LadyRoslineDrake's Journal

LadyRoslineDrake's Journal


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9 entries this month


Fallen Angels; The Side of Darkness: Frost Shadow

00:42 Mar 13 2011
Times Read: 737

Dark as night, black as pitch; fouler then the foulest witch.... I remember the cold of her aura; it nearly killed me.


She was once a neutral before her three sisters were killed; Ever-Green, Flare and Mist-Grove. The Shadow killed them and framed her brother. Now Winter Frost, is known as Frost Shadow. Dark and twisted from and hatred and rage; not even the never ending winter of her master's palace chills her emotions

Black hair and ice blue eyes not only gave a chill of fear, you froze, her aura slowing you down to the point of death, She and her sisters all have taken their turns destroying the earth....now only the option of war...and ice remain.



01:50 Mar 13 2011

Dark as night, black as pitch; fouler then the foulest witch...I remember this line from the movie Legend, lol.

11:16 Oct 01 2011



Fallen Angels; The Neutral Side: Fate

00:11 Mar 13 2011
Times Read: 739

I have crossed the rivers of the present, through the fires of the future and flown over the forests of the past. There is many things...I regret....Fate, the first thing I dreamed up when I was young.


Fate; the mother of Shadow and Marek, conceded by a man blacker then sin, she banished from Valhalla till her children were born. Then she was taken from them so they could prove them self worthy to enter. On the day of welcoming....Shadow was corrupted...and the wars began.

Her appearance was of a typical female angel, but her powers were far from a average angel; she realized the mistake she made. Now as war rages between her children, she sits out. Waiting for it to end.




Fallen Angels; The Side of Light: Lady of The Lake

00:21 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 746

Auther, take this sword...I remember watchiing her give it to King Aurther, then she gave me the Torch, a staff with carved flame on it top, that glowed in the dark.


The Lady of the Lake, was neaturl for the longest time, till she watched the Shadow kill her best friend and love Aurther through Morgain and Morgana Lefay (In her defense, she didn't kill him, her son did) Finaly she joined boosting the moral of the smarl army at the time. She is visous and shapshifter; she dies in the battle of Pompii, burried in the ash and pumus....when her body was uncovered by the frist treasure hunters, from her grave swans flew away...leaving her memories behind.




Fallen Angell; The Shadow's Side: The Seeress

22:43 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 750

Alas my dear, Shadow always wins; one way or another, for there can be no light without a shadow close behind. I remeber Seeress, blind to pyshical sight; but magicly. Everything is seen by her.


The Seeress, her name unknown even to her master The Shadow. Her wisdom was always shuned by people, becuase no one wants to hear that they are going to die or loose everything; sevral times, she was sent to prision and left to rot. But every time she escaped, it impressed the Shadow, so she currupted her and soon many battles were won. Seeress always had a passion towards her ex-lover; the Oracale, and in order to save her life she lied to the Queen of Darkness....who then sent her to a Deminion of Hell...leaving her to rot till she had learned her place. She died there short after Shadow was unable to possese anyone. Free; in a grewsom manner.

Seeress had been woman of honer and pride till she lost her sight, then pride left and the hatred she saw towards Mareks werewolf duaghter grew, in the end; she forgave everything, and went to Vahalla in the end, with Marek's warmest welcomes.

Oppisites come together and find love all the time right? Well once upon a time; Oracale and Seeress met and fell hard for eachother. They truly never stopped loving each other even after they went their seprate ways. Seeress's Black hair always had a white flower from her love with Oracale, her grey eyes always when she thought of her youth twinkled....but curruption makes those memories hard to remember, but for Seeress, it was her light in the darkness.




Fallen Angel Story...The Oracale

10:04 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 755

A grim future....is better then no future... The Oracale, Mareks Immortal wife; assisted me in my dreams with hints on what would happen.


Oracale; her true name only known by Marek, her name speaks it all, her ability to see all futures connected to any one person or many. Oracale has helped Marek out of every situation as best that her abilities would let her. She married Marek soon after he saved her from the Shadow curruption, with love in their hearts, they soon had children, two Angel and one mortal child, who soon became a ash grey werewolf; there names are Claire(No longer though, currupted and now known as Illuna, Recruiter for the Darkness, she has the ability to currupt souls for her masters cuase/Angel.)Molly(She vanished shortly after her sister, but was rumered to be with her grandmother; Fate, an angel who could cross time when she willed/angel)Theif....remained at her fathers side as loyal as a dog; she died defending Klarisa, a woman who cared for the girl who the Shadow posseced at a younge age from Illuna.

Oracales were common in the age of the Greeks and Romans; offerings made and futures told. Though only Oracale told fortunes for High Preistess and Kings. She was kind and gently; and when she had to, she killed with no mercy.

Oracale is just shorter then her husband, her blonde hair long and flowing, a long white gown with Mareks banner swoon into the blouse(A white tree with a orb resting in the branches)




Crap...uh...no title...just more Fallen Angel stuff...

05:12 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 761

Of course..there is a price...in dreams Arkana's tounge was like a serpent...tricked you into anything....The snake that tricks the ignorant Eve.


Arkana, One of ten people who are immune to the Shadow's dark aura; like most in the upper command. Apprentiace to the General Lich, a necromancer of extreme porportians; Arkana is learning from the best. She is deadly; any dead on the battle feild is bad in her or her teachers presence.

Arkana was once a healer to a small village, talented in magic both light and dark; she kept her home safe, till the pluage claimed her life. Lady Lucinda Lokin....also known as General Lich, resummunded her and returned her life for her eternal servitude.

Arkana, short,ash colored hair and green eyes made her the girl in town everyone wanted, but none intrested her.




Guess...no? Its the same one...

02:55 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 767

Battle is won not from the throne room.....but..from the front lines...I remembed her say right before she was killed....by the Shadows favorite weapon.. Angel Wing..and posioned angel feather whip.....


Angelica, one of the few generals powerful enough to survive the war of Vahalla and escape with many of her kind. Powerfuly and smart, she was also known as Athena. She is fast, clever and is always to kill her oppenent..whitch makes her a deady fighter. Not only does she know archery, crossbowmenship and sword skills; she is a powerful sorceress. Making her a great asset to the side of light.

Angelica has been through almost every war with Marek, her sister also...till the second world war...her sister was currupted and no longer was know as Cloudia, but now her sister oppisite Demonica. Both devious and fast as Angelica, they fight on sight of each other, an impluse that Shadow made special for Angelica.

Blonde and tall, fair skined and blued eye. Her bueaty and flexabilty gave her a edge agianest men in combat. But one curse that Angelica has is the Stone sleep; she hasn't seen the light of day in 500 years, becuase she becomes a statue on a El Castelo Angelo in Rome every day.




Fallen Angels agian...

02:23 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 771

The God of Life, happiness and prosperity.etc. The glowing light that leads me through the shadows of despair and anger.


Marek also known as Orion, has fought his sister;the Shadow every step of the way, growing equaly in power through the ages, through both died and reincarnated serveral times; in battles and wars; both lingered behind the leaders of there sides. Like the Hot Gates Battle, 300 men vs 10s of thousands of persian soliders... Marek on the side of the Spartans, and Shadow whispering into Xerses ear. Throughout the ages, Shadow has released pluages, famines and demons to kill her brother. Examples, The Black Pluage, the Patato Famine of Scotland(Or is it Irland, sorry if I got it wrong), and the two great fires both of London and San Franfisco.

He usaly takes the form of a 30 to 40 cuacasian man(Yes, he does portay himself as a woman sometimes..)with peppered hair and thin beard, wears a charcol grey suit and in the world of technolagy runs two kinds of Mercancy forces, one all humans, good good pay, second...angels demons and all that...underground. Above was his amore during the Dark Ages, alot of his followers were burned at the stake and Shadow suffered the same looses.




Story Havn't figured out a good name...

01:56 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 774

But, I have a temp. title is called Fallen Angels

The Goddess of Everything dark,evil,bad and anything involving death,nightmares also...The Shadow of my Dreams


Shadow was orignaly an angel currupted by the Ruler of Tarturus,Lucifer(Also known as "Saten" in the male dominated religion of christians); She easliy killed the more powerful leaders of Vahalla...and soon; she got bored with the new life...and went to Tarturus and had sexual intercourse with Lucifer....then killed him...drinking his blood gave her a second form..(In picture above)Her power grew. Her brother always managed to stay out of sight...and out of mind for her. Her power is so great..say she walked down the Vegas Strip with people and such. Every human being withen a 30ft radius would just die...people just out of her range would chock to death...Buildings would rot, rust and fall apart...

In the long history that I have created for This Charecter...all I have is the beginning and the battle of Pompii; yes, Shadow death cuased the destruction of the citys and towns below Mt.Vesuvius... Orion or Marek(Brother of Shadow) Managed to defeat her and pushed her into the valcano...in a childs fit of rage..she made the valcano explode.

Her two forms speak her personality...the frist one(Above), the one she became shortly after the curruption speaks of how all innocence can be taken away with ease. Her second(Below), a few years and a facade(Mask, fake apearance or other form)was created naturaly; Was bueaty incarnte. Nothing could compare to her bueaty and gently looks, that make men...(And sense this is my storie) women melt in her presence...and then they die...ethier from her aura or one of many blades she has.




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