AsphaltTears's Journal

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04:56 Nov 07 2011
Times Read: 582

I'm watching things unfold that are so sinister I can't believe it. My daughter and her boyfriend are involved with Occupy in Riverside CA. I guess they had a potluck or something tonight. I saw her make potato salad and take the kids and go. She said the police raided them.

The media and some politicians are saying it isn't organized and is basically a bunch of hoodlums or that is what they are inferring on tv and on the net. THIS IS NOT TRUE!

It was deliberately set up as a democratic movement. They don't want leaders, everyone is equally heard and equally apart of everything if they want to be. What they do is meet together and they have organized committees and vote as a group for the things they want to accomplish. Then people choose freely if they want to be on a committee. I don't think its a requirement. Each day a person can make a suggestion and they vote on it as a group and if it passes they do whatever it is. They are law abiding. I think the only laws they have broken are their sleep ins on public property but they did that when Vietnam was going on.

All the incidents where they described violence was done by the police. They are putting in undercover people to cause disturbances like the bottles and things they say were thrown in Oakland so the police can come in and say they had reason to break it up. They find out who they were after each incident. They are trying to stop this movement covertly. My daughter said they were abusive to the women again as they showed on the news with those in Oakland. I expect eventually there is going to be one big class action suit. This isn't going away and they are not planning violence. It is the powers that be that are doing that. They will take it through legal channels. It's not going away I don't think for a long while. It is active 24/7. They could leave 2 in the morning and someone would be there.

They want to use ordinances and intimidation to stop the movement but I think all are prepared to keep up their goals whatever they have voted for to get the government to listen. I didn't think much about it until I saw in the news what the police did in Oakland and heard what they did in Riverside tonight. They are beating on people who are doing nothing but standing somewhere and picking out women especially to do that to. Don't ask me what I think about the police in that city or some others around California...they have a reputation if you read the news. So I figured after a time they would start their abuse and voila...they did.

It's a peaceful movement of people who want to be heard. Not a group of vigilantes like they are trying to portray.




00:04 Nov 03 2011
Times Read: 590

I keep seeing people write things or post articles others have written that continues to state that the book Dracula was inspired by Vlad the Impaler. That has been disproved for a while now, since they found Stoker's notes. Much of it was derived from other Victorian writers and some from Carmilla. Go to any Transylvanian Society of Dracula branch, preferably Elizabeth Miller's. She is head of the Canadian branch. You can even see Stoker's notes on her website. I don't know about J. Gordon Melton, he's the head of the US branch.

That book was NOT popular when it was first released. People didn't like it. It's popularity increased in the latter part of the 20th Century. It is ok but not the best I have ever read. Polidori's short story set the stage for the elegant vampire. Books written about Stoker have stated he copied things word for word out of other's writings. It was really Polidori that established the genre even though there are some that still say Byron but he was not the author of Vampyre.

Stoker's great grand nephew along with Ian Holt wrote a book called Dracula the Un-Dead in 2009. His name is Dacre Stoker. I don't know the calibre of the book.

From Amazon:

"Dracula The Un-Dead is a bone-chilling sequel based on Bram Stoker's own handwritten notes for characters and plot threads excised from the original edition. Dracula The Un-Dead begins in 1912, twenty-five years after Dracula "crumbled into dust." Van Helsing's protégé, Dr. Jack Seward, is now a disgraced morphine addict obsessed with stamping out evil across Europe. Meanwhile, an unknowing Quincey Harker, the grown son of Jonathan and Mina, leaves law school for the London stage, only to stumble upon the troubled production of "Dracula," directed and produced by Bram Stoker himself."

I know that some things they put in the book are not from the notes because of the topics I read.

From the reviews I have read they didn't like it much. They said he strayed away from the character of the original too much but as a stand alone, not too bad.

The book Dracula got bad reviews when it came out as well. I really don't like the type of writing style of the first one which was epistolary. It is in the form of letters, logs, telegrams, diary entries, etc.

I don't think the new one is written in this style. Anyway all I am saying is the first one was NOT inspired by the Romanian Vlad the Impaler.



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