Dakotah's Journal


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8 entries this month

17:45 May 27 2017
Times Read: 922

So you know how some say do you love me enough to jump off a mountain with me? Well I herd that saying before... so yesterday Lilli, who hates going up high.... Bungee jumped with me and Anna! She is fearless! Jumped right off the platform. haha She truly will follow me any where after me seeing her doing that. And I got pictures... I will post them later.



18:57 May 27 2017

I wish I was that fearless. In reality I cant even stand close to a high edge and look down more to jump hehe. But I have to admit that place was amazing and the train rides was sao awesome. Especialy the designer and owner was very kind and helpful. I promised to Sean that when the time is rigth and I can we will Bungee Jump together. Maybe that way ill forget my fear for heights. But none the less angel thank you so much. The place was amazing. I cant wat to visit it again. I love you so much

21:28 May 27 2017

That place was pretty cool and Anna loved that one right we did twice. I want us to go back there soon. Of all the parks we been too for some reason I like that one the most.

02:23 May 28 2017

You guys are too cute together.

03:52 May 28 2017

Love makes you do things you never knew you could.

10:34 May 28 2017

I wish we can go again soon. The view from the wheel was beautiful plus being with you and Anna is what makes it so special


02:23 May 26 2017
Times Read: 993

This part of my journal is titled 'Our Story' the story of my new wife and her battle with cancer. It has the goodtimes... the bad times... our laughter... our tears and all our friends post of support and love...

An update. They have decided to operate; to remove the tumor from her lung. Now some might say 'Its' that good news!?' Yes and no. This is Lily's 2nd go-around with Cancer. She was fist diagnosed at age 15. Now its back. She has had a ton of chemo and treatments. She has a IV plug thing surgery implanted in her neck, stitched into place so they can give her meds and all kids of things though it. She has to go every few weeks to have it cleaned out so it does not close up. So now they are going to try to remove a tumor from her lung, The one that got bigger instead of smaller and it will be a long operation. They will set the date for it in a few weeks... so here I am going to ask you ALL please please start praying again... to all our friends, to anyone on VR who will please... pray and pray hard. It's a very dangerous difficult operation. My moms a RN and explained it all to me so... I know. Soon as we know the day they will operate I will post it. And I admit openly I am scared. Can you imagine...thinking up the most perfect person you would want to be your partner in life/ your husband or wife and then actually finding that person and falling in such a deep love and they love you back just as deeply and every day together it blows you away just how connected you are to that person where you both say the same things like 50x a day and think the same thoughts and do the same things at the same time. You never have fights... just every day is like a dream come true.... but...they have a life-threatening illness. They might leave you for the here after..... Welcome to mine and Lily's life. We hold on to every second and we do those things couples say that one day they will do because just like our wedding song... Our Tomorrow together we might not have here in this realm. I know I sound like I am begging in this post and I am, 100% begging for all of VR.... pray, do spells...do what ever it is you do to help me keep my Lily here...



03:26 May 26 2017

I will pray for the two of you, and I know God will listen. Be brave, and fierce... All my Love to both of you.

-Faye Aka The Mad Countess

03:32 May 26 2017

she is always on my mind and in my thoughts. lily is the sweetest person i know here.

03:32 May 26 2017

p.s. from robin

03:45 May 26 2017

In my prayers

04:15 May 26 2017

She will be in my thoughts for sure!

14:05 May 26 2017

As always our thoughts and prayers are with you both. With so much hate and chaos in the world today, we need more hope, magic, love...and happy ever afters. We need you Lily, we believe in you, and we share our strength and love with you and Dakotah in this difficult time. Sending you many Blessings and Hugs!

21:05 May 26 2017

As always, Lily is in my prayers! I send her healing prayers every day. She is my dearest sister, as Dakotah, you are my dearest brother. Mine and Ray's. We are here for you both! Please keep us posted! *hugs for you both!!!* we love you!

17:23 May 27 2017

Oh my goodness, I would've never guessed that Lilly is going through it, my thoughts go out to you guys, and I'm sort of going through the same thing my biological father has stage four cancer. I'm just to shock to hear this, I'm thinking about both of you.


*lily and Dakotah Post Card from Paris to Our VR friends*

18:21 May 21 2017
Times Read: 1,086

Day two of the honeymoon here in Paris. I would send more pictures of the Honeymoon but we ditching clothing the past day and half and have no plans to wear any. Having a great time. The locals are so friendly and have been teaching us some French. "Passer a la casserole" "Faire crac crac/Faire boum boum" or even for the more energetic "faire crac crac boum boum" or you might even hear “faire boum boum crac crac” or even “faire boum crac boum crac” They all mean the same thing. Do we really need to translate these? "Passer a la casserole": One of many French expressions for the act of love making that involves cooking. This means something along the lines of “move on to the pan” but in reality if you hear someone talking about “moving on to the pan” in French, they are talking about who they want to have their wicked way with. Apparently it’s slightly on the vulgar side, so use with caution.



18:27 May 21 2017

Chokes on her water searching somewhere to hide
"They do not call it city of Love just like that love. The place s just amazing as for the french people there they should put butter in their ears. We exprecing our love proudly and full in hapiness "turn red hidding more" Although we are prettier than the frogs


*a post card from Lily and Dakotah*

11:54 May 21 2017
Times Read: 1,142

Hello From Paris France *a post card from Lily and Dakotah* The wedding was amazing! We are married! We then after the reception got whisked to the airport and landed in Paris. Lily had no clue where we were going till we landed. Our Hotel is amazing. You can see all of Paris from our Balcony and the Efel tower... Two days here in Paris... We did it! Lily is my wife!!!! Soon when we get home we post wedding pictures... Lisa and Ray thank you for coming to the wedding. Lily was just breath-taken wasn't she!

View from our bedroom balcony



12:01 May 21 2017

It might be a stressful day but I wouldnt change anything. Everything were just magical and so beautiful. The time I lied my eyes on your was the time the time stopped and was focused only in your eyes. My handsome man who stole my heart and stoped my breathing all over again. I am so proud to be yours. In every life we share together. Always and forever in sunny days and rainy ones. You are my everything and all.
The trip was and is si beautiful this will be the best days in Paris. I have to admit you plotted and sneaked well with Anna and my sisters. And our little girl was a fairy princess. So beautiful and dreamy.
Thank you for being in my life. For giving me the stars and moon. For loving me so much.
Paris is breathtaking. The town of love for real
Ray Lisa thank you so much. And thank you for putting up with us in this crazy evening that we were rushing back and forth. LIsa you were breathtaking and you ray handsome. You two are the best and I wish all the love and luck in your life.

12:04 May 21 2017

you both look great. and you two are awesome together.

12:04 May 21 2017

you both look great. and you two are awesome together.

12:04 May 21 2017

you both look great. and you two are awesome together.

12:06 May 21 2017

That dress was just so made for you.... I -almost- did not want you to take it off last night.... LOl Notice the almost... *grins*

12:07 May 21 2017

Yes Robin, Lily got me in a tux and I got admit, This Injun cleans up nicely eh? But Lili wow... all night I could not take my eyes off my beautiful bride.

12:08 May 21 2017

And i noticed you want me back in it too again not that you minded what you found under it "chuckles feeling her cheeks getting red" You were a vsion. Like a true prince standing there under the soft leaves. I am the luckiest girl ever
Thank you so much Robin. You are the sweetest. I wish you were there yesterday

12:09 May 21 2017

it is beautyfull..... she is a beatyfull woman.... you both looked awesome.

12:10 May 21 2017

Taking off your wedding dress is fun! Yes, I want a do-over for that part! hehe

12:11 May 21 2017

i wish too i was there..... stupid pc i own.... doesn't do sl at all... yes i tried to get on there a few times..... shakes head. just my pc won't let me go there.... anyways, unimporant though, the important thing is..... you guys. and how happy i am for you both.

12:15 May 21 2017

Thank you Robin, you are one of our dearest friends. :)

13:00 May 21 2017

In a way you were with us because we had all of our friend in our thoughts wishing you were here
"blush more holding her love tight" We have 2 days in paris you and I

15:01 May 21 2017

Congratz to you both :D Loads of love and blessing from Singapore!

20:48 May 21 2017

Have fun and enjoy each other

13:37 May 22 2017

Lily, you were so gorgeous, so beautiful, you brought tears to my eyes. My beautiful sister! I was so proud to be one of your bridesmaids! My beautiful niece Anna, she walked so proudly down that aisle for her mommy and daddy!!
Dakotah, you stood there so tall and handsome, I was so proud of you my brother! As I was walking down the aisle and saw you standing there, I had tears once again. Proud of you so much for setting up such a beautiful ceremony for Lily. The carriage, the flowers, the alter, the reception, everything was perfect!
The two of you made the perfect couple, and now you are married. The dress you had on Lily was beautiful, but you made it breathtaking. I am so proud to call you sister, and Dakotah, so proud to call you brother. I love you both dearly!

17:26 May 27 2017

Aww you two got married, that is so sweet, you two go great together.

19:56 May 30 2017

Congrats!!!! Amazing pics.


19:24 May 20 2017
Times Read: 1,226

The day is here.... Lily and me get married at 5 pm.... and here is Anna, our daughter and our Flower Girl... The day started off with me making pancakes for Lily and Anna and I served them breakfast in bed. Lily started to get up to make breakfast and I quickly put her in her place 'Lily your the bride today. Today's your day. People wait on you.' That's my Lily, even on her wedding day she wants to wait on me. So I made pancakes or as our daughter likes to call them 'pancakers' , bacon, eggs, muffins, fresh fruit, fresh made juice, milk, coffee and a rose on the trays too and this Groom served his bride breakfast in bed. Oh also of course Canadian syrup... And here she is , Our Anna, she says she will be the bestest flower girl ever! isn't she just beautiful... boy what a day this is going to be.... Oh and these pictures were taken in Anna's room... Lily has Anna's room done so amazingly even unicorns...



19:28 May 20 2017

adorable lol

19:30 May 20 2017

Gods I cant believe how much she looks like you. She is trully a wild beauty and a unirue rose!!She cant wai to hold her basket and trow rose petals everywhere "I will be the bestes fwower girli"
I am so proud of you because you raised her with love caring and manners. She may be a prim but she is a smart girl. Our velveteen bunny!! She steal hearts only by a hi!! We are so proud to have you as ours my sweet Anna. We love you so much.
And for the record Dakotah loves to give cretid for my decorations but he has made an amazing house and gods the garden and yard is a magical fairy tale.
Only a few hours away angel. So close "hugs you tight not letting you go" A love forever. I love you so much

19:30 May 20 2017

Thank you!

19:31 May 20 2017

take lots of pics you two

19:32 May 20 2017

I can just see Anna now grabbing a hand full of petals from her basket and thinking its like a baseball and throwing them all over people. This is going to be an amazing night.... and the honeymoon.... so special.

Thank you BrandedWithinDarkness, she is a special little girl.

19:36 May 20 2017

There will be a lot of pictures and a video soon after the wedding. Right now even though is in sl we are in a rush and make kind of hours. we are rushing to do the last things.

19:36 May 20 2017

dakotah you never call me by my username don't start -Cat

19:40 May 20 2017

miss BrandedWithinDarkness "sneakers"

19:41 May 20 2017


19:55 May 20 2017

LOL Sorry Cat.... todays a little crazy... well people trying to stress us out who are in the wedding party and I told Lily lets them be stressed... its kind of funny watching them all freaking out and me and Lily nice and calm...

19:57 May 20 2017

Sitting by the pool just relaxing wile they keep messaging us non stop. We take deep breaths and we let them roam with messages wile we talk about things for ourselves. How we met. How life was so kind to us and finaly put us together

21:28 May 20 2017

Aww let the world pass you by today is about you both

05:11 May 21 2017

Congrats you two!!!! So much love here!!!

13:41 May 22 2017

My gorgeous niece is a sweet princess! She looked so beautiful walking down that aisle in front of her mommy!


18:46 May 19 2017
Times Read: 1,363

The Wedding....

Tomorrow Lily and me are getting married in Second Life. We have been together over a year now. As most of you know Lily is fighting cancer. Many of you have been there for us, supporting us, allowing me to vent on you, its been difficult as we go from treatment to treatment... chemo, this drug, that drug, all the doctors... the prayers, the hopes, the tears, the good and the bad. Looking back on this year Lily and I have only had ONE small argument. Sometimes I think we should fight more like couples do, but we just don't. We are just so blessed really. Those of you that knows us know just how perfect me and Lily are together. Everyday about 20x a day we say the same things, we finish each other’s thoughts. We have the same thoughts. It’s like she is half of my brain. And Lisa, Ray...Robin, Payne... Bats.... Mord, LordMogy (awesomeness!!)... Dwayne... Erin...Hannah…. Tristesse….AngellicaRose… Cat....SlipKnot…MistressAngelique… and Ray…Eternalbeauty …DawnBloodsworth …MoonlapseVertigo …WickedWitch…candelight…InkedMommy…. Lana… StrangeWings…MsSanguinarius… QueenZombie (our beautiful zombie sister) Cinnamon... and many more of you.... all you guys that are always there for us, for me... Thank you! I sometimes do not think I could make it without you guys. You let me message you when I am down and rant, and cry and share my fears with you which is I am so scared I will loose Lily to cancer... last news we got was the damn tumor in her lung got bigger, after all that chemo and prayers and.... But you know what, because you guys, our friends, are there for us I really believe I can make it through this. Anyways.... Tomorrow is the day.... Lily and I will marry in second life and I will be posting all the pictures and the video and... some of you will be there with us in second life... and if anyone has a second life profile and would care to come to the wedding just message me and I will give you the landmark. One of my Best friends who is a country singer will be performing live at the wedding. This is one of his Youtube of him singing and YES this is really Billy singing. He is amazing... This is what Billy will sing as Lily walks down the aisle.... I am the luckiest man in the world and whatever time Creator gives me and Lily together on Mother Earth I plan to cherish every moment till we meet again to spend eternity together. And again to ALL our support here on VR Thank you, sometimes I do not think I could make it without you guys allowing me to fall apart sometimes and just to cry on your shoulder. I know some of you have issues with each other I just want to say no matter what you all been there for me when I have needed you the most, So Monday after the Honeymoon I will be posting the wedding Video…. :



18:54 May 19 2017

Im so happy for you both. :)

18:57 May 19 2017

apparently VR hates me....I am happy for you both....I am glad this site did something right.....hugs you both

18:59 May 19 2017

Thank you both and Fever... Cat... from my whole heart, thank you for being there for me and Lily. Can you believe how awesome Billy sings... I am trying to get him to let me be his manager and make him famous... hehe, I do plan to send his Youtube videos to The Voice. He could so win that competition.

19:05 May 19 2017

You know that what every I will say will be a little in what I feel. I just want to thank you for being in my life. For giving me all these precious moments for pcking me up when I fall and I couldnt get up. For pushing me to never give up. For always making me smile. For you sweetness your carring your love. But above all thank you for being you. This amazing man who brighten my days and giving me wings to fly in the heavens. Tomorrow it might be a wedding to sl for some but for me is so much more. All the feelings all the love all the one I am will be yours for ever and more thatn what I was before. And till reality this will be our small world that we will fill it with beautful magic moments. You make strong and I am not scared because with you by my side I look forward for our future. Thank you for finaly coming to my life for being my other half. For you are my true soulmate and my one heart. I love you much that If I could i would pull the stars down for you. I promised you this many times abut I will promise you again. I will always be by your side. Forever and ever. And I will be forever yours.
Thank you to all our friends and family for always be here for us. For helping us to our hard days and our good ones. For making us smile and for making us forget bad days. Thank you for having us as yoru family. We love you all and we thank you so much from our hearts

19:10 May 19 2017

You both are going to make me cry!

19:14 May 19 2017

You guys are so sweet not far on making me tear up...you are evil

19:17 May 19 2017

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt
The way I feel about her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

'Cause if tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

19:22 May 19 2017

Dakotah asked me a few minutes ago. "Baby are you crying" Ay i said i cry and I try to post to you. The truth is I cant stop crying and they are happy tears full of love because I am so blessed to have you in my life Sean. So blessed. I love you so much Sean

20:40 May 19 2017

Wish you both the best...

20:52 May 19 2017

Thank you for always be by my side sis "Hug you tight" Since day one till now. You are an amazing woman and im happy to have you in my life and call you my sister Asg

21:01 May 19 2017

this is so cute and awesome.

21:11 May 19 2017

I have told you both that I will always be here for both of you to talk to. To let you both vent and whatever else you may need. I am so very happy for both of you. You are such amazing people and I am so glad that VR brought you together where you can have a love that will be always be yours. Your words to each other are so beautiful, so heartfelt, so full of love and life. You found each other in this life and you will find each other in the next. You have a love that will last for all eternity. So congratulations. I can't wait to watch the video of your wedding. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you this weekend. May everything be as you wish it. Lilly I can't wait to see how beautiful you are on your wedding day. I love you both.

22:21 May 19 2017

I'm so happy and proud of you two ~hugs both of you ~ I'm gonna cry!!!! Congratulations brother

22:29 May 19 2017

The words to the song my friend Billy will sing at our wedding mean so much to me. No one knows when Creator will call us to the next journey from this one. We all should live each day as fully as we can. Make sure the one you love knows how you feel that if tomorrow never comes you hold no regrets... no I should haves... life is short. Life is precious. Fights and arguments with friends, family, even enemies just take away from your day when you could be enjoying life. Did I try in every way to show her every day... That she's my only one And if my time on earth were through... if tomorrow never comes.... Think about this. Be happy people. Love your life. Make it the best you can. I try every day to show Lily how much I love her because every moment we have I do not want to waste on second.

22:37 May 19 2017

Thank you all for your kind words may you always be happy smiling and full of happiness. To me that counts. To see everyone happy.
To see Dakotah happy. When I know he is smiling and when he tells me that I made him laugh then I am happy too. Words are so little so few so poor on what I feel but I know that when he looks in my eyes he sees my true love for him. Because to me he is everything. Always. Forever

03:03 May 20 2017

I am so happy for you both:) We will be there of course! Can't wait for tomorrow to see the two of you join together for all of eternity!

03:12 May 20 2017

Congratulations to you both! I wish me and Asgardareid could be there. We send you much happiness and blessings on your special day!

05:11 May 20 2017

Congrats my friend, I know that everything will work out fine! Have a wonderful wedding!!

05:56 May 20 2017

Congrats!!! Looking forward to seeing the pics.


20:57 May 15 2017
Times Read: 1,423

To My Lily..... this weekend it begins.



21:10 May 15 2017

A beautiful begining that started a year ago and continue to an amazing tale that this weekend wont come fast enough. I count the hours for the day. The second till then. I love you so much my angel

21:12 May 15 2017

We shall be there! We love you both dear soul sister and brother!!!!


08:23 May 01 2017
Times Read: 1,606

Our Story con’d…

Right after Lily started playing Second Life with me she heard about people who had SL kids, babies. I would do anything to make my Lily happy and I asked her ‘Lily would you like a Sl baby?’ She did not think I was being serious. A few months later Lily gave ‘birth’ to Anna Lisa Elephas. Like a real baby Anna had to be fed every few hours, diapers changed… they whole baby thing.

Let me back up here a moment. In Sl there are a group of scripters and builders, well here is an insert from there website: In 2007 we decided to bring realism to families.

After 3 years of hard work, the perfect AI child was made. We present: FUNSIES® IntelliGrow® Babies!

FUNSIES® IntelliGrow® Babies are so unique that we're Patent Pending! http://www.funsies.com

I am sure they did not know just how many lives’ they would affect by creating these Ai children, it has been in the thousands. I know one person whose daughter died in real life. How she handles her grief is she has a funsies baby named after her daughter that died. Some cannot have children in real life and get to experience a little of what it is like to be a parent by having a funsie baby.

So, I and Lily have our Anna. As I have shared here Lily has cancer and where we hope to one day have a child for now it’s out of the question. Our day is like any other families day. We wake up and have breakfast, we wash up, brush our teeth, dress for the day. I even do the dishes! I know, right. We might hang at our house or we might go to a Zoo…. Or the Grand Canyon, or fishing in a boat. Recently we went and visited Captain Nemo’s ship… and we been to Paris, Greece… and at night we get ready for bed. Anna really is amazing, her coding, it’s so easy to believe she is real. Anna is 3 now.

The thing is Lily wants to be there every day. And I honestly believe her desire to want to be in Second Life with me and Anna helps her to fight her cancer. And who could ever say that is a bad thing. I want her to fight, I want her to want to be with me and Anna because… I cannot bear the thought of her not being here. I cannot bear the thought of losing Lily to cancer. So all of you that are praying for Lily, for me, PLEASE keep praying and sending all the positive energies our way

Here Our Story, cond…

Here a Father set

a daughter's star on high

And colorless carried away his song

Riches unlooked for lay in a colorful array of leaves at their feet. The ankle deep piles pale blues, silver, and opal. A mirror for the vast autumn sky that hung like gauzy strips of dark cloth pebbled with bright stones that had no names.

The autumn choked forest around the village where they lived hid a sleeping life that refused to stir while the wheel turned beneath this hour of the yellow moon way up high. Though natural, this colorful tableau, the stars seemed too lonely, the clouds too thin. And while still vital, this world was locked in old secrets, and furtive when spied upon.

A season that did not suffer carelessness.

A father’s daughter ran in spurts out in front of her father when the wild spirits took her, or the shadows just ahead seemed to her deepest. Sometimes she stopped and scanned the untouched ground around her for only-she-knew-what. Sometimes she hopped to a sudden stop and yelled as loud as she could to the lofty winds of Night.


And every time, she would turn back to her father as he caught up, when the pines answered back in meandering, varied voices. Her little face screwed up as if fighting a helpless smile. Mouth a tight 'O' tugging up at the corners.

You could see the beautiful woman she might become in the lines of her barely contained joy, and how it lit her bright blue eyes. So much like her mother Lily she was. A mother who they just learned was not so well. A hideous disease was in Lily’s body, cancer. The little girl yet did not understand that her mother was very sick. Sure she knew her mother did not ran as fast, move as fast as she once did and that her mother slept a lot these days. And the adults had tears in their eyes.

Above, and beyond, the stars broke through the cover of the interlaced tops of evergreens, and past that, the silent range of mountains surrounding there home. Windswept peaks echoed the music from its roots where its children made nightly celebration with fire, song, and dance.

The daughter pulled on her father's sleeve, pointing with her free hand at the many constellations she had learned. Tracing them with her finger with one eye closed to better line up her cosmic art.

"Every star has a story, but when connected, they have a history."

With an alacrity, and frankness only possessed of children, the daughter retold the story of the Serpent just as she remembered it being told to her. Sparing no detail, or description. Hurrying ahead when the foliage obscured the sky-locked beast, and repeatedly poking her fingers at its bejeweled eye - a misted over azure that shone almost too keenly in relation to its neighbors, the little girl's story ran breathlessly unabated.

"Are you not tired yet?" the father interjected.

"If I was, would we stop here and sleep in the leaves?" she chirped back with a slowly spreading grin.

The father shook his head, and supposed not. Breathing a laugh that chilled the air in front of his face, he motioned for his daughter to lead on.

Content to trail in his enthusiasm, knowing she knew the way.

Ensconced in the velvety folds of Night, he stood beneath his red maned tree, and breathed his first truly free breaths in what seemed like days.

High above, untouched by cloud, the heavens wheeled about the world, and the father read their story to his daughter

The Hunter crested a gibbous moon tinged blue. His twin barbed spear shone like bursts of frozen fire, angled down, as if poised to strike. Below, The Ursus ran across the horizon in great, loping strides. So low, as to touch firm ground, and share its time with both Mother Earth and starry sky. Such was its journey that the hoary beast only appeared in the months of Spring and Summer, surrendering his empyrean domain to the likes of The Serpent, and The Ravens when colder seasons made ice of even the Nightsky.

Bathed in glittering drama that covered a sleeping world, the father smiled down at his daughter.

The cold winds of Mother Earth carried the promise of an early Winter upon them, pronounced sharply, pointedly, by the late hour. Where Autumn's sun had burnt out long ago, mimicking the colors of it's mantle of fallen leaves.

Streaking the sky.

The Evening's drapery had fallen in cascades of soft, rippling velvet touching every hidden corner of the world's firmament. Spilling across Life as if from an upturned saucer, whispering secret canticle to the chosen souls awake enough to listen. Splayed in diaphanous embrace over everything, and all.

For one thing to live, ofttimes one thing must die.

Summer to Winter.

Light to Dark.

Day to Dusk, Dusk to Night.

And in this Night, the daughter standing quietly at her father side, felt alive.

Before a painted foreground of sea reaching out to touch sky,

sprinkled with reflected white fires scattered over wave and spray,

the child stood still and silent.

Her father,

his shadow.

The colors of his life cloaked in fecund night-song,

untouched by the light which clung now to the small girl..

The world did not change around her.

The moon hung low,

the clouds adrift upon shade drawn weaves.

The father knelt next to his daughter, his daughter's eyes never leaving what lay before her, and set a copper beaten lantern at her feet. It's light painting a spectral pallor upon her, and while wan in intensity, shone like a sun.

He pulled her close, setting his hands on her little shoulders, and followed her gaze to the sky. For long moments, father and daughter saw the same things through the same eyes.

The father tightened his daughter's coat around her, buttoning missed buttons, and careful not to distract the girl from his thoughts.

"When it becomes dark enough..." he said.

"You can see the stars." his daughter finished.

Standing, his hand lingering on his daughter's shoulder, the father slowly stepped away, leaving his daughter alone in the light.

Before a painted foreground of sea reaching out to touch sky, sprinkled with reflected white fires scattered over wave and spray, the child stood still and silent.

Her father,

her shadow.

The colors of her life cloaked in fecund night-song,

untouched by the light which clung now to the small girl.

The world did not change around her.

The moon hung low, the clouds adrift upon shade drawn weaves.

A second voice had always twisted his essential nature.

Sometimes reproachful, sometimes elegiac.

Many years ago, there he would sit dimly remembered by her, or perhaps not even that.

Split lips and hungry.

A thready streak of child, and damaged. So unlike the girl in the light before him, standing where once he sat in dark.

Her mother gave her name Anna Lisa, and bore her life. She formed narrative around her like frost on stone, and so she was.

And was still. A family of love forever.

He knew life would be hard for her as it was now with her mother sick.

But for the child in front of him, for his daughter, and for his Lily for now they were together. A family.

Our Anna:



08:52 May 01 2017

I think now they will connect the name of the honors with the cute face. Anna s such a precous little flower. Like a small rose bud to a blooming magical rose. Many would nto understant how some will love and AI chld so much. But Anna is more than and AI. As some love WOW and roleplay games like that to us SL is our relity before the reality. She talks moves play eat breath has her own mind. She choose what she will do. She will get up move off the bed and walk to her toys alone not even us having her do so. Many who long to have a real baby and cant find their peace in here. And as you told many use these children because they coompletle. The designer and creator of these children took all the love in the world she had in them. In reality every child is different from the other. Like reality.

I am blessed to have Anna in my life. Not because she makes me happy and forget of my health issues. But most importan reason is a part of you my love. She is half you and half me. But in her I see you. She has her stubborness and your sneaky side of character. She can make a cold man kneel down with her smile. She is perfect and precious because she is ours. Our love rose and our daughter.

As for the issue with my health. I am not a person to stop and journalize it. Mostly I dont want many know about my health because I want everyone to see a smiling woman and keep to their minds a woman in the photos. I know its selfsh of me but still in me I see this woman when I think of myself and not the one I Try to get back to that. But I want to thank evryone for the sweet and kind wishes. I keep them all dear to me and they mean so much knowing that Dakotah and I have such amazing friends.

Mostly I want to thank this man who put always first me than himself. That he always care so much and love me so deep. That he stands next to me like a strong rock that hold me staright and like a big trees that give me shade when I need to rest. This man who is so pure in his soul and heart. Who he never things with selfish ways or with bad thoughts. That he always think the best of everyone. To this man who loved me as I am and who finaly the world brought my other half. No matter how much I tell you that I love you its so little in what I feel for you. I am in love with you. more and more every day. I love you every single seconfd and day we are together. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for giving so much. Thank you for showing me the world and thank you for bringing my smile back and making my heart beat again with love.

Above all thank you for being my family. Fo giving me yourself as I give you myself to you and for giving me Anna. Our precious little flower that I love so much.

This story put tears in my eyes because I can picture you two sitting under the nightsky talking her holding your hand and you looking at her with wise eyes. The story of our Anna talking to her father for the stars. A story of my two loves that give me strength to fight even more. I love this story as every other story you told me and wrote. The stories of my beautiful man who love so deep.

I love you forever and for always my Sean. My warrior knight. My beautiful soulmate

Every thing I am is only yours for eternal.

Your lily forever

09:03 May 01 2017

What is even more amazing is I wrote this story years ago. I never showed it to anyone because I just felt something was missing from this story. So I tucked it away for years. Then one night when you and I were laying in bed right after Anna was born I remember this story and dug it up. I know why I always had that feeling this story was not done... it was waiting for you and Anna to be the story so I could finish it. Tonight I finished the story and tonight I can share it with others here in my journal. And as the story says, a Family of love forever.

Anna middle name is from someone here who is part of our family. I am sure she will post here and say 'Yeah that is my little niece that carry my name!' We loved the visit tonight from you two and having you over for dinner. It was fantastic and thank you both for letting me get some feelings out. I am working on it.

09:13 May 01 2017

As I told and as I believe Your name was well given to you. Your real name. You forsaw it years ago and now you completed. Its now how it should be. and as I told you so many times you should make all these stories to a book and make it out to public. And Im not saying it because of money but for people to be able to read all these beautiful stories you wrote. Like this one and the blue flower maiden and the ones yout old me when we lay at night and look at the stars.

You are one of the kind my angel. I am the most blessed woman having you in my life.

And as you sad thank you you teo for coming by tonight and spending some time with us. It was nice to see you both in happy mood.

10:57 May 01 2017

If this site did one thing right I'm glad it brought you two together. I am so happy for the both of you. Hugs you both

11:20 May 01 2017

Thats so sweet of you Cat but I agree!! Even though this site many times has its drama moments I am trully greatful for coming back only to find this amazing man in here and find true love!! He is my everything!! My true soulmate!!

17:43 May 01 2017

What a beautiful story, Dakotah! You are a truly gifted writer:)

Yes! Anna IS my beautiful, wonderful, special little niece! Mine and her uncle Ray's little princess:) She truly is half of Lily and half of Dakotah - a special little lady! We had an awesome time last night - they have their home fixed up beautifully! It is soothing and peaceful, and a real home. We are a family, and we are so thankful for SL.

Every day is a blessing and a treasure, and we will spend it with our family. To the rest of you who read this, NEVER take those you care for for granted! Take each day as a gift, and let those you love know it!!

We love you, Lily and Dakotah, and Anna!!

Here is a picture I found that reminds me of Anna's room, and what Anna likes - it also reminds me of your home in SL. Peaceful and soothing!

 photo 20d6cfca-03ec-46ef-b649-f8b79458358d_zpsqtm7msz8.jpg

17:47 May 01 2017

You all deserve each other. Three beautiful souls. :)

Many hugs, blessings and positive energy for you!!!

17:59 May 01 2017

Like the other picture you posted I bet you know where this one is going. Right in Anna's Room and I will tell her its from her Auntie and Uncle. She will love it!

18:02 May 01 2017

Lisa that was so beautiful!! Thank you so much!! And As you saw last night Annas room is totaly pink with roses and unicorn!! Now yous ee how spoiled she is. A true princess!! Sometimes it comes to me the move the dispcable me with the little girl and the unicorns hehehe. I have to say Xaz is truly an amazing designer. The house is maginficent and when I am there and lay on the bed I feel our love in the walls. And the garden is coming around so beautiful

We love you so much. Both you and Ray

18:03 May 01 2017

Thank you my sweet sister Chocolate "hugs you tight"

You are an amazing friend and family to us hun!! I love you lots

18:17 May 01 2017

I am happy that you both like the picture! I hope Anna likes it too:) I know she likes unicorns, that is what drew me to the picture! The colors as well:) She is our little princess!!! :)

18:30 May 01 2017

A very amazing story and extremely well written Bro! We love you and Lily both very much and enjoy every moment we get to spend with yall in sl!

22:17 May 01 2017

It always warms my heart to hear about what is going on with you two - in both this life and the second one! Enjoy your time together and with Anna...children grow up so fast! ; )

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