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Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Caitiff (17.87)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Unspecified
Birthdate:  ?


Bite chrisVonhimmer

Stalk chrisVonhimmer



I wake you at night to prepare for collective suicide

Oh hi there everyone the name is Chris and well, I am a transgender vampire. I live in Ny ( Not NYC). I love to write, sing , dance, act, and draw. One day I wish to look like Chris Pohl from Terminal choice. My fav bands are: Terminal choice, blutengel and rammstein. I don't want tv. The real name is Samantha.

Blue Glitter Rose Pictures, Images and Photos
Vampire love is shown with a black rose

Charming Handsome Romeo Imparting Stimulation

Get Your Sexy Name

cyber goth Pictures, Images and Photos

come into my world of darkness
come in the water is fine
You´re staring at me with this tender look
You´re smiling at me, promise me everything
I don´t like the way you talk
I don´t like the way you walk
I don´t like what you do
I´m falling away from you

Your love´s not what I´m looking for
I don´t wanna be hurt no more
I feel like sacrifice my soul
for a girl that´s just pretending
You don´t know what it means to love
You don´t know what it means to hate
You don´t know what´s it all about
and you will never understand
Little seventeen
*Never* turn your back on me
My little seventeen
I won´t forget the things we had

You´re talking to me with your sweetest voice
But you´re still hurting me
cause you don´t understand
Can´t you hear the words I say?
Do you really like the game I play?
Don´t you think that I´m too strong?
Loving me - it seems so wrong

I´m running away from you
I´m running away from you
I´m running away from all the
stupid, stupid things you do
Never turn your back on me
You´re just too young
You try to break me with your violent words
You know everything you do hurts
You can never change my point of you
I have to denied everything you do

And I am waiting for the moment
When I look into your eyes
I pull the trigger
I hear the gunshot
I see your brain spread on the wall
This is the last time that I see you
You can't hurt me anymore
The final solution to find my freedom
To solve this problem
Now you're dead

All the pain you're sowing comes back to you
I know there's nothing you can do
You can't escape my unstopable hate
Don't turn around 'cause it's to late
I see tears falling from your eyes
You are so weak the hope inside your heart dies
You lost your love in this demonic night
Whispering voices say what you did was right

Without warning -- It came into your life
Without warning -- Black Angels fall from the sky
Without warning -- You changed your life
Without warning -- You became the Devil's wife

Shadows of cruelty infected your brain
The dark and mighty God poisoned the blood in your veins
An ocean of blood, you feel warm and wet
The one you love, now he is dead

Without warning -- It came into your life
Without warning -- Black Angels fall from the sky
Without warning -- You changed your life
Without warning -- You became the Devil's wife
I'm so sorry for the words
the once I said to you
I can never change the way
The way I feel about you
It always makes me wanna cry
when I think about the time (x2)
The time we never had

So please
please wake up and see
see me fade away
see me going down
you can never feel my grief

I'm so sorry for the words
the once I said to you
I can never change the way
The way I feel about you
It always makes me wanna cry
when I think about the time (x2)
The time we never had

So please
please wake up and see
see me fade away
see me going down
you can never feel my grief

So please
please wake up and see
see me fade away
see me going down
you can never feel my grief
Chris pohl (The one I want to look like)
Chris Pohl Pictures, Images and Photos

What is your demon type?

A sinister victimizer of the weak and helpless, you are a thing of nightmares. The word incubo translates into "I lie on top". you are the top-dog dominator type. you would bully and intimidate to gain your desire, easily overpowering any who opposed you. you are able to size up people and situations for their vulnerablities with great ease and have a very strong personality. you probably keep a number of "lackies" in your ranks, not that you need them. you are agressive and often physical. your presence and superiority is always known immediately and that's just the way you like it. you are driven by your desire to conquer and find sport in the curruption of innocence. just beware of who you attack, an equal match will be your downfall.
How do you compare?
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How EVIL~ are you?!

Eh a **PERFECT** mix
Eh a **PERFECT** mix
you are the perfect mix between evin & good u never are totally evil, & ur never totally good
How do you compare?
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What Kind Of Vampire Are You?

An Undecided Vampire
An Undecided Vampire
You are undecided about what you want to be. You don't know whether to become a Veggie vamp or a Blood-Thirsty vamp. You've tried both human and animal blood but you can't decide which one you would like to be. At the moment, you are both good and bad, you do good things but you have a dark side to you. You travel with people like you, but don't know whether to call them family or yet. You are scared to call them family because once you join a side, you might lose someone dear to you.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic



Member Since: Nov 07, 2010
Last Login: Jul 05, 2011
Times Viewed: 3,330

Times Rated:312

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Oct 31, 2023


Apr 01, 2022
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Nov 20, 2021
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...

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