NonMortusEst69's Journal

NonMortusEst69's Journal


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5 entries this month

26th of June

04:23 Jun 30 2005
Times Read: 1,572

It’s a Sunday morning and all the sheep march together heading to church. Being so tired from a night out I go in bed! While staring at a squared ceiling I start thinking.

An image of a stranger jumps in followed by another stranger who I recently met on the Rave. She’s quite a cutie and quite a good lecturer too! She says that she’s writing a book and decided to fit my character in one of hers!

At that moment I didn’t know if I should laugh or be honoured with such an action.

After realizing that she’s not totally boring, Interest in looking deeper into this person kicked in! After doing so I’ve managed to find some good things in her which shows that she’s not a total annoying looser…I hope you don’t get offended by any of this seeing that you made such an impact. At least it’s enough to make me write about you, and then again so did the sea bass monster!

My eye lids decide to close. Being so insanely fucked up, my mind felt like tormenting me, resulting a not so thrilling 7 hours of sadomestic torture by a half demon/half roach creature.

I open my eyes to a beautiful round furry face. After making out his long 50’s moustache, his paw touches my face!




Saturday 25- Encountering a sea bass

01:40 Jun 28 2005
Times Read: 1,585

The sun set down and the stars started coming out of the clouds. She’s still going on about her problems. I stared, it got to me. Feeling so uneasy I gave my opinion. I was shocked, certainly not cos of the problem because that shit happens everyday. Nor about the girl... Still listening I wondered why the hell people bother with each other. Always getting hurt or worried about a stupid thing. After wasting time on her I felt like an idiot being mocked by a group of minions because he tried to help. We don’t care about each other so that’s was the reason why I bothered.

It’s midnight and I’m in a corner surrounded by people who think they got a life by thinking that they’re gods just by mocking people who are too scared to retaliate, when at the of the day, they’re just happy meals on legs.

A girl’s beside me trying to interest me in a mindless chatter about music and ripping me thong of just cos it looks nice.

Instead of breaking a young girls heart, I decided to tell her politely that I felt like being alone cos of a huge headache. I felt rather guilty not telling her that I wasn’t interested in experimented sea basses who don’t know the difference between Buddha & a six hundred pound cow!!!

The rest of the night was so boring that I ended up helping the dj arranging the settings that were ruining everyone’s mood!!!




23rd & 24th of June

22:10 Jun 24 2005
Times Read: 1,613

Sanity sprang to mind while staring into a 14 inch box…Thoughts started rolling in my head like empty tanked cars at a gas station. I try to clear my head by ingesting a drag of mixed acid and toxic waste but nothing happens. Birds in the sky go round in shapes I can never imagine. Their beauty hurts my eyes. Did they notice me I wonder! How can such a simple thing be so complex! How can they find sense in their lives like I’m trying to in this sentence. Is life an endless shape! Nearing to a nervous breakdown I take another drag, looking up to notice that all the birds disappeared, all that’s left now is the ceiling in my room. My mouth feels dry. I turn to an empty bottle. A thought jumps in like an eagle on its prey. My sobriety gets to me. But my pressure is still low and my head starts to spin.

My mind’s still feeding on me. While remembering all the moments I had, a rush makes its way through my body! I gain consciousness. The strange shapes started looking more like letters which explained that I was still in the rave. A voice inside tells me not to write it. To distract myself I go to my kitchen. A different voice whispers “remember what happened when you said ‘no’ for three months?”

I keep still.” do you really think bulls blood is the same”

Back on the floor I light a cigarette! My cats consult me. Their eyes gaze up on me as another headache fills up my brain like a Yankee stadium on a Friday night!

The voice continues “It’s a Friday night, I should be at a party”,”and instead I’m waiting for her”

“So you can get interested in someone”

"It's probably a crush, nothing that will last"




22nd June

10:06 Jun 23 2005
Times Read: 1,641

Relaxing all day made me feel like I've lived all my life and all I do now is sit on a not so comfortable floor & wait for death to come!

All I needed was to have a huge flavoured cigar & to weigh 150pounds more and I would have looked like Harry Banks...

Harry Banks is a Half English,Half Maltese who happend to be my friends father who used to make me feel like a young schoolgirl trying to cross the road but to scared to do so!

He always sat on his 'sacred' chair which No one was allowed on..It looked so small when he sat on it but I couldnt even move the damned thing when i wanted to spite him..!

The fact that he always gave me such a sadistic look scared me so much that I used to run up to my friends room as if it was a safe bunker...

Once I talked my friend into sitting in his fathers chair for some sweets.....

The minute I saw his father coming I just froze...

He slaped that boys head so hard that it looked like It was about to fall off! Then he just sat there and opened a packet like a Cracker Jack prize!

Sometimes I do miss those times....

The rest of my day included lots of coffee as usual and meeting a new person on the VR which I found quite interesting so far!




A new Diary!!

13:18 Jun 22 2005
Times Read: 1,652

Considering I've got such a bad memory & always wanted a Dairy but was never able to keep it, i'm gonna have another go in here....

These last three days were quite nice, just got a new pc & started hanging out in here again....

Lately I've been busy orginizing parties which can be quite stressfull at times.....

At the moment i'm working on a Black & Death metal night, its not my scene but at least others can enjoy it

Its also gonna be on the 8th of July, which happens to be the birthday of an acquaintance of mine!

Disgusting is the name for all the shitheads that get in my sight while walking through the capital city. Everyone i look at has some wierd fucked up mole or too many bugs in there hair.....A group of girls caught my attention......

I was already creeped out by the fact that they were good or bad enough to have caught my attention, but what was even worse was that i was drawn to one of them.

This feeling lasted for about 3 seconds because then i started seeing the real her through her eyes....She looked like something that came out of a Chris Jones '' I'm such a fuck up '' story!

Still talking about some guys she talked into giving her a ride home by touching them long enough, she looked at me and gave me the 'please come and talk to me or fuck off look'...

Walking off & still replaying the whole thing in the head an old guy bumped into me..he just stared at me while thinking that the 'church of satan' does exist indeed!

I tried to keep a straight face but the fact that his forehead reminded me of Foreskin made it rather difficult! Then he looked to the other side and continued crippling his way home!



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