aquababy62sheart's Journal

aquababy62sheart's Journal


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27 entries this month

why is it!?

02:00 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 431

why is it all you see is the world revoling, and time standind still, no one to what need to for every one hides there true side from the world if only you know what was hideing in side of those that hide, you'll never see them for them, you see what thay'll show you for know, life should go on, with every one to see what we all hide inside when we hide from the world!




love just may not be for me!?

02:00 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 432

see people tend to lie, and when thay do thay kill me, stop runining what i almost had perfect, stop runining my life!i almost was good again that one person had too lie, thay destroyied what was once almost good again, for me it took for ever to get me were i was than, now, i have to restart, and thats not good to me. maybe for that person, but not me, i dilike that and will never speek to that one person again, thanks i need alchol, and a lighter, again, too burn , what to drink vadca, and to burn something, i'm destroyed, again, please don't help, this is for me to help my self alone again!?




to know?!

01:55 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 433

to know one such as i befor i die, would be too say you are the one, to know me the way i know myself, will not be easy for anyone too come.you see i'am not that as of others, i'am as so off from others as it can come, to be were i stand you would fell the pain, that i only can?!

no copying of this i please may ask!

you can add it as favorate, but not

as your own,to take. i take the time too

wright so i and others can injoy, and to

keep this infutcher, so i may become a

wrighter. too that i hold, that you will be

polite to me and others too of course?!




the burn

01:54 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 434

the burn so much not a pain.

the flame so hot my eyes go off.

the light, just an outer background.

the flame still something i see even after.

i looked away,too say it was pain is a lie, i felt nothing and nothing more.





01:53 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 435

what is that nothing you say exzist, does, or doesn't it, you can't say weather it does or it doesn't then why is it there were did it start, were did it come from, and whom did it come from, your mind bafoulse me, wounder why?!





01:52 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 436

as this flame burns my heart can only see that there is no one for me.as it probably will always be,many say your love can never be.no one will ever love you, because your ugly, your stupid, and your just you.who would ever even care if you died,the world would still would go round and round.and nobodies gonna cry for poor sweet old you, so merely no one will ever love you?!





01:52 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 437

as my soul is rapped around this pain,there is no claim that i will recover.the scares that have been burnt into the skin, will never fade away.the rips and tears will never repair it's self.they will not sow them selves together again,and as for these sins nobody will ever repent again and never even have?!





01:51 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 438

I'll wait for you.it's the only thing i can do for you.my heart is stricken for you, and there isn't anything else i can do. I'll do what ever it takes, for you to see my heart is real for you. this love is all yours, this love is all yours.and always will be?





01:51 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 439

as this pain comes, i shed so many tears.my soul cries, my heart aches. with so much pain.YOU CAN NOT RELIVE IT, YOU CAN NOT RELIVE IT!you can never take my pain away. my soul will always cry CRY CRY cry. oh i will cry. as my world goes on, my heart will still feel this PAIN?!





01:50 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 440

as these tears fall, many don't see me as me.and they never will.they see me as a child, no mind of my own, no feeling, and no pain. not even a heart, as these tears fall i crawl my way though life, nobody to see my pain, and broken legs, no one too help me, they don't see my pain, too them it's hidden to well?!





burn marks

01:49 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 441

they come they go. oh you know,when you feel the brake. you feel the burn, you feel the pain you feel the drain.when you feel the acke, you feel what you make.you make you make the pain,you make the stain.you make the burn, that will never go away?!





01:48 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 442

Sweet Thang Test


Just be yourself you sweet thang!

This test written by Strata2007 on Matchdoctor | Free Dating & Quiz Site





01:48 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 443

living is only a woed, but to want to is a feelling.a feling i don't feel.just pain, and rips you never express,my heart burns too die, as long as i lie, and never tell the hole side of my life thats hidden.bleeding in the dark,not a soul too help,not even one too my cries, my tears and my pain!?





01:47 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 444

the pain driven in by the staking heart of the love i have for you,peels away the layers of sanity and truth! i love you and that's that. the curtailing thoughts that bewildered my mind that have driven me to these thoughts kill or be killed by ones self.I'll leave you with your thoughts. love me or hate me,but know i will have killed one of us in the end?!




good bye!!!!

01:46 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 445

this is the end i have lost you and that can stay that way.I'd rather die then deal with your sanity,you think I'm wrong for the way i think act and do,well you are in the wrong light .you've just never seen the real world.well have it your way,I'll have life or death over being with you for the way you have acted shows you have no self awareness of the life around you,but your own.so you know what fuck you bitch boy rabbit ass.you can live the life of no life,while i find better and greater.top that?!





01:45 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 446

maybe love can come on a string a whem of hope and chances to see the perfect time spent with the one that will care and not stare you out of life.call you out so you can die and say i hate everything about you yet i loved your sorry ass for nothing,what death.i finally don't miss you! laugh laugh laugh laugh

ohhh my goodness i think I'm going to die from laughter and crying from laughing so hard. laugh laugh laugh,my sanity's gone put me in a psychic ward?!




i know i say this alot!

01:45 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 447

if it could go.

if life could stand still,

let me go and draw me out?

give me back my sanaty!!!!!

evict me from this world would you please.

tears wont stop falling,but words dont seem to help the hurt heal!can you really feel.

my breath is no more existing, if i let it; it may never.

kick start my heart there is no beat i just seem to be so cold in this heart of a freezer?!





01:43 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 448

watch as the light fades,room seems to get dark colors seem to slip away your voice is only a memory.brake the silence,but there isn't any! why do you call for me nobody knows?my head spins as my spine curls to the words of your voice and my breath drops every second of every beat,my jaw breaks in half as i say what i feel. im a loose cannon but nobody see it.so you just sit back in your king like velvet chair and just stare silence fills the room,as i drift to the music as im about to jump up and grab the chair and chuck it across the room with this enraged look on my face,yet i don't.i almost jump up and dance in a rageful fit yet i don't!my jaw still hanging slightly attached to my face still broken halfway off mostly just split.my body shaking at this point and no way out just a soul crying out but my eyes don't show the pain.will i or wont i.i start to have a panic attack,all that hits are the tears i don't wish too have from freaking out yet! you still just sit back and let the silence in im drowning in a pull of nothing?!





01:43 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 449

lift what doesn't exist,rip my vains to shreds fill my blood with wine .drag me till i fall into two,rip each strand of my hair out of my head till i bleed watch me weep as i scream for my sanity.take a hammer to mt knees and watch me crawl to my feet as i struggle to stand you shove me down and yell its all i have its all i have.and you get a whimsical smile on your face can i rip out your eyes so you can never see me again no matter where you go.............blood slips from my head as i go uncontentious and you wonder why!screaming wake up wake up you cant die on me i cant live with out you no matter how much i beat you i will always still love you you cant leave me like this you fucking bitch how could you treat me like this how could you die like this,don't you fucking like me(screaming out)DON'T YOU FUCKING LIKE ME.tears role down his face realizing he is left standing on a dark road all alone and by himself?!




feel the beat?!

01:42 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 450

lashes are slit from the eyes till all the blood bleeds out of your soul feeling pain leaving only a mark not a message just a stain that rips out the breathing soul that creeps out the spirit till it screams out the cries of tears and burning urge to die from the pain of suffer steeling the light from the dark as it gets colder and colder it's like your last breath is better saved for your death wish and then you feel the serge of this wave that runs though your body like an energy that flows down your whole body as you take in a breath?!





01:41 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 451

its hard to move on when all you feel is you in his arms it's like a dream that splits you in half its hard to move your thoughts and to see your dreams comes true would be nice but maybe not true so lets dance around the thoughts and words move on dream on and let it be on. call out your life for no one to see what sits inside of you,like a chair wrapped in hair it's versatile you can move and make it what you want it,so find your beauty in your face and take that move if you make it walk if not crawl your way though life till your feet gain contentiousness don't laugh pick up pick go don't you know see it that way no gault no love no hug no life split in two so grin till you don't think you could sin brake whats already broken not what isn't shatter whats broken into shreds and shards of glass and colored confetti?!




cries of a nights wolf with a dieing owl

01:37 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 452

whispers fill the air as the flood of emotion fills into the eyes as tears drop.

the pain becoming a memory the thought of losing you once again.

the memory once was and may never be another once again.I'm lost in a sea of nothing and a pool of thoughts that flood my mind till there is never an end!

words might tell but that's if my heart fells the need to say them dreams remind me what once was a feeling and an end to a life that isn't remaining bringing back what might be good or not so right.the lake seems like my only hope jump in dives and hide till life is gone once again why have you found your way back you were lost and seemed to never return its almost strange that we meet again in a sea of nothing and a pool of thoughts!be where i am i hope the light comes to you and your eyes widen and you feel the breeze and walk upon the path and bridge you seem to recover to am i the safe haven of your light our the darkness to your night only time this can tell the wounded memory that lies upon this tale wake up wake up breath once more again for me?!




slipping away from reality?!

01:36 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 453

watch as the light fades,room seems to get dark colors seem to slip away your voice is only a memory.brake the silence,but there isn't any! why do you call for me nobody knows?my head spins as my spine curls to the words of your voice and my breath drops every second of every beat,my jaw breaks in half as i say what i feel. im a loose cannon but nobody see it.so you just sit back in your king like velvet chair and just stare silence fills the room,as i drift to the music as im about to jump up and grab the chair and chuck it across the room with this enraged look on my face,yet i don't.i almost jump up and dance in a rageful fit yet i don't!my jaw still hanging slightly attached to my face still broken halfway off mostly just split.my body shaking at this point and no way out just a soul crying out but my eyes don't show the pain.will i or wont i.i start to have a panic attack,all that hits are the tears i don't wish too have from freaking out yet! you still just sit back and let the silence in im drowning in a pull of nothing?!





01:35 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 454

lift what doesn't exist,rip my vains to shreds fill my blood with wine .drag me till i fall into two,rip each strand of my hair out of my head till i bleed watch me weep as i scream for my sanity.take a hammer to mt knees and watch me crawl to my feet as i struggle to stand you shove me down and yell its all i have its all i have.and you get a whimsical smile on your face can i rip out your eyes so you can never see me again no matter where you go.............blood slips from my head as i go uncontentious and you wonder why!screaming wake up wake up you cant die on me i cant live with out you no matter how much i beat you i will always still love you you cant leave me like this you fucking bitch how could you treat me like this how could you die like this,don't you fucking like me(screaming out)DON'T YOU FUCKING LIKE ME.tears role down his face realizing he is left standing on a dark road all alone and by himself?





01:35 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 455

everything seems to rip apart all you do is stain my heart and then and rip it apart into tiny pieces unable to ever fix,you walk out like all do and like all will always do no one ever stays so why should you why should you ever care or have concern you wont its not like you to care,im trash is all i am and you just want to throw me out like a poped ballon and nothing will change that you just seem to float on by while laughing not see that anythings wrong you think this is fun you think this is happy one more time im stupid one more time im wrong one more time i say im gone,you stripped my heart of all it had left you ripped it apart and torn it to shreads and now its all deadso maybe i am?!




if and when.

01:34 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 456

bleeding your soul dry till there's not a bone or a breath left in your body call out in screams yet your silenced by white walls that have only two doors to get out from they swing open and you watch as everyone moves right on by not even the faintest sight no one looks or even listens they seem to not be able to hear so you try to cry no tears come because they stole them all a long time ago now your silence fills the room and you feel like falling to the floor crashing like a big bomb but your legs wont bend your arms wont move and the room starts to to get longer and longer and skinner and skinner and your breath seems to get bigger and bigger your touch isn't an scene and you slowly seem to be fading from your fingertips to the rest of your whole body on up and you fade away like you never exzisted?!




hidden pool?!

01:33 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 457

with bleeding hearts there's only scares these tears they don't shed no more your a figment of nothing I'm losing a grip on my mind and i don't know what to say "hay" I'm lost,your right I'm gone not hot just forgotten about a shadow in the grave lying in the dark your forever not in my cave watch this as i bleed my blood doesn't matter to you you only know what you do this is my life I'm copping with these wings on my back while i tare away the skin that sheds on all my tears and you fallow my fears I'm dripping blood all over the floor you open the door but you don't even see me at all.I'm lost in the darkness and your in the light,I'm not holding onto the night it keeps pulling me back to hide all that I've done the pool seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger and you still don't see me.I'm still like nothing to you and still don't see me,all my blood seems to drip into these pools of blood and my heart seems to slow down and my mind seems to slowly shut down and my eyes seems to drift to images of you and then I'm drifting away you finally open the door all the way and see the way that i lay dieing to the floor and i' am no more just my drops of blood and my heart has stopped you see me once i am dead and it's to late to save a lost soul?!



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