
Hell (Coven)

Death smells like a virgin maiden,alluring yet deceitful.
Set at 22:15 on December 31, 2013

Vampire Rave member for 10 years.

Status:  Unclean Spirit (39.21)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  xSingianx
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  December 25, 1983
Age:  40

Somewhere Your Not



Bite xDeathPoetx

Stalk xDeathPoetx



Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

Introduction. Well I could sit here and tell you all about what is needed to be said. I'm not much of a person just someone in this small world..someone that is still walking and moving when it's time to move. I don't judge others as to me that's a cheap way of trying to avoid someone true. I know that sounds odd..but that's just me.

But I am just a country girl that is living in a large city, or has lived in one far to long. Granted I will always be a country gal and always continue to be that, no matter how big the city is. I thrive on country things, Rodeo's I love. Well I use to be a barrel racer. Anyways. I'm not here to see how many rates I can get, or how many false friends I can make. No No,I know my true friends and they are still here, they are still lurking around. TO me that's important.

I am old enough to be mature and make the right choices, but yet I am still a kid at heart, always will be. Laid back easy going, I don't throw things out there just to see who iI can catch and find out how many people I can get to like me. I'm just someone that's grown up and still growing..but right now I'm content on where I am at..Im content how I am and no one will change that. I will not let anyone change me, if you are the kind to do that, please step away from my profile and carry on.

I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?

The true genius shudders at incompleteness - and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be.

Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul.' The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of 'Artist.'

Mask's. Now that's something interesting yes? something you wonder about. People tell you that you wear them,people say that you have one on. But the thing is. If you have one on, what makes you think you don't have many after that? Everyone is hiding something, it's only natural to do that,why?

It's to protect ourselves, it's something to help us get through the day. Mask's are something that help people act like something they are not,but the problems is, when someone spots it and someone see's it. No one knows how to be themselves. But when it comes to it,and it comes to someone seeing someone for who they really are..it's natural to get scared.

Now some mask's are fun and some are beautiful, but do not be fooled by them, they can hide more than you can even Imagine. They are something we like to try and hide behind, but granted if you figure it out, and you figure out how to live without a mask. Than maybe just maybe the way you see and think will be a bit different? I am not saying I do not wear a mask, I have been known yes. But yet when mine were peeled away i felt like I was taking that first breath,that breath you long for when you are under water to long.

Everyone has a right to wear a mask yes, but if you aren't able to pull yourself from it, than who are you really? Who do you tell people you are? It's something simple but yet something that is rather odd to try and explain right? You grow up wearing them and as you get older they only get thicker. But the real test is peeling them away,once you do that than you can see for a sure fact of what a mask really does do you. Emotion mask's are good but not all the time. Just a bit of food for thought that's all right?

Now when you see the word strangely Beautiful, what does it make you think of? To me it makes me see things that are not seen by others, it's something that is simply stunning and beautiful far more than what words can say let alone express. But I find things beautiful in their own way, more ways than what others might want to know of or hear about. I also find myself seeing the depth of something, or someone when they are near, seeing the world that most don't see. Granted most of you just see what you want to see, but there are a few that see something far more than what is given.

I see beauty in the simple of things, but yet I see the beauty of things once I look at them a bit closer, almost like finding a rare diamond or something in a place you would never think or know that would be there. But than again if we all were to see the same thing, wouldn't it be boring? Like all of us being the same, it would be really boring. But for me, when I see things for how they are meant to be seen I find it rather relaxing and soothing.I like things that are strangely beautiful. Sounds odd but if you really think about it, not everything is horrid. Not how people are making things, stop and take a look once and while and look into the strange things..and there you will find something truly beautiful.

Silence, what What a beautiful word. It's something many do not like, but it's something many love. But the question is, what really makes silence the one noise louder than the rest? It's simple, with silence there is so much that can be heard, no matter where you are, there is a noise, there is something to be heard. Sitting in a dark room you hear what is within the walls, you hear the smallest of things move, even hear the walls breathing but yet they do not speak. Each breath you take you can hear your own muscles stretching to become active, and relax after that breath was taken. Silence is powerful if you think about it, and if you can handle being in silence you can hear a lot more than anyone else.

Take the time and sit in a silent room, listen to everything even to your own heart and mind, even your soul if you listen closely. But don't be afraid of the silence, or don't be afraid of a room being silent. There is a reason for everything and to me,I believe it's worth sitting in a room or a place where there is no noise, only the naturalness of what you hear around you. The breathing of the ceiling, the walls, the floor, each step you take listen to your footfalls, listen to the movement of your clothing, your hair. No matter what there is no such thing as Silence, but only to those that fall on things with deaf ears.

Im sure you are wondering as to why I am using carousel horses, well if you think about it. When you go to a place that as them, you want to ride them right? The thing with carousel horses is that when you see them or ride them, they take you back to when you were a child, those good days you had when you were younger, the thoughts you had of when you told someone when you grow up you wanted to be something. They make you look back to how you once were innocent and how you were able to just wake up and not have a worry in the world. To me they show innocence and peace, they show you what you love and what you use to love.

To me they show no time in the world has taken them down, has put a damper on their souls, or their looks, they will never lose that innocence that so many of us want back. But upon stepping up and onto one of these beautiful things, you find yourself wrapping your fingers around the pole, your feet sliding into the stirrups, and soon you are ready to be taken back to when you were younger. I believe that deep in the material they are made from,is a soul for everyone to touch once more, just one more time of their younger years for when they were children. That is why they hold the title for Turning Time.

Life Upon this word you may think you know what it means fully,but really when someone ask you about life most will reply with something simple, life is what you are doing now,life is what you do on an every day thing. No Life is what allows you to walk, breathe, carry on in the world. without life you would not be able to do things. Life is what pulses through your veins and pushes your heart to pump to keep your life going, to keep yourself going, to keep what you have breathing and beating. Life is something special that so many take for granted and yet most tend to believe or say they welcome death. Do not be fooled by a few things, do not mistake life as something you can just use than throw away, because if you make the threat of throwing life away, life will throw you away first.

Death. Hmm interesting word, I find it rather soothing when it rolls off the tongue, but if you really think about it, death is not as bad as people make it out to be, death is just another step to live another life, death is just the end of the line of the current life you are living at the moment, but yet so many fear death, No don't fear it. It's just a step to move onto another life that is already waiting, when death comes about, all it is,is the body moving on that's all. I believe that anyways, I do not believe death is something that should be feared. I find death beautiful due to the fact your number or name as been called to move up and into a better life you were living at the time.

The Violin. Something that holds more soul and life to it than any other instrument you will every come upon, Granted there is a lot of others that are soothing but yet the violin is something that causes the heart to sore the soul to sing and jump, but yet it is able to tug upon the emtoions of one's well being. Strings of music plucked taunted and teased to be played upon the ears of those near or far, the far cries of the violin reaching out to be touched..to be tasted if anyone is willing to take that chance. Do not be fooled as this is something no so simple to play but something that has to have the depth of your own heart and soul to play.

Every string holds something magical..something special something deep something that makes you weep or makes you smile,something that makes you quiver and gasp but yet you struggle to figure out the sweet song of the strings the mysteriousness that is hidden in each one but only comes to life when touchced with a feather like touch, with fingers of flames and words whispered from the lips. If you struggle to know to much of the great instrument,the violin..than you may bever know the truth of it, let the strings tug at you and make you see what is there, let them tug and pull your through enough for you to taste what is real and what is the purest of the heart when it comes to something that makes beautiful music.

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Member Since: Dec 14, 2013
Last Login: Jan 12, 2014
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Nov 29, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Jan 22, 2022
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Apr 23, 2021

Your rate depends on content. A low rate wihen there is nothing there after a week, a high rate when I can read something about you and profile completed. Well come back to re rate if needed.

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