Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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4 entries this month

Devil comes out to play.....

16:29 Aug 31 2006
Times Read: 1,576

Upon entering the empty bedroom, she heard the sound of the ballgame on the television from the living room. “Great” seeing another night with no attention from her lover. They had a party to attend, so she moved to get dressed. She picked up the stereo remote and touched a button. She walked toward the vanity with “Pussycat Dolls – Buttons.” She placed the remote down and removed her robe as the music floated around her…into her soul. She drapes the satin robe on the chair and sit, her bare ass enjoying the touch of the warm softness, her body chilled by the cool air. She opens her legs up, hands on her knees as she looks at her reflection in the mirror. “I’m telling’ you loosen up my buttons babe. But you keep fronting” She brings her hands up the inside of her legs, closing her eyes as she wish his hands were touching her.. “Saying what you going to do to me. But I ain’t seen nothing” She closes her eyes and stroke her curly damp hair as one hand moves to cup her breast as she slides a finger in her hot wet body, giving herself over to the song’s sexual innuendo.

A smile comes onto her face as she moves her hands off her body. She needed her lover to finish this. She picks up a bottle of perfumed lotion and starts to scent her body. She started with her legs, stroking her skin, feeling the muscle under the smooth skin. How her body heat melted the lotion into her skin. She pumped more into her hand and moved to her stomach, closing her eyes to enjoy her hands on her body… thinking of his hands taking over… “Typical, hardly the type although I like him physical. Don’t leave me asking for more...” the song played. Her hands, slick with the lotion moves up to her breast. Cupping them, she rolled the lotion around under them... “I’m a sexy mamma. Usually get what I wanna. That backup the things that I told ya. What I want to do is bring all this on ya.” She rubs the last of the lotion on her neck. Another pump and she moves on to her arms, as she sings with the song. “You been saying all the right things along. But I can’t seem to get you over here to help take this off” She stands and pulls out one of the vanity drawers. She pulls out a garter belt and black silk hose, and matching thong. As the music played, she pulls on the thong, garter belt. She sits and rolls the hose over her pale skin, enjoying the touch of silk on her skin. She had a vision of her lover tied to the footboard of her four-poster bed. Him standing, aroused and ready for her, wrist tied to the post. Mmmmm…

She hooks the thigh high hose in the front and back, and stands with a sway of her hips...moving her body to the songs beat. “Baby, can’t you see? These clothes aren’t fitting on me. The heat coming from this beat. I’m about to blow. I don’t think you now.” She raises her hands above her head, letting her body move as it wished. Her sensual side demanded to come out and play. As the music plays, she pulls out of the drawer the matching black bra. She hooks the bra in the front, rubbing her nipples with the silk, biting her lip, and closing her eyes at the pleasure. She rub her nipples with the silk… biting her lip as her body heated with desire.

Dancing with the song, she moves to the closet. She left the plain blue dress she planned to wear and pulled out the red lace dress. She unzipped, and step into it. She lower her body, going down into a squat as she wiggled her hip to side to side…loving how the song made her feel… bringing the dress up as she enjoyed how her bodies responded to her commands. The cloth hugged her hips, her ass. She pulls the dress onto her upper body, stroking her skin were she could. She reached to the side and zipped, then she stroked her body with hands moving down her sides, enjoying her curves, as she sang, “You say you’re a big boy. But I can’t agree. Cause the love you said you had ain’t been put on me.” She smiles and steps into the matching red lace heels. “I wonder. If I’m just too much for you. Wonder. If my kisses don’t make you just wonder.” She pulls out the matching evening purse and walks to the vanity to add some red lipstick, check her makeup.

“You ready? The party started 20 minutes ago,” he asked from the doorway. She turned the music down and turned to him. “Yes. I am ready” His eyes went back out to the living room, and she knew he was looking at the television. She pitched the remote aside and went toward him. Maybe it was time to have some fun, to let her devil out a little….

A few minutes later, they pulled up to the crowed street. He reached for his door, and she waited until the light came on before making her move. He watched as she raised her hem up of the classical red lace dress… and saw the black thigh high hose, and the garter. His mouth went dry as she adjusted the hose top, and the belt. He wonders what else she wore under that dress. She smiled, seeing his eyes on her. “Let’s go.” She opens the door and felt his eyes on her ass. She reached back, and ran her hand over her left cheek. He let out a soft moan. She smiled, and closed the door without looking back.

She came up to him and stood beside him as the small group talked. She slowly moved her hand to his back. Knowing it was one of his turn on's... she took her nails slowly up the center of his back. His body straightens, and she excused herself, leaving him to watch as she walked away, giving her hips a little more swing.

She found him watching her as she ate a bite of cheese. She looked into his eyes as she took the large cube up to her mouth. She took her tongue out and licked the cheese, then took a nibble. She lowered her eyelashes as she open her mouth in a perfect O shape and, bringing her tongue out, placed the cheese on it. She took the cheese onto her mouth and grinned as he shifted the front of his dress pants. She took her fingertip up, and placed it in her mouth, sucking on it. He smiled and winked at her. When she took the grape to her lips, and sucked it into her mouth, his smile vanished, and the look of lust came over his face, his eyes darken. He finished his brandy as she “enjoyed” several more grapes.

She found him talking to woman. She moved to his side and, excusing herself, reached up to whisper in his ear. “I want nothing more then to push you onto this floor and pull up my dress... and have a seat on your face.” She patted his check, and left him to deal with that image.

He came up to her and pulled her back to him, and she smiled at his hardness. “Can we go home now?” She turns to him, and moves a hand to the back of his neck, playing with his soft short hair. “There is a spare bathroom upstairs, no one using. With a lock on the door, and it has a mirror wall.” He grins, and taking her hand, leading her upstairs.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Wolf Howls.

23:37 Aug 19 2006
Times Read: 1,605

She walked along the path, the sounds of the night all around her, the woods dark under the new moon. She felt power of the earth surround her, but she was looking for another type of energy. She walked on, opening her senses to feel for him. She stop, her ears picking up a distance howl. What would make most people fear, only made her smile in joy. He knew she was looking for him. She went to the left, climbing over a fallen tree, and went down a hill, using the trees to try to hold her footing, to a small valley. She stood, the cape she wore little protection from the cold night air. She looked up at the sky- thousands and thousands of stars shinning thru the treetops.

She walked forward, weaving her way thru the trees, touching them, listening to the earths call. Small sounds of animals, but not of the one she searched to find. Then she heard the howl again. He was closing in on her. She pulled off the cape, and undressed quickly. She left her clothing and walked forward, her bare feet pricked by the small sticks and debris on the forest floor. She heard the rustle of a large animal to her right side and she stop. She saw a large shadow run in front of her, its black fur hiding him in the dark. She step forward… but gasp, as a dead deer was throw just before her feet. Horns of a large older buck, its neck rip to pieces, blood drained. Its back legs ripped loose, the belly gutted open. She turned away, and covered her mouth, trying not to be sick to her stomach. “Such a tender heart- unwilling to kill even for food” She turned to see him step out of the trees. He was nude, covered only in his black body hair, aroused, his long black hair covered in leaves. She felt his energy cover her body as he came toward her. Musky odor of animals covered him. He has enjoyed the hunt and kill. He step over his kill, and went to her. She waited, her long black hair down to her waist, her pale body his for the taking.

He step up to her and snaked his arm out to pull her to his side hard. She felt her breath leave her body as his power combined with hers, his lust as powerful. He cupped her face and kissed her hard, his lips punishing her. She knew he was still hunting... and she had to give into him. She went limp and he eased the pressure on her lips. She strokes his tongue with her own, and he pulled her around to stand in front of him. Both hands moved to cup her ass, tugging her close as he stroke the top of her mouth. His long hard cock was snug against her belly as he ended the kiss. She smelt the blood as he pulled away from her, notices it on his chest, neck, arms. He wraps her hair in his hand and pulls her head back hard, and her green eyes meet his black ones. “Witch- you should understand the circle of life. Others die so you can live.”

His lips move to her neck and she closed her eyes as he sucked a spot – marking her as his. Biting her hard enough to draw blood. As he sucked on the skin he broke with his teeth, she screamed, her body heating up for him. He turned her and bent her over. She felt his hand at her hip, holding her, as he takes a hand between her legs. He slid fingers in and she moaned, as she was stroke hard… he bent the finger so her sides were caressed, twisting it around inside her. He moved a knuckle to rub her nub hard... she arched her back, lifting up as she felt the wetness flow out of her body.

Her face lifted, and her eyes landed on the deer’s black dead eyes as the wolf took her with a hard shove of his hips, both hands on her hips. “Brace your self, witch.” he warns her. She reaches downward and put her hands on her knees as he sits a hard fast pace, pumping in and out of her body. Her breast bounced as he took her over the edge again and again. His low grunts added to the sound of the woods. She felt another power…then more. She looked around, and knew they were others. Watching him mate with her, marking her as his. She reaches back and puts her hand at his thigh. “Stop...” but she knew he would not. He would take her until he was satisfied, and they have just started. She hears a low growl to the side and turned her head to see a shadow move along the trees, her hair screening her view. She feels his arm circle underneath her body, around her waist as he spread his legs wide. He lifted her into him as he bent over her a little….his teeth at her neck. He bites down at the skin between her neck and shoulder and sucks her blood as he cups her ass in the other hand, slaps her hard. Then she was grateful for her hands at her knees as he pumped in and out at a hard fast pace. She screams out, and as she climax again for him, he grunts, his seed joins with her juices. The sounds of wolfs howls drown out their own sounds of pleasure. He strokes her back, her pale skin soft and smooth to his touch. She lifts her upper body and he moves away from her, but not leaving her alone. She turns in his arms and leans against his body, happy with what he gave her. “Come witch. Let’s go home.” He leads her over to her clothing and watches as she dresses. Before they leave, he turns to watch the wolfs tear into the deer. She knew he was fighting his desire to return to them, to become one of them. She waited to see if her wolf would join her at home tonight. He reaches back and takes her hand in his, turning away from the feeding. He takes her hand up to his lips and leads the way out of the woods, helping her up the hill. She walks beside him back to her car, and his own SUV. Tonight she had him with her, and that is all she could ask for.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Lawyers ...... mmmm.

15:42 Aug 16 2006
Times Read: 1,619

As she sits in the dentist office- she could not help notice him walking in, cell phone to his ear. She watched as he walks over to check in, telling the person on the phone to hold. She enjoyed the view of broad shoulders, slim waist, and one very nice ass cupped by the dress pants. He chatted with the receptionist, and both watched as he went to a chair, talking to the person on the phone about a court case ruling in the 1999’s. Lawyer. He just screamed money, power….and sex appeal. She went back to the book she brought to read, but her mind wonder to what she would love to do with this man…

Him sitting behind a large cheery desk, in a room with dark paneling, expensive books, and leather chairs. He is on the phone when she enters, but spoke in his commanding voice as she walks around the desk toward him. “I will have to call you back. Someone just walked in that demands my full attention”. As he hangs up the phone, she opens her overcoat, letting it fall down to the floor. She smiles as he rolls his leather office chair back, his eyes travel from her face down her body. She wore a red lace teddy… black silk thigh high stockings, and black 4-inch heels. She lean forward, her full breast flowing over the cups of the lace... and took hold of his tie in her hand, twisting it. She tugged him upward a little out of his chair... “I do demand your full attention” and she reaches down and cups him between his legs. He moaned, and she strokes him with the palm of her hand. Using her hold on his tie, she pulls him out of his chair and turns him, pushing him against the desk, a few files falling to the floor. She shoves his chair backward, and smiles as she lets his tie go. Her hand moves to his waist, and she unbuckled and unbutton his pants. He put his hands on her shoulders and started to kiss her bare shoulder. Little bites to her pale skin.

“You might want to tell your secretary to not bother us,” she said as she unzip his pants, using care of his harden cock. He picks up the headset and pushes a button. “Yes Mary Ann- hold all calls and I do not want to be…”As he was speaking, she reached in and strokes his hard cock thru his silk boxers... He lost his voice with a release of breath... she smiles at him and takes the phone to replace it, moving in for a deep kiss at the same time. She stroke his tongue… sucking it as she planned to do another body part. He cupped the back of her head, and ended the kiss, moving his lips to her neck… she lifted her head, giving him her neck as she stroke him, feeling his heat, his scent floating up to her. His teeth nibbled her neck, and she felt wetness between her legs. However, this was his turn. So she step back, and tugged his pants and boxers downward to his thighs, then she bent down on her knees, taking them down to his ankles. Looking down at her, he watched as she ran her hands slowly up the inside of his legs, her nails biting into his skin at his thighs. She licked her lips as her mouth came even with his hips, the red lipstick on her full lips. She reminded him of a kid in a candy store, seeing something she wanted.

She cupped his cock and he closed his eyes as she took him into her mouth. Heat... wetness... velvet tongue... sharp teeth. He put his hands on the desk edge and his mouth opens in a deep breath as she took him deep down into her mouth. Down her throat. His moan filled the room as she takes her tongue around his cock, stroking it.. Her hand moving to the base to circle it, squeezing with her fingers. Gripping the base, she brings her mouth upward, her hand moving upward as she wets him. At the tip, she looks up at him as she licks at it like an ice cream, her hand squeeze him hard. “Oh baby….” He moans, and she smiles.. Taking her lips to his stomach. She kisses his flat stomach as she strokes him up and down, slowly... then faster and faster, her hand gripping harder. She feels a hot liquid and knows he had released a small amount of his precum. She takes her lips back to him, lapping at the cream, spreading it around his cock to wet him even more. His hands grips her head as she takes him into her mouth again, and she sucks him, tighten her jaw muscles as if she is sucking a straw, her free hand moving to his balls. She rolls his heavy balls, her nails scratching the soft skin, his hair soft. He pushed at her head, and she took him deeper into her throat. She let out a deep hum... he moaned, and she tasted a hot salty liquid. He moves his hands back to his desk, and she started to raise her mouth off his cock. She had to make him last just a little longer…she let her teeth rake his skin as she raised upward. “Ouch!” She smiled as she released him, and stood, cuppin his ass with both hands and giving a squeeze. She step up to him, and as he watch, she lower the teddies bra and free her breast. The cloth pushed up her breast as she took him in her hand again. “I want you,” he whispers in her ear, breathless. “No. I want you to cum with me stroking you.” He grunted, pushing his hips forward…. As she strokes him faster… he moans, and cum flowed a little. She moved her free hand to her breast, cupping one, pinching the nipple. She pushes her chest against him, her hips into his. “Come for me now and I will let you have me later….anyway you want” She leans in and bites his neck... her hand tighten more... faster and faster… he grunted, and released his cum over her belly, her hand. She pumped him harder as his cum coated her hand, flowing down to wet his shaft, and thick matt of hair. She smiled, and kissed him softly as she kept stroking him, as he made those soft grunts, moans. After a few minutes, she steps back from him. She pulls open a desk drawer and pulls out a pack of wet towelettes. As she cleaned him, he kissed her shoulders, rub her arms with his hands. He cupped her breast, kissing the tops of both as he pulled the bra back up to cover her pale skin. “I want you in that leather bra and panties... and the boots.” She laughed, and took a wipe to clean her hands as he dressed. “As you wish, Master.” He picked up the coat and held it out for her. She slides into it and he kissed her softly on the back of her neck as he hugs her, as she tied the belt.

The ringing of a cell phone brings her out of her fantasy. She looks around, seeing him reading a magazine on health and fitness. The other people waiting - children, mothers… oh shit! She grabs for her purse and pulls out her ringing phone. She smiles as she answers the call from her office, and tries to get her mind off the lawyer.

Copyright: SKW 2006




Come to Poppa...

16:26 Aug 13 2006
Times Read: 1,644

She saw the pot slide, falling off the top of the dish drainer as she jumped back before it landed on her foot. It hit the floor with a loud bang. “Damn it!!” It has not been her week. Work, not enough sleep, the heat… She bends down and picks up the pot with her soapy hands, and she hears it. Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet band song- Come to Poppa.

She frowns, her headache not happy with the music… but then he came into the kitchen. She turns away from her boyfriend, trying to not snap at him as she has for hours now, but he just walked up to her, his body moving to the beat of the song. He sings along with the song... and she had to smile. He always knows how to calm her moods.

“If the sun ain’t shinning bright. And the moon, the moon won’t shine for you tonight” He comes up from behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, and pulls her away from the sink of dishes... she slaps at his arms with her wet hands.. "If the stars in the sky goes away, and you feel... feeling real slow down today.” She laughs at his silly ways… and he kisses her neck. “If life gets hard to understand and the whole thing is getting out of hand” He turns her to face him, and he starts to dance with her, the large t-shirt she wore raising up as he puts a leg between her legs. Her hands move to cup his neck, as the song made her relax…that and his touch. “Come to poppa… come see your poppa.” He winks at her and her laugher fills the room.

As the music plays a steady beat, he uses his hands on her hips to move her body up on his leg, rubbing her. She feels her body heat up as he cups her ass... her lips move to his neck... and he sings into her ear. “If you need a pacifier call me anytime. I’ll try to be your satisfier...” He steps back and turns her... one hand moves to cup her left breast, rubbing the hard nipple as the other hand cups her between her legs, lifting her a little, like a thrusting motion… “If you feel like a horse blazing at the bit…” Her breathing deepens as she thrust her hips back into his... feeling his hardness thru his jeans. Her wet hands move to stroke his arms… “Call my number anytime night or day”. She moans, and turns… shove him against the table, the candles falling out of the candlesticks as she reaches for his jeans zipper... “I’ll get ya fixed. If life gets hard to understand. And your whole life is way out of hand.” She tugs his jeans down, but he moves her with strong hands at her arms, moving her were she is lying over the tabletop. He enters her with a hard deep thrust. She screams, her hands moving to grip the edge of the tabletop in front of her. “Come to poppa… come to your poppa” He sings, then taking hold of her hips, lets the beat of the song set the pace…

He knows just what his woman needs.

Copyright: SKW 2006



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