CharmedxOne's Journal

CharmedxOne's Journal


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10 entries this month

Drunken moment

00:35 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 480

As i take another swig from the bottle,

I forget the past few events that have troubled me so.

Allow my body to go numb,

my mind to be careless..

my actions to be free.

THe pain is washed away, the anger no longer in existance..

The Regret no where to be found.

Only in the subconsicous of my heart.

As I take another swig from the bottle,

i release all that was once holding me down.

The chains are to be broken.

As i free myself from the rest of the world.

Drunken from the past and the present,

Drunken from the sweetness that you can still taste on my cold lips.

Let me be.

Let me be free from the rest of reality.





00:53 Nov 25 2010
Times Read: 484

Sunlight reminds me of a peaceful time,

when happiness once lived

rather than this cold heart of mine.

Rain washes away the fears that held on to me for so long.

Then sunlight shows, to dry them up and evaporate it into space,

Somewhere distant.

Somewhere far away..

I drift away, from the person i once knew.

Joyful, complete, and satisified too.

Now theres only vengeance, regret,

sorrow and hate..

All the nasty things that make one lose faith.

So here i am, alone again.

In the darkness of my room,

No sunlight to break in.

Only the shadows that dance

and the memories so long past..

Fading away from my mind.




Questions... No answers.

06:36 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 487

Down the winding road, and the spirals that fill my mind. The fallen leaves that turn to rust, the way our fingers intertwine, our fates leading us somewhere..

Perhaps to a distant place unknown. Forever will i remain the same, only time can let me grow. Autumn comes as summer fades. The winter nights feel so cold and long. Alone i wait, for something unknown. Not sure of what to feel. Not sure what to expect. Only sure that i wish to feel something more than this lonely, sorrow & regret. Mistakes ive made, tattooed & scarred. I can only replace the harm ive done with pleasant things and lovely charms. Let me be something better than i was before, please let there be something between us...growing more. Time tells all? Does it? I wonder.. I'm so filled with wonder, but no answers at all. So let me ask this, will you be the one to catch me, in my darkest hour, the moment of truth, when i lean over the edge & fall?




My sadness

03:05 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 496

The love that was once there, is now faded just like this memory of you has faded from my mind.

You're just a blur now..nothing more really.

It's hard to get out of bed in the morning, its hard to breathe when i feel like im being held under a thousand pounds of pressure..

The days never get easier, the air never gets sweeter, this daze does get longer...

hypnotizing me into a corner where i sit alone.

I dont make a sound.

I cant get up and yet i cant get enough,

nothing seems to make sense,

nothing seems to last and yet nothing seems to go away either..

The only thing i have to hold on to is this fading memory of you..

its been so long i can barely remember the curves of your face or the stars in your eyes..

Theres a time to let go and it was a while ago..

But instead i held on.

And now i cant let go...im holding on to only the fragments of memories i can piece back together.

Like a puzzle that doesnt make sense..

Losing myself in this downward spiral.

Losing everything cause i lost all will to care.

I cant grip on to...

Slipping into the darkness, this is the way i wanted to go.

Cause without you...whats the point..

You're gone now. And you're never coming back.




just something i feel right now.. not meant for anyone.

02:59 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 497

I'd rather watch myself bleed out than to see you hurt at all.

My scars and your scars, oh how i wish i could take yours away so badly..

Tears filling, blurred vision.

Choking on the last words that i would ever be able to say...drowning in this pain.

Living a life that has no meaning if you're not in it.

Lonely every night, and lonely every sunlight.

Cast me away so i can be free of this torment.

Call me back someday when you need a hand or a friend, or a shoulder to lean on...whatever it may be.

Just call on me.

I want to be everything that you ever needed.

I want to be the goddess in your eyes.

The right when everything else is wrong.

The first one there and the last to leave..

I want to save you from everything,

and instead id rather watch me bleed.




Not very good, but i felt like writing.

03:30 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 500

Come to me in the night,

i dream of you in the day.

Words that can never explain,

the way you made me fall..

Hollow in the darkness,

I give you my all.

My blood, my dreams, my hope

The love that remains so strong.

Hold me close, Dont let me go.

Away in the night,

i'll meet you somewhere under the sky's moonlight.




Just a question..

03:10 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 512

The mirror, mirror on the wall.

I dont care who is the farest of all.

Cause at the end of the day it's like we all fall.

Fall down down down,

somewhere deep into the ground.

Where shadows live and there lives not a sound.

Where the air is thin and you almost can't breathe.

Your heart beat sinks and you lose your skin.

It rots away along with your brain.

The decaying things that take over in your mind.

No sunshine.

No daylight ever again.

The nightmare haunts and haunts and never seems to go away.

So i say, mirror, mirror on the wall...

What have i done to make me fall?

Its like a judgement day only its the dark night.

So before you go to sleep ask yourself,

Am i living right?



04:33 Nov 18 2010

i liked this

04:50 Nov 18 2010

Interesting and Beautiful. The words are set, to penetrate the mind of the reader. Well Done!!


Black is the color of her Heart

03:09 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 513

The familiar face that I once knew,

Has become painted in make-up

Because now she is so made up

and the friendly tone, she has now out grown

Lies somewhere beneath the ground,

along with the friends she has betrayed

Solid under her feet, she speaks only to deceive.

I gave my best to this false friendship,

that i believe in so dearly, held close..

Till the time came when it was time to let go,

of any and all hope, cause all is lost.

As i sat and watched this pryous volture

lightly gesture with her claw.

She betrayed her Love, the only one that could ever really love her.

Just for a quick fix, something to satisify her craving for cruelty.

She wrecked solemn friendships as well as childish dreams.

And as i watched her destroy others as well as herself..

I could not help to notice the itch that i so badly wanted to scratch,

My hatred grew into this exalting rash.

And as it grew my craving for revenge began to hatch.

But this I could not release,

You must hold back any temptation,

Because she will destroy herself before anyone else.

And when all hope fails her, she will end up right back where she began.

Searching for a new victim as well as a Hand.




What I feel..

03:08 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 514

As the sun sets at the opposite end of the world and the moon rises, lifting my spirits with the love and power of her greatness, I stand at the edge of the universe, feeling everything that is nature. Surrounded by the light of the stars and the heavenly dark sky that extends into inifinity.

I travel through time and space, letting my mind free of any and all guilty feelings, questions, or doubts. Believing only in what is Life. The wind is my song, the stars are my hope, the moon is my power and earth is my home. I belong to it. I am apart of it all. Standing in the mysteries of the universe, i am a mystery myself.





03:08 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 515

He walked in with dangerous eyes, the black circles surrounding the fire inside. Like an animal caged, raging to get out. His skin, smooth and pale. Fragile yet thick. Stone body, like a statue. Fierce expressions. Like a murderer. Mysterious vibes. Cautious movements. Smile of a thousand suns, burning straight through my soul. Something dark within, stronger than me, stronger than...anything I could imagine. My strenght feels like nothing. My courage, evaporated into space by a single touch of his hand. My walls, detereriated and broken down by the vibrations of his voice in my ear, soft spoken, yet intense. And all i can ask myself, Is how did I fall... for this creature of the night..



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