AsphaltTears's Journal

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6 entries this month

An open letter to Mr. Tu

23:56 Sep 15 2011
Times Read: 727

As one of those "seasoned ladies" I found your post very funny, Mr. Tu. You are indeed a very clever and entertaining writer. I'm afraid I have had the opposite experience to yours. I have dated almost exclusively men much younger than myself. One in particular was over twenty years younger. We were together seven years. We did finally go our separate ways but people sometimes change. My husband that just died was eight years younger (people thought he was the older, lol) and his labido was less than desirable. No, lol...I didn't kill him, he killed himself by drink, smoking and a few strains of hepatitis from a girlfriend he had who was a street walker. So much for the man must do what he was created to do, be promiscuous. Luckily this was after I left, but we never divorced. I think we thought there was a chance to get back together but it was his delusion. This would be enough to put any female off for a good long time.

Sometimes the icky "love" factor takes precedence. I had no trouble with young men, it was the older ones that were walking dead. The things they wanted to do, ha ha ha ha. OR maybe didn't want to do, lol. Unfortunately I have always looked a lot younger than my age.

I usually sat and listened to the younger men complain about the young women and the older men complain about them because they wanted to be wined and dined and lots of presents etc. Now mind you, it wasn't the case for all.

Maybe it is different when we "seasoned ladies" spend time with the younger man that we experience something a little different than the "seasoned man" who doesn't care if the girl has even a high school education as long as she looks good, had breast implants and can function quite admirably.

I'm well aware of the general differences watching the elderly flirting in a retirement apartment building working in the support care field. It was interesting and yes, the men much more than the ladies were interested in getting into that proverbial sack and beating it to death.

Well if you were created no more than any other animal on the planet that breeds out of instinct then why such a dynamic brain? Why does every religious book forbid the practice out of wedlock? hmmmm? Not all men like younger women. They live vicariously through them reliving what it was like to be a teenager, lol. While the ladies friends are saying, "what do you see in that old coot?"

In my case, I don't see any point. I haven't changed in my feelings toward intimacy but I find men in general of almost any age a downright pain in the ass, except for a few and that will remain all I will say about that. I am totally and completely hetero. It has nothing to do with viagra, or dislike or unwillingness. Most don't need that anyway. It is the person and not the waves that can be made together. I personally find older men, most of them boring. The others I find wanting into my pocketbook so needless to say I took the road less traveled. I chose now to just relax, not have to swim though the wide river of garbage created by another warm body and just do my own thing. If I decide to deviate then that is my choice. I won't be stereotyped sir, but I forgive you and keep on writing because I love to read what you write whether I agree or not. It is definitely entertaining and a good read. Maybe I'll start a journal section on "seasoned males."



19:10 Sep 16 2011

My kind of person. To the point.

Peace and Blessings.


True Blood

13:03 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 739

I was a hardcore fan of True Blood but now I don't know.


Most hated this season but there are a few who think it was the best season yet. There were a lot more special effects. When they introduced the Marnie character, I didn't like her from the beginning. The actress of course was great but the character sucked. It's all make believe but every time I saw her doing things I wanted to turn it off.

People didn't think it believable that Bill and Eric would kill themselves to save Sookie, but I don't think that was their plan the way Bill gave Eric a look. They really messed with Pam's character and I would have preferred a lot more of her. She is the comedy relief next to Jason who is the brainless relief.

They got rid of Marnie but not without killing Jesus, one of my favorite characters. The dynamic between Lafayette and Jesus was great. (at least I thought so and really interesting) Maybe they will just have his ghost pop up now and then. Like most series shows, they are hitting season 5 and not many shows last longer than that these days but some do. If they keep writing like they are now, they will loose a big fan base. Many are complaining and mad. Now we have to wait...again...until summer.

I know everyone enjoys the sexy scenes but they are giving people these cheesy scenes in lieu of good character building. The last one with Jason and Jessica was really bad. Everyone thinks Tara is dead but I think she is hurt and just knocked unconcsious. I don't think she is dead, but who knows. I think that would be the ultimate mistake to kill off that character. Sookie is too maudlin and the part with her, Bill and Eric made me sick. It was silly. I understand why they did it and it got the two of them working together and they killed off Nan...wahoo. I could hardly wait for that loud mouth vampire to bite the dust.

Then to top it off that guy from the fanatical church shows up on Jason's front doorstep. Now he is a vampire. Nothing he can do, he can't get in. Not sure if Pam or this guy let Edgington out of his cement. Eric never killed him but silvered him and covered him in cement. He got out.

There's a scene where Sam's new girlfriend leaves and he looks up and there is a werewolf growling at him. You have no idea who it is and they immediately drop that to another scene and never return. Maybe that werewolf they thought was dead was only unconscious? Who knows what happens to Sam.

People complained about the fairy aspect but they are in the books. Ball has changed it some. They only showed her once and then gone. I think they will make a big appearance when least expected in Season 5.

Alcide seems to want to take up with Sookie but now Sookie killed Debbie. She stormed into her house and Sookie had been calling out to Tara since she and Lafayette were recuperating there that night and she intervenes and gets shot and Sookie kills Debbie. I was glad to see that character go as well.

Then the crazy cajun guy's ghost shows up with a warning about Terry, a guy who served with Terry in the Military shows up and its all on Samhain, which the Wiccan waitress mispronounces. Eh, the whole thing made me crazy. There was a lot of other stuff that I actually liked in this episode that a lot of people didn't. I liked the part when they woke up the dead and they came walking out of the cemetery and Gran literally pulled Marnie out of Lafayette. Antonia blows out the fires burning Eric and Bill who are silvered to stakes by Marnie. She counsels Marnie and then she goes off about why she got like she did and basically says aw nuts and they all walk off together. Gran lingers because of Sookie and it's another one of her teary eyed fests.

They need to get away from the constant sex scenes and rivalry of Bill and Eric and build some decent characters. It's apart of the show but they need balance. I don't want to see Bill and Eric tied up with silver again or thrown in dungeons and threaten and then someone shows up to save the day. They need to be a little more creative. Maybe look at the books more. They need to clean up Jason and make him more interactive with Sookie instead of a stupid sex slave. (that's how I think of him). Have no clue what they plan on doing with Jessica. She left to feed. I have a hunch she might meet up with Russell. Ok...rant done.




07:45 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 742

Well I finished and if there are still name errors, I throw up my hands, lol.

I am going to put a real channeling in this story, not meaning a seance which is entirely different but I have many transcripts. I have to figure out how to incorporate them into the story. I haven't decided whether the medium will be male or female yet. I've skipped to another part of it and will be going to one of the other stories until I can fill in this part the way I want it, lol...geesh, looks like I am going to have to make an outline. The sky is falling, lol.

It will take me awhile before I add that and then no more. Not going to put in the whole story. I know approximately where it is going but it takes awhile to get there. I think I have watched True Blood tonight three times tonight while doing this...it was ok. My early 1900s excerpt is in the journal of my other profile.

Update: I went back to the channeling part after I worked on other things and did some research. This story is set in 1978 even though I haven't mentioned that. Some of the things that will be later mentioned will give that away if you look up times. I like to mix real happenings in with fictional ones. It won't be a real channeling except for bits and pieces I threw into it that I have actually experienced and things I have been told. Some word for word and the guide's name comes out of a personal reading that is very personal. I have deleted the story and put it in awhile later.




06:35 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 741

Well I still have mistakes in the story I just put back up. I actually deleted it thinking everything I had fixed would stay as fixed but I am still finding mistakes where I know I fixed them. grrr. It is like it defaults back, I don't know but I am determined to get the names totally fixed. I changed my main character from Jolie to Jenna.

I was watching a lot of Angelina Jolie movies the day I first started writing this which was probably at least three years ago or more. I don't know if I ever put a date. There is probably a date on my saves in my computer though. It just won't go away, lol. So it is not a finished product. Novels are from about 50,000 words to 75,000 words depending. You have to refine them when done. I am not near doing that with any of them. I am a distractable person and I just can't concentrate on one at a time. I have to move from one to the other to the other and then back. I am going back to the post and continue trying to fix the boo boos.

I had to take a break to watch True Blood. I thought there was one more show but it said it was the season finale. I don't know if I will continue to watch the show because I am tired of having to wait to see more nine months later. It is far too long. I didn't like this season that much anyway so I don't know. I am glad that vampire battleaxe died though...




09:17 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 759

Well now that I have the DVD of The Time Machine (2002 version), I have gotten OCD about it. I do that with certain movies, lol.

I am not like a lot of people who say, I've seen that movie, and never want to watch them again. I forget a lot if it has been months since I saw them.

What I do like about the DVD is all the added information. I rarely pay attention to who directs the films. The director of this one was the great grandson of H.G. Wells. They said he had a lot to do with how the Morlocks looked. It was his conceptual idea. Many of the actors were from the British Isles. I was surprised to find out that the woman who portrayed Mrs. Watchit, Alexander Hardigan's maid, in real life is the Mother of Emma Thompson.

I never noticed that the man in the flower shop was the man who played Philby in the first movie and he was wearing a shirt he wore in the first movie. Wow and Jeremy Irons who is cast as uber-morlock took five hours to be made-up each day he had to film. He said he got to know the makeup artists really well. I guess the time machine they built, at least up to 2002, was one of the most extravagant props ever built. It was amazing to watch how they came up with a lot of it. I think more would appreciate this version if they watched the behind the scenes and knew more about the actors and creators of the film.

When I saw the movie I had never heard of Guy Pearce and thought him a tad fugly. He is very odd looking but more so on film than on the ones they used for interviews that are more like home movies. He looked that way to me in Mildred Pierce as well and I wondered why they picked him for the part he had but then when you watch it you see his superb acting ability and he just sort of fits in this movie and the mini series.

There was a lot put into this movie...too bad people didn't see that. I saw a review where some guy stated it was garbage...geesh I wanted to sock that dude. Most science fiction movies get panned one way or another for something. This is something William Shatner has complained about for years.

A short bio on Simon Wells:

Wells was a member of Amblimation, a studio owned by Steven Spielberg, where he served as director on films such as An American Tail: Fievel Goes West, We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story and Balto. Wells was set to direct a sequel to Casper but the project was cancelled.

After the closure of Amblimation Wells joined Dreamworks where he worked as storyboard artist on many animated projects, he also directed The Prince of Egypt which was nominated for an Annie Award.(on the DVD it also said he worked on Back to the Future II and III).

In 2002 he directed his first live-action film, a film adaptation of his great-grandfather's book The Time Machine.

In 2011 he co-wrote and directed Mars Needs Moms using motion-capture technology during the filming.

Sorry, I just had to say something about this movie.

Year Film Notes

1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit supervising animator

1989 Back to the Future Part II consultant: future

1990 Back to the Future Part III thanks

1991 An American Tail: Fievel Goes West director

1993 We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story director

1995 Balto director

1998 Antz additional story artist

The Prince of Egypt director

2000 The Road to El Dorado additional story artist

Chicken Run additional story

2001 Shrek special thanks

2002 The Time Machine director

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron story artist

2003 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas story artist

2004 Shrek 2 additional story artist

Shark Tale additional story artist

2005 Madagscar story artist

2006 Over the Hedge story artist

Flushed Away story artist

2007 Shrek the Third story artist

2008 Kung Fu Panda action sequence supervisor/story artists

2011 Mars Needs Moms director/writer

Kung Fu Panda 2 additional story/story artist




01:35 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 763

My combo player is acting up. As usual, the VHS side is messing up but for a long time, it worked great. I didn't want to buy a new machine so I have purchased a manufacturers refurbished. I hope the thing works, lol.

My Dad used to buy refurbished stuff all the time like printers and such. They all worked. Anyway I had to literally pull the darn things out (tape) which I knew wasn't a good thing but I think all it needs is cleaning actually. I ordered the movie I had in it in DVD. It was only slightly over $5.00 for it. I have Thor on pre-order and it will ship on the 13th, can hardly wait. It is discounted for pre-order and should be here around the 15th.

Anyway I bought the Time Machine again because I like the movie but I love the score. This part of it has a name and was used in 2008 as the theme for a mini series on the Discovery channel. The movie was in 2002. I already have the older version with Rod Taylor but I like them both. So here is part of the score I am mentioning. The score to this movie was excellent and I think it is a highly underrated movie regardless of what some of the critics had to say. It's merely personal viewpoints...eh, I never listen to them anyway, lol.

For those who haven't seen this movie, this is a scene that is almost directly after he stops the time machine the first time. There is a little you miss but the action in the Library I thought was hilarious.



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