AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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8 entries this month

Looking to move

13:30 Oct 27 2013
Times Read: 474

My brother and I have decided to get a place together. Me because I need to move from where I am. There is too much drama and also because my brother is disabled and needs someone around. He lives in a place that is very toxic as well. So since we both like a lot of the same things we decided to go together on a 5th Wheel and live in it. None of that Toy Hauler stuff just an ordinary 5th Wheel and live year round at a place near by that is known for its hot springs. It'll be a great place. It has a small store, restaurant, pool, the resort area which I don't think is included in the fees but some other things are. He can have his dog there and it is very cheap and includes utilities. We may have to pay for internet but with all the rest, its a deal. One of his friends lives there and loves it and if we want to travel we can either save for a truck or have it hauled. It's suppose to be the cheapest way to live these days where we are located. Everything has its pros and cons but we think this will be the best for us. Many of them are gorgeous and some have two bedrooms. So I'm looking forward to it and peace, quiet, and no drama.





07:00 Oct 26 2013
Times Read: 483



The Books again

10:47 Oct 25 2013
Times Read: 495

My stories mention paranormal activities but much of the references to vampire is not near the beginning of the stories and not clarified until near the end if at all because it is a series of six novels. I have been working on them simultaneously and that is the only way I personally can write for the most part. I only put rudimentary excerpts here so it may not allude to anything connected to vampires at all when you read them. As I stated most of them are slightly different and revised. The only one that might be close to a finished manuscript is Jenna's story. I'm almost done with it and now have over 80,000 words. The first story which starts in 1903 is over 20 chapters now and the last one I stopped writing on because I lost some of it when I had to reformat my computer awhile back. The recovery program I own didn't find it, but I have most of it and I know the trend I was going at the time. I will pick it back up when I finish the others because some things that will end up in it may not apply if I write it too much ahead of time.

What has blown me away about writing the stories is I have found out by doing research over the past few years that some choices I have made and some things I have written aligned with real names and other things that made me almost fall out of my chair when I found them in non fiction articles. I tend to have my characters engage in things that actually happened in their times, like go to plays, etc. I'm doing this as a hobby and also to leave them behind for my children. Not to get rich or necessarily get published. Its better than knitting and crocheting in my old age, lol.

I have been interested in a particular group of people who are not out of Eastern Europe for a very long time and I took that interest into writing about them and twisting mythology. The twists were a lot of fun. Many of them are not use to modern things and so the reactions are funny to create but I would have to tell you the premise of the stories to explain why that is so and not for all of these characters. It's been a lot of fun and I found out as I wrote I have a somewhat convoluted mind. My stories are not erotica either but there are love scenes in some, well all of them really but some more blatant than others but I didn't want the stories to be about that but just be about people and the things they do in certain situations and that comes to play but I keep it light. That was my choice.

Like most who write my grammar isn't perfect nor my spelling. I have a tendency to repeat certain words or phrases. My biggest challenge is run on sentences and I try to fix that as I go. There is a program online that will look for these things and that gives one the chance to rewrite or replace a word or phrase here and there. Resources are abundant but I will tell you this no matter what anyone writes about cliches, words overused, etc. You have to put the characters first. What would they say, how would they act in any given situation. I collect books and many authors who are famous pay little heed to any of this BS. Just thought I would mention it.




Thank You

03:14 Oct 25 2013
Times Read: 502

Thanks everyone who has come to rate my profile. If you did anything more than a rating let me know so I can get back to you and return the favor. Just going through my list and rating unless I hear you have added me etc. I don't randomly do that unless there is a request.

Have had interesting conversation about writing about vampires which I do. I knew many on here do as well. I don't write about the Eastern European drop your fangs and drink blood type of vampires. I went a different direction and most of the excerpts I have up from any of the novels are most likely slightly different by now because I revise them. The idea of vampire is often not spelled out in the books and none of them are horror stories. They are all paranormal romances.

I do know about lulu.com and places like that for publishing. I had a writers support group for awhile which bit the dust when MySpace and Ning got vacated in favor of Facebook. I'm not interested in setting anything else up. I have taken vocational classes in writing but not college classes even though they were in a college. I don't have degrees like Anne Rice. I don't think it's necessary for someone to be a writer and have all of that. Anne for one gets critical reviews and bashed by people that don't have a clue that she actually has degrees. She is not my favorite writer but I do like many of her stories and she seems to be a nice lady. My writing does not go the direction of the stereotypical vampire. I wanted to do something totally different. NO fangs, or for the most part blood drinking and things like that although.... That's all I have to say about them and they are not undead.




19:15 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 528







You can't help but wonder how old these people are and why they want to misuse this site with people they don't even know. Now I am getting minus points off my score. I have to believe that their only focus is to run people off and that is a financial loss to the creator of the site. How sad when some people have nothing better to do than act childish. I guess they don't have a life and like negative attention. Boo to you folks and I laugh at you for being so inane. This isn't a new idea and you will not be the last immature people to do this. You definitely weren't the first. No wonder so much drama gets started here. If you are looking at me you will see me laughing at you. If you have nothing better to do than reinstate people on the block be my guest because I have read about people before who have no scruples...they generally end up hurting someone even if it is only their feelings and then laugh about it. When the time comes for them to have the tables turned they cry the loudest. Just another annoyance on VR.



20:17 Oct 24 2013

I believe he has a total of 8 accounts he uses to do this. Yeah it gives me a negative too against my levels too. I always think about the time he puts in to rate 1's and blocks on everyone profiles x 8 accounts doing it on and that is some serious time he puts in doing it. I know it has upset a lot of new people who think there being target and they do not know why. I just shrug because seems like he here to stay. I am sure if he ever did break the ToS his accounts would be banned pronto. Till that time comes of he leaves; nothing we can do about it.

Also, rated and add you. Hope that helps some.

20:25 Oct 24 2013

im pretty sure since he takes the time to do this with all his accounts, that he barely has a life.


Would be nice if I didn't have to deal with this here

20:02 Oct 23 2013
Times Read: 547

I posted this request on the Forum. I keep being hit with 1s by the Vlad gang of hooligans, lol.

I need some rates. I have only been rated just over 500 times in four years even though over 14,000 people have stopped by?

I would really appreciate the rates if you don't mind. Sort of frustrating working hard on a profile and having someone swoop down because they think they are being cool and spoil the experience. Guess that's life in VR. Not angry really, I just think they are all an annoyance that's not necessary and totally childish. So I'm chalking off to part of the game and asking for some assistance. I will try to keep track of all who rate and check if I have rated you back. If you do anything beyond that let me know so I can reciprocate.




Another hmmm

03:30 Oct 22 2013
Times Read: 552

Where is everyone? I can hear the echoe...Yep, I was right, everyone is dead.





00:08 Oct 22 2013
Times Read: 555

After all this time on this profile, (I have had others prior so I have been here well longer than four years) why only 500 people have rated it? There are supposedly thousands registered here but only 500 of them have rated. Makes it difficult to get into this whole set up when the majority are doing nothing. I got burned out on rating and I get into it every so often but after years of it , it does get old. It's just not the way it use to be with most coming in here made lovely profiles even if free accounts. There are ways to put backgrounds on them. They just don't go full page but if you do it right they look as nice as anyone who has a premium account. I wonder why it all changed? Frustrated a bit but I guess that's just the internet.



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