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What is a Sobriquet?

20:49 Nov 30 2021
Times Read: 310

A Sobriquet is a “Vampyre Name,” and Strigoi Vii tradition encourages that, upon the Prospectii validation, the Initiate adopt this fresh, new name for exclusive use amongst other Strigoi Vii. This is quite
similar to the magickal motto used within the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn. Sobriquets should reflect a piece of the Initiate’s personality and are used within ritual and magickal workings. Such names can reflect the individual’s Current, vision of themselves, or identification with an ancient or obscure god or goddess. Examples include Mael (“prince” or “king” in Gaelic), Irhandi (“sorcerer” in Sumerian),
and Lilith (Hebrew/ Sumerian goddess). When a Magister is Initiated, they take a second Sobriquet as their
Magister name, which is their “true name” and never revealed to anyone outside the Family.The Sobriquet is to be used for correspondence with other Strigoi Vii, within the Sanctums of the Sanguinarium, and
as a working tool in ritual and meditation. Sobriquets are similar to
magickal names in mortal-minded esoteric traditions or a “handle” on
the Internet. The Strigoi Vii Sobriquet also provides additional security
and privacy, as addressing a Strigoi Vii by their legal or given name is
rude and disrespectful, unless they specifically request it in an open
forum or you have a personal friendship with them and are interacting
in the mundane world. In addition, the Sobriquet allows the Strigoi Vii
to enter a new state of mind where they are free to express themselves
amongst other members of the Family.

A Sobriquet is different from an assumed “scene name,” which is
used for social purposes, or a “given name,” which is a legal name used
in the Dayside and the mundane world. The Sobriquet should be unrelated to any previous aliases, magickal names, or other names the Strigoi Vii has used. Thus when the Strigoi Vii make the Prospectii Rite
of Dedication, they should from that point on use a completely new
and fresh name specifically for the Strigoi Vii. It should reflect a point
of personal empowerment and a new beginning for the Strigoi Vii.
This name is chosen in Sanguinarium virtual sanctums as a user name
and maintains privacy and focus on Zhep’r.



11:13 Dec 03 2021

Something new I learned.

21:16 Dec 03 2021

I'm glad to share it!!



19:18 Nov 18 2021
Times Read: 353

Strigoi Vii, as a collective of individuals and a Family, are bound by an
unbreakable spiritual and metaphysical bond. To reflect this bond, We
metaphorically refer to those of the StrigoiVii Family as “of the Blood,”
or simply by the Latin word for blood, Sanguine. The Family of Strigoi
Vii does not exactly correspond to a biological mortal family. We experience a far stronger bond with other Strigoi Vii that is difficult to explain to those who are not of the Blood.
When encountering another of Our Legacy, We often immediately recognize them through the Radiance, or a subtle intuition of
who and what they are. The strength of the Radiance depends on
several factors. A Strigoi Vii who has reached a high level of Initiation, is strongly in tune with the Current of Elorath, or has recently been sated with Prana or made Communion may emit a Radiance
that burns like a flame. Un-Awakened individuals will often exhibit
a dim glimmer of the Radiance, whilst for some it will shine like a
lighthouse in the darkness. Some Strigoi Vii have described the experience of sensing the Radiance as being strongly and seemingly inexplicably drawn to another or feeling a deep-rooted and unexplainable sympathy with or liking for someone. Many Strigoi Vii have also reported that others of the Family emanate a sort of subtle
“glow,” hence the term Radiance. The Currents that surge within Our souls are deep rooted and,
from a certain perspective, quite ancient. Our sense of pride in Our
Family and Our connection with others of Our Family is a reflection of
this agreement. We do not know the origins of the Current, nor doWe
dwell on this. We look toward the here and now as well as the future,
yet recognize Our commonality as Family. Awakening as a process comes to members of the Family in three
different forms: Latent Vampyres, Born Vampyres, and Made Vampyres. Such experiences affect each Vampyre differently, as not everyone is at a point of self-awareness when they realize the Current is present
within them.

Latent Vampyres are formally known as Klavasi. This is the most common type of awakening within the Current—when a True Vampyre realizes their Radiance. It occurs at some point after puberty. One theory on
the origins of Latent Vampyres is that during or shortly after the conception of their Corporeal bodies, an Ancestor implanted the seed of the Current within them while they were in their mother’s womb. Another
possibility is that one or both of their parents carry a spiritual gene of
the Current in their subtle bodies and passed it on to their child, thus
giving them the potential to Awaken as a Latent Vampyre. The awakening is usually triggered by experiences like trauma, being fed on deeply by another Vampyre, being in the vicinity of a large Communion rite,
being exposed to one of the many avenues of the Quest, having a sexual encounter with another Vampyre, or a series of bizarre events that seem akin to fate. Most Seekers are Latent Vampyres and many describe the awakening as akin to the realization one is gay or that they have a calling. Latent Vampyres may always feel drawn to the others of the
Family. Sanguinomicon primarily caters to Latent Vampyres. and the Initiation structure aids them in their awakening and furthers their Zhepr.

Born Vampyres are formally known as Quissain and are very
rare. Such individuals were virtually born Awakened and instinctively
are aware of what they are. As children, the Quissain are usually very
eccentric and will most often have multitudes of symptoms such as
dyslexia, antisocial disorders, hyperactivity, and more. Born Vampyres
will almost always display psychic abilities and excel in energy work
such as yoga and Reiki. What is most interesting is that Quissain make
up the most Ronin and rarely Initiate. Amongst the Family they manifest mostly as pure Ramkht in frequency and behavior, with a strong sense of confidence and natural talents at the Art of Vampyrism.

Made Vampyres are formally known as Ardetha and undergo a
series of rites and conscious Initiations—or they have been touched
on such a deep level that they Awaken. The ritual for made Vampyres is only known to select Magisters and is rarely used. Sometimes this is known as the Kiss of Elorath. There are many controversies
regarding Ardetha amongst members of the Strigoi Vii Family, some
believing that we can only be born to what We are (purebloods),
whilst others feel that in this time and age it is important to allow
mortals (or “half-breeds”) the opportunity to become. Whatever the
story, the individual must demonstrate potential and a sincere interest in joining the Family. Such an Awakening is usually very traumatic and cannot occur without the agreement and involvement of a Strigoi Morte who is willing to become the Patron of the individual who is to receive the Kiss.



19:46 Nov 18 2021

Love this! Right to the point.

19:47 Nov 18 2021

Thank you!!

20:20 Nov 18 2021

Anytime. 😊


“The Vampyre Prospectus”

22:51 Nov 17 2021
Times Read: 387

“The Vampyre Prospectus” introduced you, the reader, to the Art of
Vampyrism from the StrigoiVii perspective. In “Coming Forth by Day,”
We learned the most basic application of Our Art, known as Ambient
Vampyrism. Here, within “Coming Forth by Night,”We move further
into intermediate levels of Our Art: suface and deep Vampyrism.
Since all living things exchange energy with every interaction,
these energy exchanges can be directly applied to the intermediate applications ofVampyrism. Mortal society is comprised of constant energy exchanges between individuals, ranging from casual eye contact
to a friendly conversation to intense sexual contact. Within the animal kingdom, animals eat plants and other animals, and, near the culmination of the cycle, humans eat both animals and plants. This “food web” is a never-ending exchange of energy, with humans seemingly sitting atop the hierarchy. Thus, humans produce the most refined form of
Prana because they have taken in the life energies of all living things
below them in the exchange cycle. Vampyrism is the act of obtaining
this highly refined energy for the purposes of furthering Zhep’r and
employing Nomaj, which is vibrational high magick or, simply, Strigoi
Vii Sorcery. To the mortal-minded, the Strigoi Vii practice of absorbing Prana
may seem very much akin to traditional psychic vampirism; yet the
Strigoi Vii do it with a different intent and purpose. The absorption
of Prana enhances the subtle metabolism of the Strigoi Vii and fuels
Zhep’r. It is also a necessary practice so that the Strigoi Vii may then
offer forth the collected energies to the Strigoi Morte in Communion.
During Communion, the Strigoi Vii receives a higher form of life force
from the Strigoi Morte, which
We call Sorrra. Practicing Communion
is the primary manner of increasing Zhep’r. Also note that regularly
taking in large amounts of Prana from humans promotes physical,
emotional, and spiritual health in the Strigoi Vii.
Strigoi Vii enjoy a mutually beneficial, or symbiotic, relationship
with the vast, teeming masses of humanity and take full advantage of
the more than six billion donors on our planet. At first glance, it may
seem that what a Vampyre does is unethical and harmful. To the contrary! The Immortal-minded simply has a different perspective than the mortal-minded. Mortal ethics are most often artificial constructs
and are different from the laws of nature. Civilized morality is a synthetic construct, not a natural or inherent law. Consider how the accepted codes of conduct and morality have varied between historical
periods and cultures. In truth, the ruling class almost always prescribes
behavior in order to better control their subjects.

For example, the antiquated Western European constraints prohibiting anyone other than clergy from reading and interpreting scripture were merely a way to keep power in the hands of the church. Slavery
was legal in the southern United States until the nineteenth century
lotmirtiatp Vampyrism 191because the economy of the South depended heavily on slave labor. In
Europe and America, women could not vote, own property, or work in
most professions until relatively recently. These were primitive mortal -
minded concepts that were eventually overcome as mortal-minded
ethics evolved. In contrast, natural laws are pragmatic and innate. As
Hermann Hesse wrote in Steppenwolf, “look at an animal, a cat, a dog, or
a bird, or one of those beautiful great beasts in the zoo . . . .You can’t
help seeing that all of them are right. They’re never in any embarrassment. They don’t flatter and they don’t intrude. They don’t pretend.
They are as they are, like stones or flowers or stars in the sky.”
While the kingdom of nature is quite often “red in tooth and claw,”
its brutality is impersonal, unlike concentrated deliberate malice. The
Calmae should look both to the positive elements of human civilization and the naturalism of the wild. The philosophy of the Strigoi Vii
Art of Vampyrism achieves a harmonious balance between the two,
embracing the best aspects of each.
With large amounts of Prana and concentrated will, the Strigoi Vii
can raise their Ethereal metabolism. Due to their un-Awakened minds
and the conditioning of the Glamour, the mortal-minded are mostly
unaware of Our process of Vampyrism. The tales of “blood-drinking
vampires” in literature and folklore are but echoes of the true Art of
Vampyrism. We, as Strigoi Vii, are so subtle in Our Vampyrism that
most humans never truly realize nor are harmed by Our intentions. In
fact, they benefit from the process!
Interacting with and exchanging energy is something humans do
every day. Vampyrism on the level needed for fueling Zhep’r requires
effort and intent and, at higher levels, a significant energetic exchange.
Purchasing an item with cash or credit represents an exchange of energies and creating links. Continual and prolonged contact between two humans often results in Ethereal bonds of familiarity, and thus
produces links. Advanced Adepts of Vampyrism benefit significantly
from learning how to consciously tap and draw out the energy of the
human’s life force through these links. The Vampyre then uses the acquired energy for their own purposes.
l 92 Ut)Pr Wmw Maintaining large reservoirs of Prana aids the Strigoi Vii in dream
recall, promotes physical health and emotional well-being, increases
memory, improves vision and psychic awareness, and increases the
ability to draw in and store larger amounts of Prana. It is also essential
to Communion, as the collected energies are offered up to the Strigoi
Morte. Drawing in this Pranic energy is the Art of Vampyrism. It is one
of the most beneficial things a Strigoi Vii can do.
“Donors” are those from whom We draw energy through the Art
of Vampyrism. From some donors, we only draw residual and excess
energies; from others, We draw deeply and consensually. Either way,
donors must never be harmed and always respected, as they are Our
source and deserve Our regard. The ethics of Vampyrism from an outsider’s perspective might seem
like a paradox, as the mortal-minded might consider us predators or
parasites. While there are many things We can learn from predators,
We are not truly analogous to the lion or the hawk. The Art of Vampyrism is not a brutal form of predation! It is a much more refined, elegant, and ethical system of energy acquisition. We are evolved beyond the beasts of the wild as well as what many vampire Legacies call “predatory spirituality.” The mortal-minded, in their blissfully distracted and comfortable
lives, believe they sit at the top of the food chain. They are highly mistaken.The Strigoi Morte and the rest of the Ascended Masters are more highly evolved beings than humans and even the Strigoi Vii. They are
also the supreme sentient beings with whom the Calmae is concerned.
From the perspective of the average mundane, the Strigoi Morte may
seem to be angelic or spiritual beings. From the perspective of the
Vampyre, They are Our Elders, Sorors and Fraters, teachers, and parents. The Strigoi Vii do not worship such evolved beings but instead experience a student and mentor relationship with the Strigoi Morte.
As you progress in your journey of Zhep’r, it is important to fully
understand that Vampyrism is an act which at first might seem morally
difficult. Embracing your potential is one of the most challenging aspects
lotjprnrtiatp Vampyrism mof your own personal spiritual evolution. It is beneficial to overcome
such mundane conditioning! The wolf preys on the deer and, in order
to survive, humans eat animals such as cows and chickens and other
living organisms such as plants. This process is part of the natural web
of life, and no one would call it wrong or unethical. Even passionate
vegetarians or vegans admit the necessity of eating plant matter in order to survive. Vampyrism is a much more evolved form of the same action, albeit one that is performed in a completely different way.
We, as Vampyres, have no need to physically kill Our “food” as
predatory animals do. There is more to being a predator than simply
surviving on the life energy of others. An essential element of the life
for the predator is the hunt. The wolf does not ask the deer’s permission to eat it. Most human ethics do not usually require a journey
to the slaughterhouse to obtain the cow’s consent before ordering a
hamburger in a restaurant. One of the reasons why people living in
countries such as the United States eat so much meat is because they
are distanced from the process of obtaining it. They usually have never
killed an animal for food or even witnessed such brutality acted out by
another. Most people are desensitized by going to the supermarket and
buying a nicely packed piece of meat from the butcher’s counter. Similarly, it is highly unlikely that the mortal -minded would ask permission
from an ear of corn before attending a summer picnic luncheon! We
do not physically harm those mortals from whom We draw energy.
This is one of the distinctions between the death-accepting mortal and
the Vampyre. Nor are We as coldly and inexorably vicious as natural
predators in the animal kingdom, such as the lion or the bird of prey.
The Strigoi Vii takes a far more civilized and artful approach when performing the Art of Vampyrism. We fully admire and embrace the philosophy of the Native American hunters who would give thanks and
praise before taking the life of their intended prey.
Many humans would say Vampyrism is theft. However, does not
the human steal the life of a cow whenever they take a bite of hamburger? Vegetarians kill or harm plants for sustenance, which are also living beings. There is no creature in the world that does not survive
m Ut)Pr Wmwdue to consuming energy of other beings. Even plants absorb sunlight
and the minerals of dead animals present in the soil and convert them
to useable energy to fuel the plant’s growth. However, unlike the actions of the mortal-minded meat eater, Vampyrism is far less harmful. We know it is actually beneficial to the health of the human.
Donating Corporeal blood is healthy because the loss of the donated blood forces the body to generate newer, healthier blood. The old blood then goes to serve the well-being of humans who are less
healthy and in need of a transfusion. It is no different when the Strigoi
Vii draws in human Prana. Tapping too much Prana from a mortal may
cause minor and temporary damage, just as draining someone of too
much blood will cause dizziness or weakness. Therefore, be careful not
to draw too much Prana from one donor. There is an additional disadvantage to drawing too much energy from a single mortal; it may result in something commonly known as “sympathetic vampyrism.” Any
human whose Ethereal body has been too deeply drained of Prana will
unconsciously seek to replenish it by taking it from another human’s
subtle body. This is not an actual evolution into Strigoi Vii, but rather a
purely instinctual response of the subtle body. It is, in fact, a common
cause of temporary traditional psychic vampirism and the myths of the
vampires “bite” turning their victims into vampire minions.
From the Immortal-minded perspective, it is not an ethical violation to take energy from others. The wolf does not ask the rabbit or the lion ask the gazelle if they can eat them. However, the lion has the
instinctual common sense to not overhunt their prey, as that lion’s
pride cannot survive without the herd of gazelle. These simple laws of
the wild are examples of Vampyric ethics. We want mortals to multiply
and live long, happy, and healthy lives, generating more Prana so we
can both mutually further our respective evolution. The human race
only truly benefits from a respectful coexistence between us.
Different frequencies of energy occur depending on the nature and
source of the energy. A common misconception is that lower forms of
Ethereal energy, such as that of plants and animals, are of a high-enough
lotmwiiatp Vampyrism l95frequency to be useful to the Strigoi Vii. These low-grade energies cannot, by themselves, sustain the Vampyre. The low-frequency energies
of the Earth, as well, are not enough to provide fuel for Zhep’r. When
a Vampyre seeks to tap only these energies, it is like a carnivore trying to survive solely by consuming plants. The system of the carnivoreis simply not constructed to endure in a healthy state without eating
meat. Human Prana is the best and most potent form of Pranic energy
of use to the StrigoiVii.



23:13 Nov 17 2021

Very Interesting. Thank you for posting.

23:24 Nov 17 2021

You are more then welcome!

23:51 Nov 17 2021

This has definitely got my attention! Thank you. 😊

00:03 Nov 18 2021

Your welcome!


The dayside principles

02:25 Nov 14 2021
Times Read: 407

First Principle: The Cult of One involves establishing an Immortal
minded perspective and an inwardly empowered ego. Embrace your
essentially self-sufficient and solitary nature. Understand and empower
your will. Embrace a love of life and take steps to realize your dreams
as attainable realities. Be able to forgive yourself for past trespasses and
look toward a future where you fulfill all possibilities and dreams.
Second Principle: Material Mastery is a lifestyle in which you
are the master of your material world. Money is not the goal but a useful tool—use it to your advantage. Achieve individual material
independence, regardless of if you are in a committed relationship or not. Forge a strong sense of self-reliance in regard to financial
Third Principle: Corporeal Immortality is to make your per
sonal Corporeal Sanctum, the Temple of the Self, a healthy and vibrant
foundation. Strive for both personal vitality and longevity. Be always
mindful of your own self-preservation and avoid threats to your Cor-
poreal well-being. Establish a personal legacy that will continue to live
on and provide you with energy beyond your physical existence. Cre-
ate works such as music, art, dance, and literature that will help build
and contribute to mundane and Vampyre cultures.
Fourth Principle: Personal Glamour is to become socially em-
powered. Master your body language, physical appearance, presence,
expressions, and the way you subtly communicate. The result will be
immensely rewarding relationships with lovers, business associates,
friends, mortal family, and StrigoiVii Family.
Fifth Principle: Empowering the Quest begins with supporting
the Family Quest to reach out to other members of the Family. Discover
creative ways in which you can further enhance the experience of the
Mysteries amongst the Sanguinarium.The ultimate goal of this Principle
is to simply introduce an individual to Strigoi Vii without mentioning
anything other than suggesting discretely that they read Sanguinomi-
con or refer them to the Sanguinarium website. Remember, answering
questions defeats the purpose of the Quest and violates the individuals
own ability to make his own educated opinion. Any other steps are in
violation of the Black Veil principles of the Quest and Secrets.



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