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9 entries this month

I was thinking of

14:47 May 30 2011
Times Read: 635

some long lost friends and bandmates and thought I would look for them online.I found a couple of things and will put them here if ever they see the page.I hope so.

So get in touch dudes if you ever see this! Long time no see.




Jeeze Lee,you fall off the face of the earth? Hope not.Dont make me go intellius on you man.





22:54 May 29 2011
Times Read: 649

How many of you here have actually levitated something without touching it ?




The nature of the soul?

21:31 May 29 2011
Times Read: 656

I had been thinking about this idea for quite some time so I went fishing to see what I can find..

C Students > Research > DMT for the Soul DMT for the Soul

by Janak Tull

Who are we? We know we have physical existence; our bodies follow the basic laws that govern all material existence, whether it is a rock, a tree, or a bicycle. But, are we anything other than physical existence? Is there anything beyond our physical body; something that perhaps allows us to “experience” beyond the physical world of our five senses? It seems that every culture has some concept of this “inner being”—call it “soul”; “spirit”; “self.” Philosophers have conceptualized this as the element that underlies our consciousness or that which drives our physical awareness. In my time at Pitzer, I have taken courses in Hinduism and in Qi Gong. In both classes, I have seen that this notion of a vital energy is a fundamental concept. While the two traditions do not see this inner being or soul on the same terms, there is a great deal of commonality. The most important of these commonalities is the notion that the soul is what enlivens us; as Professor Shimkhada, who taught my Hinduism class here, used to say, “It’s what makes us kick and tick.” But where exactly is the soul? How do we locate it; is there any way of determining a scientific basis for it? If it is not physical, how can it exist? In this essay, I will explore the notion of the soul’s existence by looking at some ideas presented by a physician and researcher, Rick Strassman, in his study titled DMT: The Spirit Molecule. DMT is a molecule that occurs naturally in the human body and has been linked to psychedelic experience. In this paper, I will explore whether DMT might be the cause of how humans think about themselves as having a “soul.” Before turning to Strassman’s work, however, I will first give some background on the notion of the soul, in particular as it is understood in China and India, as well as what a modern scientific investigation of the soul might entail.

The Idea of the Soul

E. B. Tylor, the father of modern anthropology, has noted that the sense of the soul, of an animating force, stands as a common notion among man, even for humans living in the simplest state of culture. Tylor conjectures that even “primitive” people must have asked, “What is it that makes the difference between a living body and a dead one; what causes waking, sleep, trance, disease, death.” Tylor suggests that the breath, present during life, but absent in death, must have been seen as the primary element of the human soul. And, as Tylor points out, in a great number of ancient cultures, the earliest terminology for the soul is a term that means “breath”; as can be seen in the Indian words, prana and atman, the Hebrew word nephesh, the Greek pneuma, and even in the English term ghost (from the German geist) may be rooted in the idea of breath. Breath also has the properties of being subtle—for ancient man, without scientific tools, it must have been impossible to measure the breath. It thus seems reasonable that people would have conceived of the breath as “soul” as something that has no physical substance.

Chinese philosophy views the soul in terms of yin and yang; that is, two parts of a whole. The soul is split up; the hun (yang) which is the meta-physical soul and the po (yin) which is the physical soul. The hun is associated with yang for many reasons, one of these reasons being that it is believed after death the hun returns to heaven which is regarded as the highest yang. The po is associated with yin for many reasons as well, one of which is that the po returns to the physical Earth (yin relative to heaven). Over time, Chinese philosophy developed complex ideas about the body channels that hun and po flowed through, and enumerated a number of these elements:

Five viscera and six receptacles, seven directors and nine palaces,

skin and veins,

muscles, bone, marrow, and brains,

nine openings to watch and protect,

twelve abodes for the gods,

on the left three hun,

on the right the seven p’o,

three levels of the body,

with eight effulgences each,

making up twenty-four gods,

one thousand two hundred projections,

twelve thousand vibrations,

three hundred sixty articulations,

and eighty-four thousand pores.

The idea that the physical body contains a subtle soul element is also clearly represented in ancient Indian thought. According to the Indian thinkers, the physical body enveloped progressively more subtle elements, and this could be seen in the progression from the “outer” senses such as touch to the “inner” senses such as mind and memory. This highly subtle soul, according to Hinduism, could transmigrate after the physical death of the body into a new birth:

As a person abandoning worn-out garments

Acquires other new ones,

So the embodied, abandoning worn-out bodies

Enters other new ones

(Bhagavad-gita 2.22)

Can the Existence of the Soul be Detected?

The modern scientific world has a great deal of difficulty with the concept of a soul. Modern science is based on the gathering of empirical evidence—that is, evidence that can be observed and reported on, generally under strictly controlled conditions (e.g., in a laboratory setting) which can then be repeated by other scientists. A quick internet search shows that the idea of “scientific” proof for the existence of the soul is almost a joke. The “logic” of this sort of experiment is that the soul must have some substance, even if the substance is only infinitesimal, since in our world there is no way to account for the existence of something immaterial; that is, it would break the basic laws of physics, if a thing had no substantial existence. One frequently cited “experiment” suggests this very dilemma. In 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall, a physician from Massachusetts, made the following conjecture:

It is unthinkable that personality and consciousness continuing personality should exist, and have being, and yet not occupy space. It is impossible to represent in thought that which is not space occupying, as having personality, for that would be equivalent to thinking that nothing had become or was something, that emptiness had personality, that space itself was more than space, all of which are contradictions and absurd. Since therefore it is necessary to the continuance of conscious life and personal identity after death, that they must have for a basis that which is space occupying or substance, the question arises, has this substance weight; is it ponderable? The essential thing is that there must be a substance as the basis of continuing personal identity and consciousness, for without space occupying substance, personality or a continuing conscious ego after bodily death is unthinkable.

In a series of morbid “scientific” experiments, Dr. MacDougall weighed people as they died. In nearly every case (five out of six subjects), MacDougall found a loss of approximately one ounce of weight immediately following death. MacDougall accounted for the possible loss of fecal matter, urine, respiratory moisture, and then noted: “In this case we certainly have an inexplicable loss of weight of three-fourths of an ounce. Is it the soul substance? How other shall we explain it?” After weighing six people at the moment of death, Macdougall then measured fifteen dogs, as they died. He found that there was no weight loss, thus further “proving” that the human weight loss at death was the soul, since (as everyone apparently knows) dogs do not have souls. MacDougall’s conclusions are widely ridiculed; as the website snopes.com points out, MacDougall’s sample size was too small, and a similar experiment at the time seemed to show that people actually gained weight when they died. Nonetheless, MacDougall’s experiment seems to be the basis for the common idea that the soul weighs “21 grams” (about three fourths of an ounce—the weight of the “soul” of the subject MacDougall’s first experiment).


Is it possible that humans (and possibly all living beings) have a substance that exists in their brains that give them the sense that they have a soul? I came upon this idea through reading the work of Rick Strassman, a physician who has studied extensively the naturally occurring molecule DMT, or N-dimethyltryptamine. Although Strassman does not talk specifically about the soul, he does elaborate on the concept of a spirit and spiritual experiences in his investigation into DMT.

DMT is in the family of tryptamine psychedelics, and of these it is the simplest. Although DMT occurs naturally in humans, when it is introduced artificially, DMT gives rise to “psychedelic experiences.” Strassman concludes that DMT and the production of DMT have intimate connections with the concept of a spirit, referring to DMT as “the spirit molecule”:

A spirit molecule needs to elicit with reasonable reliability, certain psychological states we consider ‘spiritual’. These are feelings of extraordinary joy, timelessness, and a certainty that what we are experiencing is ‘more real than real.’

DMT occurs naturally in the human body, as well as in all living organisms. The source of production for DMT is still unknown; however, this has not stopped speculation as to where the molecule is made. Strassman and others hypothesize that the pineal gland is the source of DMT, noting that “the pineal gland contains the necessary building blocks to make DMT.” This contention has not been verified, however, and DMT’s presence in other locations in the human body suggests possible other sources:

“The enzymes and precursors in the pineal gland are not unique to it, but the high concentrations of these compounds and the gland’s remarkably convenient location, make it an ideal source of the spirit molecule. Lung, liver, blood, eye, and brain all possess the appropriate raw materials for DMT production.”

Other researchers have found DMT in human urine and the cerebrospinal fluid bathing the brain. DMT is dispersed throughout our bodies at all times.

Although DMT is found all over the body, the amounts in which it is found is nowhere near the amounts needed to induce a psychedelic experience. Moreover, once the body produces or takes in DMT, there is an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO) that quickly dispels the DMT molecules. MAO is widespread in the body (with high concentrations in the blood, liver, stomach, brain, and intestines, and hence DMT cannot last long in the body. However, this process makes it extremely difficult to isolate DMT in the body—to understand where it comes from and to what its production is related, as one researcher writes, "DMT itself is so fleeting, that it seems one might have to take 'heroic' measures such as obtaining fresh brain tissue from a patient on MAO inhibitors or freezing brain tissue immediately upon collection to prevent the disappearance of any DMT.”

Although the role of low levels of DMT in the body is not well understood, the effects of large amounts, introduced through artificial means, clearly has the effect of an intense psychedelic. As Strassman observes, “In our volunteers, a full dose of IV DMT almost instantly elicited intense psychedelic visions, a feeling that the mind had separated from the body, and overpowering emotions. These effects completely replaced whatever had occupied their minds just before drug administration.” Strassman also reports that subjects experienced “the sense of powerful energy pulsing through them at a very rapid and high frequency,” reporting that vibrations and colors pulsated so intensely that the subjects commented that they thought they might “pop.” Along with this intense psychedelic response to DMT, Strassman also found that high doses of DMT pushed the consciousness of the subjects into “into non-corporeal, free-standing, independent realms of existence inhabited by beings of light who oftentimes were expecting the volunteers, and with whom the volunteers interacted.” Strasusman’s work in these areas has been supported by the work of other scientists, such as J. C. Callaway, who looked at the role of DMT in dreams.

Strassman and Callaway both look to the possible role of the pineal gland in the production of DMT. The pineal gland is a gland in the brain located at the top of the spinal chord. The pineal gland is responsible for the production of endorphins, the chemicals produced by the brain that induce emotional response and feeling. The pineal gland has long been the subject of speculation regarding human consciousness. The famous 17th century philosopher, Rene Descartes believed that, “this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.” Descartes believed that the body was just a mechanical mass, and that a human consisted of two elements, the body and the soul. For Descartes, the soul was the seat of memory, sensation, imagination, and the other non-corporeal functions. Descartes’ speculation regarding the pineal gland has a long history in ideas about the “third eye.” Qi Gong philosophy talks about the “third eye” that is thought to be the sensor by which we can best understand the information, or qi, of the universe. The third eye is regarded as the sixth sense also referred to as intuition. In ancient Indian philosophy, the third eye, or pineal gland is associated with the sixth chakra, known as the Ajnya Chakra, said to be the mind’s eye, and the element that allows direct mind-to-mind communication. Additionally, the soul itself is said to emerge from this point:

At the time of passing on, with undisturbed mind,

Absorbed in Yoga, by offering one’s love, and by the very power of yoga;

Inherently focusing the vital breath between the eyebrows

One reaches that supreme Person. (Bhagavad-gita 8.10)

According to Strassman, the pineal gland manifests itself at seven weeks in the developing fetus, the point at which the sex of the fetus first becomes known. Strassman suggests that “the pineal gland as the most important differentiation of humanity.” An interesting connection between modern science and ancient philosophy can be bridged here. According to the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead, the soul of the recently deceased remains in an in-between state for forty-nine days (i.e., seven weeks), in a place called the bardo, after which it returns to this world in a new incarnation. Here, it is interesting to note that Strassman has also speculated that “a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon.”


All in all, Strassman’s speculation about the production of DMT and the psychedelic response it creates in humans may represent one of the first forays of science into the nature of the soul. Although throughout human history humans have asserted that man has a soul, the definitions are not precise; there has been no scientific means of understanding something that is incorporeal. For modern science, the idea of the soul presents a particular problem: it exceeds physical boundaries, thus, science would have to deny its existence. Strassman’s ideas about a molecule that is so subtle and so hard to trace may be one way in which we bridge science and belief. It may very well be that the psychic response of the human mind to its own DMT is what generates a sense of soul in the human brain. The feeling of incorporeality and being “outside oneself” associated with DMT’s psychedelic effects may very well underlie our own sense of the “soul.” But, does this mean that the soul does not actually exist, and is only a figment of our imagination? I believe this sort of thinking is inadequate because it does not take seriously the thousands of years of human thinking about the soul that preceded the scientific world. Modern science is just in its infancy—barely 150 years old. As tools for measuring the brain’s chemistry advance, and as we develop a finer understanding of the brain’s impulses, we may learn that what we envision as the “soul”--that is, our very own consciousness--can be understood in quantifiable terms. It is perhaps just a matter of time before science can detect and begin to understand the meta-physical existence in which the human entity manifests itself. Until then we can only make speculations based on the information we acquire from the most sophisticated equipment of the time. And as of this time, on a personal level of what I have learned from my research about DMT, I would like to present the hypothesis that DMT somehow underlies the manifestation of the soul.





15:20 May 29 2011
Times Read: 669

Orbs. Will-o-the-wisps. Bogeys. Mysterious lights that float erratically, sending chills up the spine as they seem to move with their own intelligence. The stuff of ghost stories, right?

Yes. But it's also the stuff of seismo-electromagnetics. Anecdotal accounts of unusual lights before and during earthquakes have been around for centuries, but in recent years those stories are getting second looks. They are not only being taken more seriously as valid experiences during earthquakes, but are also being studied as possible precursors which can give an early warning before a quake strikes.

Interest in earthquake lights was renewed in the mid-1960s when a series of photographs showing unusual glows and other luminescent phenomena were snapped in Japan during a lengthy earthquake swarm in Matsushiro. The quakes went on for two years, and several photos of apparently related light phenomena were snapped during that time. Light displays in the sky that resembled auroral activity were also reported ahead of the disastrous Tangshan earthquake in China in the 1970s.

Years later during the Kobe quake in Japan, there were reports of a fire that seemed to run along the ground and stretch into the sky, while other witnesses saw a mysterious glowing object (Kamogawa, 2004). Incidents related to other quakes give the lights a more definite shape as well: during the Lincolnshire, Britain earthquake of 2008 for example, one witness saw what appeared to be ball lightning coming across the room, which she claims went out like a light. Other witnesses reported lightning-like flashes, which some mistook for a thunderstorm. (Louth Leader).

But pictures don't tell the whole story. Some videos and still pictures purporting to show earthquake lights may in fact show other phenomena, such as street lights coming on or light refractions from ice crystals in the atmosphere. If taken during an earthquake, the photos may show flashes from transformers arcing or rupturing. It doesn't help that the accounts of what earthquake lights look like, and how they behave, vary so widely.

Relying strictly on physical phenomena, researchers have quickly run out of options for finding a single mechanism to explain the phenomena. Here are a few which have been suggested: a piezoelectric effect caused by stress within the fault zone; ionization from radon (which can, however, be directly linked both to other quake activity and paranormal activity; see Radon and Spirit Activity), triboluminescence from rocks rubbing against each other, and expulsion of methane gas.

The argument offered against these explanations is that most of the mechanisms simply can't produce the energy needed for visible luminescent phenomena. In the cases of both piezoelectric and triboluminescent models, most of the rocks involved would insulate against electricity, and so absorb any currents produced by ground activity before any sort of discharge.

Methane gas might explain some of the reports of lights both before and, more reasonably, during an earthquake (when pockets of trapped gas could be expected to rush from the ground and possibly ignite because of friction in the moving rock), but large quantities of methane are not widely distributed enough in all of the areas where earthquake lights are reported to explain all of the sightings. And while radon ionization can play an important role in pre-seismic atmospheric activity, as well as paranormal activity (See Radon and Spirit Activity) it does not work as a model in this case because not nearly enough radon could be released to provide the amount of ionization needed for visible lights.

Yet how can so many eyewitness reports be dismissed?

A new model for pre-seismic activity offers the best hope for a strictly physical explanation. Under the defect electron propagation model (Freund, 2004) excessive electric charges could accumulate in rocks under high stress. This would be especially true for rocks formed by water-saturated magma.

In laboratory models rocks placed under increasing amounts of stress showed proportional charge increase, culminating in a pulse just before critical failure. This theory works well with efforts to detect imminent quake strike zones through satellite observations of temperature changes in fault zones, and would explain increased IR radiance in fault zones ahead of large quakes (Ouzounov, 2006). Such strong increases in electrical current might be expected to create lights if there was a sudden discharge. However, Freund and a co-researcher specifically described in a poster presentation at the International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics in 2005 that:

"... We do not yet understand how a high density charge

cloud that formed a given source volume can burst out and

expand as a form of solid state plasma." (St Laurent, Freund, 2004)

In a 2006 version of the article Freund and co-researcher St. Laurent wrote that they believed the swift movement of defect electrons could cause a corona discharge (St Laurent et al, 2006), but on the whole scientists are being cautious when suggesting a single physical mechanism for earthquake lights to form.

Enter the parascientists. There are a number of reactions occurring both before and during earthquakes which could be linked to manifestation of paranormal activities such as luminescent phenomena.

Fluctuations in electromagnetic fields are associated with paranormal phenomena. Intelligent entities are believed by some investigators to create their own low-level EMF field fluctuations. The question is, what relation, if any, is there between these energetic entities and the electromagnetic field variances associated with earthquakes? Would the entities be attracted to the stronger fluctuating fields of stressed fault zones, and would the entities perhaps be able to draw energy from them?

There are ample models and reports to suggest unusual electro-magnetic field variations in imminent earthquake strike zones. These include reports of anomalies in diurnal magnetic fields (Chen et al), ULF emissions (Hattori et al) alternations in telluric (ground) currents (Duma), variances in Schumann resonances (Hayakawa et al), surges in background noise in both radio and television due to unusual VHF variations (Yamada, et al,) and models showing warping of local electro-magnetic fields to increase intra-cloud lightning strikes (Hayakawa et al).

Just how much energy can accumultate in a fault zone ahead of an earthquake? Quite a bit, as shown by the increase in temperature which has been clearly viewed in IR wavelengths through space-born observations such as AVHRR data. This temperature change is significant enough to promote algae blooms in coastal areas ahead of large quakes (Singh et al,) as well as visible changes in landlocked areas (Ouzounov et al). Remember, too, that IR is a form of EM radiation, and if emissions are significant enough to be detected by a satellite over a wide area, they could provide a great energy source for spirits. For more details on why EM absorption could be a preliminary step to manifestation and the mechanisms that could be at work in visible appearances, including visible light wavelength oscillation, please see Anatomy of a Ghost.

In considering whether earthquake lights are a strictly physical phenomenon or whether they may represent a manifestation of a spiritual nature, we should consider the varied descriptions of the lights given through the centuries. While many indicate lightning-like flashes or unusual glows, floating orbs such as the one described in the Lincolnshire quake have frequently been mentioned as well. Orbs were reported in Quebec during earthquake activity in 1988 and 1989 (Ouellet, 1990). Pictures of orbs have also been taken in the seismically-active Tagish Lake area in the Yukon Territory.

The orbs in question are not to be confused with those that have cropped up in photographs even though they are invisible to the naked eye. Those usually have mundane explanations such as pollen granules or water condensation affecting a lens. The orbs associated with earthquakes are actual visible phenomena that may hover anywhere from ground level to high in the sky.

Let's look at a country where earthquake lights are sighted frequently: Japan. The Matsushiro and Kobe lights mentioned above are part of a long history of reports of earthquake lights. A 1931 study listed approximately 1,500 reports (Musya, 1931) of luminescent phenomena related to the 1930 Idu quake in Japan.

Japanese folklore, rich in supernatural monsters, mentions certain entities directly related to ghosts which bear striking resemblance to lights sighted in conjunction with earthquakes. For example, there is the chochinobake, or lantern ghost. These entities are among a group of supernatural beings which come into existence in an unusual way: they are ordinary objects which come to life after reaching 100 years of age. Therefore, they have the ability to move independently as any sentient being would. The lanterns associated with the chochinobake are of the round sort common throughout Asia... in other words, orbs and slightly elongated ovals.

In some legends, these creatures are given a different role, and instead of actual sentient beings they are considered to be haunted lanterns in which ghosts reside. It is believed that if the lantern is lit, the ghost will become active. Usually this is highly undesirable, because the ghosts forced to resort to such habitations are invariably of a hateful or envious sort, who are unable to move on to the next world.

Another supernatural light associated with ghosts is the hitodama. These are floating flames which are unusual colors such as purple, blue or green, and they are usually seen in pairs with a ghost. Some of the lights reported in conjunction with earthquakes are described in terms of multicolored flames, and certainly aurora-like activity in the sky could be interpreted as a larger version of the hitodama phenomena.

It is also worth noting that in Japanese folklore the kitsune, or fox spirits, are believed to be able to conjure a mysterious ethereal fire or lightning. Another Japanese being which can conjure fire is the mystical kirin, derived from the qilin found in China, where the creature was also believed to conjure supernatural fires to fight the forces of evil. China, too, has a history of earthquakes, as well as reports of earthquake lights, including the lights associated with the Tangshan earthquake mentioned above.

If these were the only supernatural phenomena that paralleled earthquake lights, it would be tempting to dismiss them as superstitious explanations for natural phenomena. But there are other stories which cannot be so easily dismissed.

As noted in Anatomy of a Ghost, it is possible spirits can manipulate electromagnetic fields enough to develop a static charge, which would draw dust to them and perhaps give them a semblance of physical form. Certainly a floating orb would be a fairly simple shape to manifest in this way, but this scenario also plays well with the Japanese depiction of ghosts in general. While there are several classes of ghosts, or yurei, they frequently share common traits. They are seen as pale figures clothed in white (a color associated with death in Japan).

A figure outlined and partially filled in by dust particles would certainly appear to be pale, and possibly luminous depending on how ambient lighting played off the dusty figure. Witnesses to spirit manifestations tend to interpret them in a culturally relevant context, so Japanese observers might reasonably interpret such a monochromatic figure as being pale and clothed in the white kimono used to bury the dead.

More importantly in terms of their appearance, the yurei are believed to float above the ground, and are typically represented as fading to indistinction below the thighs, almost as if they are emerging into existence from a sort of mist or cloud.

A mist or cloud, perhaps, of dust being attracted to a static charge.

There are also Japanese ghosts known as noppera-bo, which are described as faceless human figures which may at first appear to be someone known by the observer, but which lose the distinction of their features after a short time. If an entity is only able to partially manifest due to fluctuations in the energy source it's using (such as fluctuating EMF fields noted in association with pre-earthquake conditions), it might not be able to call up or maintain precise details such as facial features, whereas the more general details such as rough torso shape and rudimentary arms could be visible. Ghosts in Japan are also said to have hands dangling loosely at the end of their arms, which may be yet another indication that precise details are absent in manifestations where there is insufficient source energy.

It is worth paying close attention to the vivid descriptions of paranormal activity and spirit beings in Japan, because the country is constantly under threat of earthquakes due to its location on multiple tectonic plate convergences. The amount of strain and related electromagnetic anomalies within the ground could easily be a prime fuelling mechanism for spirit activity, including manifestation as mysterious lights or luminescent figures. Japan may literally be a heaven for ghost hunters, because it has this potential. Such consistent seismic energy levels are found in few other places.

It is possible, however, that if the spirits are affected by quake activity, they are not trying to manifest as orbs or other forms of light, or as human or semi-human figures. Perhaps the spirits are simply going about their business in their own realm. Rather than deliberately manifesting, perhaps the excessive energy produced as a fault reaches the point of rupture is actually causing them to manifest without any intention on their part. They could be going through a forced oscillation process that brings them to a visible light wavelength.

In Anatomy of a Ghost, we also looked at the possibility that ghost could interact with the Higgs field to gain enough solidity for manifestation and physical activity, such as making noises or moving objects. But it is also possible that the intense levels of energy being produced by pre-earthquake activity are simply causing the Higgs field to interact with the spirits spontaneously, again causing unintentional manifestations.

Earthquake lights may also mark accumulations of energy at places of strong psychic echos. This is linked to residual hauntings, which will be discussed in more detail in the separate section on earthquake-related EMF fields and psychic engrams.

As for the more spectacular displays such as lightning-like flashes or sheets of light produced ahead of or during quakes, it is possible that there is some sort of opening being torn into a world beyond our own, and that for a brief moment that world partially overlaps ours, or is accessible to us. If changes precipitated by earthquake activity cause massless particles to interact with the Higgs field in large quantities, we could certainly expect quite a light show as photons gain mass (and therefore energy) from the Higgs interaction, and then shed that mass (emitting light) to return to their natural state.

The question is still open as to whether ghosts are beings which are entirely on our plane of existence (albeit in a form that generally makes interaction with them difficult), whether they exist in some sort of limbo between this world and the next, or whether they in fact live wholly in that next world but can, willingly or inadvertently, stumble back into our own for brief intervals. Before and during quakes, there are enormous disruptions in the normal electromagnetic fields. Could they be strong enough to rip a breach into a plane of existence where spirits dwell, creating massive flashes of light as they do so?

If ordinary physical processes such as triboluminescence or piezoelectric effects are being discounted as capable of producing these fantastic earthquake lights, perhaps we are seeing something out of the ordinary, an aspect of reality normally invisible to us because we are not naturally involved in that portion of the universe.





What do you think?

14:43 May 29 2011
Times Read: 677

Just sitting here thinking about stuff and went surfing ..

HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced.

Japan Created: 28 Mar 2011

The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image below was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer.

By looking at the accompanying HAARP spectrum chart above you can see when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck - red line drawn vertically - and what was happening before and after the earthquake. What you can also see is a constant ULF frequency of 2.5 Hz being recorded by the magnetometer. The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence of an induced earthquake. The chart recorded this constant before, during and after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck. On March 11, 2011 the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being emitted and recorded from 0:00 hours to about 10:00 hours - or for 10 hours. We know for a fact that the Japan earthquake lasted only a few minutes so why was the earthquake signature frequency (2.5 Hz) being recorded for 10 hours on the morning of March 11, 2011? Because a HAARP phased array antenna system was broadcasting (transmitting) the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

If you go to HAARP's official website you can see for yourself that the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency wasn't only being broadcated for 10 hours, it was constantly being broadcasted for 2 days prior to the earthquake.


...'The induction magnetometer detects temporal variation of the geomagnetic field based on Faraday's law of magnetic induction.'...

...'installed at the HAARP site is designed to detect a signal level of a few picoTesla (pT) at 1 Hz.'...

...'Magnetic field variations of interest in this program are those induced by electric currents in the ionosphere.'...


A look at the induction magnetometer charts from last year's earthquake in Haiti as well as from the recent earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale that triggered a tsunami and destruction on the Japanese east coast show surprising similarities that point to an artificial cause and the use of HAARP technology.

In the case of Haiti, low frequency signals of 2,1 Hz were detected for 40 hours before the earthquake occurred while in the case of Japan something similar happened. Low frequency signals of 2,5 Hz were detected for about 55 hours before the earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan as well as for 4 hours afterwards.

Check out the time-frequency spectrograms at this link for actual dates:http://maestro.haarp.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/scmag/disp-scmag.cgi

Viewing these charts, it is reasonable to ask if the low frequency (LF) or more specifically extreme/ultra low frequency (ELF/ULF) magnetic flux induced signals of about 2 to 2,5 Hz really emanated from solar activity and other such natural sources or whether they were, in fact, caused by HAARP activities either in Gakona or Poker Flats facilities.

A steady signal lasting for so many hours at such a low frequency is highly likely not caused by natural activity in space but by some type of artificial "human-made" activity.

It is especially interesting that this signal stopped abruptly at full swing on January 11 at ~01:00 hrs UTC only to resume with full amplitude again at ~03:30 hrs UTC as if it had been switched off and on at full power!

Bernard Eastlund explored beaming High Frequency (HF) and Extremely High Frequency (EHF) waves, of extremely high power (over a billion watts), directly at a point on the ionosphere.

As a result, the ionosphere became heated from the accumulating electrical energy. You might think of it as "cooking" the atmosphere. The heated portion of the ionosphere expands like heated plastic and is lifted to a higher altitude, causing an atmospheric "bulge." Eastlund discovered that this bulge was highly reflective when it came to radio waves. Because of its altitude, it could bounce high frequency radio signals to points well beyond the horizon.


"The potential exists for generating such waves by ground-based heating of the ionosphere. The heater is used to modulate the conductivity of the lower ionosphere, which in turn modulates ionospheric currents. This modulated current, in effect, produces a virtual antenna in the ionosphere for the radiation of radio waves. The technique has already been used to generate ELF/VLF signals at a number of vertical HF heating facilities in the West and the Soviet Union. To date, however, these efforts have been confined to essentially basic research studies, and few attempts have been made to investigate ways to increase the efficiency of such ELF/VLF generation to make it attractive for communications applications. In this regard, heater generated ELF would be attractive if it could provide significantly stronger signals than those available from the Navy's existing antenna systems in Wisconsin and Michigan."

"Recent theoretical research suggests that this may be possible, provided the appropriate HF heating facility was available. Because this area of research appears especially promising, and because of existing Department of Defense requirements for ELF and VLF, it is already a primary driver of the proposed research program."



HAARP Induction Magnetometer





HAARP is a military project based on Eastlund’s discoveries. It is a technically difficult program to discuss with non-scientists and, as such, it has eluded the spotlight of the popular press. In addition, HAARP has been maintained partially as a clandestine project, operated by the US Navy. The information that is made available to the public is carefully worded to make HAARP appear as a bland, harmless, unclassified, atmospheric research facility.

This is TESLA technology.... remember the experiment where he started a low-frequency thrumming against the base

of a skyscraper... and within a short period of time, the building was shaking so violently it threatened to fall.

This technology was apparently applied 100km away from the fault line, on SOLID GROUND WHERE NO EARTHQUAKE COULD OCCUR NATURALLY.




13:30 Jun 03 2011

I didn't think it was just the USA who had Harrp...

I have not read these entries in full as I have been and am busy, I will come back to them as your posts are very enjoyable : )

14:22 Jun 03 2011

Thank you Theban.:) Feell fre to stop by anytime,its always nice to see ya come by anyway.



04:08 May 27 2011
Times Read: 728

many of you, my Vr friends ,actually know ANYone who has been succsessful in raising the dead?



04:35 May 27 2011

It's a scary aspect even for the well versed in this oral tradition which is passed down through certain family linages,the books that have spells I believe to be mumbo jumbo

Are you trying to raise the deceased?

I say let them rest in peace

04:55 May 27 2011

Whoa; never.

Why do you ask?


04:55 May 27 2011

Oh no.I am not,nor would I ever.

I was just sitting here thinking about a claim someone made here on vr.

05:01 May 27 2011

Just curious if anyone has ever actually done it or seen it.There is someone here who claims to have done it..I have serious doubts.

05:27 May 27 2011

I think the rapture is more likely.

05:30 May 27 2011

I don't know... but child support services sure did a bang up job with the ex ;)

05:33 May 27 2011

I know of only one person who has. Personally. He used a Mantra that was given to him. So, it can be done. He's a Tantra Scholar. It's not given or known to the public.

07:26 May 27 2011

I hardly believe it when someone says such things on a site.

13:19 May 27 2011

There is always someone who knows someone who did something, but I have never known anyone to attempt it, much less succeed.

13:37 May 27 2011

Hmm no I have never seen it done

10:15 May 28 2011

Has to be the single most stupid question I've heard today but it's only 10am so i'm sure some retard on here will ask another..... but then the single stupidest answer for any question I've heard this month has to be billythejust's.... billy you're an idiot.

13:28 May 28 2011

Thus my point in asking it.

I dont believe anyone can do it what is said or how guarded.But I appreciates everyone's responses,no matter what they might have to say.

17:31 May 28 2011

When it comes to India, you never know. A couple of books clearly states the facts about this. Even JC was thought to learn a few tricks from there. I know death isn't so finial as many think it is. There is also a technique to keep a soul from leaving the body after an accident or major injury. Comes in handy if you need it. But believe what you wish. Makes no difference to me.

17:39 May 28 2011

There is also CPR and shocking someone back. Very simple and anyone can do it. How hard is it to believe, since we're all connected, that someone with a strong soul and discipline can't will it to happen? It's not that different from manifesting or bi-location or any of the other stuff that can't be done by the ignorance or arrogant.

21:13 May 28 2011

"CPR and shocking someone."


Thats almost embarrassing Billy.

One cannot argure there.

But on the other note you brought up,There are guys in India and Tibet etc..if anyone COULD do something,my bet it would be on them.My dad used to tell me some pretty great stories about those guys..

15:38 May 29 2011

What is death really? Sometimes they are wrong about that. I thought Dannion Brinkley was dead a long time and came back but my daughter watches "I Survived" all the time (think that is the title of the show) and a lady came back after declared dead and it was 57 minutes afterward. I think we are too hasty at times in what we believe is death. I have mentioned a few times that the brain usually goes last. We die from the feet up usually.

So I can ask a friend who is a Professor at a major University in Florida. He was born in Cuba and teaches Santoria and Necromancy but not at the University of course, lol. He might know of someone or somewhere this might have been done. Aren't there accounts in vodou where they have claimed to have brought back the dead?

15:47 May 29 2011

Thats what they say Sin,but my bet is on a comalike state brought on by the toxin of Puffers etc...

And you're right in asking what is death really? And I agree,being brought back twice myself.But Im am talking of someone dead and gone from this earth being "bound" and brought back as some Necromancers claim.I have yet to talk to someone who has actually done it.



15:47 May 22 2011
Times Read: 780

Reading journals and keep coming across "Salmon"," Shrimp", "crab" "Flounder",Trout.The list goes on.


Do you realize what torture it is?

Jeeze,you and Joe's crab shack just wont quit dangling the carrot!

Hmm wait,I have my paid vacation comin up.Keep talking dirty people and Im gonna have to go down into Destin or something.



15:52 May 22 2011

Mmm, it sounds very fishy..

15:57 May 22 2011

I say go deep sea Diving!!! fishing at its best.. ;)

16:04 May 22 2011

haha doooo it. DOOO IT!

16:09 May 22 2011

It does! Fishy,shrimpy and crisp.

I am gonna doo it! Your talk of it all has driven me to Shrimp maddness.

LOL and you Vamps think you got it bad.LOL

Just informed my boss that it is destination Destin again this year.

SHRIMP every day for a week!

16:19 May 22 2011

Oh crab!

18:16 May 22 2011

Sounds good to me , I love seafood .

18:51 May 22 2011

Salmon! Yummy

19:06 May 22 2011

Baked Flounder.


Minced garlic, white wine, butter.

22:49 May 22 2011

NOOOOO stop!! Jamacainmecrazy.

I .N.E.E.D.


and Salmon

and Flounder

Oh my!


10:52 May 26 2011

Lol what on earth....*twitch*


I do like

03:08 May 14 2011
Times Read: 839

Friday the 13th.

Why shouldnt I, I was born on a Friday 13.




17:44 May 14 2011

What is bad luck is, to fall out of a thirteenth story window on a Friday though!

17:51 May 14 2011

O_O No doubt!

15:25 May 25 2011

Just ANOTHER reason for Friday the 13th to be one of my favorite days.


How can a woman kick butt?

20:56 May 13 2011
Times Read: 872

It takes a vast amount of self control to be this dangerous.



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