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The Living Vampire

12:54 Dec 13 2021
Times Read: 175

The Living Vampire is a transhumanist, or one who seeks to transcend
the current human state. Advancing technologies and medical science
have provided many new Corporeal opportunities for life extension.
Yet this is just one aspect of several levels of advancement toward Immortality. Since the Mysteries are a series of keys to unlock potential for Zhep’r, one must begin to think like the Immortals and move beyond the limiting conditionings of the mundane.
On the Corporeal level, the Strigoi Vii is absolutely physically and
genetically identical to any other human being. The difference begins in
the subtle world, or the Ethereal and Astral bodies, where Our “Blood”
truly exists. This Blood only gives one the potential for Zhep’r. It is not
a promise or guarantee! Initiative, will, and discipline are required in
order to realize your potential and ignite this Dark Flame. First and foremost, the Living Vampire is a lover of life, finding opportunity for Zhep’r in all of life’s beautiful facets. We are far from the eternally damned and spiritually agonized creatures of darkness that many mortals believe Us to be. Continue to disregard the Hollywood conception of the vampire! The Immortal looks beyond mortal-minded society and to the laws of nature for the truest lessons.
Even within the established structure of civilization, survival of the fittest still persists. Those with the greatest talents and aptitude generally prosper, while the weak and ignorant often despair and die.
Modern philosophers call this social Darwinism. Complete and indiscriminating equality is a mortal-minded construct. Darwin’s theory of evolution states that those living beings with particular advantages
will prosper and pass their strengths on to their offspring. So is it in the
human world and civilization, no matter how altruistic and inclusive
one wishes to be. While the Strigoi Vii would never condone discrimination or prejudice, We also refuse to blindly claim that all people are “the same” and shut our eyes to the talents and strengths of exceptional
individuals. If everything were created equal, how could anything be
extraordinary? We recognize that We have the potential to evolve from
a mortal-minded to an Immortal -minded state and celebrate Our nature. We are the true kings and queens of Our own individual and personal realities! This is how We truly Live life.
The Immortal -minded individual, realizing the responsibility of their Blood, reduces risk and distractions that interfere with their Zhep’r. The Immortal -minded strive to surround themselves with others who inspire Zhep’r, choosing their associates from both the Family and the outstanding mortal-minded. As all actions are exchanges of energy, you will receive personal energies from all those with whom you interact. If you wish to be inspired as an artist, associate with other gifted artists. If you want to become a successful business owner, open a business in a location where your product is
in demand. As part of overcoming a drug habit, end your associations
with people who abuse drugs. Avoid those who sustain their own bad
luck and unhappiness, as they will only transmit their misery to you.
This process may be difficult if such people are friends or members of
your social circle, yet you must end these destructive relationships if
you truly wish to increase your Zhep’r. Moreover, you will discover
94 lilrcr Jaliirathat association with positive, like-minded individuals will have significant constructive results in the Corporeal realm. This is not to say that you must disassociate with all but other Family members, as many cult like religions and spiritual paths mandate. Strigoi Vii is not a cult and does not encourage you to discard important interpersonal relationships! However, We are encouraging you to surround yourself with people who bring vibrancy and joy to your life,
who augment your talents, provide perspective, and edify you. Do not
waste your time with the terminally miserable or depressed. Surround
yourself with those who love you and love life.

Energy is the currency of Immortals. We see that the whole world
is ripe for enjoyment. There is life and love in everything, ranging from
a quiet dinner at home with a loved one to participation in an exciting
mountain-climbing expedition to the success of earning a university
degree. Above all, the Immortal-minded path is one of conservation.
We celebrate life in all its many aspects and do not waste energies or
physical resources. Those of the Blood are not destroyers! Life is about
creation and the rising flow of energies. The Immortal subscribes to the rules of courtesy and chivalry. We
always strive to be ladies and gentlemen! Whenever possible, We show
respect and consideration to all those around Us, including the mortal minded, as well as Family members. Even if We dislike an individual, We will be civil in their presence and politely avoid future contact unless they serve a positive purpose in Our lives. Being Strigoi Vii brings with it a significant responsibility. If We are to be the rulers of Our own
worlds, We must recognize the obligations associated with that role. Just
as any reputable head of state would seek to always be above reproach in their behavior, so must We. The True Vampyre does not get angry at those who are not in agreement with their perspective, for those who are not of the Family will never completely understand Our ways. Also, the True Vampyre never argues with those who do not agree with the truth, nor will We sermonize. Doing so is simply a waste of energy. The Living Vampire honors their history and has a deep appreciation of their spiritual heritage; holding their Strigoi Vii Family in utmost

TIjp fvulvimj Hiito 95esteem, yet respecting other obligations. Corporeal commitments, including those to the mortal-minded, are not to be disregarded. Our Blood does not constitute a carte blanche to be disrespectful or irresponsible. Since We seek to embrace the next steps in human evolution, We must embrace the associated accountability. We must never
disregard or hold in contempt those who are not capable of Zhep’r.
The Strigoi Vii is not haughty.
The Immortal-minded seeks self- deification and self-divinity. Thus,
We worship no beings save Ourselves. We revere and honor the Strigoi
Morte as the mortal-minded in the Chinese or Native American traditions would revere an ancestor. However, We do not worship or pander to Them. We approach Them with an attitude of mutual respect and
reverence. We choose to recognize Our own potential godhood and personal divinity! For example, a member of a Christian church may live in fear of committing “sins” against the code of their religion and timidly bow their head before their god, praying for favors and deliverance. We as Strigoi Vii proudly celebrate Our Selves and Our Strigoi Morte Ancestors and draw strength and dignity from Our Blood.
The Immortal develops a strong sense of patience and seeks to maintain a long-term perspective rather than an impulsive short term perspective. We embrace the immediacy of each day, yet recognize the importance of future planning. We accept the ancient Roman poet Horace’s dictum carpe diem, or “seize the day,” as a core philosophy. However, We do not seize the day due to a fear of imminent death! The Strigoi Vii knows they have the opportunity for Immortality, yet simultaneously recognizes the unique importance of each single moment



13:56 Dec 13 2021

Love this! It helps me understand.

14:03 Dec 13 2021

Happy to help!!

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