AngelBaby333's Journal


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12 entries this month

End Of Chapter 3

23:38 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 586

*Max smiles sympathetically and wraps an arm around Amber protectively* "I had no idea. Forgive my callousness." "It's ok, milord." Amber wipes away her tears then smiles up at him. *Max smiles down at her, glancing back out the window* She walks past him to the window. "I don't think these two mean any harm either sire. They're young...like me." Amber says smiling back at her master. Her smile fades then. "Please don't kill them?" *Max narrows his eyes* You may be right. Wait here. *Max vanishes into the shadows, reappearing on one of the walls of the castle, staring down at the two werewolves, realizing that the two of them are pack mates and that they appear to be...playing* "...Hold fire." "Sir?" "I said hold your fire. These two mean us no harm." "Yes sir." *Max reappears at Amber's side* "They'll be fine." Amber wraps her arms around his waist and hugs him. "I thank you, milord."

*Max smiles* "You're welcome, my pet." Amber then pulls back and smiles sweetly again. "I feel as if tomarrow is going be a big day for me." *Max smiles* "Who knows what tomorrow may bring?" Amber then lets out a yawn and stretches her arms. "...I'm tired now. Tehe all that cleaning and sword lessons have made me sleepy, sir. "Um....may I please go to sleep now?" She asks innocently and yawns again. "Of course, my pet." *Max turns to leave.* "Master." Calls Amber before her master shuts the door. "Yes?" Says Max, turning back. Amber smiles lovingly towards him and says, "Goodnight." *Max smiles walking back. He leans down and softly kisses her on the lips. "Sleep well, my pet." He leaves the room along with Amber still frozen stiff from his lusciously warm lips pressed gently against hers. His own way of little way of saying 'goodnight.' Max heads down the hall to his room, leaving the door unlocked behind him. He relaxes on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and smiling softly to himself.




Chapter 3 : Part 10

23:35 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 587

"Thank yo-" Something stops Amber's words in mid-sentence. "Master?" She asks quietly. "Yes?" Max answers curiously. "Whats that sir?" He pauses at repositioning her hands, now to simply feel her soft warm skin than to really be teaching. "Whats what, my pet?" "That." She says as she gives a quick little nudge to the something that poking her with her bottom. Suddenly Max realises and jumps back, feeling somewhat embarrasment. "Oh! Sorry about that my dear. My uh....um...Sword! Yeah my sword had slid some." He quickly lies to her. She smiles. "That is all for tonight, fledgling." He says almost calm. Max walks back to his room after escorting Amber back to hers, closing his door behind him. He sighs. "Fledglings are so much trouble. But this one...this is going to be tougher than I thought." Max stares out the window as the moon begins to rise. Max continues staring out the window at the moonlit night, as howls are heard outside, at the far edge of the woods

Amber stares at the closed door to her room. She wonders if she had upset him again. "I hope I didn't make him mad with me again...he looked sort of angry when he left." Amber shrugs and walks to her bathroom, but just before she enters, her attention is drawn towards the window. "What was that?" Amber peers out the window into the darkness. Her eyes -being more advanced than the average mortal- cetch a glimpse of something in the distance, two figures dashing about the trees. "Whoa...what is that?" She hears howling now. "Uh oh." She mutters spinning around and runs for her door. "Master! Master!" *Max appears behind Amber, sword in hand, a gleam in his eyes* Werewolves. Ambers jolts around with a swinging arm. "Ahh!" *Max gently grabs Amber's arm in mid swing, rubbing it a little before letting it go*

Relax. My guards have the situation well in hand. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, sir. You startled me." She glances up at him, remembering his last words. "Um..what do you mean your guards have it in hand, sir?" "No problem. The guards will keep the castle safe." "Are...are they going to kill those creatures?" Amber asks quietly. "Yes" Answers Max. Amber then lets out a sharp gasp. "W-what?...why?" "Because they indiscriminately kill everything and everyone they come across. They are a threat, not only to vampires like myself, but more importantly, to the humans who populate my lands." Amber's mouth falls open in shock. "How can you say such a thing, master!? They are not like that at all...maybe some, but definately not the majority! Before I came here, I actually befriended one." She looks away from him feeling sad. "He helped me escape and protected me for awhile...until..." Tears begin to stream down her cheeks. "Until something he was protecting me from in the woods...killed him. He told me to run! Before he changed for the fight...so I did. I didn't know where I was going...just that it was covered in nothing but cold snow." She snivels. "He was the only friend I ever had...and now he's gone."




Chapter 3 : Part 9

23:32 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 588

"Im afraid I won't sir, for I have been cleaning this castle ever since I came here. I honestly don't mind... and besides I know of nothing else to do without getting in trouble for it......and um....why did you call me...amber, sir?" *Max smiles* Still, that is a job for others in this castle. You needn't worry about getting in trouble around here, my dear. And, that is your name, is it not? She looks away feeling ashamed of herself as she answers. "I...I do not know sir. I do not remember anything before i came into the hands of my.....former master." Her eyes water in fear as her last words leak out from her lips. Tears begin to drop from her cheeks. *max blinks slowly* "Your former master?" *max looks at her, alarmed and gently wipes her tears away, hugging her softly* "There there, young one. No need to cry." Amber nods against his chest and snivels. "Please." She wimpers. "Please dont let him find me, sir..." *Max looks down at her in shock, gently rubbing her back* "Shhh...no one has ever breached the walls of my castle. You're safe here. Shhh." She pulls back and gazes up at him with her glistening hazel eyes. "Can i trust you on that, milord?"

*Max smiles* Of course. Amber gives him a slightly suspicious look. "....ok" She then lets out a sad sighs and suddenly notices her new master's sword. The beauty and danger of the sword captures her mind. ".......Um...Sir? Please don't get angry with me for asking this." She says looking up into his dominating brown eyes. "But...could you.....maybe umm...." *Max raises an eyebrow* Could I maybe what? "Could you....please...teach me to use a sword?" Amber asks softly. "I...I have never gotten the chance to even touch something of weaponry...or....atleast i don't remember getting to..." She glances down toward the ground. "Please sir? I promise I will be very careful." Max smiles "Very well then, my dear." Max beckons her with a finger and walks just outside the courtyard to a small closet within the outer wall and brings her a sword from a weapons rack inside the closet. The blade is bright and shiny. It is formed with a long double bladed edge and oddly V shaped handguard. Amber's eyes get wider with awe as he places the handle into her little hands correctly. "Ohhh, wow sir. It's absolutely beautiful." She says quietly. Max smiles to himself while softly rearranging her hands on the handle -now to simply just feel her silk skin, than to be teaching- before he takes out his own sword.

*Max raises his sword, glancing at Amber* Now then, the first thing you need to know is that in swordsmanship, the blade is an extension of your own body. Don't treat it as a weapon, treat it as part of you. We'll go slow until you pick it up. *Max proceeds to runs through a few basic sword maneuvers with Amber until she begins to get better with her sword* "Oh...ok? Um sir?" She looks up at him with a puzzled expression with the practice sword in her hands, the tip touching the stone ground of the court yard. "H-how do I hold this?" Exactly how I positioned your hands before. She frowns down sadly. "I know sir...but could you please show me again? I couldnt really see what you were doing." *Max moves in behind her and places his hands gently over hers, showing her the proper way to hold her sword as she inhales his scent, reveling in how good he smells* A quick shiver curses throught her body as she takes in as much of his aroma as possible without being too obvious




Chapter 3 : Part 8

22:09 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 589

"Hmm..." Amber cocks her head at the dancing glow across the yard. "I wonder..." She picks up her broom and quietly tip-toes across the room to the tunnel. She flattens her back against the cool stone wall and peeks around the corner before entering any further and finds a lit torch at the bottom of a dusty winding stairwell. "A secret passage?" Amber questions to herself as she takes a peep down into the lit tunnel from the top of the stairs. The crashing metal alarms off again and Amber decides to investigate further. "Who could possibly be up at this hour besides myself?" She creeps down the stairwell, observing more lit torches alining the left wall. At the bottom, Amber gazes through another inclosed passage, hesitating to move any further since her master's scent is really strong down here. After a few moments of debating herself, her curiosity side wins the round. For three nights she continues to come down these steps to watch the master practice sword fight with the young man named David. "Your pet is watching us again sir." David smiles an amused smile.

Max glances up "Three nights in a row. She seems pretty curious, but then again, she's young." Max blocks one of David's sword strikes. "Hope she's not too upset with my exploding at her." David strikes again, blocking one of Max's as he responds Forgive me my lord, but perhaps you were a little harsh on her?" Max spins around and moves to strike David's back. "Perhaps, but it WAS Mira's picture, after all." David smiles softly "We all miss her, milord, but do you really think it was on purpose?" asks David quietly. *Max backflips, kicking David in the chin as he brings his sword up, the strike blocked by the other man, who strikes again* No, David, I don't. Well then, why not forgive her? *Max mutters something under his breath and suddenly grabs David, tripping him up and slamming him into the ground, pointing the blade at his throat "You're getting better. Keep it up." Max helps the man to his feet, smiling a little. As the two men shake hands and depart for the night, Amber quickly flattens herself against the wall hoping the master hasnt seen her as he sheathed his sword. "I know you're there pet....you can come out now, it's ok." *She steps out, her head bowed slightly* "Y-yes master?"

"About last night, Amber. I apologize. That picture was of someone very near and dear to my heart. *Max looks away, the memory and sadness burning in his eyes as he looks back, his expression unreadable* So how are you liking your accommodations? "They're very lovely sir. Thank you so much for letting me stay here in your home...and im sorry about entering your room milord...i tried to ignore the fragrance coming from within but it was overwelmingly wonderful...i should have tried harder. Im sorry" Amber snivels as she gives Max an explanation, still keeping her head low and clutching the broom tightly, praying he will not hit her. *Max smiles, gently cupping Amber's chin, turning her face up to look at him* You need not fear me, my pet. Amber's grip of the broom loosens a little as her cheeks gain color. "Ok sir" She smiles. *Max smiles, glancing at the broom* You also don't need to worry about cleaning the place. You aren't a slave. "Im...not?" *Max shakes his head* No, no you aren't. Amber scratches her head being somewhat confused for a moment. "Whoa...ok, i guess" She looks up at him now. "Well...I've already cleaned the whole castle twice sir...and my own room more a dozen." *Max smiles* Thank you. We all appreciate it. But seriously...stop. You'll just get tired.




Chapter 3 : Part 7

22:08 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 590

Moments after hitting the dresser, a crashing sound of glass breaking; sound around her feet. Amber swallow hard as she slowly looks down to see a picture frame shattered on the ground between them. "I, I'm so sorry sir...I didn't mean-" "That's enough! Get out." Max shouts strictly stepping back from her. "Milord. please forgive me..I wasn't-" "I said, Get out!" Max interrupts irritated. "But-" "GET OUT!" Amber jumps of fright from Max's thunderous demand. She fights to hold back the tears atleast until she is out his sight and quickly answers. "Yes master!" She then halls ass out of the room, scared that if she stays any longer she will be brutally punished. Amber swiftly zooms down the hallway to her room, the tears now flowing down her cheeks and wishing she'd never walked even an inch within her master's chambers. Oh how she regrets so. Entering her room, she locks the door behind her, angry with her behavior for going against her master's orders. She then trudges over to the window; deciding not to do anything until the night passes...not wanting to bother her master in any way so his anger will pass over more quickly. But before too long after sitting, tidying up, and reading a couple of book from the bookshelf to the far right of the window in the corner, next to a -fairly large but small enough- mahogany desk, similar to the ones you might find in the office of a college dean; becomes a bore, her ability to stay put and mind changing habits get the best of her.

Therefore, she stands up taking a quick stretch, she notices thats it's around three in the morning before walking out of the room and into the dark hallway again. Down to the closet stocked with cleaning supplies she goes. Her mission once again to clean around the castle to past the time before dawn approaches. Only moments after she first walks out her chambers, does the heavenly scent of her master infumigate her senses. Amber does her best to ignore the tempting distaction, shaking her head a few times to clear her mind which it intoxicates too well. She reaches the storage closet at haste, grabbing everything she needs for her round-cleaning of the castle like she did before. An hour passes so far, leaving time around four in the morning now, with Amber starting her second cleaning detour of the castle. The only light is by the light of the moon, gleaming through certain windows and archways throughout the castle. Since no openings aline most of the hallways, Amber cleans throughout the darkened chamber hallways practically blind, where the moonlight does not stretch far enough from the windows and archways. Dusting, wiping down everything, sweeping, and anything she can do to make the castle spotless. Amber takes the broom -after putting all the other cleaning supplies where they belong- and makes her way down the stairwells that leads to the first floor.

She crosses through the dining hall and great hall, onto an outside stone-courtyard. Amber hides behind a large collumn..refreshingly cool to the touch as she presses against it to check if the coast is clear."Good, no one is here." She whispers in a sigh of relief. She wipes her forehead and inhales a deep breath, lets it out and begins to sweep. At least here she can see most of what she is doing. A slight breeze passes through the courtyard and Ambers heads snaps up in alert. The master's scent faintly cruises up her nose as she halfway done sweeping the courtyard. A sound of metal clashing together rings out like an alarm. Amber sniffs the air again and decides the master is close but not too close. "Infact the same direction as that sound is coming from." Amber notices a dim light flickering from a tunnel-like passage way on the far end of the courtyard in the corner. "I wonder what that could be" She whispers to herself as she raises up from her sweeping. The ring of clashing metal sounds off again, then again.




Chapter 3 : Part 6

22:06 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 592

Now late afternoon, Amber carefully opens and peers out into the hallway, glancing both ways to see if the coast is clear. Being satisfied, she slips out of her room and casually follows the lovely smell to where she followed it before, taking in as much of the addicting fragrence as her lungs can hold. Pausing only a few inches of the door to the master's private quarters. Right after a couple of deep breaths in an effort to untie the knots of nerves in her stomach, she slowly raises her hand to the knob, and gives it a rotation to the right. Surprisingly, its still unlocked. Amber enters the darkend room, this time not being thrown out with such haste. Even though the room is almost too dark to see anything, she travels cautiously, a little futher. The seducing fumes start to evade into her mind and nose. They stur her thoughts like in a blender. Not being able to think so great now, Amber loses the track of time, getting well distracted by everything about her master's chamber. It's been atleast two hours since she first step foot in this...unique room. In a sudden flash of a second, the door to the room flies open! Amber instictively jolts around stopping, her hazel eyes growing. Her stomach and nerves, tightening and tangling, making her head spin more from fear, as she realizes who stands before her with glaring eyes. A startled gasp escapes from within her. Her body begins to tremble slightly of fright, sensing the great amount of power the master (who is Max) of the massive ancient castle in which she is being fostered, possesses. "What do you think you're doing in here?!" Max growls with a hint of 'ticked-off' in his rich and masculine voice. "Who told you you could be in here?!" He continues louder and more angrily. Amber stands frozen in fear, afraid that her master will just end up like the last. "ANSWER ME!" Max shouts furiously, causing her to automaticly snap back to reality. He senses her pulse rushing, her delicious smelling blood flowing faster through that beautiful body she's attached to.

A light tear trickles down Amber's soft pale cheek as she slowly opens her mouth to try to speak. "N-n-nobody sir" She stutters while Max calmly walks up to her but she steps back. "Nobody, huh? Then why the hell are you in here" Max steps closer as Amber takes another step. "There...there is a wonderful scent that comes from within this room milord. I could not help myself, it flooded my senses and distracted me from obeying your wishes sire." She then snivels a little, pausing for a moment before speaking again. "I only wished to simply find the sort which was giving off this magnificent aroma." She frowns tilting her head down as another tear falls to the floor. "I did not mean to upset you milord. I just....I-" "You just what?" Max commands calmly as he steps closer. "I, well..." She pauses again. "...Nevermined sir, it's nothing." Amber mumbles quietly, stepping back another step.

(Vampires arn't actually what you see in those poser hollywood movies. They do not get affected by a cross, holy water, garlic, all that hollywood crap...it's only myth, but the superior strenght and agility, and the five heighten senses, is true. The best theory of all is that they definately don't burst into flame when in sunlight...that's just stupid, though it is an awesome sight when the sun does hit them, but that's for later. Max now, is a rare speacies of bloodsucker. Him being the vampire that he is, has rare mind powers. Capable of reading thoughts, and also the great power of telekinesis, though he has to use this wisely for it uses a large amount of energy.)

He continues to move in on her, reading her thoughts since argueing does not suit the purpose. ("I realize this scent is coming from you milord. You smell fantastic, though I dare not tell you this, for it would be wrong of me to do so. I'm afraid to tell you sir...afraid this crime I've committed will lead to severe beatings upon me...yet again.") Amber thinks to herself, unknowing that her master is hearing her thoughts. He comes closer to her. "Listen, I'm not going to argue with you, fledgling...if you do not wish to explain futher, fine. I won't force you, I shall let you off the hook this time, but I warn you, this is your first and last warning I will give you my pet." Max states firmly as he lifts his right hand to gently stroke Ambers cheek. Amber immediately jolts back at the icy but tenderness of Max's touch, accidently bumping into a large machogoney dresser.




Chapter 3 : Part 5

21:51 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 593

A while later, after amber has finially finished eating she cleans her bedroom trying to make use of the time. Another few knocks are heard on the door once more. "Yes?" Amber calls before Marcus enters her room again. "Milady?" "Yes sir?" "I have come to inform you that our lord shall be arriving around dusk." he calmly informs, noticing the smile lurking on Ambers lips. "Really!? Thank you!" Amber cheerfully inquires with the excitement spreading like a virus on her face. "You're welcome, miss" Smiles Marcus, looking around the room, "Wow! Milady, you've really out done yourself, cleaning up and all." His eyes then travel back to meet Amber's. "Oh, yes sir." Amber says shyly. Marcus smiles quietly, bringing her confidence back up. "Im really impressed," She grins to herself at his comments. "If you feel the need to wash up, the bathroom is right through that door over there, to the left of the window, incase you haven't noticed already." "Thank you, sir...you are too kind" "It is once again my pleasure, milady..there is also a wardrobe supplied right of the sink." He smiles politely in her direction and she returns it kindly. "Good day miss." Marcus says bowing to her then turning to leave, but pauses for a moment. "I am Marcus by the way" He says, then leaves the room. As soon as the door closes behind him, Amber strides over torwards the bathroom which Marcus pointed out only moments ago. Her eyes grow wide in amazement as she enters the beautiful bathroom. Amber walks to the fairly large jaccuzi and leans down to turn on the hot water deciding to take a bath and freshen up.

A little while afterwards, once Amber has finished drying herself off, she keeps the towel around her body as she easily strides over to where Marcus said a wardrobe would be. She then raises her hand to the knob and gives it a twist; opening the door to find her eyes growing as her mouth drops in total fasination of how many clothes and accessories and shoes overloading the sturdy shelves which aline the nine foot tall walls from top to bottom. "Oh. My. Gosh." The words seem to escape from her mouth, before she even thinks to speak 'em. Amber takes a small step inside the magnificently stocked closet/wardrobe, wondering on what to wear, she notices a step-ladder; (Most likely to reach the top shelves). But soon Amber gives up and just decides to pull on another silk night gown; knowing she doesn't really deserve any of these beautiful items. She then leaves out of the wardrobe closing the door behind her. Strolling back into the bedroom, her head cocks to the side being a bit confused at the sight of a lovely pale blue gown already laid out for her on the edge of her bed. "What the- ...Who could have-" Amber mutters in confusion, walking over to the side of the bed grabbing the gown and replacing the towel covering her with it. She inhales deeply along with a good stretch. "Mmm..feels good to be fresh again" Says to herself. Inhaling for a second time she catches that same wonderful scent she had the night before. Suddenly she get the 'wanting' to investigate it further...before her new master comes home.




Chapter 3 : Part 4

21:47 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 594

Terrible beatings everynight, for no reason except for pure enjoyment. After completeing the thousands of chores she had been ordered to do, her master would drag her by the roots of her scalp, down beneath the castle grounds to a speacial dungeon her master would use for her only. Torture of all kinds but sexual were inflicted upon her fraility. She remembers that one time she ever caught a name of her former master. It was an accident, but Amber could over hear her master with a guard, The guard made the mistake of saying the master's name aloud. Therefore he was beheaded. Malachai, is thy name. There are two by which go by this. One, a full blooded vampire; the other, only half, but both fulfill their share of evil wickedness. Amber sits on the bench-like window sill with her knees pulled up to her chest, staring out over the beautiful scenery with drowned hazel eyes. She had learned to tell time by watching the shadows of night and day. It now appears to be around 2 a.m. or so, still night outside. Amber sighs out of boreness, she decides to leave her chambers and try to clean up around the castle. Knowing her wounds have not fully healed, she goes ahead anyway since she does not feel like resting any longer.

Amber opens the bedroom door quietly, not wanting to disturb everyone asleep.She then tip-toes down the darkened hallway in search of some type of storage closet, minuets later she finds one. Amber opens the closet door and pulls out a duster, some rags, and other cleaning supplies. She then begins cleaning, dusting, mopping, and sweeping all throughout the massive castle. As dawn approches, Amber is nearly finished with the un-ordered chores. Now completeing her fourth round of the hallways containing the bedrooms, a strange and delicate and lovely scent spreads around her, enchanting her as if it were from the heavens. The wonderful fragrance seems to be comeing from the room at the end of the third story hallway; the same one her room is on. "What is this great smell?" she wonders to herself. Amber finishes her cleaning for the night and decides to investigate what soarce the scent is coming from. She sneaks over to the room silently and tries the knob, to her surprise the door is unlocked. She gently pushes the door open, just enough to where she slips through.

The next morning Amber finds herself back in her room, back in her bed.The morning sunlight streams through the large window, warm on her skin where it ends. She sits up, her head spinning slightly. As she does her bandaged wounds start to sting a little. "How did I get back in here?" Just as soon as she thinks that to herself, the same wonderful scent works its way up her nose. Suddenly, a polite knock is heard on the door. "Come in." Amber says. The door opens, and Marcus walks in smiling. "Good morning miss, sleep well?" Marcus asks. "Fine thanks." Amber replies sweetly as she slowly crawls out of bed. She also notices that Marcus has brought in breakfast for her again. He carries the tray and sets it down at the same small table near the window. "I must say milady, that you look a lot better since the day before yeasterday." "Thank you sir, and..you don't have to keep bringing me my meals everyday. I'm really not that hungry for all of this." Says Amber. "Think nothing of it milady, its my pleasure, and besides, the master has ordered me to do so. He does wish for you to regain your full health." Marcus smiles but then his expression changes. "Also, there was something i forgot to mention yesterday. If you wish to leave your chambers and want to roam the castle, feel free." He says with a weak smile. "But I warn you, do not enter the master's chambers...don't worry, miss, it is only an order from the master. This order goes for everyone so don't feel bad miss.." Judging from his words and the way he spoke them, Amber wonders if he realized her features changing, giving away her feelings. Marcus continues, "However, if anyone does enter without permission or escort of the master, they will be punished." "Yes sir" Amber gulps, slightly trembling at the thought of what might happen if she were to disobey her new master. "Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have some business I need to attend to." Marcus bows then turns and leaves, leaving Amber to collect her thoughts. "Hmm..I wonder if thats the room this sweet aroma is coming from?" Amber mumbles to herself as her feet carry her back and forth around her room, pacing.




Chapter 3 : Part 3

21:44 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 595

A shock crashes through the girl's body, sending her to the same white forest she was abandoned to, a century ago, when she was a child. A young handsome man stands before her, a fimiliar scent blurrs about him. His shoulder lenght hair is as black as the night itself and his eyes with a slight glow of emarld green. His body fairly masculine and very smooth to the eyes. The man wears black pants of some foreign material and a black leather trench coat covers most of his nicely formed body. A large sheath strapped to his back holds a large shinning sythe, the blade appearing to be made of silver or steel. "Amber I know you do not know who I am right now but, I assure you, all of your memory and power will return to you in due time. As for now, you-" The man stops all of a sudden, a sadden, yet surprised look on his face, his voice ragged. "I...am sorry Amber, I must, leave you now" Without another word, the dark haired man disappears and a shrilling scream is heard with a bright flash of light, jolting Amber awake.

Unsure of her surroundings, noting that her wounds have been treated, also that she is wearing what appears to be a black silk nightgown, lying in a massive queen size bed in a huge, well furnished room. She gets up, her head slightly hurting, feeling woozy and almost falling, she manages to make it over to the window to stare at the breathtaking scene beyond. Entering the sunlight, it feels rather nice on her skin, being only half vampire instead of the full blooded species. Little does Amber know, she is in a massive ancient castle in the Carpathian mountains. She stares out the window in awe, noting that all she can see for miles around, are thick,green forest. Suddenly, she jumps, being startled by a polite knock from the door behind her. The door opens revealing Marcus, walking in carrying a tray with scrambled eggs and bacon on it, along with a glass of orange juice. "Sorry miss, I didn't mean to scare you. I did however, thought you might be hungry." Marcus says nicely as he sits the tray down at a small table near the window, pulling her chair out for her, as she walks over a little skiddish acting. "Are you sure you're in the right room sir, because normally, I am not allowed to have food, that is without permission sir." Marcus raises an eyebrow, the alarm at Amber's statement worrying him slightly. "Without permission, miss? Are you telling me you have to have permission to...well, not while you're here. The Master will want you well taken care of. You are in no danger within these walls, now please, eat." Amber shares a weak smile, walking closer, somewhat confused, but still very hungry.

"Perhaps you would like me to answer a question you might be wandering." Marcus implies. "The Master has brought you here to see to it that your wounds were properly cared for. Apparently, the master decided to take you in. Also the reason he is not here at the moment is that there were reports of a werewolf attack near the edges of his lands, so he has gone to deal with the problem." Marcus imforms. Amber cautiously picks up the the small glass of orange juice and takes a sip. She swallows. "I do not mean to intrude sir, but do you know when master might be back?" "I do not know exactly when he'll be back, but do not trouble yourself my lady, master shall be back within a couple of days, at the most." Marcus says. "In the mean time, It would be best for you to try and get some rest." Amber nods as she takes another sip of orange juice and begins to nibble on a strip of bacon. "Sir, once I've rested enough, should I go ahead and start my chores? I mean, assuming that I have duties as a slave, I would like to begin them as soon as possible." Marcus looks at her for a moment in shock. "A slave? Oh dear. No, you're not...why would you think...perhaps it would be better to wait until the Master returns so he can sort this out, but you are not a slave, you're a guest".




Chapter 3 : Part 2

21:41 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 596

Max takes one last sip of blood from his wine glass, and leaves the tab on the table as he gets up and leaves out the door into the cold following behind the gang of werewolves. He stops as he turns the corner of the alley and sees the gang leap gacefully from the rooftops to cirlce the young girl. He hides in the shadows, resting his right,black gloved hand on a long silver sword attached to his belt, his eyes gleaming red with anger as they turn more serpentine. The werewolves begin to move in on their prey. The girl's trembling is now taken over by fear instead of being half frozen. "No, please! Why me?!" She prays to herself, franticly. A werewolf strikes, but the girl somehow, strangely dodges the blow. As she rises back up, another werewolf strikes from behind, and the girl is sent flying into one of the alley's brick walls, knocking her unconscious. “Preying on the innocent? YOU DISGUST ME!!” Max lunges forward, cutting two of the werewolves in half, kicking another one in the face and grabbing a fourth by the throat, slamming him into the wall “You arrogant puppies need to learn your place! It is NOSFERATU who rule the night, not you fleabitten curs! BEGONE! With that the man smashes the werewolf into the wall hard enough to snap the poor creature’s spine, killing it instantly.

He turns on the leader, somersaulting over its head and stabbing it through the heart from behind, suddenly ripping the sword out of it and throwing it at the last fleeing werewolf, pinning the creature to a light post by its throat “Vermin. Now then, my dear, let’s see if we can’t get you some help.” The man draws closer to the young girl, inhaling sharply as he notices her beauty…and how much she reminds him of…someone he once knew “You’re weak from cold, as well as the wounds you’ve sustained, lack of food…you poor girl.” He leans over her, gently sinking his teeth into her neck, embracing her protectively, sending her calming thoughts as his voice is heard in her head, melodious, but slightly dark, as if tainted by something sinister“ You’ve been strong enough for one night, my dear. Just relax and let all your worries slip away. You’re safe now.” Max pulls back after a while, recovering his sword and cleaning it, replacing it in its sheath as he walks back to the girl, picking her up with ease “We’ll have to do something about those wounds of yours, not to mention your attire. No fledgling of mine is going to go around in such a sorry state.” With that, both of them vanish as the shadows enveloped them, leaving only the chill wind whistling through the streets behind them.

Max carries the girl away from the abandoned town at a blinding speed, a speed so fast not even other creatures of the night could catch a slight glimpse of his swiftness. A clearing of a white forest, the man in black halts to, with the girl still limp in his strong arms. An unusually large snow covered hill begins to move in front of them, propellers start to spin out from the snow, causing the rest of the snow to quiver down to the ground exposing a jet black hawk helicopter. The wind from the propellers pick up, causing Max's trench coat to sway rapidly along with his hair. The door to the helicopter opens with a tall, blonde-headed and pretty stout man who is also wearing black, on the other side. "Ah, Marcus!" Yells Max, as he quickly walks over. "Good to see you again my lord!" Marcus replies. "In fact it is very important we head back immediately! There is a rather serious situation you need to attend to sire! "A serious situation? Hmm...we'll discuss it during the flight, and...what happened to your hair?" Max asks. "I...um...lost a bet." Marcus says "Uh huh. Very well then, let's get a move on, we haven't much time. This girl is in need of more than what human medical attention can provide." Max says. "So it's like that, is it, my lord?" Max favors his most trusted servant with a fanged smile. "Indeed." The two men board the helicopter as it lifts into the sky, heading off for points unknown.




Chapter 3 : Part 1

21:36 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 600

Maximillion Draconis, those who can get close enough call him Max. A tall and slim yet very well built, handsome young looking man, around the age of twenty-five, sits in the silence of shadows in a dark corner of an old musty alcoholic smelling bar in the small unknown town in nothern Russia. His features dead, but mischievously attracting to those of the opposite sex. The thick dark brown wavy locks reach down just inches below his ears. The skin attached to the body of his withered soul is a little pale, and chilling to the touch. His masculine face holds a pair of luscious lips that tend to hide deadly fangs in a mouth which longs for the taste of blood. This nightly creature sits quietly, hidden by shadow, slowly sipping thick, dark red liquid from a wine glass, staring out over the bar with glistening brown eyes. He wears only black attire, a long sleeve black silk shirt fits nicely under a black cotton, formal button-up vest. His black pants come down just over the top of his military style combat boots. A long black leather trench coat covers around the mysteriously frightening but attractive figure, slinking down to the wooden floor which seems to have not been swept in ages.

The old bar is nothing great, basically somewhere to get out of the cold for awhile and maybe have a drink to warm the bones. Most of the chairs are hanging from edges of tables since dawn is only about an hour or so away. Every six years this little town has a whole week of darkness during the harsh winters. This will be the first signs of daylight now that the week of darkness is almost over. The bar isn't heavily crowed either, just a few beings here and there, also taking sips of thick red liquid, some from one another. Max watches a gang of about five creatures closely, his eyes intent and serpentine and slightly red. He continues glaring at the gang for quite awhile until, suddenly his concentration is broken by a couple of frantic knocks on the front door of the building. "Come in" Says the bartender sort of loud, as he wipes out a glass with a towel. The door creeks open. A teenage girl who seems to be at the age of seventeen stumbles through the doorway. This girl has a magnificent beauty about her that catches Max's full attention. Though her body has much bruising and many scars, he somehow still finds her rather attractive. Her light brown hair stretches down just pass her shoulders. Her eyes a watering blue. She wears a ragged brown dress that comes down to her trembling knees of a pair of nice long legs. She walks further into the bar not knowing it is a place for those of the night, a place for vampires.The gang that the man in black had been watching moments earlier have there eyes set now on the girl. One of them whispers something to another who appears to be the leader of the little pack. The leader nods with a slight grin.

The girl glances over at them, her eyes weary with an ounce of fear. "You don't belong here, young lady" The bartender says as the girl looks back to face him. "I'm sorry sir. I just needed to-" "I advise you to leave, now." The bartender interrupts firmly. The girl nods slowly, turns and walks back out the bar into the blistering cold. Just as the door shuts behind her the gang immediately follows. The girl turns a corner into an alleyway, while walking she begins to shiver again. Then suddenly one by one the gang jumps down from the roofs of buildings, surrounding her. She becomes alarmingly frightened as they start to morph, with the full moon shinning bright in the dark sky above. Long snouts carrying large K-9 teeth emerge from their evil faces. Their bodies' grow rapidly, increasing their size and power by five feet. Claws quickly slide out from their toe and finger tips, dark gray fur covers them completely as they snarl in hunger. The new forms that the gang owns now looks like some of hell's K-9's...werewolves.




skipping chapter 2 of "My Dear Fledgling" lol

21:33 Jul 04 2009
Times Read: 602




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