Fern Canyon Press is on hiatus because our web designer, Bongo the Pygmy Chimp, is on strike. While the management refuses to meet his demands of a decrease in his 80 hour work week, an increase in the size of his cage by 10 square feet, and 50 more gigabytes on his hard drive, they have agreed to increase his daily supply of Jujubees and are flying in his girlfriend, Tammy Faye, from Borneo. We hope to get him back to work eventually.
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LOL! This is what I came across when clicking on a link in the Database to an item. Guess someone has a sense of humor :P
Since I'm not allowed to name names in my Journal and I'm really trying hard to pick my battles and not act like a rabid dog every time some idiot irritates the fuck out of me here, I will just have my say on the matter.
Yesterday a new member got a little pissy because I rated her a 9, she returned the 9 to me just like the person I gave a 7 gave me one in return as well, Tit for tat rating style. Whatever. I get these all the time. But here is my issue:
She through out the AGE card. Really? What is it with you people (always girls) that think just because you are younger than me my rate is in direct relations to it. Hell I'm older than 90% of the members here and you really think that is why I didn't give you a 10? Because you are younger than me and attractive? PLEEEEAAASSSSE. Just the fact that you would say that shows your level of maturity and maturity has nothing to do with age.
I am 46, BIG WHOOP. I think I look pretty damned good for my age. No I don't like getting older, not because I am jealous of those younger than me that is ridiculous but only because life is passing me by too quickly it seems and I want it to last. The fact that I am more than twice your age young lady only means that I have that much more life experience than you. You have a long ways to go.
Get a grip.
OMG This is hilarious!! I am 53 and by no means am I drop dead gorgeous. Only drop dead. But these young chicks need to walk in front of a fast moving bus. They will learn. The hard way.
Baby, what you got they can only wish for!
Jadee... ;D
I'd rather be friends with older people. Most younger girls are airheads anyway.
Experience, baby. ;)
Wonder what THEY will look like when they are YOUR age?LOL hell,most wont even post a real pic of theirselves NOW..so I can only imagine.
I tend to swing back with "Get back to me when you're may age...if you live that long."
It's the ones who have to put it out there that they don't care about rates that do. These are the same people that rate what they get most of the time no matter the quality of the profile that rated them.
Have some diversity you sheep or is it too hard for you to figure out a fair rate?
Not with I. I really mean that I don't care. Been here long enough to know better. :P
I think you know the ones I am talking about....and the "I'll give you what you gave me even though I have only 3 words on my profile" .
I like sheep. They're warm and their wool makes nice blankies. :3
BAA.... :P
WOW, I am just kinda speechless. You know I could go off into a rant, tell you just what I think of your entry but I don't need to justify my actions or explain something that I have already explained countless times to you and every other member in my Coven, friend or no friend. So I'll just leave it at this:
Hehe, read from the bottom up, that was nipped in the bud....lol:
Original Message:
FROM: nightwalkerbloodlust
Aww how sweet of u dude
On 20:28:43 Dec 11 2011 (-0 GMT) PandorasBx wrote:
i often try to do some of these things for her. So yeah. Im sitting right next to her.
On 20:27:20 Dec 11 2011 (-0 GMT) nightwalkerbloodlust wrote:
Doing great ur man needs to warm u up there and get u coffee i would do all this and more like bring u breakfast in bed massage u
On 20:25:32 Dec 11 2011 (-0 GMT) PandorasBx wrote:
Just crawled out of bed lol, tired, cold, how about you?
On 20:24:19 Dec 11 2011 (-0 GMT) nightwalkerbloodlust wrote:
Hiya hun how it going for u
Oh my dear lil' CuntCake, I so love your passive-aggressive nature. I know you think your little digs at me through your Journal entries and kismets are clever and a real stab at me but it just goes to show how my life and goings on are just too irresistible for you not to read up on. And this just tickles me. To know that I irritate you still. I think in some bent way you are just jealous and threatened by my very presence, I'm guessing that few ever dare to disagree with you or refuse to see things your way like I have.
So keep em' coming ;)
It does feel so good to be loved. Even if it is psycho Otaku love.
*squee* Jadee has a fangirl! :3
Doesn't it warm your heart? ♥
I did a lot of profile rating last night, mostly 2's. I was astounded at how many empty profiles there were. Not to mention seeing a 14 yr old girls profile with her phone number on her pro and the 16 yr. old girl nude, nips just covered. WOW, Do your mommies know what you do online? Jeebus.
I did the same thing. xD
What type of 16 yr old kid feels the need to show themselves like that?
Exactly. Or any female for that matter.
Am I hearing you gals right... what you didn't go nude and flaunt yourself at the world at 16? Jeebus what is wrong with you!!!
Phone number and everything. Wow. o.o And to think I get ones just for not having a background someone liked. lol
I'm seeing Topics in the GENERAL section of the Main Forum that have absolutely NOTHING to do with "Things pertaining to the Dark Network. Vampire topics, Scifi topics, Occult topics, etc." WTH? Since when is your love life or how pretty you think you are in the line of The Dark Network?
VR unfortunately is becoming too main stream... too many Scene poser losers coming here becuase 'goth is kool' and shit like twilight destroying the image of vampires everywhere
wishes for a blade vs Cullen clan movie...knowing the only advantage the cullens have is blades not used to a vampire that glitters
I reported a buttload of threads the other day lol.
It's frickin' lame-o
Did you see the one in the "Love me please" section, where someone wanted to be married? One of the oddest things I've ever seen there. O.o
No I didn't, how sad ...
Hey dammit that last one was mine...I got lonely...LMFAO