Sevenn's Journal

Sevenn's Journal


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3 entries this month


19:46 May 27 2008
Times Read: 767

I was reading through the journal of a friend the other day who was talking about the idea that some of her young teenagers had no idea who Indiana Jones was. I was stunned. Then, I saw a picture of a girl who is old enough to be a member of vampire rave at the minimum age, and it brought a lot of thought to me.

Online, typing away on the internet, I can only have a sense of my own self. Things I write come from my point of view. Things I read are translated through my language skills and my own sociological mind-set and programming.

In real life, I know that young teenagers can be, and often are, mouthy little SOB's. I know this because I have nieces and nephews in that age range. The thing is, sassy or not, they are generally good kids. They test limits, they "try" people. But, they are vulnerable, have their feelings easily hurt and generally mean no serious harm. This is why, in real life, I am not offended by teenagers. It's why if they are hanging together in flocks at the mall (or the graveyard) I can smile and remember when I used to do that. It's why when they are challenging to me or my authority as an adult I can stay patient and respond reasonably: I was "that" kid once. I was a class A pain in the ass when I was a young teenager. I'm surprised my parents still talk to me. ;)

That being said, it occurs to me that I can't put every voice I hear in the foums through my own cerebral net. I have to remember that these voices, who may spell poorly, who may be crass, who may say inane or ridiculous things...very likely do not have the life experience or background I have.

If a 13 year old in real life said I was being an asshole, would I respond by telling them all of the ways I thought they were a piece of shit? Certainly not. And therefore, I do not make journal entries about member behavior. Would I tell a person who I could observe in real life to be developmentally disabled that I thought their grammar was bad and their ideas stupid? The very thought of behaving toward someone that way makes me cringe. I wouldn't do it, and therefore need to remember to take steps away from my own ego here and not make the assumption that everyone I speak to is exactly like me. It's a natural and easy thing to do. In fact, "I think, therefore, I am", makes far greater sense in the context of internet interaction than almost anywhere else.

The internet creates a world of self. All of the sensory input we generally rely on for decision making is supplied by our own brains. I have decided it is only rational and moral, for me, that I take this into consideration when I deal with people I do not know. Recognizing that other people have hopes, dreams, and aspirations is the foundation of morality because it is the first thing that takes you outside of yourself.

I am glad to be on a site that allows people to express themselves, even if it is sometimes fantastical, even if it is sometimes on topics that dont resound with me.

I am glad we live in a world full of people different than me.



20:30 May 27 2008

Aww, admit it, you laugh when some are mocked by others.

But you are right, not every one of them deserves to be hammered down until they have their confidence shattered.

21:00 May 27 2008

Yes. They are a unique individual ... just like everybody else.

I'm sure it was not meant in a negative way; just the realization that what some people think of as "heros" or "idols" have fallen to the wayside for others simply because of the differences.

I run a coven of adolescents. Do I criticize them for the way they communicate; the lack of spelling and grammar? No, but I do critique them - help them see how elders will see them; just as I would in real life. Teens still hold tightly the innocence of life; take a lot of things at face value; and still need to learn to see the big picture. They too need to see why adults are different - from the different experiences.

21:10 May 27 2008

omg, you got me thinking of Sevenn clones...lol

Yes, thank G-d we are all different.

21:38 May 27 2008

Such an important message. It is hard to remember not everyone, even those as "old" as we are has the same type of experience to "get" what we say. My only hope is that more people read this and understand how profound it truly is.

01:05 May 28 2008

I love how you put this. :)

Treat others as you want to be treated. Yes... but you do have to take in age of that person.

06:29 May 28 2008

Reading over the journals around VR, you see this person or that person, slam, put down and criticize person after person, for words they wrote, or a statement they made or sometimes for a question that they asked.

One of the things that I try to show the teens in my coven, is that every experience, is a learning experience. If they learned something from a hurtful situation, then they are ahead in life. Its when they stop learning, or refuse to learn. As LordV pointed out, we do try to get our teens to write with intelligence. As this is a first impression that they can't take back.

Diversity is the name of the game and part of that diversity, is how people respond to different stimuli.

If attacked, do you attack or just ignore? If a friend criticizes you, do you take it to heart and learn from it, or do you get defensive? Every little action and reaction, is learned from life's experiences, if you are open to them.

14:43 May 28 2008

It's very hard to remember that we're not all on a level playing field while online. The teens try so hard to be included it's hard not to admire some of them even if they're making little sense. Some do need a good smack down but I think the majority need someone to say I'm listening, keep talking.

18:54 Jul 09 2008

You never fail to inspire me.


No, It's Not

01:32 May 16 2008
Times Read: 851

My hand to god, any post that includes the phrase "anything is possible" will henceforth be deleted by me if I spot it.

•It is not possible for a full grown monkey to fly out of your ass.

•It is not possible to train a dog to vacuum your house.

•It is not possible to “will” a bank account containing 1 billion dollars into existence.

•It is not possible to spend the same single day shopping in person, in Rome, when you live in the United States. (even if you try to argue astral projection, you can’t tell me ghosts can carry cute shoes)

•It is not possible to make people smarter, merely by hoping for it.

•It is not possible to turn water into beer while sitting at my desk…beer into water, questionable. (but not drinkable)

•It is not possible to make “real” bar-b-que in your home kitchen. Grilled is the best you will get…real BBQ, not so much.

•It is not possible to make me into a bigger wuss than you are. (Marines, Rangers and SEALS, excluded.)

•It is not possible to drink some dude’s lush, goth blood and live forever. *tear

•It is not possible for a human to shape-shift into a werewolf. It’s not: nobody is fooled. Get over it already.

•It is not possible for you to transfer internet “power” into real life. (unless you are the person that has a legitimate internet based business.) No matter how many people refer to you as “master” here, you’re still the fuckin’ pizza guy when you go to work. Comprende? (And yes, I’ll take crushed red pepper packets and parmesan, thanks.)



01:46 May 16 2008

But-but-but ... lush gawfik blud maeks me life long teim.

Kidding, but damn that hurt to write.

01:46 May 16 2008

OMG I dont think Ive laughed this hard in a long time.And it is sooooo true.

01:52 May 16 2008

Hahaha very right.

How about:

I can sing the alphabet.

Interesting read.

What number comes after 1?

I agree.

02:30 May 16 2008

*shapeshifts into huge bunny with giant fangs and huge claws*

Anything is possible!

No, really. I.. hate.. this line. It's almost like slang for " I really can't make up my own mind and I just need something to post so I am going to be retarded and say ANYTHING is possible."


02:43 May 16 2008



anything's possible

*dashes from your journal with the speed of summer lightening*

12:17 May 16 2008

How do you know ? Have you tried to do all of those things ?....*runs* lmao

22:31 May 16 2008

"It is not possible to make people smarter, merely by hoping for it"

It's not? but that was my internet power i used while i was in Rome shopping for ghost shoes that would survive my change into a werewolf.

09:04 May 18 2008

You heartbreaker you...

09:31 May 18 2008

I don't believe you! Really???

15:03 May 18 2008

Have I told you lately just how much I adore you? ♥

20:27 May 18 2008

That is not true! I am a thousand years old! I am a Master Vampire and control those who are below me! You are just mad because you are not.

Now I have to go and put the Pizza sign on my VW.



03:42 Jun 04 2008

Hey! You mentioned Marines, Rangers and SEALS, but not Air Force Special Ops...:(

Pararescuemen are way better, they can do all the things those guys can and fix you up good too. Ask any SEAL or Spec Ops guy, they will admit it...lol.


Does Humble Pie Come With Ice Cream?

01:04 May 07 2008
Times Read: 938

Honesty is a big deal to me. I have had situations in my past that were rife with lies and deceitful behaviors and words. But you know, honesty isn't just saying the truths of simple things when convenience happens by; it is being able to take a stand in uncomfortable situations. It is being tactful and tasteful but firm in your conviction. And it takes a good deal of grace to be an honest person and command the respect of those to whom you are frank.

Honesty is about the entire person that you are; either you are who claim to be, or you are not. It is an amazing realization to find that you have met someone who tries to live the words they speak; and who very generally own enough of a personal sense of responsibility to carry through with their own rhetoric. it's a rare trait to find in anyone.

There is not often a situation when someone needs to stand up for me, but I'm human and the occasional need arises.

Thank you.



13:56 May 07 2008

That's integrity for you ...

22:19 May 07 2008

"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet" - W.B Yeats

It is only human that friends stand for each other in a time of need, and it is only in those times can you know that a friendship is honest and sincere...or ever was in the first place - Pam =)

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