This is not a complaint. Please don't read it that way. It's about writing. I understand that in an online community, most people write from a first person perspective - their own. It's natural to read journals as the author expressing their own feelings.
In our journals, we can have a poetry or story section. Mine is my "Exhalations" section. I like to express myself in word, but I don't expect you to think that the "character" in a poem is necessarily me. Quite often, I'm playing with ideas, sounds of words, imagination, or developing a character.
I've written from the perspective of a lover, a tortured victim, a male, a schizophrenic, a child, and many others. I LOVE comments when I write, but please don't worry about me in the poetry section. Please DO leave comments; I love hearing that a certain line bugged you or that you liked a word or verse. Just know that it's my attempt at art. If I'm sad, troubled, or frustrated, I would probably post in another section in my own voice.
If I'm ever truly depressed or deeply troubled, I promise, a journal entry would not be my outlet. I'd talk with friends and family and get the help I needed. I have a great support system. I simply like to explore all sorts of ideas and situations in the human experience.
Think of it this way, Morri likes to play with light and sometimes she is her own model. I have seen her deeply shadowed, naked, lit up like a fairy, and provocative. I never think to ask her if she's ok. I KNOW she is because she's creating art. If she posts a journal entry about a rough day, I might ask because I'm a friend.
I guess I'm trying to say that I'm a pretty well-adjusted person, and I'm happy in my life. When I write, I hope you'll like the ride and the feel of the words and their cadence and you're swept along, no matter the subject. Of course I draw from my own experiences sometimes, but even then, I typically think about the characters in my stuff as "her" or "him" not really "me." Does that make sense?
06:03 Nov 21 2010
It does. When you make art, its not yourself you are getting lost in, its that piece you are creating. Its like you are making child or a friend and you create them as a person in your mind and think their thoughts, if that makes sense.
When I take a photo or paint, I pretend I am someone else every time I create a story in my mind on what my goal for the finished art should be. Its not me, its a persona I create to obtain what I was achieved.
15:29 Nov 21 2010
Hahah "Are you okay? I just saw you naked."
17:20 Nov 21 2010
Now you'll have to write about your rough day. I'm perpetuating a cycle!