Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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3 entries this month

The Young Pioneers Part 3 Chapter Eleven

23:54 Jan 28 2016
Times Read: 605

Feeling bemused, James looked to Wilmington.

In turn, Tobias simply nodded, before indicating that they follow him.

Chapter Eleven

As Tobias led them, lighting activated, illuminating their passage. Finally he stopped and looked to his feet, then to the wall, left of where the exit would be.

“Maribel can’t use these corridors, as they were not equipped for her,” he explained. This was very much part of Wilmington’s strategy; and, it was important she knew nothing of his intentions.

“I’ve already got most of your gear stowed by the steps,” Tobias told Jason.

“Thanks,” the young man replied, his mind somewhat preoccupied with the image of his Maribel, soon to be lost to him: her lustrous black hair, eyes that beguiled and, a smile that had won him over that first time he’d met her at the waterfall.

He wanted to make things easier for James, the man he’d inconvenienced, to say the least and, for his son, who Maribel had grown to care for, these last years…

With a wave of his hand a closet suddenly appeared to Wilmington’s left and, he took out a long dark brown, thick dust-coat.

Draping the coat over Jason’s shoulders, Tobias turned to James and told him, “You’ll be needing this, soon… I have something for you, both of you…”

As the rough texture of the softened leather fell across his shoulders, Jason turned his head to face Tobias.

“A coat?” He asked of the other man, his expression betraying his curiosity.

Tobias grinned in response, before answering cryptically, “The Captain will find it useful, when he finds what I have for you.”

With that, he gave a sweeping gesture above his head with his right hand and, a circular hatchway appeared, from which a step ladder descended.

Turning to James and Jason he said to them, “Recall, I said Maribel couldn’t use this way out?” Tobias explained, as he took hold of the ladder and began to climb, telling them, “Well, this is why…”

James looked to his son and, then to the ladder. He was unsure of what to do – yet as Jason had known Tobias far longer than him, he deferred to him, on this matter of trust… ‘Should I follow?’

Jason gave a brief nod, moreso with his eyes, than with his head. Yet, it was enough for James; and he grasped hold of the ladder with both hands, to follow Tobias.




The Young Pioneers Part 3 Chapter Ten

22:51 Jan 15 2016
Times Read: 613

Tobias looked to her, his Little Mermaid and, his heart sank, to see her like that.

“What can I do?” He asked her softly.

In answer, Maribel held out her arms, “Hold me Daddy.”

Chapter Ten

Red… and Noise.

Then, his name being called, as he was being shaken, finally drew James from his deep sleep, borne from his physical and mental exhaustion.

“James, wake up…” The voice came from the doorway.

“Father!” Jason shouted, shaking James again.

“Frag!” He snarled, “First good nights sleep I’ve had in a decade and, you have to wake me!”

Momentarily stunned by his outburst Tobias and Jason stepped back as he sat up, allowing the covers to fall from his lean, muscular and heavily scarred torso.

Then suddenly, James grinned at both men, before saying, “I take it something has happened?”

“Never was one for overstating matters… my Father…” Jason told Tobias smiling, as James began dressing.

“I’ve had a message from Taelos Corporation; my old bosses…” Tobias explained hurriedly, looking to James, as he sat on the side of the bed and tied his boot laces.

He needed to gauge the man’s reaction to the news: that was important.

“Is that why the emergency lights and klaxon sounding?” James quizzed, having stood to finish dressing.

“Yes, till you’ve gone, I’ve got the place on lockdown,” he responded.

“After all,” Tobias added, his hands gestures acting to highlight every word, “Its taken years to get off the grid and stay under the Taelos radar… Frag! You’ve no idea how far their influence reaches, do you?”

“Frell, until now I didn’t know there were multi-corps… In my day, the corporations were bad enough!” James snapped.

Then after a pause from him, for dramatic effect – that was lost on the other two men – James finished dressing and turned toward Tobias, a wide grin on his face.

“Okay, besides early morning infusion of caffeine, I’m ready. So, go through it slowly Tobias, alright!” James snapped, again.

Looking stern, Wilmington coughed, before responding.

“Taelos… they wanted to know why I’d reopened the void…” he told James.

“And?” James prompted, now fully awake.

“It seems that security have decided that you’re an unwarranted threat and, you need to be… eliminated.” He clarified.

“Eliminated!?!” Both Father and son exclaimed as one.

“Yes and I don’t want to upset my Maribel, regarding young Jason here; so you’re both leaving… before Taelos decide to do as threatened.” Tobias informed them.

Feeling bemused, James looked to Wilmington.

In turn, Tobias simply nodded, before indicating that they follow him.




The Young Pioneers Part 3 Chapter Nine

01:31 Jan 10 2016
Times Read: 635

At that moment a figure stood in the doorway, Maribel in his arms. It was Jason, but this figure before them was no boy, he was tall, slim and well-toned, possessing a body that testified to years swimming, with Maribel. Like her, he was naked.

“Guess I should have dressed?” Jason asked of both the men.

Chapter Nine

Jason looked to his Father, delighted to see him, while being curious to see how he might react.

James though needed rest, after all he’d experience and, the drink. He looked to his son and stated the obvious, “My my, haven’t you grown!”

And it was true as Jason had matured, he had grown; the two men were now of equal height.

They stared at one another, as Maribel looked to Willington. She did not want to lose Jason and, her Father knew it. But, what could he say?

James couldn’t help but caress his son’s left cheek, a smile on his face.

“Alive?” He murmured: “Thank frell for that.”

“Yes this is Maribel,” Jason responded, feeling the need to introduce her.

“I’m so pleased to see you, my son…” James added.

“You were gone so long, I started doing what teach did back at school,” Jason admitted with a sheepish grin.

“Tolliver, Tulliver… we’re family son and, we’re back together…” His Father told him; suddenly realizing he was far more tired than he’d previously thought possible.

Turning to Tobias, James said to him, “You’ve done good by me, looking after my boy. But I have to ask a favour?”

Rising from his comfortable chair, Tobias stood with his back to the open fire, smiled then said, “Go on fellow, after what happened to you, you can ask anything of me…”

Smiling wanly Jason told him, “I need a room… I need to…”

Yet before he could finish speaking, his knees gave out and he crumpled to the floor.

James looked anxiously toward the older man, who smiled benignly toward him.

“He’ll be alright,” Tobias assured him, as he carried Maribel to a pool that opened near his feet; “I just figure his time away took it out of him somewhat.”

“No kid,” James snapped, as he knelt down and took his Father in his arms.

“Just take him to a guest room James and make him comfortable, alright?” Tobias told the young man, his concern for his Father etched into his features.

James nodded wordlessly, then followed the suggestion he’d been given. It was at that moment that Maribel wept, feeling that she was watching her beloved through the doorway and out of her life and, back into his Father’s.

Tobias looked to her, his Little Mermaid and, his heart sank, to see her like that.

“What can I do?” He asked her softly.

In answer, Maribel held out her arms, “Hold me Daddy.”



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