I prayed for the day that your arms would circle me
In a fringe of acceptance and love, hedging me from hate
And the kicks of the world; a beautiful atoll I sketched
In my mind a million times as I bathed in the treacherous waters
Of my girlish dreams that tasted like blood and lemonade.
My heart hammered when you approached; this time I didn’t shrink away.
When the world stood still in that moment, you didn’t look away.
Then I could taste the music and feel it rub against my legs in circles
As you stepped forward and hooked a finger through my belt loops
And crushed me to your hips until the dark clouds rolled away.
I didn’t know you were a pink sunrise bleeding across an overcast sky
I didn’t know that I was a light drizzle, alone before the song ended.
The prized hug mine at last as my knees gave way and I spilled to the floor
And through the endless hole your shadow cast across my mind in dreams.
Staining, a vintage wine spilled by the glass shards beneath your skin.