ChastityMaundrell's Journal

ChastityMaundrell's Journal


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12 entries this month

Dark Heart

01:13 Feb 26 2010
Times Read: 628

Darkness befail her

Oh so fragil heart

A pain that will hurt

Till someone takes the pain away

She sits and waits

For a hopeful rebirth

Of what had been smashed

Right before her eyes

Tear fall as she fills the pain

That lurks up from a dark heart





00:35 Feb 26 2010
Times Read: 629

Dark as the night

A fate layed out

A death given onto me

A heart breaking

A soul crying out for help

Trgity is what put sadness in her eyes

A depression from another

A sentence that could not be said

Love was taken

Her soul stands in a crouded room

Screaming at the top her lungs

To notice that no one hears her



05:30 Feb 08 2012

So much pain, its beautiful, but there is so much pain, i feel as though i'm reading your words, this wasn't something to create a situation based on someone else this happened to you


Windows to the soul

00:31 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 633

The eyes are a window to ones soul

Their past

Their present

Their future

The eyes gives away all you try to hide

The fillings can be seen

The longing of the heart

the pain in the memories




A never ending dream

00:28 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 634

Days came and went

But one thing remains

The dream of the futur

The visions I have

I would never give one up

My visions are all good

The true happly-ever-after




Blood Chilled life

05:20 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 638

I bite the neck of my victem

Oh sweet drink of life

Uphealed the title gaven to me

But that was long ago

I do not wish to hurt humans

I do not wish to bite them

But with one that was hard

To compramise with thurst and lust

To not harm him

But for what

All in vaine for what he did

Took too much to resist

Draining him dry

makeing him my pray

What else are they

Other than pain and regreat

What worse could have happened

Lost a soul and almost lost my reasoning

Almost lost to a vengeful hunt





04:18 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 642

Tears of what once was a life

Taken by the pain he gave

Tears for what can not cry

Tears for a angle in the sky

Never got to see light

Smell the air

Sleep at night

A soul that never got to live

Tears I shed for you

A tear for every thought

I habor of the day



20:09 Feb 23 2010



~A Calling~

23:19 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 650

The calling card gaven

A revenge to be surved

the cold heart awakened

A darkness revealed

A heart once filled with life

now filled with vengence

A once good person

now forced to hide in shadows

A calling of revenge

A found broken heart

in which longs

to be remended

Only love can fix it

only that light can remind it

for too end

this dreaded rampage

A blood that boils

everytime a names minchoned

A calling is gaven to me

A calling of my vengence

A heart that has begain

to be remended

by the hope

one has gaven

Hopefully too my souls desire

this new found hope

thats been given to me

can fix what has been broken.





18:20 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 651

Your within my grasp

I sneak closer forth

my cloack the shadows

hide me from site

I touch your sholder

You jump with fright

I laugh at your ingnornce

And smile a wicked smile

My vengence still unsettled

I plan my next move

for your fear and fright

fuels me it gives me strenth

I stay hidden out of site

you look around to see nothing

the look you give

makes me laugh

You look again still see nothing

your heart begains pounding

your beathing increases

I now steel the power of your fear

My despise for you is stronge

the fear you gave

made me stronger

I knew the day would come

The next time we shall meet

will be never

not even in the next life

or so I don't think

So for this my job is done

could have been worse

but it is not my job

for what you deserve

For you deserve

what you gave me

pain, saddness, and suffering

be thy fate

So as I hide now

watching patshontly for that day

I hope you live your life

in despair and regreat.




Good nights and bad nights

18:17 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 652

The good night equals when I get to talk to you

The bad night equils when the ex wants to harass me

The good nights are everytime I talk to you

The bad nights are everytime the harassment of the ex gets worse

The best nights are the ones where I am all the time

The worst nights will never come again




~The Team~

20:54 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 657

True homies in my book

My freinds,no my team, no my exstended family

My team is my peeps

They the ones who has always had my back

Stayed by my side no matter how bitchy I am

They the ones who are there

To pick me up when I fell on my ass

Or to be there when I get broken

They have my upmost respect just like my family

So many look down on us cause we are different

Cause we are unique

We don't care though what others think

It is how we see ourselfs that count

We keep our pride on top of our prioritys

We each know we can look in eachother for help

Cause they are somethings that are hard

To talk about with our familys

Some stuff that we each as part of the team

Would understand that our parents

Wouldn't understand a word of

We are the closest friends you would ever see

We have each others back



02:13 Feb 16 2010

Cool poem imouto; I like it a lot! ^___^

Thank you for the compliment; I enjoy being on your team! ^___^


The ending nightmare

19:48 Feb 13 2010
Times Read: 661

She sits in her room

Crying crimson tears

For the ex she hates

keeps hurting her worse

She wishes he would stop

Texting her telling her

That everything is her falt

But what her ex will never understand

Is that this lion gave her hear to another

That her ex is nothing to her anymore

Her crimson tears are fueled

By her hatred torge the ex





Slowly Burning

15:02 Feb 09 2010
Times Read: 666

Tears fell from her face

The pain was undenighable

She fights not

To fall into rage

She is burning

Ever so slowly

With the pain

Of betrail

She plots her revenge

In hopes that ones

He pays up in blood

The fire will go out

Black Roses surround her

As she sit in agony

Someday they may change

But to her they have all turned to thorns

She is burning

Ever so slowly

With the pain

Of betrail



17:52 Feb 09 2010

nicely written, keep it up.

01:35 Feb 28 2010

Read all of them...you've got some real talent there, sister.

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