CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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15 entries this month

Just The Facts

18:12 Jul 30 2011
Times Read: 692

It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach. A human hair can hold 3 kg. The length of the penis is 3X the length of the thumb. The femur is as hard as concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. Women blink 2X as much as men. We use 300 muscles to keep our balance when we stand. A woman has read this entire post. The man is still looking at his thumb.



18:52 Jul 30 2011

gawd. I had to look at my thumb before I finished reading this...I swear I'm female!

19:04 Jul 30 2011

I don't know about that penis one lol....somebody missed the boat heh .

19:10 Jul 30 2011

Hahahaha.... I did not look at my thumb at all. Love the last line tho as it would be so true.

01:39 Aug 08 2011

3 Kg you sure lol see i just want to try that out now thats a bag and 1/2 of suger.

01:40 Aug 08 2011

And yes i looked at my thumb haha



00:52 Jul 28 2011
Times Read: 713

Had to drive clear across town in order for the doctor to tell me the blood work was "Inconclusive." Like he couldn't tell me that over the phone? And save me the gas, time and money for the office call? Sheesh.

The only thing he could say with ringing certainty was that I was not pregnant. (Hallelujah!) He suggested some other tests, so since I am paying for all this myself, I asked how much they cost and exactly what they all did. He looked at me and said "Been watching Dr Oz?"

Honestly. Doctors are so used to the insurance picking up the tab for patients, they are caught off guard when someone questions the price. He "thinks" I'm just run down, and could use a better adjusted diet, so why do I need a plethora of other tests? I mean, a colonoscopy is a good idea, but not mandatory at this point. The fewer things I can keep out of my ass the better.

There's one thing I heartily recommend before you see your doctor for a check-up. Write down everything you want to talk about or ask him/her, and make sure they answer you so you understand. They tend to cram in any number of patients in a day and don't spend a whole lot of time with any of them. Dammit, I want my money's worth, so I got my questions answered.

I'm still tired. Been schlumpfing around here thinking I would perk up, but maybe it's just a reaction from being on vacation...my whole body is just in schlumpf mode for a while. Hey, at least I'm pooping all right (doc asked me if I was about three times, apparently that is extremely important when you get past a certain age.)

Carry on.



01:01 Jul 28 2011

Pooping - Check.

Not popping (babies) - Check.

Schlumpfing - Check.

Nap? Eat better? Feel better, please?

01:55 Jul 28 2011

Did it occur to anybody that with all the sweating you have been doing at work that you are most likely:

a) dehydrated

b)low potassium

c)low sodium

or a combination thereof?

05:39 Jul 28 2011

or maybe....

just maybe....

you should never come back from your holiday?


Viva la Vacation!

08:33 Jul 28 2011

Well wishes sent from over here .. x

10:38 Jul 28 2011

"The fewer things I can keep out of my ass the better."

O.o hahahaha

No up periscope yet, eh?

01:29 Jul 31 2011

"The fewer things I can keep out of my ass the better."

Just, just read that carefully. *smirks* So you want more in?

Should say, the MORE things you can keep out of your ass. . . . heeheeeheeeee. Freudian slip!



20:34 Jul 26 2011
Times Read: 739

Well, feck. Almost two whole days of vacation gone. I wait all year for this, and usually have some sort of weird thing that happens to steal at least some of it from me. The year before last it was back spasms that had me flat out for the entire week. This year, I dunno what started it, but yesterday I woke up with a pretty severe case of the trots, and you know how you feel after that....all wrung out like a limp rag. If that wasn't enough, I started getting cluster migraines (didn't know what they were until I got to a doctor later). Just severe, blinding pain, lights shooting off, and feeling like someone was tying a thick rubber band around my head and pulling it ever tighter.

I had to rustle up a neighbor to drive me to the doctor since I didn't trust myself enough to drive. I had had a regular migraine before, and funnily enough, after I vomited I would feel a lot better, but not this time. It just seemed to go on and on. Good ol doc of mine...he knows I don't call in a panic unless it's something really awful, so I was able to get right in (and not heave all over his waiting room, boy that was one of those "almost" times). I was prescribed some stuff, which usually makes me leery as I don't normally take prescription meds. They are usually so strong that they end up bringing side effects with them, but this time I was just like "gimme!" The clinic had thoughtfully provided a machine in the lobby that dispensed beverages, so I was able to get a bottle of water and take the pills right then.

The directions said to take with food, so my friend kindly stopped at Subway so I could get a sandwich...honestly I didn't want to eat anything as I was afraid it would come right back up again, but I got a few bites down (it was just a plain roast beef sub on whole wheat).

To cut to the chase, I did feel a lot better, but very weak and wrung out. I hate feeling bad, especially on my time off! Had to turn the TV off and just lay quietly on the sofa for a while. After the first dose wore off, damn if the headaches didn't start coming back, but the doctor said they might, so I took the next dose. This knocked me out pretty good, but it was bedtime anyway, so I just went to bed.

Woke up this morning with a sort of left-over headache, so another dose and back to bed. Just now getting up for the day and feeling better, but really loopy. I have no idea what brought those headaches on, but I know I can't take this medicine on a regular basis as it just knocks me on my ass. Maybe some extra strength excedrin will work better and not make me feel like a train ran my ass over.

Well anyway, that's where I've been. I do feel better today, and hope I can enjoy the rest of my week. I have a package to mail!



20:40 Jul 26 2011

I hope you get to feeling better too hun, that's no way to start your vaca *hugs*

20:42 Jul 26 2011

:( I hope you feel better, enjoy the rest of your time off.

21:46 Jul 26 2011

aww that sounds horrible for you. Glad you're feeling better today though @};-

21:48 Jul 26 2011

*hugs my friend* Feel better quickly.

23:34 Jul 27 2011

Hell's bells, if I had a known we was having the same week off, I'da come down and rubbed your widdy head...lol

19:06 Jul 30 2011

If I had to make a guess, I'd say this hits you on vacation because it's the first chance your body gets to really relax and the moment it does, all the tension that was holding you together suddenly goes and that's that.


Take Note

03:27 Jul 22 2011
Times Read: 761

Yanno, just throwing out a bit of advice for you job-seekers...it probably isn't the best idea to phone a business five minutes to closing and chirp "Is you guys hirin'?"

We NEVER hire off a cold call. Get a resume together, dress like you are serious about job seeking and not looking like you just rolled off the bus from Pig's Fart, Oklahoma, and we'll give you an interview.



06:27 Jul 22 2011


Today, while I was loading up the napkin dispensers in the center, a female student walks up to me and says "I'm hongray...where's da' food?"

She was not a special needs student...


08:39 Jul 22 2011

I find it amusing that these days you're told to apply online. There was a time you could walk into a store/job and if management wasn't busy you'd be interviewed if they were hiring.

12:52 Jul 22 2011

Human Resources is probably too busy playing Farmville to do a "live" interview these days.



23:22 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 781

We have decided to do something unprecedented due to the ongoing heat. We now go in at around 3 am, get the cleaning done, start the pressing, and by noon we are all done. We got our part-timers from the other store to come down on alternate days and work from 1 to close so we can get out of the store. Tried it today and it went very well.

At seven when we opened we quick ran and did our route pick up and delivery and told them their returns would be slightly earlier than usual this week and until the heat abates some. No one minded, everyone is suffering in this mess. Kind of weird going in when it's dark and seeing the sun come up, but I tell you, getting the clothes cleaned without customer interruption is fantastic. We got everything done and on the floor to press ahead of schedule. It was still hot, but at least we weren't in it as long as yesterday. By the time our part timers came in, all the presses were shut down so that the extra heat from them quickly went away. We got extra floor fans and a whole lot of water and gatorade.

We actually saw joggers running by today. WTF? aren't you NOT supposed to do that during a heatwave? Go run inside the 24 hour fitness place, or the Y, where someone can tend to you if you collapse. Saw one guy throw up right on the street. Yeck. My boss saw it too, and shouted out "Hot lunch!"

83 degrees for the low tonight? All righty then.



23:24 Jul 19 2011

I remember getting up at 5am to start work painting outside so we could finish up by noon and not die or kill each other :P

05:58 Jul 20 2011

That does sound sensible, glad something works.



01:01 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 799

Just got home from a day at the sweatshop, literally. It was 112 degrees in there from 10 to 3, when it dropped to 99. Oh joy. And this was supposed to be the cool day of the week? I can't imagine what I'll be like come Friday.

My boss always accuses me of not sweating. I do, but I don't drip buckets like he does. I sweat around my hairline and it runs into my eyes and ears, and today for the first time in a long time I sweated through my shirt. My bosses changed three times, it was so bad.

We just drank everything. Water, gatorade, lemonade. Try to stay away from sugary things and soda when it's really hot. I was extremely uncomfortable, didn't stop for lunch because the thought of food just made me nauseous. Then I got a bad headache, which was probably the result of not eating coupled with being hot.

And if all that wasn't enough, we had cranky customers to deal with. Yes, we KNOW it's hot in our store. You don't have to come in and shout JESUS CHRIST ITS FUCKING HOT IN HERE like one guy did. We asked each customer for more time than usual on their clothes because when it's this hot, we don't do as much cleaning. Too much steam heat will make you sick, so we start earlier and finish earlier. This was just fine with 99% of customers, but wouldn't you know, we just had to have the one asshole who dropped a gigantic order and wanted it all back next day.

Boss had to come up front and tell him (because he wouldn't believe me, he told me "go get someone who knows what they're talking about") that the majority of his clothes called for special handling, hand cleaning and air drying, as there were a lot of women's beaded dresses and fancy silk blouses. The asshat kept saying "I don't care. I need them all tomorrow." Finally after about the third "I don't care" my boss broke in "well I DO care about cleaning your clothes properly. The fact is you are not giving us enough time to clean these safely and properly. You can't rush specialty items. And I won't. So you can choose the other items you want, and I will clean those. The specialty items will have to wait another day or so."

This guy was so mad, he was almost dancing. He jerked his thumb from me to my boss and said "Doesn't ANYONE in this town know how to clean clothes? Neither of you seem to, and none of the other places I've been to do either. You may as well close up if you can't do what the customer wants."

o.O. That did it. My boss walked him and his bugle beads right out the door. He had the opportunity to get most of his order done, but insulting a business owner is a one-way ticket to the curb. I'm sure most people think you just throw the garment in the machine and it comes out the other end and it's fine, but it doesn't always work that way. We have never, as far back as I know or have been told, had to pay a claim for a damaged garment. We are quite proud of that. Our competitors pay out a shitload of claims every year because they will just clean everything together, due to customer demand, and things get ruined. The last thing we did that got ruined was way back, when someone brought in a white coat, and there was a cartridge pen down inside the lining. The pocket it had been placed into had a hole in it, and the pen got down into the coat itself. No one knew it was there, and when it went into the cleaning machine, it exploded....black ink all inside a white coat. Nothing to do but buy the customer a new coat. Since then we've been uber-careful.

Ack. Gonna hit the bathtub and an early bed. I'm done wore out, Miz Scarlett.



01:45 Jul 19 2011

Well brick shits, if it was just throwing the clothing in the machine why don't THEY go to a LAUNDROMAT and do it on their own???

02:08 Jul 19 2011

Poor baby- I know what it is like to work in that kind of heat, and it isn't pretty, no sirree. Thirteen years in Florida taught me that right quick.

It never fails- I have a couple of good nights (at least as far as the customers are cojncerned, heh) and your sgoes to hell. Then you have good days, and whammo there goes my week...lol

03:52 Jul 19 2011

Customers like this make me want to torture and kill the person who first stated 'The customer is always right'...

08:52 Jul 19 2011

The customer is always right! NOT!! lol

13:58 Jul 19 2011

*hangs over her snow voodoo doll* :( I don't like when you are sad.


Facebook Stuff

20:47 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 830

There are several Tudors roleplaying groups on Facebook. You get assigned a character and you make a facebook page for him/her. The ones for Henry VIII are hilarious. I was looking this over and I wondered, what on earth do they do? Chat in character? Re-play moments in history?

Or do the wives go on each others pages and bitch at each other? Katharine of Aragon to Anne Boleyn: Bitch, you stole my husband. Anne: Tough titty. Maybe if you'd spend more time on your back in bed instead of on your knees in church, you'd still have him.

Henry: Sweetheart, please.....

LOL I'm half tempted to petition for a character, just to see what goes on.



20:55 Jul 16 2011


LOL Yes do!

21:28 Jul 16 2011

Heh, that sounds like a fun game :) I loved the series, but I have a feeling the real King was not as handsome as the one in the show!

21:47 Jul 16 2011

Your luck, you'd lose your head :-p

01:51 Jul 17 2011

Yes- Off with her head!!


Wow- this is just to strange.

04:40 Jul 17 2011

Nah, the only ones who lost their heads were the ones screwing around. I'd end up as Anne of Cleves, the one he divorced and called his sister...he also called her his "Flanders Mare" lol....which would suit me very well!


This can't be right.

03:27 Jul 13 2011
Times Read: 862

Why the hell am I getting letters from AARP addressed to my father, who passed away in 1981, urging him to sign up?

It's a little late for that.



04:13 Jul 13 2011

I'm a lil' surprised at AARP, as they usually have their shit together - so I'm told.

HoverRound on the other hand...

08:30 Jul 13 2011

So the mighty dollar can't buy miracles huh! lol

13:04 Jul 13 2011

I get letters addressed to ME urging me to sign up.


I hate them.

22:31 Jul 13 2011

I've been divorced for 6 years, and NOW I am getting spam addressed to my ex..




02:34 Jul 13 2011
Times Read: 868

Ok. So you bring in your daughter's prom dress. Prom was well over a month ago. During prom, the dress was stepped on, ripping the hem and the strands of beads that ran all through the dress. The beads are now gone. Daughter got drunk during prom and puked all over the dress. When she got it home she wadded it up in a ball and stuffed it under her bed, where the cat found it and used it for a litter box.

Now, a month later, you bring in this smelly, pissy, ripped up dress....and you want it fixed and all cleaned and back next day?

Fuck the hell off.



03:00 Jul 13 2011

THE HELL OFF be fucked!!! lmao

04:14 Jul 13 2011


22:30 Jul 13 2011

Yup *nodding* I'm wit dem and you

21:30 Jul 16 2011

lol, yea and cat piss stinks! I have pepper all around my house to get rid of the fuckers!


Add 'em Up

00:48 Jul 13 2011
Times Read: 878

Just the facts, ma'am....just the facts.

My work shift: 12 hours.

average temp inside the plant: 102 degrees.

Beverages consumed: 8 20-oz bottles of G2 (gatorade), 6 16-oz bottles of water, one 20 oz Mountain Dew, and one diet Coke.

Number of times I went to pee: once. at the end of the day.

Where the hell did all that liquid go? did I absorb it?



01:13 Jul 13 2011

You sweat like a wildebeast at work, don't you? I would. .

02:22 Jul 13 2011

You be sweatin it out.0.0

05:27 Jul 13 2011

Or that was one amazing pee.

21:32 Jul 16 2011

Sounds like a bit of a sweathouse.. but hey, it's a pity there is no upper temperature limits for places of work. Least none, in this part of the world! Hope you had a good BIG widdle at the end of your shift though!



01:11 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 896

Ever read a journal entry of someone's that says "sorry I won't be on much anymore" and you just think, were you ever on much before?

I do.



11:25 Jul 12 2011


13:13 Jul 12 2011

Things that make you go... Hmmmmm...


Catching Up

23:15 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 913

It's been a while since I posted. Been extremely hot here, which wipes me out. I spent most of the weekend just lolling around resting, after the almost-65 hour week I put in, I was just spent. Now I have a little more time, so let's see what all went on.

Boss' parents got trucked out to California for a week or so, where apparently they behaved themselves. Their daughter is married to a very successful man in the computer industry, and they have a very nice house in San Jose. The folks are on their best behavior out there because their daughter and son in law have extremely nice "stuff" if you know what I mean. They absolutely do not bother that stuff. The worst thing that happened, and this made me laugh, was when grandpa tipped a whole jug of wine into the jacuzzi. He was trying to lift up the bottle to pour their son in law a glass, and lost his balance. Wine and grandpa all went into the jacuzzi.

So they get back Sunday and the first thing they do is set their apartment on fire. Yep, you read that right. They were burning some incense upstairs and the match wasn't put out altogether...fell off the table and onto the carpet....luckily both my bosses were there and dumped water on it, then took all the matches and lighters away. I mean this is getting out of hand. They just can't be trusted to stay alone and not do something dangerous.

Boss A is in Canada this week on his annual fishing excursion. This, after months of bitching that he can't afford to go because of gas prices and whatnot, he goes anyway. Leaves me the middle daughter to work with all week, and the first thing she does is piss off a long time customer. The woman had come in with an outfit she wanted cleaned and tailored, and she had the pants and sleeves pinned as to where she wanted them shortened. Easy peasy. Normally we would just give them to the seamstress, she shortens them, we clean them, and right back to the customer in a couple days's time.

Little Missy had never been presented with this situation before, although we had told her this happens quite often. She kept saying "I don't know what this is, what do you want done again?" to the customer, who finally got irritated and said "If you don't know what this is, go get someone who DOES!" I heard the raised voices and came to see, and quickly took care of her order. Little Missy, instead of watching and learning from what I was doing, opted to run her mouth, as so many teenagers do when they just can't take the fact that they did something wrong. Defensive, defensive, defensive.

"It's not my fault, I didn't know what this was, and she "(indicating customer) "was being really bitchy." o.O. You do NOT say that in front of a customer, even if that is how you feel. You smile, suck it up, and take care of it the best you can. Little Missy just stood there all agitated and her voice level got higher and higher.

"I don't know how to do this! It's not like I do this all the time!" Finally her uncle, my other boss, came up front, grabbed her arm, and literally dragged her to the back of the store. I heard him say to her "If you don't SHUT THE HELL UP in front of a customer and learn how to give good customer service, not only will you get FIRED but I will personally smack your ass till you can't sit down. And don't try to test me. I WILL DO IT."

She stood there and cried. Oh good Lord. Worse than useless. We ended up sending her home for the day. She has such a smart mouth. The first time she was with me to train, her dad told her to watch what I did and try to do the same thing. She watched me for a bit, then turned to her dad and said "Do I actually have to walk like that? Cos her ass is bigger than mine."

LAWL, y'all.

I am SO looking forward to my week of vacation. It can't come fast enough for me.

That about gets me up to speed. Oh yeah, I had some guy ask me out, but really...he came in about 2 minutes before closing last Friday, after I had already worked 60 hours, and wanted to know if he could pick me up after work to go to dinner? Whuh? After my work week, all I want is to go home, get a bubble bath, and relax. Asking me out at the last minute gets a big thumbs down.

He said he'd try again another time. Oh joy.



23:18 Jul 11 2011

You REALLY DO need that vacation!! 0.0

23:22 Jul 11 2011

First of all LAWL ya'll is so us...dear lord...

And secondly, you DO realize that little scene she threw was so she could get exactly what she did, which was sent home? Honeslty, I worked with my dad in his dental practice for TEN Years, and he NEVER would have let me act the way she did.

As far as the parents are concerned, to the HOME with them...lol

23:39 Jul 11 2011

A whole week off?!!! You should book a flight :-)

23:51 Jul 11 2011

I wish you cool weather, some cross stick kits, a couch to lay on, and nice food to eat. Oh.. and lots of sleep.


04:29 Jul 13 2011

Well...at least after the geezer fire and the whiny sucky brat, you got a date coming up in the near future...and it might be a lot of fun!


News Item

00:34 Jul 04 2011
Times Read: 941

Found this little nugget of info on Amazon...Michael Hirst, who created and wrote the recent Showtime series The Tudors, is planning a similar series on the life of Vlad the Impaler.




00:38 Jul 04 2011


01:36 Jul 04 2011


that ought to have some serious fun in it...

01:45 Jul 04 2011

Can't wait to see this one.

Are you watching Games of Thrones? It is a great show too, on HBO. I watch it online, of course. :)

02:46 Jul 04 2011

Nope. I don't get HBO, and with dial-up internet, it's impossible to watch things online. I just buy the sets on DVD as they become available.

04:31 Jul 13 2011

I look forward to this as well!



21:41 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 961

I get home from work, and you know, it's been really hot here lately. 90's with high humidity, in fact there is supposed to be a heat warning going on this weekend. I worked all day in a shop with no a/c, just the fans blowing, so I was really ready to come home and dive into my cool apartment.

In the lobby of our apartment building sat a gaggle of elderly ladies...all wearing sweaters....and complaining about how cold they were! What the hell....there is no a/c in the lobby and it was roasting down there.




22:42 Jul 02 2011

Getting old is not a good thing :-p

01:21 Jul 03 2011

It's that icy blood they have coursing through their veins. Cranky old witches. LOL :P



01:53 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 974

We have a drive up window on the side of the business where I work. Most people know how these work, right? You'd think so. They've been around for awhile now. Yet, as the days pass, I find that a good many people don't know how to use one, at least where I work.

Today I kept track. Of the 74 customers who used the drive up window:

40 drove up and just sat there. (We have a large sign outside the window that says PLEASE RING BELL FOR SERVICE and a big arrow pointing to the buzzer)

15 drove up and hollered through the window "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IS ANYONE IN THERE?"

8 drove up and rang the buzzer, but when I got to the window, they were so busy yakking on their cell phones that I had to stand there and wait....and wait...and wait.

4 drove up and banged on the window instead of ringing the bell.

5 drove up but were too far from the window, tried to throw their clothes in and ended up dropping their clothes on the ground. (Just back up and pull in closer, dickhead).

2 actually did it right..drove up, rang the bell and had their clothes/money ready when I got there.

I don't know if it's this area, or if other drive thru places get people like this? It seems like an inordinate amount of people that can't figure out how this concept works. Sheesh.



08:05 Jul 02 2011

Heh, some people just don't get it even if it's blantantly obvious!

10:16 Jul 02 2011

I just wish McDonalds took a leaf out of your book!

22:56 Jul 02 2011

It never fails to amaze me how many people get absolutely stupid when dealing with a busniess. I get it too...

person walks up to the bar, where there are countless bottles of liquor on shelves behind me, look at me and say....

"Do you serve liquor here?"


15:07 Jul 04 2011

So when do you officially get inducted into sainthood? I mean, if you've yet to slap someone you've got patience to rival the best of them.

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