Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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57 entries this month

..and then

00:01 Nov 30 2007
Times Read: 1,046

the walk back from hospital was quite nice.

got caught in sun showers.

and there's no more physio for Neil.. seems she's done as much for the hand as possible.




..so far

13:03 Nov 29 2007
Times Read: 1,053

I split my pants and have been sewing all morning: while watching 'Heroes,' episodes 7 and 8 of series 3 and I'm shortly off to Physio, then voluntary work: on a sunny day.




give me a gun.

00:40 Nov 29 2007
Times Read: 1,059

411 bus to Wallasey – and Rapcrap in my ear, from behind me from a fellow with a mobile and no damn headphones.




Bah, phone companies!

16:30 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 1,066

When companie use these automated systems, do they ever think of the people who end up using them?

Now, I'm not talking of myself, but my folks.

They're both in their eighties and these things drive 'm nuts. Can't say I blame them, if I'm to give an opion.

But, boy... it's so good to 'end up' talking to a real person, wgen you're using those things..

as I had, eventually.

But boy, companie who use these automated systems, should damn well think of the people who end up using them?




Read the article, if you want to see where your tax-dollars have gone..

00:24 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 1,073

Re: The Great Hadron Collider

Well though 'they' gave a date, for the big turn-on. Now it seems things have to be got ready in stages, in ready for the experiment to be 'streamed.'

Well, that's good.. at least I'll get to enjoy Christmas.

The new date they're quoting.. 8th May 2008

Read the article, if you want to see ywhere your tax-dollars have gone..





"...now there's the start of a story."

16:00 Nov 26 2007
Times Read: 1,081

On 15:48:25 Nov 26 2007 ********* wrote:

Glad you are being creative then! Just hadda put on uniform, now I am ready for work and can just relax till I leave at 1030 lol

On 15:49:24 Nov 26 2007 Angelus wrote:

I remember uniforms.. great when staff wear little underwear, for ease of access.

On 15:50:32 Nov 26 2007 ********* wrote:

They are easy to slip in and out of lol

On 15:50:35 Nov 26 2007 Angelus wrote:


worn one once, as the first fiancee wore hers..


now there's the start of a story.




..he says the books better though!

23:17 Nov 25 2007
Times Read: 1,090

I went to my friend Karls.. I now have new SGA, Blood Ties and Heroes to watch.. as well as watching 'Harry Potter And The Order Of The phoenix,' played on a wide screen tv.. with great speakers.

He'd insisted I watch the last one, on DVD, to bring me up to speed. It's a good story arc.


And boy, am I glad he did!




anyone seen Thomas The Tank Engine?

22:52 Nov 24 2007
Times Read: 1,096

So I was told after someone heard the recording that I do sound a tad like Ringo Starr, now I mention it.


should've kep me big mouth shut then, should've I?


"Okay.. anyone seen Thomas The Tank Engine?"




data security

22:30 Nov 24 2007
Times Read: 1,098

And it's been announced on the national news that six more discs of private and confidential data have gone missing, en transit betwen the Customs and Inland Revenue through their services of the courier service TNT


again, I say: "So much for data security."




..just email, if you want a copy.

18:05 Nov 24 2007
Times Read: 1,101

..someone heard me speaking and decided I sounded like Ringo Starr. Well, eventually I was persuaded this wasn't an insult, so made a wav file of a line, using echo!

..the line is from 'Yellow Submarine.'




It's Fiday!

12:33 Nov 23 2007
Times Read: 1,107

It's sunny and I'm travelling shortly. I'm taking the last of the Southern Comfort to an agoraphobic friends.. transpires he's got to move within two weeks.. his house is falling in.




minor obsessions

23:38 Nov 22 2007
Times Read: 1,113

Speaking of minor obsessions: on cold nights like tonight, I’m oh-so glad I still do the voluntary work, just to get a hot meal and drink in a few who need it. And in the case of tonight, give out some socks, jackets and hats.




..hoarding, again.

15:28 Nov 22 2007
Times Read: 1,119

My Father did the housework as usual, which entailed my birthday cards coming down from the dresser, as he did the dusting.

Yet, I’m darn sure I’m keeping at least three of them: a card that my Dad must’ve acquired, as it suggests money burning through it and out the back; and the one that ‘my penfriend-in Leeds’ made for me; and, the Egyptian 3d card, which I so-like.




a minor obsession

14:33 Nov 22 2007
Times Read: 1,120

As I sat with my friend John last night, he proudly presented me with 3 hours tape of Robin Hood put onto tape and turned into a DVD that wouldn't play for Satin and now turned into an avi file, that will play for Satinmist on VR.

My friends are well used to my obsessions.. And enabling ‘my American friend’ to watch something I've enjoyed so much had become a minor obsession, with me.




a good day and evening.

00:01 Nov 22 2007
Times Read: 1,129

got a free mp3 player of BT for renewing my broadbann contract. My friend John called round and we drank southern comfort and smoked green.




“safe and secure” data protection?

18:20 Nov 21 2007
Times Read: 1,134

So they want us to have ID cards, with our information held on a national database.

Then yesterday, it was announced that 2 cd’s had been lost en route somewhere, somehow from the Inland Revenue via TNT, a private courier service. 2 disc’s with enough information on 25 million and 7 million families, who claim family credit, to forge their identities. Is this what ‘they’ call “safe and secure” data protection?




..a lesson learnt.

17:30 Nov 21 2007
Times Read: 1,136

I feel relaxed after doing some gardening and the light is marvellous after a light rainfall.

I did learn there, when taking stems from Gladioli, ensure it’s well dry, or you end up pulling the whole thing up.. and, when you do.. you find that new growth is already coming from the bulbs.




a musing on a scar.

15:40 Nov 18 2007
Times Read: 1,149

when they did the oral cancer biopsy and removal of a wisdom tooth. I woke up to see the sample in a jar by my bedside.. and asked if it were kidney, for breakfast.




Climate Change warning.

20:30 Nov 17 2007
Times Read: 1,156

So a 23 page report announced in Valencia has opened the eyes of a few more people. Quel surprise? Anyone who reads, or is aware of the news in England has known something of the contents of this report for several years.

We called it ‘Global warming.’

I mean, I’m aware of it and I have friends who are. The information has been around for awhile now: one only has to open ones eyes to see it.

If everyone had signed the Kyoto Treaty when they had the opportunity, one has to wonder whether this damning report would still be as doom-laden as it is.

Yet, for years profits have been such a driving force in our society, hence the built-in obsolescence of the products we buy; or the ephemeral nature of the fashion industry: both assured to produce more waste.

It seems we don’t think of future consequences, until we’re forced to.




‘The Two Doctors’

20:08 Nov 17 2007
Times Read: 1,159

For Children In Need, Stephen Moffat wrote with ‘Time Clash’ a brief Doctor Who classic, with enough references to the past, to delight long-time fans, like me…

“You’ve changed the desktop theme!” was one of my favourites, as was the classic -

“Check out this face Doctor, ‘coz one day you’ll be shaving it...”

With lines like those and David Tennant’s own homage to Peter Davidson.

“You know what Doctor, you were My Doctor…” I found the sequence a delight to watch and well-worth the anticipation I’d felt, since purchasing the Radio Times the week previous, with it’s announcement of ‘The Two Doctors’ and the cover picture of both stars.




no rumbly tumbly.

15:54 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 1,177

no rumbly tumbly.

and I went to see 'the compliance officer.'

the reason for the upset stomach and stresses out self.

transpires the matter had been dealt with, in 2004.. but 'new' records from the Inland revenue showed monies that needed declaration.. and had been: by my Father, way back then.

at least I got my trave; money back.

so, a whiskey was had on a sunny day.





12:41 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 1,180

haven't got long.. off to my appt. soon.

But the tummy doesn't like the idea..

even though it's sunny.




I ramble.

00:05 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 1,187


On 00:02:05 Nov 15 2007 Angelus wrote:

that's for chattin.




I ramble.

On 00:00:22 Nov 15 2007 ******** wrote:


On 23:59:22 Nov 14 2007 Angelus wrote:

I am going shortly. But, I'm pleased I turned the negative turned round and make a little positive.


20 years ago, I took Tranxene.




to be seriously, a second. A rare breed. It’s good British Film.

23:19 Nov 14 2007
Times Read: 1,198

I'm sure things will be fine.

On 23:14:24 Nov 14 2007 Angelus wrote:

I've had two spliffs of good green and I'm moderately concerned about tomorrow, but it's something that will be dealt with. "Hello."


a question: Have you ever seen 'Plunkett & Maclaine?'

to be seriously, a second. A rare breed. It’s good British Film.




..so “how are you?”

23:06 Nov 14 2007
Times Read: 1,200

..so “how are you?”

thats a certainty.

distraction was sought and found.


a question: Have you ever seen 'Plunkett & Maclaine?'

aw sweet, read this back hun..


it's to be added to what's written earlier.

including this bit, where I'm describing it.

On 22:59:05 Nov 14 2007 ******** wrote:

sitting before the pc crossed-legged, a tad dissatisfied with life, warm in his robe, which warms his toes.




..babes with guns.

22:52 Nov 14 2007
Times Read: 1,202

..oh boy, mine was a doozie & it's guarenteed to get better tomorrow.

..but, I did watch 'Planet Terror' as distraction.

..it's bloody.

..it's sexy


it's outrageous


it's heroine has a gun for a leg

and the film has bikini babes with guns.




tomorrow should be interesting.

16:05 Nov 14 2007
Times Read: 1,210

currently feeling a tad euphoric and a little bit disorientated and more than a little stressed.

I'd had a letter from the dole: from 'the compliance dept.' requiring evidence of savings.

the appoinment was for two weeks from now at my local office, with one of the 'compliance team

and I've had experience with them before, when my ex grassed me up for working when I wasn't and I'd had to defend my corner.

this time, they say it's just procedure.

either way, I'd stressed about this all really badly, so arranged the appt. for this Friday intead.. then they rang, to cancel, as I was trying to relax, by doing he windows. I'd requested an earlier appt. 'as I need to see to this' as soon as possible.

I'd managed to acquire an appt. at their office for tomorrow instead, finally.


tomorrow should be interesting.




times change.

14:54 Nov 13 2007
Times Read: 1,220

It was strange taking the job-application for 'learner support' into college yesterday. Since I went there, the tower block and the engineering block have gone.. and housing has gone up where they had been...and the sun has just gone out.


And someone just sai to me in regards to my observations: 'suppose change is inevitable, but it's hard sometimes - especially if memories of how things were bring back thoughts of better times..'


and the fellow was oh-so-right!




..and just before posting this, VR went on and off like a light switch

00:25 Nov 13 2007
Times Read: 1,227

Transpires Huygens was wrong and Newton was right, you can’t swim as fast through syrup as water. Yes, I’ve just been watching ‘Brainiac: science abuse.’

Now, after our first frost, high cholesterol and tingling fingers alleviated due to Adalat, I have metaphorically put pen to paper, or in this case, fingers to keyboard. That and I spelt cholesterol right first time. Oh yay me!

Yep, give a guess what I learnt at the doctors today?

Now there’s one for you: never run over fulminate with your brand new lawnmower... the resultant explosion is quite dramatic. Aye, ‘Brainiac’ is still on.

Just as was writing this, I heard the weirdest pid-paddering outside the bedroom window. So, I’d questioned little Mother, to see if she knew what it was. She hadn’t. Then I’d put my courageous hat on, prepared to go out and confront whatever waited. As it was, when I got to the kitchen, I had found out that I’d not have to face the expected six-foot gorilla, toting a machine-gun that I’d imagined. There had been my Dad, closing the backdoor.

He’d been out, without a coat and run down the drive, to get the dusters of the line, that he’s washed earlier, after doing the housework.

Let me tell you here and now, the sound of him running down the drive had sounded just plain strange.




just wrote this to someone, but..

00:11 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 1,238

I got freaked earlier, to learn from Minx there was an 'Angelus' thread in the forum.

Anyway.. hearing that, I went to looksee, as you would and was both embarrased and delighted, to see so many messages, from so many people.


Mascara? If I wore it, it would be running.




the morning after

11:20 Nov 11 2007
Times Read: 1,249

I've got to finish this application form and then I can visit Karl, who downloads the odd show for me. But, I'm much better this morning than I was last night.. gawd, I do so hate having a hangover when you're drunk.




..my Birthday, so far.

14:54 Nov 10 2007
Times Read: 1,259

Up late and and time to go and play soon. I got ink for the printer and £20 off the folks.


I went for a drink and visited with friends I've not seen in a while.. then got back, to VR. late on. to find out that I missed seeing someone, that irked.




He said, she said ~ 09/11/07

01:13 Nov 10 2007
Times Read: 1,272

· **winge** "I'm 48 tomorrow."

· *hugs* happy birthday.. your a year older than me lol

· and tomorrow, two years of fifty. Bum.

· i hate the idea of turning fifty

· as long as I can still get my legs round my neck and still do all night what I used

· to do all night, I'll be fine.

· darlin i can still go at it all night long...that wont change lol

· that's how it damn well should be.

my neighbour removed my born again virginity, she's 60, with breasts 'made in america.'

damn excellent though.

went back the next day. (After a second invite.)

· i think thats my problem i need to get laid. in the worst way

· alway's think 'in the worst way' is silly.

but yeah, as that story illustrates, I know or knew what you mean. She had four boyfriends and chose me.

· you lucky dog lol...

· as i said you lucky dog. i might get lucky this weekend if i play my cards right

· if you're gonna be playing cards, you're doing something wrong.

· i lose at strip poker giggles...trust me it aint cards thats on my mind.




“I'm an innocent abroad, in a world of corruption,” I often joke with people.

22:57 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,281

“I'm an innocent abroad, in a world of corruption,” I often joke with people.

Well, sometimes I feel its not a joke.

Today on our local news there was a report of a child of 13 in court, from The Wirral, who stole from a fellow younger me, then and burnt him alive, last Tuesday on a public bonfire. Two others had been questioned, both in their late teen and released without the charge.

The young teen has been remanded in secure accommodation, for four weeks.

Source: my local radio: Radio Merseyside 09/11/2007

..This is so fucked up!


and someone just shared a worse one, that happened in her neighbourhood.


and all I can do is pick up litter and feed a few homeless.


meanwhile the Great Hadron Collider will be fired up on the 26th, or 28th.




voluntary work.

01:06 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 1,295

nice when you go to clear up and they've put all the rubbish in the bin.


nice when on a cold night people get a hot drink and meal.


and some say 'thanks for being here.'




nice, to feel appreciated.




the rain stopped

13:50 Nov 08 2007
Times Read: 1,303

..the rain stopped here eventually and it's very sunny now.

..and, I'd stood looking out the window, thinking I don't want to go out twice, as I'm off to voluntary work later, but as I sign on tomorrow, I knew it had to be done. Yet prevarication had set in. Yet sometimes indecision can be useful, it seems: as when I did go out, the rain stopped.

And, boy, it was a good walk, in the sun, with the Autumnal colours, the refreshing smell.. and the air in my lungs.

So, yes, sometimes indecision can be useful.




‘Rise: Bloodhunter’

14:18 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 1,316

After reading the article in the database, I was at first dubious about this film.

Then as soon as the credits began to roll my doubts increased further still: it was a Samuel Goldwyn movie, albeit in conjunction with Ghost House picturs, Lucy Liu was in it, so it had to be seen, so I’d thought to myself.

Now, although the article in the database says it’s long, suggesting it’s overlong, I’d not thought so. It’s a ‘class’ movie, with gore aplenty and enough good ideas through the movie, to actually hold the majority of viewer’s interest.

Having recently seen a documentary called ‘American Vampires’, which included a section on life-stylers, I can see where someone got the base idea for this film: and it was essentially well-utilised. And yes, I’d liked Lucy Liu as Sadie Blake in it. She made a good protagonist, her character being ably assisted by Clyde Rawlins, played by Michael Chiklis Detective Vic Mackey in ‘The Shield’ and the fellow who played The Thing in The Fantastic four movies. So yes, Rise: Bloodhunter is a little long, but it’s a good film, I’d thought: even though I’d actually been able to guess the final dénouement in the last fifteen minutes.




if VR died tomorrow

13:56 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 1,317

After avoiding Love, or something like it, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet people on Vampirerave I really care for. And I could name the, but they know who they are.

I’ve met some well cool people, whose friendship I value and if VR died tomorrow, I’d be thankful I met each and every one.

My only real irritant is the time difference between those I speak with and myself.

Of late, to maintain conversations, I’ve stayed online far longer than it seems I can hack and my VR addiction has left me very tired just recently.

Ha! It’s all Cancer’s fault ~ for producing a site I like so much!




'Death Proof'

23:39 Nov 05 2007
Times Read: 1,329

John called round with one or two things that he’d meant to bring round yesterday, but which I’d not minded him forgetting, under the circumstances.

And one of the things he brought with him, was ‘Death Proof.’

Now other than ‘Pulp Fiction’, I’m not that much of a Tarantino fan. Grant you I like his dialogue. But with all the genre clichés and knowing homage, he throws into almost every scene, sometimes, just sometimes, it’s so-obvious he’s a pretentious film Geek, it’s unreal. But, hey.. who am I to talk?

Anyway, much of the film looks exactly as he intended, a ‘50’s feature, made now.. and Rosario Dawson is definitely worth a watch, for the ‘Butterfly dance scene’!

My only reason to say that the first half of this half of ‘Grindhouse’ was a tad of a let down, was that it seemed to drag, in part and seemed a bit too long: yet, saying that.. it is a filmmakers joy, just for the little touches, which I won’t talk of, as I’m thinking that it should be seen for itself, just for that last final scene! And, does she kick down!




5the November 2007

23:21 Nov 05 2007
Times Read: 1,330

BANG.. fizzle.. wwooosssSH!.. Fut! It didn’t rain till, just a short while ago, 11:00p.m.

And it always rains November the 5th.. it’s compulsory! And it didn’t.

Frell, what’s happening, Saturday and today, what’s happened to the Fireworks day’s of my youth, when it rained everytime.. ? and my Dad got wet, as we sheltered, watching him set them off for the family to watching, taking them one at a time from an old biscuit tin, for safety, of course!




and my own personal drought is over.

00:00 Nov 05 2007
Times Read: 1,342

Cold, very cold, yet my face reminds me the bungalow has central heating, as does the blocked nose. It’s ‘The Raynards’ that’s all, but its annoying. And I went to Karl & then encountered the joy’s of British Raill on the way home and a wait on Birkenhead Central, while a driver was told where to go with his train: unfortunately, it wasn’t the way I was going. Yet, I got in, to a cold roast dinner ad a fine red wine, 1999 Californian red.

Then, while I waited for John, who said he might be late, ‘but it’ll be worth it’, I had checked what I’d brought home, two cheap DVD, one of which ‘Reign In Darkness’ had a cover that is a pure rip of the ‘Underworld’ film, with the male lead in the famous Kate Beckinsdale pose. With then, were the stuff Karl had acquired for me, Stargate Atlantis 3:5,6 and Heroes 2 5,6 as well as ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ and ‘Razor: BSG’, the Battlestar Gallactica two-parter I haven’t seen.

A short while later, John called and my own personal drought is over.

We had a couple of smokes, watching ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ and man, the copy is good.! Oh-Boy, I’m looking forward to seeing the rest later!!




..a disappearance.

00:14 Nov 04 2007
Times Read: 1,352

..and don't you just so dislike encountering someone you figure you can like talking with, just for them to disappear off the radar, so to speak.




that line from 'V' about the 5th November

23:11 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 1,354

Whilst hearing the fireworks go off, I thought of that line from 'V' about the 5th November.

Now if you go here, you see what I saw and thought ~





..the Saturday before Guy Fawkes Night.

20:50 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 1,355

"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot... But what of the man?" he types, listening to the odd fireworkk go off in the distance.


two days to go till the 5th.


I used to have a photo up, of my friends 'V' mask.. and right now, the bangs are getting louder as I type, and more often.


At least it's not raining.. I thought it was mandatory, that it always rained on the Saturday before Guy Fawkes Night.




The Box and an erk.

18:02 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 1,359

Sitting watching the vampbox, as I was rating the database, I saw a fellow ask about freams..

well, I know a littl.. so tried to help.. only to help my assistance and flow interrupted by a whelp, or 'something'.. who semed to think it fine to give grphic description of blood and gore inbetween my reading.

All well and good.. except, when I took umbrage and politely said I was getting off, I got, 'my friend told me that you are the kind that can make others laugh and smile (she said you do to her at least)yet, the first thing you say is you are leaving and mention my name like I was a plag or some person with aids that could contaminate you...

anyway I got to go my friend is taking me to the store...

enjoy your day.

And I was not rude, I simply talk with no gloves on sorry.'

Now, I don't know her, didn't know of the friend and was trying to help someone: only to be told, 'I thoought you were nice.'

Huh, what gives?

Does that give someone the right to slight me, offhand? Arrrrghhhh..





16:50 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 1,361

A quiet Saturday and a contented mood, finds me exchanging ideas with a lady, for a story, as the radiator kicks in and its a grey day outside.


With the way this is progressing, it'll be interesting to see what 'I come up with.'




Thank frell, I found it!

16:22 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 1,372

I visited a profile and saw a picture I'd drawn:


she tells me it was sent to her.


doesn't matter

as she's not presenting it as her own.


but WTF!


it was surreal seeing it there!


I even went as far to see if I could find my original, just to validate the fact that it was mine.


Thank frell, I found it!




What is missing? She asked.

16:17 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 1,373

a lack of pain in my mouth. a lack of a fulfiling vocation.. a lack of desire, to look in the mirror.


it's just a general sense of dissatisfaction: and before my birthday!


maybe, that's why??




...stress and pain.

13:11 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 1,375

I don’t know what I’ve been thinking of, but I woke up this morning with the inside left cheek very sore indeed. I haven’t stressed like this for a long time, obviously,

As it is, I’ve been biting my scar, from the cancer biopsy: and boy, does it hurt.

Now, my cheek feels like I’ve shredded it: and painkillers and a walk are to be had.




an interesting observation.

12:51 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 1,376

Original Message:

FROM: ******************

Well then how can you blame yourself? If someone 'taught' you to be suspicious and bitter toward people by treating you badly then you can't take all the blame for how you feel.

..my answer:

"Because I should know better."





12:35 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 1,377

The other night, I’d been so irked with all the hassles I’d had with VR, I nearly left there and then. As it is I was so relieved the next day, when I was able to access all I’d input. So I’m still here.




blue-sky day.

15:57 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,383

Just got back from physio. Seems I won’t have to go much loner.

And though she wanted me to decide if I’d need to go again this week, I didn’t want to decide this week, particularly with fluffy-head syndrome.

I got ultrasound again: and I think I’m doing rather well with the lump, which appears to have gone down. So I’d walked home, taking a break on the walk, at Raby Mere, before having a smoke, sitting cross legged on the wall surrounding the mere, on a beautiful, blue-sky day. Then back home, to coffee and a change, before off to the project.




Hello good morning.. and

12:52 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,386

Just finished writing off about a vacancy, posted it and decided to log-in and see if my journal was visible to me - it is!

Just enough time left to do this before physio on my left hand, which is going well..

then, off to voluntary work.

One thing about last night, I'd discovered there are some very helpful Acolytes..







Hunnie, I had to go.

01:55 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,157

The Rave is giving me problems again:

and this thing with not being able to see my journal entries is driving me nuts!

I'd better say "Goodnight! or, Good morning!"





01:46 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,158

Don't do stoned when trying to input data onto VR when the connections aren't good!

And you can't 'see' an entry others can! Spooky.


If anyone can see the 'Halloween' entry.. I can't this morn.. so it's off to bed: and boy, is it ..







00:34 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,166

I hadn't been going to stay out after picking up my money, but had and enjoyed a good lad's night in.


drank and smoked..


ayw, once in awhile





00:31 Nov 01 2007
Times Read: 1,166

I wasn't going to go out, but I did.

went to my friends and had a good evening and basically, had a lad's night in..

drank and smoked


yeh, once in awhile.,,



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