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My mind is on writing

19:37 May 26 2014
Times Read: 593

I wonder what I'm going to write about when I finish all of the series I'm writing. I don't follow as I have mentioned what they tell people to do when writing and I gave up on the cliche thing. If someone is writing in a certain time period some characters are going to use cliche phrases. I have found there are no new ideas or subject matter. Most stories are going to be slightly predictable. There's not much one can do about that especially if you have someone reading your work that reads a lot. I use to but not much anymore. I don't want to be influenced but much to my chagrin I still find names and subject matter I am interested in putting in my books having been put into other stories. I'm sure treated differently of course but I'm finding more and more there simply is nothing new.

I kept changing character's names at first because I'd see something like Twilight for instance, one particular part of it and she had a major character that had the same name as one of mine. Now mind you some of my books I have been writing since 2005. So I'd change the name and now I pay no attention to it anymore. I never read the books and I haven't read all of Anne Rice's books either. Her books have a lot of narrative which they also say is a no no, but sometimes it's necessary. Publishers refused her books when she started even though she has degrees. I wouldn't say she is my favorite writer but I like her stuff, most of it anyway that I've read mind you. I'm stuck on the one I'm working on now. I know sort of what I want to say but I have to do more background work.

Some of the characters are vampires but nothing like what most write about and it isn't the main crux of what they are. It's sort of a side issue. They don't have any of the problems of an Eastern fictional vampire at all. They don't normally drink blood but there are exceptions to everything due to storyline, heh. Not going to tell. I have been afraid to share much of it because I don't want my work stolen although I do have two full stories online. I have excerpts in here but most are old drafts and are at the beginning stage and you don't really know where the story is going. It's like I step into them and once I do I have to keep writing until it's done. I wake up and continue writing and once completed I miss the characters. This is more than likely why Anne Rice wrote another book about Lestat and of course her fans requests.





22:12 May 25 2014
Times Read: 606

I find it interesting that some prefer my other profile to this one and more have rated it than this one even though this one has been here longer. It's an odd thing I have become the mean side of me I think over here but not intentionally, lol. I really don't know.

I'm older and sick all the time now and most of the time I'm usually resting and writing. I can sit up for periods and write but to come to the social sites I get stressed. This one requires I do certain things and I just can't anymore for long periods of time. People don't build the nice profiles anymore for the most part and those that do, eh. I'm not going to say anything bad about them. Some aren't to my taste but still really good.

So I've been writing a series of books that are paranormal romances for many, many years now. I finally finished four of them. It is a series of six. I started with the last one first which makes no sense I guess but it was based in what ever year was the present but I decided to go back into the past and start at 1903.

Then I went to book three and four and finished them and now I finished two. I do not have good writing habits. I've tried and I can't write that way. I have made notes on some. They're all in the rough draft stage because I haven't had any sort of editing done on any of them except my own. Even though I have been writing for a long time I don't consider myself a professional writer, just a writer.

Two are up on the net in full in my e-zine. These aren't the short Harlequin types of books but 90,000 to 100,000 words. I sometimes have no idea where I'm going. They aren't mystery books so there is no major action in them really. They are observational, social aspects of the characters and romantic/sexual situations but not erotica. Sometimes it deals with the nature of the individual character since these are fantasy stories that contain some twisted mythology. They're works of fiction but some is based on real things within them that happened in the time period. The hardest so far has been the one that was at the end of 1949 and transitioned into 1950. The lingo of the teens (a word that wasn't used then) and young adults was very difficult. Don't believe you can find everything you are trying to research on the net because you can't. So many people copy from others so when you think you have a new website and think you might find other information it turns out to be the same exactly that you read on the site before and before that. It's very frustrating and many who write historical information are not detailed enough so soon I will be going to the library because I've given up on the internet for the information I need. I'm going to check out some books. The one I'm working on now is in the early 21st Century but that isn't my problem it is the mythology I'm using within it. It connects to the other but it has another aspect I created and I need more background information that I cannot find on the net unfortunately. I may decide to just make up my own but sometimes I like to extrapolate on something already existent in myth. When I finally get on a roll I can't sleep until I finish. It's like I become part of the story.



23:25 May 25 2014

Well, recently I've noticed you in the main forum, and I like your input. It's obvious that you can and like to write!

I like to write too. I don't claim to be great at it, but it helps keep me sane. Sometimes the research is fun - other times, it's a pain in the ass. But - it keeps one from being lazy/sloppy with the details - especially when creating one's own mythology! lol

Keep on writing!


What makes me act out :)

00:58 May 24 2014
Times Read: 618

I guess I'm an extraordinarily judgmental person when it comes to certain things. One of them is what you say and do in front of children and adolescents. If parents or adults are supposed to be role models then how can they be if they use the worse language, and I'm talking about filthy words. I 'm hearing little children outside my apartment using profanity like it's the thing to do and why? It can be the parents but more often its what people say and do on the internet these days. Being way older than most I guess I'm still a little prudish and old fashioned about some things. SO...if your profile is filled with profanity or I don't care what you think and threats, or you have an ID that uses the worst, most filthy words as part of it. I will rate you down. I won't if you are talking about lifestyle as long as it is tasteful when done. I see no need to go into sexual interests and orientation and feel that should be a private issue. After all this isn't the dating game here and there are people as young as 13 (I know they probably already know all the words and other things) but we don't need to reinforce these things. I guess that's the individuals right to share but I'll never understand why people think that's cool or reasonable.

People are going off on how unmannerly teens are these days, yada, yada, yada, well what do you expect when we as adults are causing the problem. They are desensitized by the way we speak and the things they see. I don't think it should be a place where we give the idea that it doesn't matter or people can leave or who has the right to police what someone else says. I really don't care but I feel it has no place on the profiles. Free speech is good if one is responsible but being the harbinger of the delinquency and bad behavior of children is shameful.

The subject matter here is of popular interest to many but I'm afraid it draws the radical skeptics and the overly imaginative leaving no room for those who are in the middle and actually involved with the subject matter, not from an RPG perspective but a life perspective. No one needs to believe but there are some things that no one should be saying or believing and those usually deal with the term "powers" and there are no powers, but some are sensitive and some dabble in things that again deal with belief. Gangs are emulating vampire houses and committing crimes. I won't say which ones but I am aware of it and articles have been written about it and there are actual websites that explain it. Most don't know so be sure when some looney gets arrested they aren't just mental and were influenced by one of these sites, belong to a cult or got worked up over a movie, book or rpg. It's sad but I think most of the community would love if the notoriety about vampires in general would go away.



23:26 May 25 2014


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