CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


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3 entries this month

I know, I remember

21:47 Aug 28 2006
Times Read: 859



Aug 26 2006

i am good thankyou

the dark moon brought many closings , and transformations

much revelation

things brought to light

it is in progress

flux is the key word for now

and yourself?

how goes it with you?

all well i hope

a word for your perusal, a thread a string to tug on perhaps





Words of inspiration, from half a world away. Thank you.

17:00 Aug 13 2006
Times Read: 884

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

~Hi Ann~

A friend of mine recommended this great book: "Finding your own North Star" by Martha Beck, got it thru Amazon used books, is really new. The front is blue.

She writes about when we have transitions, shocks, opportunities and crisis in our lives - finding and staying true to our essential selves and following what feels right for us, even when others around us do not understand it or approve of it and resist, as, of course, they do. When what we used to do does no serve us anymore and we cannot ignore it any longer and need to move on.

I think it is an awesome book that everyone can gain insight from - and the timing for me reading it right now is impeccable.


I wish you the very, very best and I am glad we have met and shared many good party times and great conversations over the years.

You will always stand out in my mind as unique in the way you think and get your ideas across and approach life and you are very creative in a focused way.

I hope you will always keep that intense part of you with you - you can move mountains with that intense energy used towards manifesting your intensions.

To Love, Joy and Peace,

LOVE Elisabeth

Written from Taipei, Taiwan, I am here for a month visiting




I wonder if the oracles at Delphi felt trepidation

02:02 Aug 12 2006
Times Read: 909

On 17:30:20 Aug 11 2006 sahahria wrote:

Greetings Friend :)

It has been quite a while, you last message to me honestly left me without words. The meaning was quite profound and appreciated.

Slowly the pieces fall into place

I am becoming who I was born to be

More importantly I am finishing who I was

All are important, but the most is the beauty.

Still not patient, but a little more understanding

Hopeful and scared, there is much to finish

Not worry, but completion.

How is your world, seemingly so far, yet so completely part of my own.

On 17:57:22 Aug 11 2006 shinedemongod wrote:


i am glad for these manifestations around ,within and about you.

as for me one stands now at the brink of a black hole, reality , space and time shred and dissolve, everything warps and convolutes. the observer is one that is before time, space and causation,

much of ones life on the planet and the human cycle are becoming clear, ones real nature has been revealed, a little more everyday shatters the crockery and furniture of yesterday

nomad, wanderer, fakir

longings for the desert and ocean

the song Senor by Bob Dylan came to my mind yesterday, had to tell myself that it wasnt time yet for it

there is much power

much strength

much much much

She looks over everything

in Her i rest

yes beauty


i have been clearing my mind , and music resurfaces time and time again.

music, dance ,and mountains

thinnest of air

shortest of breath

extremes and then some

one lives to burn it appears sometimes

it is a mind and heart that would frighten most, scare the normalcy right out of most lol

slowly one breathes with the universe

there are moments , when one feels the symphony of it all , how conflict dissolves

there is a question that occupies my mind more than any other, having lived so long as a purpose, as a job and duty i wonder if i will be able to live as me, just me

it is a thought that crosses my mind sometimes

thought is superficial i am finding

mere projections and reflections

my consciousness is occupied by black holes and singularities, somehow they feel like home, or something that was once home, they seem to be the only place where some semblance of what one is truly may be allowed to manifest without ripping fabrics and universes.

you must tell me what you think of all this though, for i have been known to ramble on

there is a thing called chaos magic that has come to my view, it appears to be where many of the things today are at

it is those of the old ways working in this time, the ancient ones

many of my archaic ways i find reflected there, you may do well to looksee

On 18:21:58 Aug 11 2006 sahahria wrote:


There are no ramblings. We indeed are at a point where even as we break the past

We must respect it and allow it a peaceful slumber.

In doing this we will become more,

But now is not the time.

Soon, so very soon

Chaos is the mother of what we yield.

Sadness so very much will continue

But in the destruction there is growth

Beauty we must focus on the love

The seed of what is to come

If we do not we loose

And then there is nothing left.

Yes Chaos is our mother, now we find our father.

From there we take our first real steps beyond infancy

But only if we see, love and grow

Beyond the pain

shinedemongod 10:46:50 Aug 11 2006:


indeed you speak the truth



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