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22:15 Sep 19 2006
Times Read: 932

'Gothic', is a style, which harkens back many Centuries, from the macabre of the Victorian age, through The Renaissance into the architecture of the Twelfth Century, back into the time of so-called 'Dark Ages'.

Within this style, sub-cultures develop and evolve, but as many revel in the taboos of society, they remain esoteric in both purpose and design.

The majority lives in a world which has little or no information on such subjects as were mentioned, barring the exciting fictions and publicity generating.

And with popularism of 'alternative' lifestyles and the 'Goth' look being 'in' recently, the human mind naturally gravitates to the broadest descriptive term, to better comprehend that which is unknown to them, makes them fearful.

The comfort of labelling fills a niche in the psyche for most.

Many of the precepts which are espoused by Satanist and Vampyre communities, do follow a number of paralells.

I see the 'left hand path' as that of the chaotic and disorderly darkness, where nothing is certain, all is subjective.

And I find that the 'right hand path', is that of light bringing order to that darkness, by perceivability, in that light carries information around the universe, telling itself where and what it is.




21:29 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 960

There are times, when I bring into my self the three.

Love, sorrow, grace.

It is precise, narrowly walked, but always clear. Distinct.

There is a love beyond love, within it.

More than that which we give, seek to receive.

It is all things, at once, combined, forged by joy and burning anger.

This hurt, a sweetness, it tastes so good, the tears, they are for my thanks. But also, in the same moment, whispered upon the same breath, it is pain.

The pain is joyous, in that I can know it. That I do know suffering, shines my own love through, bright in all the darkness, yet still, only a single candle.

Ever all at once and I would die of ecstasy.

I dance in between the moments of happy and sad. Tiptoe around the flow, ever seeking avoidance, but knowing that it is always within me.

No way of escape, only submission.





20:51 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 962

It is a nice feeling.

To love.

I've tried to explain it, but I can't.

I do love. I do feel. I accept it is a part of everything.

But something drives me to hide from it.

It burns.

Like acid, it melts away at my being.

My identity becomes something other than I was.

New perspectives. New wants, desires, lusts.

Newfound joys.

But always, there is hurt.

I do hurt. I do feel a sorrow. I might never forget this feeling. Twisted and macabre as it makes me feel.

Love for one, from one, never satisfies.

I crave it. Like honey.

Soothing against the pain. A barrier from the self-pity.

Woe is me, for I am in love!




20:32 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 966

I see a chord, slightly out of harmony.

It distorts, almost imperceptibly.

Intensely beautiful though the music may be, alluring, summoning as it is, a violent streak of colour slices it's way easily through the cacophany.

And what pure symphony it would be, for without that misplaced note, the hard edge in the smoothness of silky perfection.

And then, would it be any less exquisite a sound, from a distance?

Too hard I search for that off-tone. It causes me to miss the crescendo, the wonderful lifting joy of instruments, matching in design, but so uniquely played.

What folly for a man, to witness an orchestration of fate, placing his heart at the very centre.

So vulnerable, so weak to temptation- to fall away in the drift of the lilting sway.

Lost in thoughts, so happy with succor, alleviated of a pressure, popping his ears, he does hear- a sweet lullaby.

Opened eyes, he does see- Angelic radiance.

To reach out, he touches and feels- so good.

A heart silent- beats.

Blood, stilled- flows in veins undeserving of the precious life.

Hope- is Eternal.



23:37 Jan 14 2008

"Too hard I search for that off-tone. It causes me to miss the crescendo, the wonderful lifting joy of instruments, matching in design, but so uniquely played.

What folly for a man, to witness an orchestration of fate, placing his heart at the very centre.

So vulnerable, so weak to temptation- to fall away in the drift of the lilting sway."

This, my dear, is sublime writing.


21:32 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,001

The measure of a man's honour, is in his sincerity.




Since the thread is RIA and is pretty lame...

20:45 Sep 06 2006
Times Read: 1,025

I can see how the state of vampyrism can be equated with a religious experience, with the chosen adherence to moral statutes and with any number of books- coming about regarding the nature of 'real' vampyres, there is a suggestion of such works transmuting into a Dogmatic 'scripture'.

But by the very basis of awakening, it leaves the mind in a state where we can readily choose our own beliefs, essentially unrestricted by an institutionalised system of belief. We can then reach a place of self-constructed and personal religion, as was said.

Next to that, one could say that various cultish groups form around the idea of vampyrism, but they do not define the concept in themselves, they merely mimic the popular archetypes.

Such peple often become lost in Bizarre fantasies of who and what they are, subjecting their free will to a set of false perceptions. Often, this leads to deep seated psychosis and may even lead to an 'acting out' of schizophrenic reality.

So, I would then say that vampyres can choose to form cults or experience religious events, but they are not defined by them and certainly not constricted by them either.

Vampyres just are...




23:27 Sep 01 2006
Times Read: 1,058

Tis a forlorn face which I wear, when none have care, for me, for my aching back and the heart which bleeds..



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