Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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5 entries this month

Licking your lips... ;)

23:55 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 992

She felt his eyes on her as she sat, trying to disappear. She licked her lips, her nerves on edge. Telling her self she was not the one he was looking at as his eyes glanced to the side were she sat.

“You know- you are very sexy when you do that.” She glanced over to him, his eyes stunning in the candle light from the long dining room table. “Sorry?” She crocked out like a frog to the man she had a crush on for the last 8 months.

“When you lick your lips, it is very sexy.” Then he smiled. She looked down to her lap, and she felt his eyes move off her. Why did she do this? Why not say what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath and spoke, turning her face toward him.

“Thank you. I only do it when … I mean…two times.” He laughed, but she understood by the light in his eyes he was not laughing at her, but with her. She smiles, and he asked her. “Why do you do it?” She leans into him, drawn to him as she has been for months.

“When I am nervous, I lick my lips.” He put his glass down and turned toward her. “And the other one?” He asked, bringing his body closer to hers, his aftershave into her senses. “When…” the fear took over, and she lost her voice...but his hand on her shoulder, running down her arm, made her finish. She could not turn down this chance to be with him.

“When I am aroused.” Then she bluntly licked her lips as he watched. He smiled, and she blushed. He places an arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him. “Now that is a challenge I am willing to take…with gusto.”

The next morning, he pushed her up against the cab, his hands travel up under her coat. “We have to stop.” “For now, I will.” He agreed, but let her go with one last comment whisper into her ear. “We have to add one other time you lick your lips. Just after you scream out my name, breathing harsh and labored…” He bites on her earlobe, pulling it with his teeth, “You lick your lips as you come down from the climax.”

She closed her eyes and pulled his lips to hers, as the cabby enjoyed the show.





15:30 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 997

Cold, bare feet, wet, wearing only a t-shirt, walking around the home, I look into the windows, trying to find help, pounding on the doors and windows. I look behind me at the woods, knowing it would be here soon.

I walk to the front door, and as I pull open the screen door, I notice a black spot on the glass… then a swarm of bees attack as I break open the nest they had built in the space between the door and screen.

I run, feeling the stings over ever inch of my body, feeling them crawl into my eyes and nose… I scream, waking up to slap at my hair….breathing hard.

Note to self: No more SuperNature before bed. *shivers*

Don't know why that show gets to me...

X Files meets horror, it is a great show. :)

X Files before they got drag down on the goverment / alien junk. X Files when it was a good monster show. :)

I do love a good horror/ghost show, even if it wakes me up from bad dreams.

Just not before bed. Buzzy!!




Bunny on a acid trip.... and brownies!

20:09 Jan 21 2007
Times Read: 1,017

Darkness surrounds the small brave group of hunters. They walked up the stairs of the abandon Asylum, paint peeling off the cold walls, trash on the stairway. She hands over the flashlight as she drops the duffle bag on the dirty floor. “Bolt cutter… nice.” Kay smiles as she reaches for the chain the held the South Wings doors closed. “ Yes, way cool… I might need your help, Connie.” Connie turns to the last one of the group, and holds out the flashlight to Nita.

“Can you put the Cheese Puffs down enough to hold the flashlight?” “Hey- I missed lunch so forgive me if I am eating a snack. Besides- you know how I get.” She takes the flashlight and places it under her armpit. Connie looks at Kay, and they both smiled. “Rather fight a demon.” Kay gives her a look of agreement, and they start on the lock. POP.

Connie grabs the duffle bag, leaving the bolt cutter behind; as Kay removes the chain, swinging the door open. Nita steps forward and the stench of the lair hits her in the face. “EWWW” Connie fans her face, as Kay digs out her inhaler, strong odors always making her breathing hard.

“Well… think I am done with that.” The chips landed on the ground, and Nita turns to see what the plan is. “Your turn, Rupert.” “Why does she have to be Rupert? Why not Wesley?” “Nay… Wesley was the nerd on Next Gen, Star Trek, remembers?” “True. But she is a …” “GUYS! Work here.” Connie sighs, and once she has their attention, she launches into the lesson as Kay digs out weapons. “There have been sightings of a large bunny rabbit, and we are not talking sweet cottontail bunny. He is scaring all the kids with these huge teeth. Local police have several missing person cases, so we are here to find either the bodies, or them.” “And the bunny?” Kay asks, handing Nita weapons.

“Look we all know how you feel about hurting an animal, but come on…” Nita says, taking the two handguns. Connie spoke as she took the shotgun. “This is not a good bunny, Kay. I mean- its Easter Bunny gone badly, on an acid trip. We have to kill it.” They watched as Kay dropped her head, but she pulled out her weapons. “Fine.”

Nita rolled her eyes at Connie, and they turned toward the dark hallway, the little light thru the busted windows showing old metal hospital beds, and wheelchairs. Kay passed out two more flashlight and shoulder the duffle. “Let’s do it.” They slowly walked along the hallway, and a few feet in Connie spoke. “Why the hell did you wear those high heel boots? I mean- you clopping like a horse here.”

Kay turned her flashlight down to her designer leather boots. “Ohhh… I had to show you guys my new boots.” She lifts her legs and spot light her foot. “I just got them yesterday. I mean- if Buffy can wear heels, then I can. I always wonder how she did not sink in the ground at the graveyard with those heels. I mean…” “Duck.” Kay moves her flashlight upward just in time to see a paw with huge claws before it slam into her chest. Both girls watched as Kay slide along the floor, hitting a hospital bed frame hard.

Nita watched as the human size bunny moved backward, hopping away, the sound of its claws on the floor clicking as Connie let out two-shotgun blast. She crawled over to Kay “You ok?” Kay sits up, rubbing her chest, feeling the cold wetness of blood. “I will survive.” Nita slaps her on the back of the head. “I said duck. Duck means duck.” “I though we were hunting Rabbit.” “Be very, very quiet. We are hunting rabbit. Hahaha.” Connie does a poor attempt at Elmer Fudd.

“Cute. Very cute.” Kay said rubbing her sore shoulder she hit the bed with. “Don’t snap at me. You are the one who doesn’t know what duck means.” “I know what duck is. A bird you cook, and if you make a nice sauce, some wild rice with mushrooms… Hell- now she...” Points to Nita “… has made me hungry.” Nita laughs and Kay lets out a moan and smiles up at Connie, asking for forgiveness at snapping at her. Connie gives it to her with a return smile. “Come on, girls.”

She holds out her hands to her friends and pulls them up. “He went that way, to the left. So much for the advantage of a surprise attack.” “OH SHIT!” They turned to see Kay looking down at her boots, and the long scratches on the back of one were she fell. “Oh Oh… now he has thrown down.” Nita said, as Connie pumping her shotgun. “I see a lucky rabbit’s foot in our future.”

Kay holds out the can of hairspray, lighter and a flashlight. “You are going down, little bunny.” Kay started forward and Nita and Connie moved to her sides. “Guess we will not have to worry about you crying when we killed this cute animal?” “Hell no. Bitch is mine.” Kay uses her inhaler, and shoves them back into her jeans pocket.

Connie and Nita laughed as Kay called out into the darkness “Here bunny, bunny. I got something for you.” “Think that will work…” Connie’s sentence died as the bunny came into the flashlights outer edge… and his eyes flashed red, the bunny teeth flashing, growl echo off the walls. “Might not be Easter, and you might not be chocolate- but I am going to get a piece of you.” Nita said, stepping forward.

“I think we need to feed her after this before she starves to death.” Connie said of Nita, as the bunny starts to run at them, the floor shaking. “Rabbit stew? Never cooked rabbit but…” Kay said. “No, brownies and ice cream.” Connie said… then turned to Kay, “With those little nuts on top.”

I woke up about then… thank the gods. Woke up at 7:00 am, hungry for some reason. LOL :)

(This is the dream I had last night after I went to sleep with the TV show Super Natural playing.)

I would love to say this is not us when we get together... but it is soooo us!




Roses, berries, and farts... oh my! (Say that drunk three times! lol)

21:45 Jan 18 2007
Times Read: 1,023

RedQueen, mother of all bologna reeking farts, is the maker of this dream….

I am laying on a lounger, eyes closed, and the sound of the ocean in front of me. I open my eyes, my body warm from the sun’s rays, to see the waves crashing onto the sandy beach, alone in my private heaven. But for him...

“Can I get you a drink?” I turn my face to look up. He is tall, slim built but for those broad shoulders. He is wearing a Speedo swimsuit, black, tight and snug. I lower my sunglasses and looking over the rims, smiled.

“Hello gorgeous.” He gives me a “call me anything you want” wink and asks me again if I wanted a drink. “Fuzzy navel, with berries on the side.” He walks away and I enjoy the tight ass and long legs eating up the distance. Mmmm … to have those long legs tangled in mine as we kissed.

I push my sunglasses back on my face, and turn back to enjoy the sun. I must have dozed as the next thing I know I feel him join me on the lounger, sliding that body along my side. I open my eyes to see him smiling. “Your drink and berries.” He places the small plate of berries on my stomach, and holds the drink up to my lips.

I drink, and the coldness slides down my throat as his leg slide up between my legs, the sand off his foot scratching my skin, the heat of his body, of his sex appeal warming me up more then one way.

He removes the drink from my lips and turns to sit it aside, and I let my hand slide along his back, enjoying how he feels under my hand. He turns back to lean closer to me, his chest against my breast, as he brings a strawberry up to his mouth. I watch as he bites into the soft red flesh, the juices dripping along his chin.

I lean up, taking my tongue to clean his chin, his stubble rubbing my taste buds, as I tasted him and the juice of the berry. He lifts his head up as I let my lips travel along his neck… I smell a strong odor of roses, and started to laugh. He looks down at me, and ask if he did something wrong.

“No. You have done every thing just right.” I take my hand to the back of his neck as I pull his lips to mine, kissing him, taking his tongue into my mouth as I suck on it. My legs tighten around his leg between mine, my free hand going to his lower back to run my nails along the tender skin…

Well… lets just stay I woke with a smile on my face.

So RedQueen- that one was just for you! LOL.

And I think you for it. * blushing *




Werewolf's Of London.. *Howls* LOL

13:36 Jan 08 2007
Times Read: 1,039

I am sitting on the beach, in the little folding camping chair, when I hear something stomp up from behind me, a huge shadow cast over me. I slowly turn my face, the hoody’s hood tied under my chin, to see a huge werewolf.

He lets out a growl, and I sit, stun, to scare to move a muscle. He leans in and growls again, right in my face. I feel his hot breath, the hair across my forehead moving. Then I just get mad. See- every morning that I sit on the beach, people want to talk to me. WTF right? lol

This werewolf was the last straw. I tilt my head to one side and I say to him “You have fruit punch breath.” He covers his mouth with his hairy claw, eyes wide. I lift up my hand and I have a rolled up newspaper. I slap him across his nose and he lets out a little wimp. “Now- go away. I am trying to watch the sunrise, for gods sake.”

I turn away and I hear, feel him stomp off, leaving me alone to watch the sun come up over the ocean.

Last night dream, and a smile on my face as I woke up. Were did this dream come from? Fruit punch breath came from Buffy. (Watched the first 2 seasons over New Years weekend)

The newspaper came from my sis, who threatens to hit me with one as I tracked in sand to the hotel room.

Werewolf? Well…last night as we sat on the foggy beach at midnight, I had to bring up old movies set in fogbanks, the old scary ones. Sis said nights like this is when the werewolf comes out to play, as she grabs the back of my hood and yanked. A-Hole.

And the people here are so freaking friendly… LOL. They really will talk your ear off. :)

I have gotten the "But you don't have a Kentucky accent." remark two or three times already. :)

Ohh well. *sings* Howls.. werewolf of London...

LOL. If you know me well- you get that joke. ;)



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