
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  BĂȘte Noire (44.79)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?

Newport News, VA


Bite dragon68

Stalk dragon68



I give my blood to my Queen, Whom I serve.

I am who I am. Take me for me or just let me alone. I am loyal to my family and friends. Protector to all. My house is Vampire Rave it is were my family and friends live. Peace to all who come in to our home.

I am a server to my queen VampyOne. and I bow to no one but her. and I only obey her. Unless she allows me to play. I am a creature of the night. Throught my queens blood I was born. Born to serve and born to guard and protect the creatures of the night.
How old are you?: about 37yrs old
What is your zodiac sign?: aquarius
Where were you born?: Virginia US
Where do you live now?:Virginia, US
What color are your eyes?: Medium Blue
What color is your hair?: Medium to dark brown

*A coward is one who knows what is right and still refuses to act*

Do you smoke?: Not anymore
Do you drink?: When the mood strikes me
Do you cuss?: yeah, quite often
Do you use drugs?: Never have, never will
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: Nope
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: none yet.
Do you wear jewelry?:rings, necklaces,watch-all as the mood strikes me
Do you have any self inflicted scars?: A few
Do you study martial arts?:yes
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: Once in a while
Do you take your anger out on other people?:Only when I have to
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?:No-why?Not their fault.The blame is all mine.
Do you like biting?:But of course!!
Do you like candles?: Yes
Do you like to write poetry?:Some, not often
Do you like to do your own photography?:Yes,
Do you like modeling and/or acting?Some, more acting for a reason
Do you like to rave or go to clubs often?Haven't gone yet, but will soon.
Do you like meeting new people and hanging out?:Only if I feel it is worth my time-alone is often better
Do you like your handwriting?:Pretty much
Do you like being around people?:That really depends on the situation, and the people
Do you attend a church?:No
Do you believe in vampires?: Yes
Do you believe in witchcraft?: Yes.
Do you believe that you can be possesed?: Yes.
Do you believe in love?: yes, if its love and not lust
Do you believe in love at first sight?:Can happen
Do you believe in forgiveness?:For certain crimes-for others why should they be forgiven?
Do you want to get married?:yes I do.
Do you want to have kids?:none
Do you ever get off the damn computer?:To sleep, eat, and work.
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?:Most people say so
Are you evil?:But of course-at least some
Are you a paranoid?:No
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?:Nah, not really
Are you a violent person?:If the situation calls for it

Have you or will you ever steal?:No.
Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Yes, Twice but I grew up and learned from it.
Have you ever caused harm to yourself or someone else?:Not purposely.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?:No not yet.
Have you ever played a ouija board or used tarot cards?:No.
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: fighting

What is your favorite game?:Sims
What is your favorite movie?:Too many-ask away!
What is your favorite band?:Type O Negative, the Cruxshadows, many others-ask!
What kind of books do you read?:horror,vampires, non-fiction,some poetry, many books
What is your favorite color?: black and red
What is your favorite food?: italian
What is your favorite drink?:Dr. Pepper
What is your favorite animal?:Snakes
What is your favorite part of your emotional being?: My compassion
What do you like most about life?:Living
What do you dislike most about life?:The day-to-day problems of being alive
What is on your pillow cover?:nothing
What is on your coffee Cup?: My mug has dark forest on it, and my name.
What kind of shoes do you wear?:black sneakers.
What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?:old spice but rarely.
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?:Myself, no. Someone else, perhaps.
Would you rather be with friends or on a date?:Friends-dating is too stressfull
If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?:a crow, a wolf, or a white tiger
Are you the center of attention or the wallflower?:I don't lead,I don't follow, I do as the mood strikes me.
Are you a daredevil?:Occasionally
Ever lied to your best friend?:Yes,unfortunately
Are you happy with your life?:Pretty much
If you could change one thing what would it be?:My weight.

My Pain.

How can I let my pain go?
When I feel hurt and anger inside.
When the love tries to stay a live.
The love that once bloomed in the moring sun.

How can I hide my pain?
When you love someone and and feel ignored,
When all you want is to grab that person and
Say I love you.

My Pain, My hurt I must carry alone.
I must break my chains and some how fly again.
My pain, My sorrow is like a weight on my chest.
My love knows it must remain strong,
because it helps me live.

How can I hide the tears?
Cried because my heart is hurting.
Shed because my soul is turning.
Trying so hard to be free,

How can I let my pain go?
I am not sure, only that I must.
My heart and soul must live on.
My writing must live past me.
My pain I will let go.

My soul will fly again.
My heart will beat strong again.
The Love in my heart will live forever.
I am free once more.


My Tears

I think of you everyday and wonder how you are.
I dream of holding you close, but know I cant.
So I wipe away a tear.
The love I hold is endless never to die.
I long to kneel at your feet.
How I wish with all of my heart that you were mine.
How I beg the heavens "Make her mine!"
but I fall to ground and cry.
For I know she belongs to another.
So I wipe away my tears.
I know if not in this world then in the next
we are destin to be together.
One heart , One Love.

I gaze at your pic and wonder just what you are doing.
Your eyes entrap me.
Your lips, your sweet lips,
I so long to kiss again.
To caress your cheek.
Or to just take in your sweet aroma.
But again I know even though my heart is your.
You belong to another.
So I wipe away my tears.

I make this oath to you.
A promise I will keep.
We will be together some day.
If not in this world.
Then in the next.
Our love is endless it has no end.
I will love you for eternity.
And if I leave before you then
please remember this.
Look up for I am among the stars watching over you.
And when you feel the rain on your face remember
It is my tears touching you as I wipe them away.

If I am to be alone. Then so be it. I will fly into the sky and watch over the night. If no one will want me then it is your loss. I am who I am. I am loyal to all who need me. and A friend to all who ask. I have shed my blood protecting those who ask and I will shed it again. When I am considered for a house I thank you.

Member Since: Jul 17, 2005
Last Login: Jul 11, 2008
Times Viewed: 4,990

Times Rated:544

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Mar 31, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 04, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Nov 13, 2023


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