AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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6 entries this month


15:59 Jul 29 2011
Times Read: 723

I want to wish all of those I have been sent birthday messages in July, and those who maybe don't have their birthdays listed on their profiles, a very Happy Birthday.






Lord Daniel




Just so you know.

13:20 Jul 17 2011
Times Read: 734

I write under a lot of pen names. I started that with the GraveYard Press because we didn't have enough writers and I didn't want people to know I was writing most of the articles at the time.

Of course then I came here and I usually put the name of my profile. I use my real name or my real name initials as well (RKB) So if you see Azuredark, Mollidew, SteelIndigo, Sinistra, AsphaltTears or RKB and sometimes my whole name written out it is because they are all me and I have others as well, lol ;)

Most of the stories I have up are just rough drafts and have typos in them. I just put them in here for fun so I am not at the picky stage yet of fixing all of that sort of thing and I don't have much time for writing. I have articles in each journal so it doesn't leave much time for other things. I have some physical problems at the moment making it impossible for me to sit at the computer for long periods or be on the internet and also because of something to do with a setting or something, I don't know, I can't really see all of my profiles when the ads are up and along the sides. It seems to over ride my profile. I guess I am the only one with this problem and it may be the deciding factor as to whether I continue on VR. It's not my browsers because it is the same with every one of them. Haven't figured out what the problem is and I'm not trying anymore. I will just do other things.




22:14 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 748

The vampire community which most think of these days is American. I say American because many know more about that side of the community because of New Orleans. It seems to dwell in the mind of people who think vampire right alongside of Eastern Europe. There are actually vampiric groups all over the world, and I could say that they don't believe people can be turned into vampires...period. This is considered a view from fiction, from novels, short stories, tv shows, movies and rpgs.

The community believes you must be born a vampiric to be one and if someone seems like they have been "turned" which is a fictional term, many believe it was because the person was latent. Some believe in an awakening. I personally do not other than you might not have any sort of name for it. It is much easier to figure that out now with the internet unless you happen to have a fetish in the past for blood or other types of things and you might view yourself as a vampire. You might or might not be.

This is from a group that has Michelle Balanger who most have heard of (unfortunately, lol) and many others who started a lot of the Houses and groups you know pretty well. This is the VVC or Voices of the Vampire Community. Here are the first three questions in their FAQ. It is our public site and if you want to know something please go to this site. Some sites that have been around a long while are fine but for the fledgling, you wouldn't know which ones because there are numerous sites on the net and why, not because of Twilight but just because so many are interested in vampires in general and some are just plainly not viable.

Q: What is a vampire/vampyre?

A: There is no single definition accepted by all members of our community. Each of us has a personal interpretation of what it means to be a vampire. To learn how individual members of the VVC view vampirism, refer to the Membership Directory page at: http://www.veritasvosliberabit.com/memberdirectory.html

(not all of the members answered that question)

Q: What causes vampirism?

A: We have yet to establish conclusive proof of any one cause. The topic is widely debated in the vampire community. We can say that attributing vampirism to organic causes such as a "vampire virus" or damaged or missing mitochondria is based on fiction rather than fact.

(They don't really know but it doesn't appear there is a connection and there is NO V-5 Virus. It was a hoax someone started and people came along not knowing, read it and perpetuated the hoax.)

Q: Can someone be turned into a vampire?

A: The majority of the vampire community believe it is impossible for anyone to be turned (embraced, brought across, or other similar terminology). Many believe we are born vampires and gradually become aware of our natures during a process commonly referred to as "Awakening."


Note: Can I prove their are no revenants walking around, no. Can I prove there are no vampires like writers have thought up say ala Anne Rice, no. Can I prove that those in the vampire community or what we call a community are vampires, no, BUT at least we know this community exists and many more than what you know are around and staying in the background because they don't like to be noticed for numerous reasons. If you want to believe in a fictional vampire type, for all intent and purposes from what we know is hanging around somewhere, fine. I would say you generally only hear about someone getting killed by a so-called vampire when they are really a serial murderer or some insane person playing Dracula or deluded youth who try to emulate what they have seen in movies or read on a certain site which will go nameless and it isn't this one, lol. If there are any vampires like fiction, I might like to meet one of those myself if they are like some I have seen more recently barring 30 Days of Night. You can keep those creatures...I want no part of them. So glad it is just from a story.

If you want to believe that there are fictional or historical types of vampires from superstition that is your prerogative. If you believe the vampire community is deluded, that is your prerogative but I would say in all actuality, they are probably the closest thing you will get to a real vampire. They come from all walks of life, many countries and many ages and numerous belief systems aside from believing they are vampires. So that's all I can say or want to say about that.



19:54 Jul 14 2011

Really great info. I enjoyed reading it. I'm not a vamp, so it was really nice for me.

Peace and Blessings.


21:30 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 749

There are two articles I ran across when I finally got up. One article is about children under 6 being banned from various restaurants for making too much noise. I am not talking about an instance of certain children but all children. I guess restaurants are banning children under this age because customers are complaining about the noise and they are saying that since they did this, their business has increased. It is starting a trend unfortunately so I guess we will have to start looking to see if we can take our children in the future to dinner with us. I guess they will be left to go to Chuckee Cheese or some place like that if they are under 6 in the future.

This other article I found I will put here because it really sort of ticked me off.

Parenting Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hugs Banned in School. What's All The Hysteria About?

A middle school principal in Connecticut recently outlawed hugs on campus. That’s right. Hugs. High-fives, too. And if students violate the ban they may face expulsion. Heavy duty, huh? The principal instituted this hands-off approach after a violent incident in the school left a student hospitalized. The principal told parents that students’ safety and learning has been seriously impacted by physical contact, so it’s now off limits.

This is not the first school in the country to implement such rules, and sociologist Dr. Julie Albright is concerned about the trend. She points out, “Since the 1980’s, teachers have been warned not to touch or hug students as a result of fears surrounding accusations of sexual harassment. Now, this ban has broadened to encompass students themselves. Schools across the country – particularly middle schools – have one by one put bans on hugging, and not just romantic hugging, but hugging between friends.” She cited a case where a junior high girl was expelled from school for hugging her friend goodbye. (Associated Press, 2007). The District Superintendent cited the punishment as fair, but others disagreed.

I guess b/f and g/fs can't walk to class holding hands either. What happened to the good old days where people didn't have these prurient views of everything. It is like we have fallen back into the middle ages. I don't see that it is a good trend and kids know that if they get mad at a teacher and accuse them of something, they will be believed. Unfortunately it is an ax over their heads. I think it is shameful. There should be a big consequence for doing this and not to the parents but to the kid so it stops. I don't mean locking them up.

I can't be online for periods of time now due to problems with my feet. I have to elevate them and rest and then it goes away for the most part. I have arthritis, fibromyalgia and CFIDS. Worse than old age, lol.




Steam coming out of orifices

18:42 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 767

I am sick of the words wannabe, poser, and drama. This seems to be all anyone talks about. Two of the words are just made-up slang and the other wasn't used until more recently. What is wrong with people they are so worried about what someone else thinks?

If you open your mouth and insert foot (I do often) then expect the backlash. People of certain ages have a tendency to be very opinionated about things they know nothing about or think they do. Then there are those who are always blunderbuss. I have found one here in particular but won't name any names.

Let's get something straight. The vampire community, real one, not just people who stumble onto this site and say they are vampires and "look at me I drink blood" people but those who really are what they say because of numerous things besides the stereotypical blood drinking are tired of people trying to decide for them what is real and what is not. (Sorry for the run on sentence) It amazes me there are so many nay-sayers on this site when it is dedicated to goths and the vampire community. There is more to vampires than revenants, which are purely superstition and fictional vampires. I will not go off here about sparkly skin because that is fiction and does not bother me like the ring around the eye thing which makes me laugh.

Not all that call themselves vampirics are young people who have always had the internet. People banded together in areas if at all in the past. Most did not drink blood and many were not goths because one has nothing to do with the other. That was after my time and for me it is connected to a musical movement initially and then turned into more but still it is like the way kids separate into types starting in middle school. I saw it when my kids were in school at that level. My daughter was into heavy metal so everyone called these folks Hessians. Why, I don't know nor did I care, no. It was High School stuff. In my opinion those who are involved with bdsm are fetishers and not vampirics...sorry but how I see it. These types are lifestylers and some dress up and others do not. Although I do have to say there are some who are all of these things. Some just like blood play period.

Many like the aesthetic of the fictional vampire such as Dracula. Why? I have no idea. Some I think is because many, especially males have a penchant for proclaiming how dark they are. It really gets old. Then they get into all the Vlad the Impaler stuff and he wasn't a vampire nor the inspiration for Stoker's book. It is not copyrighted in the US and never has been and that is why people can sort of take liberties with the story like Coppola. The character, Dracula was actually Hungarian and not Romanian. The other guy was not mentioned in that book. Stoker just as one Brit stated, pinched the name because he liked it and thought it meant "devil, " nothing more, nothing less. So I am sick of hearing about him period. He has nothing to do with vampires whatsoever. He was a warlord and very brutal like many during his time. He carries the name of a fictional character and nothing more or vice versa, however you want to put it.

I have written it before, but why do people have to write on their profiles that people who claim to be vampires are mental. How the hell do you know? Do you know everyone in the community? Many you would walk past on the street and never know, same goes for Otherkin for that matter. Not everyone wears black all the time or dresses and wears fangs. Some like that personification...let them be. Fangs to me are entirely fictional. I find it amusing and always have but it gave jobs to some people quite frankly. Did vampires take energy, yes and long before any established community. Did they drink blood, probably because they were tribal too. Many cultures had blood drinking ceremonies for a variety of reasons. Are those who claim to drink blood vampires? Well until proven otherwise if they say they are then yes. Are those that say they take energy from various sources outside of blood, vampires? If they say so, yes. Perhaps they actually draw from the whole body when they take energy and they don't need to digest anything physical. Physical things are at a lower frequency and I have always thought it has something to do with that and why some crave blood and perhaps their cultural group. I believe at one time they were together in one place but they spread out and had different beliefs and practices over time.

They weren't multi orgasmic males, not even De Vere states that but there were rituals that they performed that supposedly go way back but only a few that are not included in the mainstream community have anything to do with that. Some confuse sexual rites, ancestor rituals, and cannibalism with vampirism. They are not the same thing. Some just have a plain fetish for things, but you can be a vampiric and have fetishes. I think the attraction to some things that are more commonplace now stems more from the Goth community than the vampire. Unfortunately they have mixed together somewhat. People are using the word vampire but there were many names and it has been used rather loosely over the years. I am meaning over a thousand years.

Take Ed Gein, the main person used for the Hannibal character. They called him the Brooklyn vampire but he wasn't one. He was cannibalistic. He had lived in areas where they ate human flesh and had developed a taste for it. He stated this himself. Many ideas have correlations to other things. When werewolf hunts were in full bloom in Europe the signs were cannibalism which included drinking the blood yet, some are labeled vampires who were serial murderers because of eating flesh and drinking the blood. Makes no sense to me other than people use the word rather loosely because of the interest in vampires in this day and age.

It is sort of an oxymoron to write vampires don't exist, etc etc etc on this site. I laugh at people who do. Why should anyone have to justify the belief or go into detail about their habits, how the community is set up and the list goes on. I think it is appropriate to talk about people who have no manners because it is rampant here.

If I offend anyone here I apologize but people with no rhyme or reason for what they say should think before they say it. If you don't know something then you don't know. It is like life after death, no one knows. This all deals with belief systems and most border on religion. Therefore there should be some respect given. BUT almost every type of religion one can think of is found in the community. A lot of Pagans but Christians as well. Of course Wicca since its popularity is bigger in the US than anywhere else. The community that most think of with Michelle Belanger (psi vampire) and the Stregoi Vii etc is American. There are differences in other countries and one House in South Africa which is rather new, is speaking up but they have sort of followed some of the more modern American ideas unfortunately. Personally being older I take them and some others with a grain of salt. Every influx of new people start the old debates over again. I get sick of the same old same old and tune out.

Note about ring around the eye: The iris contains pigment granules. Density of granules is a determinant of eye color. Some people have especially dense concentrations of granules towards the periphery of the iris. This causes the dark iris "ring."

I have known numerous people with this and they were not vampirics, lol.



22:43 Jul 08 2011

The ring around the Iris thing cracks me up too.I have the ring they speak of and it is very dark and wide.I have blue/grey eyes.

I am no Vampire!!

My daughter has violet eyes with the ring...she isnt a Vampire.

My son has it also.

Where they came up with that one,I will never know.

Peeps seem to be obsessed with the eyes.... its importance and implications in Vampirism.And interesting phenomena.

19:48 Jul 09 2011

*An* interesting phenomena.

Anyhoo,In Iridology,if you have this ring,it would be said that the skin is not detoxifying properly.Its called a "Scurf" ring..I was alarmed years ago when I had read this and asked a few Dr.s about it.They said no,but even so,it bugged me for a long time.

13:21 Jul 10 2011

Recently it might be from True Blood but one website that goes on about it I think was around prior to that. I think they read it somewhere else or saw it in a movie. It amazes me that people cannot separate the two. As for the community...vampire is a word that they feel closely describes what a certain group of people with certain traits is experiencing. They are thinking of dropping that term but then others are adamant that it would be caving in to societal pressures. Thing is there are things going on that could be harmful to those calling themselves vampires unfortunately and more than one thing totally unrelated but just as bad.

13:25 Jul 10 2011

I was into Iridology years ago and forgotten everything, lol. It was back in the 70s. I had a machine you could look at the eye closer. Think I still have it somewhere. I have a tendency to get involved in many things and get burned out and then time passes and I only remember a little or very little, lol. The medical profession doesn't recognize it. There were some things I read that dealt with that and the rings but I didn't save it.

17:00 Jul 29 2011

This is such a good journal entry, for lots of reasons. Mainly, because there is a whole lot of commonsense here that many of the 'fadish' folk could do with reading.

I have no idea if vampires really exist, yet, what I do know is that many people have 'latched onto' a mixture of Hollywood-type ideas and now claim to be vampiric.

What I especially liked was how you wrote about these kind of people not being able to separate fiction from known fact...I dunno, there seems to be a whole load of people who need psychological treatment (maybe) as well as informative journals like these. It's only a pity that these types of people probably wouldn't listen to sense.



19:06 Jul 04 2011
Times Read: 773

Well I watched the 2nd show of True Blood and so far I am not too impressed and it is one of my favorite shows. I just don't know why. I feel after the long wait, somewhat deflated. My daughter said what next? She was commenting on all the supernatural creatures in the show. I told her it isn't originally called True Blood. The stories are about the experiences of Sookie Stackhouse and they deal with a variety of paranormal creatures and activities as well as the vampires.

I also watched the series finale for Game of Thrones and was wowed. The ending with Daenerys was very dramatic seeing her survive the fire and all three dragon eggs hatched. She should have a big impact on the story next season. I am thinking of getting the book. Not sure if it is a series or how well they followed the original storyline. It is bloody and a lot of nudity which seems to be par for the course these days on HBO. Nothing I haven't seen before but there are times I think it is over done.

Below is a picture of her and one of the dragons. The other two she is holding lower and one wrapped around her leg. She is disrobed and why they are not showing her all the way down, lol.




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