Kglitterous's Journal

Kglitterous's Journal


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1 entry this month

20:21 Dec 06 2009
Times Read: 685

The -K- is silent and indicates effort in chivalry, stoicism, and nobility. The glitter indicates the part of us that shines; that part which we wish to see ourselves as; even when we are broken down by the travails of life. There is of course, also,  the gutter factor... representing my ironic humour.

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. connections to those of simmilar ideas

I wonder what the mortgage rates on this house will be?

You have earned [ 12207.597] Favour for House Eternal.

House Eternal is the mirror before which my face is rouged;

or is it that House Eternal is the mirror before which I rouge my face?

Under my Wing


Rate Stamp

Note: I don't leave personal notes!


Return Bite Stamp

You have been bitten by

Hi, how are you?

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a.)the inner personality or b.) the femminine principle


- Not punctual

- Disorganized

- Irresponsible in my habits

-I do things at the last moment


- I lust for lust itself

- Or do I just feel unloved?


- I am proud of being different

- The worst insult I have heard is:

You're just like all the others.


- I dislike professions (Lawyers, Creditors, Insurance)

and people in general who have no faith in humanity.


- sometimes I have a compulsion to steal

- the compulsion more stems from antisocial behavior than from greed tho


-Other people in love



Wrath:Very Low







- understanding all sides

- curious

- right hand path

Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.

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the mask or façade presented

I am not in the Box...

I am not in the Box...

I am not in the Box...

This text is in a box...

My cat is also not in a box.

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mode of expressing thought

I want to start a lifestyle based on the Works of

Antoni Gaudí.

I think perhaps a skirt based on the wall of the Park Guell, with a macramé shirt that looks like the Sagrada Familia. This started out as a joke based on Gothic Architecture... but I want to make at least the one outfit in this parody of gothic style.

 Park Guell

 Sagrada Familia


I am trying to perfect the masculine-androgynous style; something akin to David Bowie or Adam Ant, Madmartigan, and who can forget Farina. I by no means have a perfect body type.... but I am working on it... maybe in a year or so I will be close. I do not want to go so far as Mana; but I have been told by many girls that I look better in a skirt than they do... I am not so sure.

Japanese Schoolgirl

I tried this style for my 36th Birthday... I had a white shirt with a military Jacket over it; a black kilt looking skirt; and Bright white stockings; with black shoes; Normal black eyeliner, and my hair done up in a messy bun. The only thing missing was a Bleach (instead of a Hello Kitty) backpack.

Oh Yeah, and blue sunglasses to keep from being blinded by all the white under the blacklight... ROFL

Horned God

And again I have grown out my Goatee, and have returned to my regular style... military jackets, horns and skirts.

Zombie Rotter

I saw a commercial on tv with a girl that looked like she got doused in acid rain and her umbrella had a bunch of acid eaten holes in it. I want to duplicate that look with polyester and a lighter... I wonder if I can experiment on some polyester before I go to work on a second hand polyester skirt. I think that with enough holes in it an all polyester shirt and skirt might not be too hot to dance in on a hot dance floor. We'll see.

My Hats

I have very recently started wearing some hats. I pretty much HATE baseball hats. Sure they were Cool in Grade 6 ( I used to wear mine attached to my belt loop... started a fad in Jr. High, unexpectedly because I wasn’t allowed to wear the hat a at school, which I had gotten from my Grandfather.) I have a Kid Rock-like straw cowboy hat, that is black with flames; I have a blue and beige striped Italian fedora which reminds me of the Pikey hat that Brad Pit wears in Snatch; I just bought a black "Che Guevara" style short brimmed cap.

My Horns

I usually I just wear horns at the nightclub, the hats are good for normal wear but at the club, I wear horns.

My Sunglasses

Lately I wear blue sunglasses, in the past I have usually worn the gold lensed John Lennon style sunglasses, but lately I am going with a blue lensed narrow sunglasses, they are all cheap sunglasses because I loose them... I would love to spend the big bucks on them, but that would be foolish.

My Shoes

I like black oxfords for work, but I have sooo many shoes: Red, Brown, Black, Motorcycle Boots, Recycled Tire Sandals... sooo many shoes. I desperately want some Fluevogs... make that many Fluevogs.

I actually had the opportunity to have a pair... I saw a pair of Angelwalks in the second hand store by my house... I didn't have the 10$ necessary. Not that I really liked them all that much... they are not my favourite Fluevog by any means... but still, at least I could say that I had 1. It was gone a couple of days later and I bet that whomever purchased it didn't have any clue what they were. However I loved the Soles of the shoe... LOL... it said something like fire and brimstone resistant...I'll always regret not making sure I got them *chuckles*

My Skirts

They now number 8, and are not traditional Hot Topic Gothy Manskirts... I pick them up in second hand stores and they tend to be pleated and or long... they are not quite girly... but definitely more effeminate than a gothic bondage skirt with chains and straps. Maybe some day someone I know will love me enough to take a pic of me at the club... otherwise you will never see a pic of it... LOL...

maybe it is better that way...

The rates might crush my self confidence to explore my

devil-may-care/loner/fuck-you-traditional-goth style

My Coats

Big Red... LOL You got to see it to believe it... I also have a couple of other military and period style coats.

Socks and Underwear

Teehee, I'll let you know later.

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to take pleasure in


-- "Do Not become attatched to the things you like,

do not maintain aversion to things you dislike." --


This girl is simply amazing!

She sings opera and Jazz, her major is religeon,

she's sexy as all hell... we used to date

But I always tell them I love them too soon.

What is it about people these days that they can't take a simple thing like love for face value.

it's not any more comlicated than lust...

is it?

Mana @ Anamathon

I love red... but like most things; it fades in the wash.

She is on my list of people to thank and remember when I am on my deathbed; I will always owe her.

However; Black and white is nice too…

Or rather shades of gray.

- The hilarious House of Frightenstein

( Amos Moses Episode -1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 7- )

( Aint No Mountain Episode -1 /2 /3 /4 /5

Part 1 (13 episodes) available at HMV for 26$ CAN

-Our Gang

- Eating with Chopsticks

- Anything Weird and Unusual

- Exploring all sides (especially the unusual side)

- Butchering Holy Cows

- New Orleans (Myth and Reality)

- Traveling the road less travelled

- Film Noir, Japanese Horror

- Manga, Anime

- Psychopomps: ie Bleach ( a reaper anime)

- Punk, Ska, New Wave, Outsider, Adult Alternative, Hardcore Techno


Evil Evil Cat

@ 6wks ........ Sept 10 2006

Undoctored photo... she always looks like that.

Evil Evil thing likes to claw her way up my flesh and sit on my shoulder.... Or up the inside of my skirt! Also bites my nose while I sleep and chews on my jewellery.


There’s something about Boxes that I like, I am not sure whether it is because they are empty, or because of the promise that they may be filled. Perhaps it is that they come with nothing in them and I fill them with what I find Valuable. Perhaps it is that they are decorative on the outside and conceal things on the inside. Whichever it is, I collect Boxes.

Cigar Boxes, Treasure Chests, Humidors, Coffins

Bone, Metal, Wood, Stone, Leather

... anything like that - I'm so very easy to shop for... really


*C.S. Lewis*

*Alan Dean Foster*

*Dean Koontz*

*Phillip Jose Farmer*

*Deepak Chopra*

*HP Lovecraft*

*Holy Books*

The Baghavad Gita

The Torah

The New Testaments

The Apocrypha

The Koran

The Upanishads

The Kitab I Aqdas

*Other Spiritual*

Toltec Book of Wisdom - Don Miguel Ruez

The Laws of Spirit – Dan Millman

The Tao of Pooh / The Te of Piglet



Make Peace With Anyone – David Lieberman, PhD

You Just Don’t Understand – Deborah Tannen, PhD

*Other NonFiction*

The Worst Case Scenario Handbook

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the end of a pleading or conveyance

How Will You Die??



Your death will be by disappearing, probably a camping trip gone wrong or an evening hike you never returned from. Always remember that one guy who was hiking alone and got in a rockslide. He could have died, but he cut his own hand off to save himself.

Don't end up like him!

Now you can get LOST too…

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strongly averted to


-- "Sorrow, fear and bondage come from ones likes and dislikes." --

Worst VR moment ever.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I actually give a fuck about what she thinks? If I hadn't been in the throws of winter depression at the time, I probably would have revelled in this comment, if not the rating... cuz i don't mind if you smile when you say it.

- Fluffbunny Witches

- The Superdome

(If it was a refuge of last resort, how come we didn't have a choice)

- Refined Sugar
, Monosodium Glutamate, Aspartame, and White Flour.

- Foreclosure Lawyers (bloodsucking vampires!)

- Telephones (not just cells) I have a serious aversion to these things

Protection Stamps -


IQ Test Score

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