990
Age:  34

By His Side



Bite ShadowNyx

Stalk ShadowNyx



Wisdom is nothing more than the ability to question what you do not understand, Ignorance comes when you begin to fear or criticize...


Name- Misha
Age- Old Enough
Relationship status- Happily Taken
Children- Proud Momma
Religion- Vampyric (don't like it? DONT CARE!)
Prospectii of House Sabertooth Noctem Aeternus




Hiding in the shadows unseen,
feeding in a world beyond my perceptions…
Changed beyond my recognition…
Have I truly slept so long?
I stand, an echo of bygone days…
An industrial revolution? An age of reason?
My kind, no more… A simple fiction
to scare children in their beds…
A lineage claimed by extinction
in the foot notes of eternity…

Our proud nobility, our ageless heritage…
Gone… Siphoned to hearsay…
Retold by charlatans and fools,
ridiculed beyond redemption
in a cold, sparse world,
lacking chivalry and honour…
Time has not been kind to humanity,
fore they have lost their hearts…
A new sorrow chills me to my soul,
I’m the last… I’m truly alone…

I need you more than ever, my love…
You must rejoin me, lead me, through
this harsh, sterile new world that has lost its way…
I must find you, awaken you, sire you…
That we may walk in eternity once more
with a love that transcends the ages…
I feel you, I crave you, I need you…
You tease my perceptions…
You stir my soul…
You awaken my heart…

By moonlight I search for you,
growing ever closer as I feel your presence
grow ever stronger in my mind…
Projecting my essence to your dream states,
that I may awaken your soul
in recognition of your immortality…
Do you feel me?
Do you yearn for me?
Do you remember me?
So much has been lost to time…

And so lost have I become…
Seasons pass in a parody of life,
The birth of Spring, the youth of Summer,
The age of Autumn and the death of Winter…
And so I search for you, immune to its cycle,
A relic of Athanasia’s twilight ballet…
I feel you, you begin to reach out to me,
Calling me, beckoning me to you,
Like a siren’s song to this weary traveller…
‘Come to me, my sweet Misha , Find me, my love…’

He calls me by name! What diabolism is this?
My Lord, Hector calls me by name!!!
By the Gods, it is spurious that a mortal
should hold such power… To call out a Vampyre?
To call out a Vampyre of past life cognizance?
What game have the fates conspired?
Frustrated, I must find cover,
Lest I be charred in aurora’s glare…
Clock is ticking… Thoughts are racing…
Soon, I shalt be with thee, my love…

I found such shelter as to be lorn in its neglect,
full of the most dire wretches that my eyes
have ever beheld,
huddled like vermin to the nest…
They did not even glance at my approach,
but for one piteous knave…
‘Smack, I need smack’ So smack him I did
and fed from his cullion jugular…
Too late I taste of the venin tainting his blood,
decending to my knees in alchemic delirium…

I awoke latterly, my prey long cold,
his consorts indifferent to his quietus…
Is life so paltry here,
that none would mourn his passing?
This is not my world…
I fear humanity without its heart
become the monsters and demons more so than I…
It was their benevolence and compassion
that made them rich in their pedigree
and savoured in their sapor…

At eventide I leave in search of Hector
he calls to me once more, so close now…
Soon I shall hold him in my arms
and nevermore be sorrowed to solo pursuits…
It has been so very long, loneliness my only companion,
his rebirth, my yearned utopia…
Such was the time of his passing that I craved my end,
that my long slumber be eternal,
disturbed only by hunters of our kind,
to be blissfully lost to Reaper’s kiss…

But alas, fate brings such kismet happenstance,
that decrees the circle be complete…
That I may sire he who bestowed this life upon me…
Give to him the gift he gave to me, immortality…
He calls to me, no longer in my head,
but on the night air, but a walk away…
Such joy in my heart as I’ve not felt in five hundred years…
He is returned to me…
My dark Angel, my love… My everything…
With tears in my eyes I run to him and he to me…

We embrace, we kiss, we are lost to the moment…
He wipes the tears from my eyes…
‘My poor, sweetMisha, you find me at last…
Walk with me my love, let us share this night,
let us share ourselves, let the circle be complete…’
He leads me to his home… He laughs, music to my ears…
soon are we lost to our passions
in a manner befitting our immortal hearts…

As one, we quake in frenzied peak,
holding each other tightly as he sits astride me…
‘I love you, Misha… Remember that’
‘Always’ I smile ‘As I love you’


~For My Alina~

You're oh so small,
Oh so little;
Though i pray to god,
that you won't be so fickle.

I promise to love you;
even if you cry,
But if i start to stress
Please understand why.

It's hard when your young
& you've got so much to do
I'll love you forever though.
That i swear is true!

I've got everything i need;
Even the love of your father
But if i stress and yell;
please no your not the bother.

I've got your shoes,
toys, crib and all.
When you finally arrive
You're going to be so small.

My stomach is growing,
In almost every direction
Please baby please,
Know I'll give you all the attention.

I may not know what im doing
At first, or maybe at all.
But i swear ill try my hardest
& give you my soul.

~For The Lil One Growing Within me~

Sitting together at night
curled up on the couch
in a world full of comfort

Daddy begins to rub my tummy
as little angel hands and feet
begin to play, counting down hours
until we find out more about you

Not even born yet
you bring us so much joy
bringing us closer together as a family

Hours drag by, waiting
until the doctor visit to see
how you're growing and developing

With each visit
your heartbeat becomes clearer
body parts become more developed
and we're that much closer to March

Nobody experiences unconditional love
until their child is born,
yet I feel this love for you now
and it will only grow as you do

Looking at where I am in life-
I have no regrets;
only cherished loved ones
whom have filled my heart
with unconditional and ever-growing love.


Searching thy eyes deeply
tis m' desire; I reign.
O' ruby butterfly of evil passion
smell his human soul.

Licking m' sweet magenta kiss
thy spirit hasten, hes drained
ye art mine forever.

Welcome, enjoy the stench
of Underworld.... where darkness
bleeds unholy.....

Sharpen thy fangs, embrace thy
mistress; bite, nurse slowly
upon death's fair beauty.

Whist thy heart no longer pulsates
feel thy cold existence
ye shall quickly learn to savor
their warm nectar, flesh.

Flutter not m' love bite, fly


She sits
And stares
With a glare
So real
Old and new
What she
Should do
Faded to black
Gets up
Her reflection
In the mirror
Staring back
As she looks
On eyes wide
Memories fill
Her of things
Dancing with gentlemen
Callers around grand
Rooms dressed in nines
Oh those were
Fanciful times
And taking them
On long walks in
The parks at
Night would
Never leave
Them to
Suspect their
Upcoming fright
As you pull out
Your red scarf
Around your neck
And with one
Quick snap
Oh my, their
Dead with
A broken layrnx
What the heck?
Tongue protruding
Out drool all over
I guess that guy
No longer needs
A 4 leaf clover
Ha, ha, ha, my
My, we are an
Evil fair lady
Aren't we
Although none
Would ever suspect
You at all...

Snap, snap, snap..

Back into reality now
You realize it
Was just a
Faded memory
You are still
Staring in
The mirror
And the
Red scarf
Intertwined between
Your fingers
All of that
Is long gone now
Or is it....

Member Since: Mar 22, 2011
Last Login: Nov 16, 2011
Times Viewed: 5,106

Times Rated:414

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Nov 09, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Oct 25, 2023


Dec 11, 2022


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