MysticalChild's Journal

MysticalChild's Journal


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6 entries this month

05:17 Jun 27 2009
Times Read: 661

and so it came to be that Mystical Child beheld the glory of Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, and she forgave the small and the lame, and so declared it to be a thing pleasing to her eye. let a third installment be brought forth into the theaters and to our DVD collections.



12:34 Jun 27 2009

Three cheers!




15:01 Jun 27 2009

And the good Lord looked upon her with Wiseness and said "Go forth, my child, and tell others so that they may also enjoy this Spectacle and buy action figures, coloring books, and tee shirts."

Yea verily, it was done. And this pleased the Lord.

17:55 Jun 29 2009

oh yes, three cheers as well as the action figures, coloring books and tee shirts, all things that are pleasing to me ;]


21:32 Jun 26 2009
Times Read: 676

and the great crowd came forth from the house down the road a piece and said unto Mystical Child "Rise up, for you shall go with us to experience the spectacle of Michael Bay that is Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen before the sun sets this very day, around 5:20 P.M." and Mystical Child was distressed and told the tales of The Dark Knight, when the inconsiderate young people of the world flocked together and came to sit about around her where they texted mightily on their cell phones the entire and full duration of the vision. the great crowd proceeded to mock the insecurities of the Mystical Child as to deflate her worry saying "we will shield you from the bright screens of distraction, and a few of us are mighty among men and we shall persuade the young ones to see the folly of their ways." so Mystical Child became heartened with their words, and she took herself to her place of dwelling to make herself ready for the spectacle that is Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.



21:39 Jun 26 2009

...and yea, the Angels sang and did bestow Their blessings upon the Transformers, and upon those who traveled far to bear witness the awesomeness of shiny GM products, explosions, and fresh popcorn.

21:49 Jun 26 2009

and Mystical Child sang the praises of Transformers through out the land for all to hear and to give voice to her thoughts as the vision commanded

that's a prophecy ;]

22:01 Jun 26 2009

The Movie Gods send me with this message: Dire consequences await all who interfere with your quest to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Go forth, bask in the glory, and return with wonderous tales!

05:19 Jun 27 2009

and so they did! not a text message nor a call came nor went around Mystical Child the entire duration of the vision!

the gods looked favorably upon my attendance ;]


There Are Decepticons In My Neurons

05:24 Jun 24 2009
Times Read: 695

so i think i may go see the next Transformers film tomorrow

me? in a theater? on a film's opening day? perhaps...

eh.. probably not.

you win this round abnormal brain patterns!



05:30 Jun 24 2009

I have been sent to you with a message from the Movie Gods! They declare that you must go and bask in the great and wonderful awesomeness of this movie! lol

14:54 Jun 24 2009

ooh, I'm with you on that one.

I never go on opening weekend.

way too many people.

and they sit too close.

17:37 Jun 24 2009

placidchaos! your message has been received! i'm still thinking it over ;] specially since i hear it's good (usually sequels suck)

thoth! don't they though?! those people sit all up on you despite my hisses and glares...plus i like to sit in the back row and do you know what goes on back there? teenagers sit and text the whole damn time and distract me. i had to actually speak to a few during the Dark Knight about how annoying they were being...

i swear.. coming to a film just to sit and text with their other little lame texting friends...

enough to piss me right off.

02:27 Jun 25 2009

When people in the theatre do things like that usually just do something like start coughing on them, or something else that will annoy them.

03:18 Jun 25 2009

i wish i could do things like that, but i cannot

i dislike bringing any attention to myself, even when such attention is in reaction to someone's stupidity or annoying inconsideration

maybe i can hire someone to do it


of Photography, Shark Thingies, and Reverting to Childhood

20:47 Jun 16 2009
Times Read: 725

so we've been invited to photograph a baseball tournament again this year...

and AGAIN it's during Discovery Channel's Shark Week

i thought i was safe this year. last year the tournaments were in July and i thought that even if we did them this year, no problem, because this year Shark Week is the first week of August

but then i got the call today... it went a little something like this:


"they have a tournament and they want us"

(Cool, [thinking: i'ma have to get changed over to birra's webhosting asap])

" it's an evening tournament"

(awesome, no missing other work)

"yeah, i cannot miss work here that week, oh by the way, it's the first week in August"

(that shouldn't be a problem [thinking: WHAT?! &$#@! *^&%! damn them and their shark messing up photography wanting selves])

it's a conspiracy... just to make sure i don't sit around all day for 7 days watching shark related programs

and i would. i loves Shark Week! sharks are so damn cute.

no one has any sympathy for me either...

"record them"

(yeah i guess i'll have to [thinking: shut up you, you could watch all the sharky goodness right when it's aired if YOU wanted to] grumble grumble)

i like to play the martyr, and don't think i won't either

i put on a good show last year when i had to fill my DVR up with shark stuffs, this year promises to be the same

it's just so tragic they change the weeks up and so do the tournament people.

i imagine:

"hey let's have a tournament!"

"yeah, good idea! when?"

"um... well... when is that Shark Week stuff that photographer likes so much?....."


but i'm used to it... and i'll be all good after a little whining


oh and... i kinda like the Jonas Brothers... i wonder if i've suddenly become a 10 year old girl

crap do i have to go through puberty again?



21:08 Jun 16 2009

I'm so sorry that your career as a photographer has destroyed your dream of being able to watch all that shark stuff in peace. lol.

You remember how I told you about looking at that new camera? The one that was so freakin' expensive? Well this year I will be wasting about a thousand dollars on senior stuff...and honestly I'd prefer not having all that stuff, and just using the money to get that camera.

So you don't get your sharks, and I don't get my camera.

Isn't life funny sometimes? lol.

22:08 Jun 16 2009

for reals! i should quit just so i can watch my shark programs in PEACE! sheesh it's not like i wait ALL FREAKING YEAR for one week!


your situation is quite a bit more tragic... i know what you mean about spending all that money on senior things when you desire that camera so badly...

i guess i could say "you'll appreciate all the senior stuff when you are older blah blah blah" but i'd be lying to you because honestly i never did spend the money on my senior year... i didn't take a photograph, i didn't send out invitations, i barely was talked into attending my own ceremony

however, i know a lot of people who WOULD say it's worth it ;]

but if i were in your situation i'd be all 'screw all this i want that camera!'

i wish you could have both

i mean, at least i can record those shark shows

19:14 Jun 17 2009

wait what? sharks are cute? lol it must be the razor sharp teeth. *makes a note to be cute add razor sharp teeth* :P

16:45 Jun 18 2009

da da da da lol

20:58 Jun 18 2009

Hmmmm....I'm thinkin' robotic arm to move the cam back and forth to catch the action on the court.... then bluetooth/wi-fi laptop...streaming video from Discovery Channel website or something to that effect....

OH as well as....If you feel funny on the inside, don't worry, it's jus your body changing to become a woman....*tries to remember 'health class' lectures.....* LOL

12:46 Jun 19 2009

madamfate, i've always had a strange idea of what is cute! hahahaha! but yes... sharks are adorable to me

when i saw a young great white all i could exclaim was 'he's so cute!' people looked at me strange ;]

hahaha shocker that's it ;]

pixie... thanks for the advice... i'll be coming to you with all my becoming a woman questions hahaha!


Pauly Shore and Def Leppard: Country Music Television gets funky

19:53 Jun 11 2009
Times Read: 745

so when did Def Leppard become country?

did i seriously miss something while hiding in my hole?

this commercial comes on that causes the man to exclaim:"did they say Def Leppard?" i'm working and only half paying attention and respond with 'yeah that's what they said.'

he starts rewinding TV and i'm now curious as to why Def Leppard being mentioned is cause to rewind a commercial.

turns out it's a commercial for the CMT Country Music Awards (advertised on SPIKE by the way) and it states and i quote " buckle up for the most fan-jammed, star-studded night in country music" they go on to announce performances by people even i know as huge country music stars like Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Trace Adkins etc etc with Def Leppard slipped right in there between Dirks Bentley and Toby Keith


maybe Country music DOES need a little British Heavy Metal thrown in the mix.

they've also been playing Pauly Shore films a good bit.....

it's all a ploy to get me to tune in to CMT a bit more often, i know it!

now i return me to my insanely busy June, already in progress



20:05 Jun 11 2009

Because they did a cross over thing with Taylor Swift last year...much like Bon Jovi did with Sugarland a few years back.

20:11 Jun 11 2009


so country music did get a little taste of heavy metal

good for it ;]

20:20 Jun 11 2009

if Bon Jovi had been listed it probably wouldn't have seemed so... odd

it was hilarious hearing ONE heavy metal band mentioned in the middle of 6 or 7 country music acts ;]

22:43 Jun 11 2009

Maybe they finally broke their trend for creating sad 'war' songs and this is their new one... Always trying to keep Country interesting and unpredictable. Although, if they all start wearing leather...I might get a tad worried ;-P~

01:38 Jun 12 2009

Lol see what happens when you hide in your hole? Your throw the entire universe off balance lol

02:55 Jun 12 2009

Aren't they still more of a hair-band than a metal band?

Well.. I guess it was the '80s... there wasn't much difference...


18:22 Jun 04 2009
Times Read: 762

i HATE godaddy, but have my webhosting through them and i've been looking for a replacement

birra's offerings seem perfect for me... i may just have to take him up on that



21:10 Jun 04 2009

Please do!

23:03 Jun 04 2009

i think i just might be able to ;]

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