Oceanne's Journal

Oceanne's Journal


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23 entries this month


12:56 Nov 25 2010
Times Read: 785

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Be safe.



13:04 Nov 25 2010

Happy ThanksGiving! (Hugs)

17:15 Nov 25 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Oceanne!

18:33 Nov 25 2010

Yes have a Happy Thanksgiving Oceanne

22:15 Nov 25 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

15:00 Nov 28 2010

I really did,thank you guys.:) I sure hope you did too.

20:33 Nov 29 2010

I hope you had a super one babe! x

22:49 Nov 29 2010

I sure did,thank you:D And hope you all did as well.:)


Yes,sadly,they realy do

18:50 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 819

Naamah,I am glad I knew you.Even if just a little.

RIP dear...you will be missed.



19:33 Nov 24 2010

Thank you for your kind words.


20:01 Nov 24 2010

I'm not sure what happened, I don't want to tread into Business I know nothing of....but I saw the Kismets and Entries...my deepest, deepest Condolences to LEGION/MD and her friends here.

21:11 Nov 24 2010

Thanks K..Im at a loss really,still just a little shocked about it.It wont be the same not seeing her around VR.Its been a strange few days when it comes to this.


The good really do die young.

15:30 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 879

Last night I was having fun watching the webcam when a phone call came thru.It was my son and he told me that one of his best friends just got shot in the back and died in the street.I knew the boy.He was one of the nicest and more considerate kids I knew.Evidently,he had tried to calm some kid down after the kid had gotten into a fight with someone..they didnt even know him or the others involved.The boy calmed down and thanks Jackie .As Jackie was walking to the car,the kid shot him in the back.I cant even imagine what Cody is feeling right now,I havent talked to him.But I know T is pretty distraught...I wish he were here.

So needless to say,things are pretty damn sad around here for me today.


We really will never learn,will we.:(

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Friends gathered Sunday night to remember a Colorado Springs teenager killed at a party earlier that morning. Jack Smith, 19, was outside a home in the 900 block of S. 25th Street when friends said he was shot after a fight.

His friend Cody Burns was with him, and said he and Smith were trying to get in the car to leave the confrontation when a man started shooting.

"We couldn't get the car door open," said Burns. "He just took a shot and it landed right in front of me. And Jack stepped up and tried to calm him down."

Burns said that's when Smith was hit.

"He involuntarily saved my life," said Burns. "He's an amazing person, and I've never seen someone in my life with that type of guts to try to resolve a situation."

Burns said he saw police arrest the shooter. He said he had met the man once before, but didn't know him well. Smith's family told KRDO NEWSCHANNEL that a male teenager was in custody for the shooting, although police have not confirmed that they've made an arrest.

Several dozen friends gathered for a candlelight vigil Sunday night. Friends are also planning another gathering to remember Smith at The Loft in Colorado Springs. KRDO NEWSCHANNEL 13 will have more information on the date when it's available.

Smith's father John said that his son graduated from Coronado High School in 2009 and had just started taking classed at Pikes Peak Community College.

"He was a good kid, never started with anybody," said John Smith. "He's well liked."

Smith told KRDO NEWSCHANNEL 13 that he ended up in jail after finding out that his son was killed. He said he got so upset when he got the news at Memorial Hospital, that he broke his cell phone, picked up a small table and broke a hospital phone with his fist.

"I was crying and freaking out," said Smith.

He said police grabbed him, and eventually arrested him on suspicion of criminal mischief for breaking the hospital's phone.

"I was numb. They just told me my kid was dead. I mean, I wasn't aggressive towards them," said Smith, although he admits that he doesn't remember everything he said after being detained by the officer.

Smith said he spent hours in jail on Sunday, and feels he was treated unfairly by police.

In a statement CSPD said they "will not comment on an active case, especially involving a potential complaint against officers or the department." PrintEmailReport a typo or inaccuracy



15:37 Nov 22 2010

That is tragic. The untimely and senseless death as well as the treatment of the distraught father.

I would come unglued if I received that news. I could not be responsible for my actions at that point.

15:57 Nov 22 2010

I couldnt agree with you more captain.Im feeling rather ill over the whole thing.

16:02 Nov 22 2010

And you know what I feel guilty about? Is that while I am so effin sad over the loss of Jackie,I cant help but feel the relief that it wasnt T.

That I feel that way makes me sick.

16:09 Nov 22 2010

This is so awful, tell your son I am thinking of you and him.

16:10 Nov 22 2010

Thank you..I will most certainly tell him.I appreciate the thoughts Saetan

16:10 Nov 22 2010

hugs her favorite Mermaid. I' am so sorry to hear that. It is truely sad.

16:14 Nov 22 2010

Something else that bothers me about it is that after Jackie was shot,and he way diing in the street,some little MF was actually kicking him in the head.

Honest to God,I wish I had been there.

So wish I had been there.

17:09 Nov 22 2010

~hugs~ you back..thanks,I need that.

Yeah,alot of decisions to make..or to help him make right now.

Personally,Im ready to send the moving company out to pack his stuff and move it out here.But then,hes growin up and I cant exactly do that unless he decides to.And no matter what,changing geography might not exactly remedy the problem we are seeing in kids getting over anxious to pull out firearms any and everytime they get pissed off.


18:16 Nov 22 2010

This just pisses me off... It's not right. And the little shit that was kicking him in the head needs to beat over the head with a 2x4.

18:28 Nov 22 2010

It does me too.And the kicking thing..I feel I want to break the little effer's neck.Out of all of it,that is almost the worst part.It makes it ten times worse for me than it already is.

20:00 Nov 22 2010

You were right. That is a horrible situation all the way around. And the kicking in the head thing.. was un called for and should be treated the same way, but with a lead pipe.

I hate hearing about such things.

06:13 Nov 23 2010


Oh my god...I am so SORRY for your Loss...oh, no hunny...


: (

02:13 Nov 25 2010

Thats fucked up!! get your son home now lol.

18:42 Nov 25 2010

If that was my son I would find out who was involved with his death and give them my own justice.



23:14 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 894

Been checkin out the webcam thing.I like it.


Damn good going Cancer!!



06:48 Nov 22 2010

its cool!

18:35 Nov 25 2010

Not been on it though....

20:35 Nov 29 2010

It looks like fun, but I'd feel uncanny knowing people can view it from outside of the website.



15:59 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 951

"I know the law and after she totally exposes things in her public journal, which I have copied down...she has set a precedent for me to identify her."


Oh goodness AT, Silly girl.So you're looking to sue?

All you need to do is ask me where or who I am . ..

But if you dont want to do that you can send any paperwork to NSA..I'll get it.





01:39 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 1,016

:) you go right on Asphalt...or whatever your going to change your name to this time..You do as you want to as far as hiding or whatever.But as for my wishes? Thats funny as hell because I NEVER expressed any wishes.. my exact words I posted on your portfolio were that "I loved the drawing of you"..and rated you a ten.

Twist this all you want to.Report me all you want.If an admin asks me to take it down,then I will.But its always best the truth be known when someone attempts to twist things in order to justify their behaviour.Its all there as it was written.Im sorry you got so pissed off over a nine..A temporary one at that.And as I recall,my exact words to you were that I didnt mind a nine at all.

See,unlike you,I think to even get a nine is great.Cause again,unlike you,I know good and well that Im no ten ,neither is my profile and not everyone is going to like what I like.

And no,I didnt recognise your other blurry pic.But gave you the ten anyway.

Call me all the names you want to..you see,I know better so I dont mind.And if it makes you feel better,then its all good.

Oh..and btw? YOU were the one who forced this to be in the public eye by blocking me and posting a load of crapp in your journal.So now we have to have this stupid conversation here.Because I believe in my decision and am not going to just sit here while your spew lies , twist things and block me while trying to make me look like a meany by rating your profile a nine and your port a ten.

So nope,nope and nope..I will put it out there exactly as it went down.True colours are true colours.



03:07 Nov 20 2010

oh just wait til they get their first 1 and block ahhhhh memories (:

03:17 Nov 20 2010

Damn,she will go balistic !

03:17 Nov 20 2010

You? A meany? *gasps* No!!! O_O

03:24 Nov 20 2010

And I dont know where shes coming from when she implies that I said she was cheating.I am referring to the peeps lately who keep changing their names everytime their rate gets below a certain level or if they arent in the top three.

03:28 Nov 20 2010

Im mean by giving her a nine..And Im an attention whore too..and whatever else she calls me in her journal.Plus,I guess Im going to cyber jail for posting the real conversation..so will you write?

16:04 Nov 21 2010

lol I'll do more than that I bake you a "special" cake *wink

16:14 Nov 21 2010

Haha Bella.I knew I could count on you.And I LOVE cake.:D

22:23 Nov 21 2010

Screw the cake. I've got triple chocolate chunk brownies. :P

22:37 Nov 21 2010

You kidding? I'll take both!! :D

18:37 Nov 25 2010

Anything less than a 9 the score goes down, so I guess she should be lucky!



22:52 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,046

Pegged? I dont think so..Everyone knows exactly where I stand on this issue,it is right on my profile.I am not the one attempting to decieve everyone .I was honest and up front with you as to why.I am allowed that right.I dont like cheaters and decievers...which evidently you are.

Otherwise a nine would not have bothered you in the least.I gave you the next best thing to a ten that I could considering..I also told you that it affected your rate.I cant help it if ONE point has such an affect.So no,I am not stoopiing low dear.Im doing what I can to make sure that those dont hide who they are get what they deserve when they work hard on their profiles.And those who keep changing to beat the system or their bad behaviour dont knock the honest ones down.You hid your identity,not me.

If you werent trying to hide,dont you think you could have told me who you were? I just might have reconsidered if I knew you are an honest person..but no,you didnt do that did you.

So actually? YOU are the one who has been pegged.Bigtime.


Archfiend (57)


Nov 19 2010


Block User



To Saved

Email to Self

That is fine but I have changed my name once and I read what it said and it didn't change. I looked because I didn't want to deal with all these people that think it is their right to do this and it isn't right they do this. I have never rated down anyone for it because they pay for the privilege and if Cancer has it set up to roll back to a ten then it isn't cheating. Otherwise Cancer should fix this problem to stop people from what I consider cheating by deliberately making someone's profile lower just because they think they should. If I want to change my name it is no one else's business. I looked at the ratings and maybe it said that over on the listing but it didn't on my profile because only two people actually gave me below a ten so how could I be down to 9.763 if I started at a 10? I got your 9 and an 8. It went down from 9.882. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it wasn't a 10.

On 22:01:47 Nov 19 2010 (-0 GMT) Oceanne wrote:

Actually,yes you do.It starts you all over.You were at a ten when I rated you...thats how I saw you.And seriously,it isnt meddeling...you can thank the cheaters for it because they are the ones who started it all...just stick it out and stay who you are,they will come back and re rate once they know you arent full of crapp.

I am sorry to hear that your husband died though..seriously.

And those "nice " peeps work their asses off to get where they are and that is why they resent peeeps who change their names frequently.

On 21:53:29 Nov 19 2010 (-0 GMT) AsphaltTears wrote:

I understand but that doesn't apply anymore. People need to keep up and quit trying to be vigilantes. When you change your name you do not roll back to a 10 and that wasn't the purpose of my changing my name. I gave up two of my profiles and was going to give this one up but it is paid up farther because my husband died. I wanted a fresh name and that is all and I pay for the right to do that. It cannot be considered cheating if there is no benefit to it and there isn't...you don't roll back to a ten anymore. I was 9.883 if anyone bothered to read my rating score where I was when I changed the name...now thanks to all the meddling people here I am 9.763 after I have spent hours working on this profile for two years...thanks to all the "nice" VR people.

On 21:48:13 Nov 19 2010 (-0 GMT) Oceanne wrote:

I can understand how you feel.But there has been a rash of name changing so alot of us are not giving tens to the good pros until we see that they are going to stick with their nicks and that they werent changing because of low levels either due to bad behaviour or whatever...theres been alot of cheating in this respect going on.So what we are doing is going back to re rate tens when we see someone is legit.Basically the nine is a ten until we re rate once the pwerson has reestablished.Personally I like your profile alot and had very much planned on coming back and re rating once I knew you were not just changing for level.

On 21:42:58 Nov 19 2010 (-0 GMT) AsphaltTears wrote:

I gave the same because I don't think your profile is any better than mine and I was getting continuous tens until I changed my name. You don't go up to a 10 like they use to do and I had personal reasons for changing my name. I remained at the rating I had before, but now...due to all the nice people dropping by I am plummeting again. Sires who come by and magnanimously give me these great nines. I have been there done that and I look at the profiles and if I think they are no better than mine...they get the same.

I changed the background and coloring and a few of the graphics but basically it is the same profile. I knew people would do this but I had hoped they would have risen above being petty.



23:01 Nov 21 2010

According to Cancer.."There is no such thing as down rating. All rates are legitimate."

Someone should just fucking grow up and get a life. Your rating on a website does not define who you are, and if you get so bent out of shape because of a rate, and threaten to sue just because of a conversation that in no way stated your real name or personal information then I have to say you are a fucking retard.

Enough said, moving on.

00:54 Nov 24 2010

Let her go ahead and sue me.If thats how she spends life then fine.I did notice once she made the threat,she privatized all her entries ..she was doing the exact same thing.

~shrugs~ Amazing the things peeps think of to try and get money..

"Yes your honour,she got traumatised by a nine rate"


Perfect example

22:32 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,058

of one who changed their name..to complain about getting a nine! Hmmm wonder why?Then she blocks me after I explain to her very nicely I might add, as to why and that I will be happy to re rate once I know she isnt doing it for rate level....I also gave her almost bare portfolio a ten..haha she was so pissed off and wanting to get me back that she didnt even bother to go to my port...gee thanks Asphaltears.For one who supposedly doesnt care,you sure sent some nasty messages.Im now thinking...should I let you keep that nine? or maybe go for the one since you are being such a pill over a nine rate.What? Do you believe you are a perfect ten? One thing is for sure,your whole attitude and the way you acted says it all.;) You say you have been here three years..ok.You say you have read my profile.ok.You say its petty for rating a nine for all the name changing..well,I dont agree with you.You gave me a nine back,You hear me comlaining? No..because a nine isnt even a bad rate to begin with.And yeah,even though I know your intention now,Ill let you keep the nine.Im not mean,so I wont give you the one that you are clearly asking for.

so maybe,you ARE after that almighty ten after all...





20:00 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,080

Im pretty astounded to see all the name changing going on lately.ISome of the pages look pretty damn good too so it sucks that I have to stick to my guns and give them a nine until they have remained the same for a little while..But a nine isnt so bad and under the circumstances,just so you know,it is equal to my giving a ten.



20:07 Nov 19 2010

I cant keep up with all the name changes LOL

20:16 Nov 19 2010

Dude,there were like 6 of them just in the past hour that I just saw and rated.It is pretty strange how obsessed peeps are with their rate level and hitting Sire ,to the point of downright cheating or loopholing...instead of just having a nice time and letting that nice time do all the leveling /rating for you.

20:17 Nov 19 2010

Ah some of the name changes are okay if the profile is given away, then I will honsetly rate them but the others, well if they get on my bad side I will admit, I have given some people a 1 for it. I was even blocked for a while as a gift. :D lol

20:18 Nov 19 2010

Didn't see the above comment, I agree, Oceanne. :)

20:42 Nov 19 2010

Im with ya on the giving away of a profile and all that.But if they are legit,that "new" profile will remain that of the person who it was given to,and thus the name for more than a week or a month or so.Thats why I wait a little while before I rerate...I have noticed there are several CMs here who buy a bunch of pros ,give them to members or whatever,and if the rates go below a certain number,change the name claiming new owner.

ALL kinds of stuff goin on with this.So,I give em a nine until I see they arent cheatin or treating peeps bad then changing nicks because everyone rates them low for doing so.

20:52 Nov 19 2010

I've seen some truly outstanding profiles here and I would never compare mine to theirs, yet here I'm sporting a high 9+ (he he he).

I think that mine should be a solid 7, so I have no complaints about the rating that I have. I don't understand members here being so greedy for a perfect rate. I've only really seen a few pages that should even approach a 9 if 10 is perfect.

"This one goes to eleven."

01:52 Nov 20 2010

(.9+?...Thats cause youre awesome CG!! Plain and simple.

19:33 Nov 24 2010

Some people should spend more time to live their life, everyone has one, right?

18:51 Nov 25 2010

Stop, just stop the name changing lol..


I keep

09:02 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 1,094

waking up and going outside...waiting for the moon to set more so I can watch the show..One of those rare occasions when I WANT the predawn hour to hurry! I have my blankie and my robe..and my hoody all ready.

Let the meteors begin!

Damn light pollution.And we live WAY out here too.



14:11 Nov 18 2010

Last night was cloudy and overcast here. No chance of seeing the meteor shower.



13:32 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 1,103

a loved one or a friend or even go by yourself.Find a good dark spot,throw down a blankie and watch the skies tonight!! Its time for the Leonid meteor showers!!

Let the show begin.:D



15:21 Nov 17 2010

I'll have to try and remember that...

09:03 Nov 18 2010

I am waiting patiently...


Rollin in texas

12:48 Nov 15 2010
Times Read: 1,167

This is the footage we shot while in Texas of a man shooting himself.Its been edited a little but the main stuff is still there.Pete alomst sounds like Steve erwin in his commentary..Weird too because we just got finished watching Paranormal activiTAE..It is a little graphic,so if you have a weak stomach,you might not want to watch.

Always tell your loved ones you love them because life can end in an instant.



13:16 Nov 15 2010

Woah. That's sort of sad how people can take their own lives like that. People only live life once, it's best to live it wisely.

13:40 Nov 15 2010

Yeah it's sad but sometimes people see no other way out of a horrid life. Some are stuck so far in a rut they can't dig themselves out or have no-one that would help them. I've seen this many times and yeah it's sad but you have to sometimes see it from their point of view too.

14:02 Nov 15 2010

It is called hoplessness.He had even stated to a guy that they werent going to take him alive.I have known peeps to take their lives,but have never seen it live,or especially catch it on video.Needless to say it but us in a weird mood.

14:50 Nov 15 2010

In that youve seen it many times,you dont mean this video do you? Because thats impossible because we shot it last week and this is the first time I have put it online.But if you mean people loosing all hope,yes..and its really sad.But this guy was conning and stealing from the elderly,so I really dont feel too bad for the guy.He made his own bed.

16:52 Nov 15 2010

WOW!!! I bet that put you in a weird mood after watching that holy hell... They put him in an ambulance though huh? Does that mean he lived through it?

20:35 Nov 15 2010

Wow... I am at a loss for words. Poor bloke, he must been under some pressure to do that.

20:38 Nov 15 2010


05:10 Nov 16 2010

Yes it sure did put us in a weird mood.Im not sure why they didnt cover him,but he was dead.When the ambulance left,there were no lights or sirens.The article is a few entries down from this one.



15:02 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 1,218

Can we say incognito? ~smiles~ you'll never know Im comin. ;)




15:28 Nov 13 2010

lol ,I see ya You look hot in shades

16:01 Nov 13 2010

Haha thanks..but that wig sure did make my @$$ hot..literally.

21:45 Nov 13 2010

Cool ;)

10:09 Nov 14 2010

she's the woman!

16:05 Nov 14 2010


16:53 Nov 15 2010

Wooooooo Schmexy ; )

12:02 Nov 17 2010

lookin good as a brunette...

18:43 Nov 25 2010

Wow very nice!



06:02 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 1,252

I have added a few more pix in my portfolio and will be adding more soon.




Weird science..

00:34 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 1,294

You can only ignore the similarities between science and the world of the mystery for so long.The time has come for us to approach the paranormal from a far more serious perspective and a scientific one.

I feel it is absoloutely imperative that we tie science and the paranormal together in order to understand what is now called paranormal activity.

I also wholeheartedly believe that science can explain everything we as humans experience on this planet,only thing is, science has not yet caught up with the world of the paranormal.

But it is certainly getting closer . Everything has a science or a structure to it... a how and a why.That "something" that allows it to happen. And I mean everything .. ghosts , UFOs and even the phantom black dog roaming the moors has a valid and understandable explanation.The beauty of emploring science,is that science will allow us to explain and validate what so many of us have believed and experienced for years.

Its all about balance.The two go hand in hand and as long as we are predudice towards one or the other,we are in a sinking ship.

I have encountered more predudice from those who claim to be so "open minded " than any other group of people.They shut their ears and get huffy or annoyed the minute any scientific explaination or evidence is offered.I find that pretty ironic.Pretty funny really.

Too bad too because in order to understand any of it,we must use all resources available..science or not.And it will be science that will validate our experiences in the end..like it or not.And simply because one sees it differently and offers a scientific perspective,doesnt mean they havent experienced anything.



01:49 Nov 07 2010

where does that new creature they found (couchakabra) fit in?

02:12 Nov 07 2010

Thats one for the cryptozoologists.But one thing I know for sure...it didnt just "POOF" into existance.



23:20 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,303

Zenyatta didnt get her 20 for 20 races.But she came from dead last and was only beat by a nose.She ran one HELL of a race! I have never seen Mike cry,so it was strange to see although I dont blame him.Nice ride Mike,you're still the best.That mare has such class and will be known as one of the greatest racehorses of all time.




23:23 Nov 06 2010

Saw Zenyatta on 60 minutes last week. Gorgeous horse! Loved how she pranced before the crowds to show off. Alas, no win but she will always be remembered as a great winner!

01:33 Nov 07 2010

You better believe she will InD.She was no less than AWESOME.You know,it takes so much heart to stay in the race once they start eating dirt like that.Almost running blind ,most horses just stop running once they get that far back.Now granted,there are the few who like to race that way,but regardless,she was great.



14:28 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,316

While I was in Fla. last time I picked up two tins of my favorite Jasmine tea..it sure makes the house smell yummy.

And oh,so warm in my tummy.




Sittin here

23:59 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 1,330

watching the Breeder's cup from my cozy bed and knoshin on one of the ChooChoo bars my friend brought me from OZ.I really missed those things.Good stuff.





21:50 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 1,341

:( well,as it happens,we didnt get to go to the cup.It figures.Thats what I get for living on a horse ranch.Maybe next year.



23:35 Nov 05 2010

aww well yes shoot for next year hugs

23:56 Nov 05 2010

Sigh...yeah.Watching it on the teli just isnt quite the same.But it seems everyone I know is doing really well.Cant wait to see Mike ride Zenyatta tomorrow.

02:48 Nov 06 2010

I would agree watching it isnt the same as being there. being I am only a few hours to The Derby grounds I would love to go this year or next we shall see.

02:53 Nov 06 2010

No it sure isnt.And I have watched it on a monitor way too many times.I wanted to se it from the grandstand and not from the backside.But you know,I had such a great time in Texas visiting my sis and my friend that I feel guilty even thinking complaints about not going.



01:51 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 1,377

They just keep sending them.Got another one.

Looks like Im gonna have to talk to some peeps who got a little trigger happy with the camera..




10:54 Nov 05 2010

Looks as if you had fun..i know i did.. its all about the dressing up for halloween.. nothing else really matters after that ;)

12:51 Nov 05 2010

We really did.Too bad we cant dress up like that everyday if we want.

23:40 Nov 05 2010

Yes looks lilke you had a blast I dressed up as well.

00:22 Nov 06 2010

what did you go as LDR????

15:08 Nov 06 2010

looking GOOD girl :)

17:06 Nov 06 2010

~smiles and blushes~




23:59 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 1,402

found another one..someone got carried away.LOL




00:06 Nov 05 2010

are those Xmas lights on the bottom?

and, if so, care to tell me how you worked that one out sister?

: P

00:16 Nov 05 2010

I got a little lit but not by lights in the tutu..it was just some sequins.Guess the light caught em.

00:24 Nov 05 2010

little miss hottie there!!

01:56 Nov 05 2010

: )

02:32 Nov 05 2010

does "Wow" cover it?

02:35 Nov 05 2010

More like lol Captain...

03:28 Nov 05 2010

Very sexy girl

20:24 Nov 07 2010

Very nice pic!


I bet he never thought

15:41 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 1,429

That morning when he got up that he would be dead by that afternoon.

There is something a bit kreepy about watching a guy shoot himself ......and getting it all on film.

Yes,you are reading correctly and thats exactly what happened day before yesterday while I was in the quiet port town of Port O Conner meeting up with my best friend from school who had come over from Australia..I am still deciding whether I want to post the video that we shot of the incident here or not.

Port O'Connor standoff ends after man shoots himself



Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:17 AM CDT

classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui>

A short standoff between Calhoun County law enforcement and a Waller County man ended when the man shot himself late Tuesday afternoon.Calhoun County Sheriff B.B. Browning said the man, Randall Wayne Branch, 56, was visiting an unidentified Port O’Connor couple for a fishing trip when a concerned resident called the sheriff’s department to ask a deputy to check Branch.

“A concerned citizen called in this afternoon, said something wasn’t right with this guy and that he’d like for us to come out,” Browning said.

Upon arriving at the location at which the Waller resident was staying, Browning said the dispatched deputy requested identification. Dressed in a shirt and slacks and in possession of a laptop when approached by the deputy, Browning said Branch ran off the property while the deputy stepped out to his vehicle to call dispatch.According to Browning, Branch had several warrants out for his arrest for a number of crimes, including forgery, from the Waller and Hockley areas. Branch also previously served jail time for unknown charges.

After receiving a tip from another resident, deputies eventually located a barefoot, t-shirt-and-shorts-clad Branch on the second floor porch of a Port O’Connor beach home with no sign of the laptop. Browning said Branch tried to kick in the door of the home, but was unsuccessful in forcing entry before he made it to the porch, where he sat with a pistol to his head in a short standoff with law enforcement.

Browning said that Branch was seeking to commit suicide by cop, but deputies tried to talk him down before he shot himself.

“They told him to put the pistol down and he said ‘No, y’all are going to shoot me, I’m not going back,’” Browning said. “We backed off… we were ready, we were prepared. If he would have shot at us, I had sharpshooters ready.”

Calhoun County ISD buses in the Port O’Connor area were rerouted to avoid the standoff, which lasted just over 30 minutes according to Browning. While deputies held their fire, Branch fired a single shot, killing himself.Browning said Branch’s family was notified Tuesday evening. The body was sent to Austin for an autopsy; preliminary results may be available as early as Wednesday.



19:30 Nov 04 2010

That is so Terrible .poor guy he should have just given up.

19:44 Nov 04 2010

It was weird to say the least.The guy,even though it is reported that he talked? Never said one word.

20:26 Nov 07 2010

Terrible. I'd be one to be curious on seeing the video...and I know that I wouldn't look at it.

18:47 Nov 25 2010

This is sad


Halloween 2010

15:22 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 1,434

So at the last minute my boss decides to go to a halloween party..can we say cheese?

As in cheesy.But hey,what the hell,we had a blast.






17:52 Nov 04 2010


19:29 Nov 04 2010

WOW , hot stuff!!

00:03 Nov 05 2010

Thanks! lol I havent dressed for halloween in many many years.I have to admit,I had fun.

00:47 Nov 05 2010


23:39 Nov 05 2010

Lookin great my Equine friend

00:16 Nov 08 2010

crackin pins

18:49 Nov 25 2010

Looks like it was a great party

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