AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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4 entries this month


19:57 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 594

Wow, girls with marlboros hanging out of their mouths and some really scarey drawings. His website (artist) here: http://brianmviveros.com/

Geesh my youngest daughter is planning on getting a tattoo. Not really surprised that much since it is rather commonplace these days. (Refer to profile for youngest daughter).

We grew up in a Southern California town called Corona, not to be confused with Corona Del Mar which is in San Diego county. This Corona is about 5 miles East of the Riverside/Orange County line in Riverside county. It is close to Anaheim Hills, Yorba Linda and Chino.

I lived there for a long time and as my kids were growing up they made friends with a Latino family across the street diagonally. This little chubby kid use to play with them named Brian. I vaguely remember him and really didn't get to know his mother they call Virgie. They were still close to her before we moved from there just over two years ago when we all went back due to my parents illnesses and other reasons.

It seems Brian (Brian M. Viveros) is quite a famous artist now and tattoo artists use a lot of his artwork. It's interesting when this happens to people you know or lived near. This is what she wants, some of his art or if he could make her something original. I don't know what will happen but it is something as a memorial to my son that died is all I know. We live together and she never told me but she told FB.



22:06 Apr 25 2012

I live in Riverside and boy is it boring out here or what? *LOOL*


22:45 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 601

My profile is longer than some but I tried to satisfy different people here that had comments so why I have the part with stats and I have now added my kids because not sure if I want to reopen the Portfolio or not yet and if I do that will go there instead. I tried to cover all bases of three of Cancer's groups so I have mostly the vampire thing, then my Power Punks choice and something on my Science Fiction interests and putting a little on my self as far as interests etc. Believe me it isn't detailed even if it appears to be. I also added art and 2/3 of what I have on there are from Luis Royo but I put most of them into grey scale because I had a color scheme and then added something about the Coven's theme and was done. I could have made the graphics smaller but eh, I'm not adjusting anything until I get my monitor reset. I have to find the instructions. I took them out and then mislaid it somewhere, lol. My dimensions are not correct so I don't want to change anything before I do that so I can see it correctly. It's good enough for minor changes but beyond that I am leaving as is.

On another note, they are arguing in FB in Vampires and Otherkin group on that same science vs topic and they are getting in verbal fights as well. I found it amusing after reading things over here. People are so much alike I guess over all, lol. Peace...out.



23:32 Mar 12 2012

Screw everyone else. Do with your profile as you want as long as it doesn't violate rules of the site.


Random thoughts

09:47 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 606

It's been an interesting day. I'm not on all the time and sometimes lately more in Facebook than here because my kids are over there and I have a memorial page for my son there. None of them want to come here. They don't have an interest really and like playing the games over there...aw well.

Not that interested in the vampire community at the moment because what they talk about is so redundant and many times what they say I don't agree with at all. Right now they have concerns and rightfully so with what is happening in Iraq and parts of Africa concerning gays and some they call witches. In Iraq they are singling out goths, vampirics, gays and Emos especially and murdering them. They stoned a bunch of them recently. It's awful that those countries could be so backward and one because of religious views that I consider totally malicious if interpreted as it seems to be by some. It's staggering and disgusting not to mention medieval.

This week my twin grandsons discovered there are games on the internet and they can access them through my computer. They have been taking it over, limiting my time to be able to log in here. They love Angry Birds but they do that on my daughter's cell phone because they have it here but it doesn't work the same for some reason. I have to find them simple things because even though they turned 5, they aren't 5 mentally and still have trouble conversing and a number of other things. I found I like a game called Rabbit Sniper.

I hadn't even been in FB when I saw two posts, one from Anne Rice and the other from Elizabeth Russell Miller. Anne just had a book published and I think it is about werewolves. Anyway she wanted people to read a review on her book. The other was about the new book on Stoker based on a journal they discovered in a relatives attic. I posted about that on my other profile.

I'm trying to update my own ezine and even though on the staff of thegraveyardpress I am not sure I will be writing for it. They have their own vision for it after Deacon literally stole it without asking. At least he is doing something with it. I have no bad feelings because the Vampiresnest owned it and not me. They are almost nil anyway. When I tried to retire, it just sort of fell apart. I came back after awhile but I couldn't really pick up the pieces and then it got complicated and not going into that.

I have another zine I haven't actually started due to deaths in the family and a whole list of other things which is called Vampire Nocturne. I'm looking for people who would like to contribute to it. I want people who are not in the mainstream of the "accepted" community but are vampirics. Hopefully I will find people or I am going to go to House Ravensloch and go from there. (I'm not sure of the spelling of the House as I wasn't a member of that one but there is backstory to this too long to go into). Anyway these are my thoughts for now.




22:38 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 615

Slide closed their site. I am sorry I had to take out my slideshow. I really don't care about the pictures because they weren't personal ones. No one was told. You had to go to the website to find out or notice it on the profile. It was there the last time I looked over here. I guess they took it all off March 6 and I was busy because it was my grandson's birthday. I was sort of busy and then working on the other profile. My backgrounds are disappearing again. I'm not going to pay attention to that one. Geesh, the internet and computers get on my nerves sometimes. So I am deciding on whether to remove some graphics or change things...hmmm.



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