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Dictionary of Angelic Properties A-Z

21:32 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 320

Angel of the Abyss - Usually identified as Uriel, the "angel set over the world and Tartarus." [C,f. Apsu, female angel of the abyss in Babylonian--Chaldean mythology.]

Angel of Adversity - In works like The Zadokite Fragments and The Book of Jubilees, the angel of adversity is Mastema, prince of evil, equated with Satan.

Angel of Agriculture - [Risnuch]

Angel of the Air - [Chasan, Casmaron, Cherub, Iahmel]

Angel of Alchemy and Mineralogy - Och

Angel of the Altitudes - Among the principal rulers of the 4 altitudes or chora are Barachiel, Gabriel, Gediel, [Rf. The Almadel of Solomon.]

Angel of Anger - In his visit to Paradise, as reported in the apocalyptic Revelation of Moses, the great Lawgiver encounters the angels of anger and wrath in the 7th Heaven. He finds these angels composed "wholly of fire." Our angel of anger is Af.

Angel of Annihilation - In the story relating to Esther and Ahaserurus, the angel of annihilation is Harbonah or Hasmed.

Angel of Announcments - In ancient Persian lore, the angel of announcements is Sirushi, who ranks als as the angel of Paradise.

Angel of Annunciation - Gabriel. The Angel of annunciation is the subject of innumerable paintings by the great masters: da Vinci, Memlings, Fra Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, El Greco, Titian, etc. In the annunciation to Mary, as related in Matthew, the name of Gabriel does not occur; it occurs in the account by Luke (both with regard to Elizabeth and Mary).

Angel of the Apocalypse - Orfiel; also Anael (Haniel, Anafiel), Zacgariel, Raphael, Samael, Michael, Gabriel, and St, Francis of Assisi. According to Cornelius Agrippa, each angel is credited with a reign of 354 years. The St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419). [Rf. Levi, Trancendental Magic.] Malvina Hoffman, American scultress did a figure in gold bronze titled the ' Archangel of the Apocalyse."

Angel of April - Asmodel. In ancient Persian lore, the angel was Andibehist.

Angel of Aquatic Animals - [Manakel]

Angel of the Ark of the Covenant - The 2 angels of the ark of the covenant are usually Zarall and Jarel, both belonging to the order of Cheribum. Another angel, Sandalphon, has been described as "left-handed cherub of the Ark." Some Authorities, interpreting Exodus 25, maintain that 4 angels should be represented on the ark, 2 on each side.

Angel of Ascension - In the Acts of the Apostles, the angels of ascension are spoken of as "two men [which] stood by in white apparel." Chrysostom, Eusebius, Cyril of Jerusalem speaks of angels present at the Ascension. In noncanonical writings there are frequences to the angels of ascension as 2 in number, but nowhere are they named.

Angel of Aspirations and Dreams - According to Jewish cabala, the moon is the angel of aspirations and dreams; in occult lore, it is Gabriel.

Angel of Augsburg, The - A name given to Agnes Bernauer, the lovely but low-born wife of Duke Albrecht of Wiirtenberg. She was drowned as a witch in 1435, at the instigation of Albrecht's father, Doke Ernest of Bavaria.

Angel of August - In Trithemius, The Book of Secret Things, the angel of August is Hamaliel; he is said to have dominions over the sign of Virgo in the zodiac. Occult lore cites another angel of August, or August-September (in Hebrew, the season is Elul)--i.e., Morael, who is also the angel of August was Shahrivari.

Angel of Autumn - Guabarel; Tarquam. The head of the sign of August is Torquaret.


Angel of Babylon - In Midrash Tehillum we learn that "the angel of Babylon mounted 70 rounds [of the ladder of Jacob] and the angel of Media 52." Neither the name of the angel of Babylon not that of Media is given.

Angel of the Balances - [Soqed Hozi, Dokiel, Michael, Zehanpuryu'h]

Angel of the Baptismal Water - Is generally assumed to be Raphael. It was Tertullian who declared that the baptismal water receives its healing properties from an angel (whom, however, he did not name).

Angel of Barreness - [Akriel]

Angel over (Tame) Beasts - [Behemiel, Hariel]

Angel Over (Wild) Beasts - [Thegri (Thuriel), Mtniel, Jehiel, Hayyal]

Angel of Benevolence - [Zadkiel, Hasdiel, Achusah]

Angel Over Birds - [Arael, Anpiel]

Angel of the Bottomless Pit - Same as angel of the abyss, i.e. Abaddon (which is the Hebrew form for the Greek Apollyon), as in Revelation 20. Known in post-Biblical lore as the "destroyer' and "king of the demonic locusts' or 'grasshoppers.'

Angel of the Burning Bush - Zagzagel; Michael. A strict interpretation of the use of the term (in Exodus) would suggest that it is the Lord Himself who is the angel of the burning bush, made manifest in angelic guise. Rembrandt did a well known painting of the subject titled "Moses and the Burning Bush."


Angel of Calculations - [Butator]

Angel of Carnal Desires - [Angel of Lust]

Angel of Chance (in the sense of gambling) - Barakiel, Uriel, and Rubiel. Angel of Chaos - Micheal. Where chaos is equated with darkness and darkeness with death, then the angel of chaos is Satan.

Angel of the Chaste Hands - [Questucati]

Angel of Chastisement - Amadiel. In addition, one comes upon other angels of chastisement or punishment in apocryphal and post-Biblical writings. In Coptic lore, the demon of chastisement is Asmodel--who, however, in occult lore, is an angel of the month of April.

Angels (Orders of) - In the pseudo-Dionysian scheme of the the celestial hierarchy, the order of angels occurs last of the 9. The ruling princes of the order are generally given as Phaleg and Adnachiel (Advachiel).

Angels of Clouds - In The Book of Jubilees there is mention of the angels of Clouds who, it is reported,were cearted on the 1st day of Creation. they are not named.

Angels of Cold - Likewise mentioned but not named in The Book of Jubilees. The angels of Cold also reffered to in the Revelation of John, an New Testament apocryphon included in the Ante-Nicene Fathers Library.

Angel of the Comets (or Meteors) - Zikiel or Ziquiel; also Akhibel.

Angel of Commission Blokers - Anauel, who also protects commerce, bankers, etc.

Angel of Commotion - Zi'iel, as noted in Odeberg, 3 Enoch.

Angel of Compassion - Rachmiel or Raphael. The angel of compassion, a symbolizing the United Nations, is interpreted in a painting by Swiss artist Max Hunziker and done by him for the benefit of UNICEF. The Nepalese have a god of compassion called Avalokiteshvara, who renounced Nirvana in order to serve and save mankind.

Angel of Conception - [Laila(h)]

Angels of Confusion - There are 7 of these angels of confusion. They were dispatched by God to the court of Ahaseuerus to put an end to this king's pleasure in the time of Queen Esther. It seems likely that angels of confusion were also present and participated in the Tower of Babel incident. The individual angels of confusion are described in Talmud as follows: Mchuman-confusion; Miztha-destroyer of the house; Barbonah-annihilation; Bigtha-presser of the winepress; Abatha-another presser of the winepress; Zethar-observer of immorality; and Carcas-the knocker.

Angel of Constellations (or Perdition) - Originally, according to Talmudic lore, there were 70 tutelary angels assigned by God to rule over the 70 nations of the earth. These angwels, corrupted through national bias, became the malache habbala (angels of corruption).

Angel of the Covenant - A title applied to Metatron, Phadiel, Michael, Elijah, the "angel of the Lord," and even to Mastema. According to The Zohar I, it is the angel of the covenant who is meant in such verses as Exodus and Leviticus. In the Vision of Paul 14, michael is called the "Angel of the Covenant."

Angel of Creation - There were 7 of these angels in the beginning (i.e. at the time of Creation) and they were placed in control of the 7 planets- the 7 including the sun and moon, according to the stronomical knowledge of the time of the scribes, who set down the events of the "first days." The 7 angels of creation usually given are Orfiel, Anael, Zachariel, Samael (before this angel rebelled and fell), Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael. The Book of Enoch reports that the angels of Creation reside in the 6th Heaven.


Angel of Darkness - Also called the prince of darkness and angel of death (Belial, Bernael, Haziel, Beliar, Satan, etc.). "All who practice perversity are under the domination of the angel of darkness. "All men's afflictions and all their moments of tribulations are due to this being's malevolent sway." According to Budge, Ammulets and Talismans, quoting "the later rabbis," the angel of darkness is Kochbiel. In Chaldean lore, and in Kramer, From the Tablets of Sumer, the angel is An. In Mandaean lore there were 5 primal beings of darkness: Akrun (Krun), Ashdum (Shdum), Gaf, Hagh, Zasgi-Zargana.

Angel of Dawn - In gnosticism, applied to the dragon which, in Revelation, is a term for Satan or Lucifer.

Angel of the Day (Angel of Daylight) - Shamshiel, as in 3 Enoch [Rf. Amulets and Talismans; and Ginsberg, The Legends of the Jews II].

Angel of Death - In Rabbinic writings there, are at least a dozen of death: Adriel, Apollyon-Abaddon, Azrael, Gabriel (as guardian of Hades), Hemah, Kafziel, Kezef, Leviathan, Malach Ha-Mavet, Mashhit, Metatron, Sammael (Satan), Yehudiah (Yehudiam), Yetzer-hara. In Falasho lore the angel of death is Suriel. In Christian theology, Michael is the angel of death who "leads souls into the eternal light" at the yeilding up of the ghost of all good Christians. The Arabic angel of death is Azrael. He is also Iblis as in the Arabian Night tale, "The Angel of Death with the Proud King." The Babylonian god of death is Mot. According to Schonblum, Pirke Rabbenu ha-Kadosh, there are 6 angels of death: Gabriel (over the lives of young people). Kafziel (over kings), Meshabber (over animals), Mashhit (over children), Af (over men), Hemah (over domestic animals). The angel of death is not necessarily an evil or fallen angel. He remains at all times a legate of God and in God's service. In Zoroastrianism, the angel of death or the demon of death is Mairya (male or female), who offered Zoroaster the empire of the world. The great whale or crocodile of Biblical lore, Leviathan (along with Rahab), is also identified as an angel of death, according to various rabbinic sources. In Talmud Abodah Zarah, 20, the angel of death, Sammael, is described as "altogether full of eyes; at the time of a sick man's departure he [the angel] takes his stand above the place of his [the sick man's] head, with his sword drawn an a drop of poision suspended on it." To Eisenmenger the supreme angel of death is Metatron, whose subordinates are Gabriel and Sammael. In his Book of Beliefs and Opinions, Saadiah Gaori (10th century) says that "our teachers have informed us that the angel sent by God to separate body from soul appears to man in the form of a yellowish flame, full of eyes shining with a bluish fire, holfing in his hand an drawn sword point at the person to whom death is coming." The angel who would qualify here, not so much for his description of him as in relation to his office, is the benevolent angel of death, Azrael. Over 6 persons the angel of death has no power (says Talmud Baba Bathra), to wit Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.

Angel of December - Haniel or Nadiel. In ancient Persian lore, the angel of December was Dai.

Angel of the Deep - Tamiel, Rampel; also Rehab.

Angel of Deliverance - In Zharistic writings, the angel of deliverance is Pedael.

Angel of the Deserts - One of the unnamed "splendid, terrible and mighty angel chiefs who passed before God to extol and rejoice in the first Sabbath."

Angel of Destiny - [Oriel or Manu]

Angel of Destruction ("malache habbalah") - Uriel, Harbonah, Azriel, Simkiel, Za'afiel, Af, Kolazonta, Hemah, Chief of the group is Kemuel, according to the Revelation of Moses, but according to 3 Enoch, the chief is Simkiel. In the latter book, the angels of destruction correspond to the angels of punishment, and these in turn may be equated with the angels of vengence, wrath, death, ire. They may also be compared to the Avestan devas."When executing the punishments on the world, the angels of destruction are given the "Sword of God" to be used by them as an instrument of punishment." According to Moses Gaster, there were 40,000 such angels, but, according to a Jewish legend, there were (or still are) in Hell alone 90,000 angels of destruction. It is said that the angels of destruction helped the magicians of Egypt in Pharoah's time; that they duplicated the miracle performed bu Moses and Aaron, specifically the ciracle of changing water into blood. There is a division of opinions among rabbinic writers as to whether the angels of destruction are in the service of God or of the devil. Apparently, even when they serve the devil, it is with the permission of God. In The Zohar I, Rabbi Judah, discoursing on the Deluge, declared that "no doom is ever executed on the world, whether of annihilation or any other chatisement, but the destroying angel is in the midst of the visitation." In Ginsberg, The Legends of the Jews, it is related that when Moses visited Hell, he beheld in aregion called Titha-Yawen sinners (mainly userers) standing "up to their navels in mud" lashed by the angels of destruction "with fiery chains, the sinners' teeth being broken with fiery stones from morning until evening."

Angel of the Disk of the Sun - Chur, in ancient Persian lore. Cf. Gagaliel, angel of the wheel of the sun.

Angel of Divination - [Eistibus]

Angel of the Divine Chariot - [Rikbiel YHWH]

Angel of the Divine Presence (Angel of the Face) - Blake subtitled his engraving "The Loacoon," "The Angel of the Divine Presence."

Angel of Dominations (dominations) - Zacharael, who is usually designated prince of this hierarchic order, Dionysius, in his famous work on the celestial orders, placed the dominions or dominations first in the 2nd triad of the 9 choirs.

Angel of Doves - [Alphum]

Angels (or Lords) of Dread - According to 3 Enoch, 22, they worked in unison with the Captain of Fear in surrounding the throne of Glory and "singing praise and hymns before YHWH, the God of Israel." They aggrregate "thousand times thousand and ten thousand times ten thousand."

Angel of Dreams - Duma(h) and Gabriel. In the cabala, according to Levi, Transcendental Magic, the angel of dreams is the Moon, or Gabriel.

Angel of the Dust - [Suphlatus]


Angel of the Earth - Traditionally there are 7 angels of the earth: Azriel, Admael, Arkiel (Archas), Arciciah, Ariel, Harabael or Aragael, Saragael, Yabbashael, Variants include Haldiel, Tebliel, Phorlakh, Raquel, and Samuil. The 4 angels of the earth listed in Heywood, The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels, are actually angels of the 4 winds: Uriel (south), Michael (east), Raphael (west), and Gabriel (north). In ancient Persian lore, the spirit of the earth was Isphan Darmaz.

Angel of Earthquakes - [Sui'el; Rashiel]

Angels of the East (or of the Rising Sun) - Michael, Gauriil, Ishliha, Gazardiel.

Angel of Edom - The name Edom was a designation for Rome, but the angel of Edom designated Satan. "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." the angel of Edom boasted. And God replied: "Thoug thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence." The angel of edom was one of the angels on the ladder that Jacob saw in his deram, set between earth and Heaven.

Angel of Egypt - Matema, Rahab, Duma(h), Uzza, and Sammael. On their way out of Egypt the Israelites were affrighted most "at the sight of the Angel of Egypt darting through the air as he flew to the assistance of the people under his tetelage." The identity of the angel is not given in the source quoted (Ginsberg, The Legends of the Jews III). Some rabbinic texts say the angel was Abezi-thibod; others that it was, or might have been, Sammael, Mastema, or Uzza. Another good guess would be Rahab.

Angel of the Embryo - [Sandaphon]

Angel of Esau - Sammael, with whom Jacob wrestled at Peniel.

Angel of Evil - Satan, Malach ra, Mastema, Bernael, Beliar (Beliel), Ahriman (Persian), etc.

Angel of Evil Deeds - A holy angel in the service of God. He is pictured (but not named) as a Recording Angel in Longfellow, The Golden Legend.


Angel of the Face (or Angels of the Presence) - Among the most frequently mentioned angels of the face in rabbinic lore are Metatron, Michael, Jehoel, Suriel, Yefehfiah, Zagzagael, Uriel. There were 12 of them and they were also spoken of as the angels of sanctification or the angels of glory--all of them circumcised at creation.

Angel of Fall (autumn) - Torquaret.

Angel of Fascination - [Tablibik]

Angel of Fasts - Sangariah, as cited in The Zohar (Exodus 207a).

Angel of Fate - [Manu]

Angel of Fear (Yrouel; Morael) - These are amulet angels.

Angel of February (Barchiel; Barbiel) - for angels governing the other months of the year. In ancient Persian lore, the angels of February was Isfandarmend.

Angel of Fertility - In Mandacan lore, the angel of fertility is Samandriel or Yus(h)amin. In Talmud Pesikta Rabbiati, it is cited that "Abraham gave heed to the Angel of Fertility when the great Lawgiver, then in his 100th year, was told by God to visit Sara in her tent." Abraham heeded God's counsel. Sara was 90 at the time and barren; but, through perhaps the overshadowing of Samandriel or Yus(h)amin, she conceived and gave birth to Isaac. Another heavenly spirit present at the union of the aged couple was the Shekinah.

Angel of the Fiery Furnace - The angel of the Lord (not named) walking in the midst of the unconsuming fire with Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, the 3 Judaen princes captive in Babylon who had refused to obey Nebuchadnezzar's command to worship a golden image. The angel miraculously delivered the 3 princes from death. He was later described by the Babylonian king as having a form like that of "the Son of God."

Angel of the Fifth Heaven - The presiding spirit of the 5th Heaven is Michael--that is, if the 5th Heaven is Machum; but if the 5th Heaven is Mathey, then the presiding spirit is Sammael. Assisting angels ruling in the 5th Heaven include Friagne, Hyniel, Ofael, Zaliel. [Rf. de Abano, The Heptameron.] In Mohammedan lore, the 5th Heaven is abode of the Avenging Angel "who presides over elemental fire."

Angel of Fire - Nathaniel (Nathanel), Arel, Atuniel, Jehol, Ardarel, Gabriel, Seraph; also Uriel, "angel of the fire of the sun." Revelation speaks of the angel of the heavenly alter "who has authority over fire. Cf. Agni, the vedic god of fire and mediator (angel) between gods and men. The Zorastrian genius of fire is Atar. In the Fourth Book of Maccabees there is mention of an angel of fire whom Aaron overcomes; he is to be compared witht destroyying spirit in Reider, The Book of Wisdom. When the Baal-worshipping Jair succeeded Abimelech to the throne in Israel and ordered the 7 men faithful to God to be consigned to the flames, Nathanael, "lord over fire," extinguished the flames and enabled the 7 to escape. Nathanael then burnt Jair along with 1,000 of his men. One of Marc Chagall's celebrated oils is his apocalyptic Angel of Fire or Flaming Angel (the canvas is titled "Decent of the red Angel") that plunges from Heaven on a peaceful and unsuspecting world, and shatters it.

Angel of Firmament - Hlm Hml.

Angel of the First Heaven - Sabrael, Asrulyu, Pazriel (Sidriel), Gabriel, etc.

Angel over Fish - Gagiel, Arariel, Azareel.

Angel of Flame - El Auria, a name equated with Quriel (Uriel).

Angel of the Flaming Sword - [Angel of the Garden of Eden] Angel of Food - Manna; the angel of nourishment is Isda.

Angel of the Footstool - In Arabic lore, the angel of their footstool (Kursi) offers arrivals to the 7th Heaven a pillar of light to support them when standing before the devine judge for interrogation.

Angel of Force - Afriel, equated with Raphael.

Angel of Forests - [Zuphlas]

- "Angel of the Forest" - The title of Marguerite Young's chronicle of the Rappites, a German religious sect that established a short-lived community on the Wabash River during the years 1815-1824. The title derives from the angel (Gabriel) whom Father Rapp, cult leader, claimed he saw in the forest--an angel "with the good taste to leave footprints behind"--for these footprints can be seen, to this day on a stone slab in New Harmony, Indiana.

Angel of Forgetting or Forgetfulness (or Oblivion) - usually Potech or Purah.

Angel of Fornication - [Angel of Lust]

Angel of the Four Cardinal Points (or regents of the Earth) - In Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, the "winged globe and fiery wheel," recalling Ezekiel's description of the 4 living creatures (Ezekiel I) glimpsed at the River Chebar. In Hindu lore, the 4 regents are the Chatur Maharajas, and are named Dhritar-ashtra, Virudhaka, Viripakasha, and Vaishravana.

Angel of the Four Elements - Over fire, Seraph or nathaniel; over air, Cherub; over water, Tharis or Tharus; over earth, Ariel.

Angel of the Four Winds - Uriel, over the south; Michael, over the east; Raphael, over the west (serving also a governor of the south, with Uriel); Gabriel, over the north. Revelation 7 speaks of "four angels standing at the four corners of the earth." The Book of the Angel Raziel gives Usiel (Uzziel) as one of the 4 angels of the 4 winds.

Angels of the Fourth Heaven - Michael; Shamshiel; Shahakiel.

Angel over (Wild) Fowl - Trgiaob

Angel over Free Will - [Tabris]

Angel over Friday - Anael (Haniel, Anafiel); Rachiel; Sachiel.

Angel of Friendship - In ancient Persian lore, the angel of friendship was Mihr. He was also the angel of love and ruled the 7th month.

Angel over Fruit (or Fruit tree) - Sofiel; Alpiel; Serakel; Ilaniel; Eirnilus.

Angel of Fury - Ksoppghiel, who is the leader of the many angels of this order.

Angel of the Future - Teiaiel or Isiaiel. In Assyro-Babylonian mythology, the god of Foresight was Adad.


Angel of the Garden of Eden - the 2 angels commonly identified as the angels of Eden are Metatron and Messiah, both of the order of cherubim. But Raphael is also regarded as the angel of the earthly paradise by virtue of his having guarded the Tree of Life. John Dryden in his State of Innocence, or The Fall of Man concludes his dramatic poem with Raphael hustling our first parents out of Eden (rather than Michael, as in Milton, Paradise Lost). To G.L.Gales ("The Christian Lore Of Angels"), it is Jophiel who stands at the gates of the Garden of Eden with the flaming sword.

Angel of Gehenna (Gehennom, Gehinnom) - Temeluchus, Kushiel, Shaftiel, Nasargiel, Duma. In the New testament, Gehenna is another name for Hell. In the writings of the cabalist Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla, Gehennom is the name of the 1st lodge of the 7 lodges in Hell, with Kushiel as the presiding angel.

Angel of Gethsemane - according to Gales, writing in the National Review on "The Christian Lore of Angels," it is the angel Chamuel (Kamuel), Haniel) who strengthened Jesus, in His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, with the assurance of resurrection. Some sources identify Gabriel as the angel of Gethsemane.

Angel of Glory - Sandalphon, who is also the angel of prayer and tears. The angels of glory, as a group, are identified or equated with the angels of Sanctification. They reside in the highest Heaven, Araboth, number 660,000 myriads, and "stand over against the throne of Glory and the divisions of the flaming fire."

Angel of God - Uriel, or God Himself. In the Old Testament the expression "angel of the Lord" or "angel of God" is a theophorous term. It stands for the Elohim )god or gods), as in the Mekilta of Rabbi Ishamael.

Angel of Good - So called, though unnamed, in The Apocalypse of Abraham.

Angel of Good Counsel - Jesus, according to Dionysius the Areopagite in The Mystical Theology and the Celestial Hierarchies.

Angel of Good Deeds - Pictured, but not named, as a recording angel in Longfellow, The Golden Legend.

Angel of Grace - [Anachel]

Angel of the Grail - Pictured (but not named) by the Maitre de Liesborn. The painting was done or published in 1465 and is reproduced on the plate III in Regamey, Anges. The Angel of the Grail is also shown in a frieze, "The Vision of Galahad," by Edward A. Abbey in the Boston Public Library.

Angel of the Great (or Might) Counsel - the Messiah, the Holy Ghost, the Head of Days. "Our Lord and Savior is called an angel of great counsel because he is the announcer of his father's Will."

Angel of Greece - Javan or Yavan (a name for Greece). Ginzberg, The Legend of the Jews I, quoting from various Talmudic sources, reports that "the angel of Greece mounted 180 rounds of Jacob's ladder."

Angel of Grief - Depicted in the famous monument in the Protestant Cemeery in Rome. It is the work of an American sculptor and poet, W.W. Story, who, with his wife, lies buried there. A replica, at Stanford University in California, was erected to the memoery of the victims of the 1906 earthquake.


Angel of Hades - Uriel, Raphael. The 1st (Uriel) is set over Tatarus; the 2nd (Raphael) is "prince of Hades." While Raphael is in charge of departed souls, the officiating angel of the newly dead was, at least originally, Uriel.

Angel of Hail (or Hailstorms) - Bardiel or Baradiel or Barchiel; also Nuriel, Yurkami, and the twins Irin Kaddishin.

Angel of Healing - Usually Raphael; but also Suriel and Assiel.

Angel of Health - Mumiah; also Raphael.

Angel of Heavenly Baptism - Seldac.

Angel of Hell - There are 7 presiding angels of Hell under the thnarchy of Duma(h). The order 6 most commonly listed are Kshiel, Lahatiel, Shafriel, Maccathiel, Churtriel, Pasiel. Other listings give Dalkiel, Rugziel, Nasagiel.

Angel of Herbs - In the Alphabet of Rabbi Akiba, the angel of herbs (unnamed) is included among the "spendid, terrible, and might angel chiefs" who passed before God to extol and rejoice in the 1st Sabbath.

Angel of Heroism - Narsinha, who is the "man-lion avatar" and "lord of heroism."

Angel Over Hidden Things - Satarel (Sartael), and Gethel (Ingerthal).

Angel of the Hills - Like the angel of herbs, the angel of the hills, unnamed, eas included by Rabbi Akiba among the "splendid, terrible, and might angel chiefs" who passed before God to ectol and rejoice in the 1st Sabbath.

Angel of His Presence - Usually applied to Shekinah. "Iall their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved him." See Angels of the Face; Angel of Sanctification; Angel of Glory. In rabbinic lore there are 12 angels of this class, with Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Zagzagael prominent among them.

Angel of Hoarfrost - An angel mentioned but not named in Enoch I.

Angel of Holiness - [Angel of Sanctification]

Angel of the Holy Spirit - Gabriel. In Charles, The Ascension of Isaiah IX, Isaiah sees the angel of the holy spirit in the 7th Heaven "on the left of my Lord."

Angel of Hope - Phanuel, as designated by Jean Danielou in his Angels and Their Missions. Phanuel is also the angel of penance "who holds the devil in his power."

Angel of Horror - The cherubim, who surround the throne of glory and who "strike fear and terror in the hearts of all who behold them."

Angel of Hostility (mal'akh hammastemah) - Usually applied to Beliel or Beliar or Mastema.

Angel of Humanity - In the Revelation of Moses, the angel of humanity appears to Eve in Eden when she is on her knees praying for forgiveness of her sins. The angel raises her up, saying: "Arise, Eve, from thy repentance; for behold, Adamthy husband has gone forth from his body." This was the first news to Eve that Adam had died. Eve died 6 days later.


Angel of Ice - An angel mentioned but not named in The Book of Jubilees and in the Revelation of John, the latter a New Testament apocryphon. The Mayans have a god of ice called Izlacoliuhqui.

Angel of (and over) Immorality - His name is Zethar and he is one of the angels of confusion. In Targum Esther, Zethar is the "observer of immorality," God sent him down, with 6 other angels of confusion, to put an end to King Ahasuerus' pleasure.

Angel of iniquity - "The angel of iniquity is bitter and angry and foolish; and his works are pernicious"--from the New Testament apocryphon Hermas II. While the angel is not named, he may be identified as Apollyon.

Angel of Insolence - Rahab, who is also the angel or demon of the primordial waters and sometimes identified as the angel of death.

Angel of Insomnia - Michael, who was sent by God to cause the sleeplessness of Ahasuerus (the king who, on the advice of the wicked Haman, had decreed the annihilation of all the Jews in the kingdom). The tale is told in Targum Esther and repeated in Ginzberg The Legends of the Jews.

Angel of Intercession - An unnamed angel who interceeds "for the people of Israel, so that they may not be utterly destroyed," as the angel declared to Levi when the latter went to Heaven (in a dream).

Angel of Inventions - Liwet, an uthra (angel) in Mandaean religious lore.

Angel of Ire - [Zkzoromtiel]

Angel of Irrevocable Choice - [Zeffar]

Angel of Israel - Michael. Also Javan and the unnamed angel in the Testament of Levi and the Testament of Dan (in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs).


Angel of January - Gabriel. In ancient Persian lore, the angel was Bahman.

Angel of Jehovah - [Angel of the Lord]

Angel of Joy - [Rapahel; Gabriel]

Angel of Judgment - [Gabriel; Zehanpuryu; Phalgus]

Angel of July - Verchiel (Zarachiel. In ancient Persian lore, Murdad.

Angel of June - Muriel (a male angel). In ancient Persian lore, Tir.

Angel of June / July - [Imrief]

Angel of (the planet) Jupiter - Zachariel (Yahriel); Zadkiel; Sachiel; Adabiel; Barchiel; Zadykiel. In Longfellow's The Golden Legend, the angel of the planet Jupiter is Zobiachel.

Angel of Justice - [Tsadkiel; Azza]


Angel of Knowledge - Raphael, who is also the angel of science, health, prayer, and love.


Angel of The Last Judgment - Michael, Gabriel (also Abel, as in The Testament of Abraham).

Angel of the Law - Where "Law" has the meaning of Torah (i.e., the Pentrateuch), the angel is Dina, also known as Yefefiah, Iofiel, Zgzagael.

Angel of Lawlessness - Beliar (Beliel, Mastanbuchus).

Angel of Liberty - Unidentified by name. In Victor Hugo's La Fin de Satan, it is through the angel of liberty that Satan is to be finally redeemed.Angel of (the sign of) Leo - In ceremonial magic, the angel is Ol. There are also governing spitits of the sign and these are Sagham and Sreatiel, according to Rabbi Chromer, the Hebrew cabalist quoted in Levi, Transcendental Magic.

Angel of Life - In his poem "The Two Angels," Longfellow speaks of the angel of life and the angel of death (both unnamed). They are dressed in robes of white, one "crowned with amaranth as with flame," The other "with asphodels like flakes of light.: Both angels, says Longfellow, are from God "on celestial embassy."

Angel of Light - Isaac, Gabriel, Jesus, and satan have been called angels of light, Satan only in his disguise as such. In Jewish tradition, Isaac was looked upon as an angel of light because of the supernatural brightness of his countenance at birth (a birth announced by Michael). In Christian lore of the Middle Ages, Gabriel was the angel of light. In Parsi religion, it was Mihr (Meher, Mithra); also Parvagigar (who, in Arabic, was Rab-un-naw, "lord of the species"). According to Midrash Konen, 300 angels of light dwell in the 3rd Heaven where they "unceasingly sing God's praises and watch over the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life." It should be explained that there are two paradises: the terrestrial one and the heavenly one. In the cabala, the sun, included among the planets, is regarded as an angel of light.

Angel of the Light of day - Shamshiel, who is also the prince of Paradise.

Angel of Lightning - Barkiel (Barakiel) or Uriel, according to the Book of Jubilees; Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews; 3 Enoch, Barkiel is also the angel of February and is customarily citedas one of the 7 archangels. In Conybeare, The Testament of Solomon, as in Shah. The Secret Lore of Magic, the angel of lightning is claimed to be the only power able to overcome the demon Envy.

Angel of Lights - In the Zadokite Fragments the following appears: "Moses and Aaron continued in their charge through Beliel in his comming has set up Jannes and his brother in opposition of them." Raphael, as aregent of the sun; Uriel, also called regent of the sun; and Shamshiel, "light of day," may similarly be designated angels of light.

Angel of Longevity - the angels most commonly cited in occult writings as controllers or dispensers of longevity are Seheiah, Mumaih, Rehael. The last-named is of the order of powers.

Angel of the Lord - A Biblical theophorism, usually identified or persinified as Michael, Metatron, Malachi, Gabriel, Akatriel, Yehadriel, Homadiel, Phinehas, etc. Where the expression occurs in the Old Testament, particularly in the earlier books, it may be taken to mean, though not always, God Himself. In Numbers , the Angel of the Lord is the adversary (i.e., ha-satan) acting for the Lord. The apparent contradiction between similar accounts in II Samuel (where it is the Lord who provoked David to number Israel) and I Chronicles (where it is Satan who does the provoking) may be resolved if (1) Satan were spelled lowercase to denote not the name of an angel (as it was, in fact, not meant to denote) but the designation of an office, the office of adversary; and if (2) this adversary were understood to be acting for God--that is, acting as the angel of the Lord. In Judges II, the angel of the Lord comes up from Gilgal to Bochim to remind the Israelites of the Lord's promise "which I sware unto your fathers" to lead them to the Promised land. In the New Testament, (where Peter is released from prison), the angel of the Lord is not the Lord, nut a heavenly messenger sent by the Lord and acting for the Lord. In Acts, where Herod is struck down by the "angel of the lord," the term may be equated with , or stand for, the angel of death. Justin held that one of the 3 angels that visited Abraham was the Word (i.e., the Logos or Holy Ghost). Philo thought that the other 2 were Christ and God Himself, or (again) the angel of the Lord, the 3 constituting a prefiguring of the Trinity. The subject of Abraham "entertaining angels unawares" was popular with painters of the early Italian school. The scene is depicted in a woodcut in the Colgne Bible (1478-1480); it also figures in one of Hans Holbein's wood engravings (wher by the way, the 3 angels are represented without wings). It was an angel of the Lord, say the rabbis, who taught Abraham Hebrew, "the language of Revelation." The term angel of the Lord, or angel of Godm or angel of Yahweh appears in connection with the story of Hagar; the sacrifice of Isaac; the burning bush; Gidean; parents of Samson; David at the threshing floor of Araunah; Elijah; the smitting of the Assyrian host; etc.

Angel of the Lord of Hosts - On high, the angel is Michael' on earth it is the High-priest, so designated "by reason that he belongs to the side of Grace."

Angel of the Love - Theliel, Rahamiel, Raphael, Donquel, etc. In the cabala the Roman goddess Venus also figure as an angel of love. In rabbinic lore the angel of love (not named) approved the creation of man when God first proposed the idea to an assembly of the top hierachs (some of those who disapproved were punished--Rf. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews). In Talmudic,Zoharistic, and Mandaen sources we find Liwet and Anael (the latter angel of the star of love) serving as additional angels of love. In ancient Persian writings, Mihr was the angel who watched over love and friendship.

Angel of Lust - In Talmud Bereshith Raba 85, and according to Rabbi Jochanan commenting on Genisis, when "Judah was about to pass by, without noticing, tamar (Judah's daughter-in-law, squatting like a harlot at the crossroads), God caused the angel of lust to present itself to him." The angel is not named--but compare with Phaarzuph )or Priapus), whom Arnobius in Adversus Nationes III, called "the hellespontian god of lust."

Angel of Luxury - In his commentary on Matthew, Origen says that anyone who "falls away from Michael is put into subjection to the angel of luxury, then to the angel of punishment."


Angel of Mankind - Usually Metatron.

Angels of the Mansions of the Moon - There are 28 names of these governing angels of the moon.

Angel of March - Machidiel (Malchidiel), Melkejal, etc. For angels governing other months of the year. In ancient Persian lore, the angel of March was Favardin.

Angel of the Marriage of Contraries - [Camaysar]

Angel of (the planet) Mars - Uriel, Sammael, (Zamiel), Gabriel, Chamael (or Camuel, as listed in Camfield, A Theological Discourse of Angels).

Angel of May - Ambriel (Amriel); also Afsi-Khof. In ancient Persian lore, the angel of may was Khurdad.

Angel of Media - The unnamed tutelary angel of the ancient land of Media who became "corrupted through national bias." According to Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews, the angel of Media mounted 52 rungs of Jacob's Ladder.

Angel of Memory - Zachriel, Zadkiel, Mupiel. The angels of memory are involked in Mosaic incantations, occult rites, etc.

Angel of (the planet) Mercury - In grimories and geotic texts, the angels of the planet Mercury are variously given as Tiriel, Raphael, Hasdiel, Michael, Barkiel, Zadkiel. In practical cabala, the angel of mercury is Bene (Bne) Seraphim.

Angel of Mercy - Rahmiel (Rhamiel), Rachmiel, Gabriel, Michael, Zehanpuryu, Zadkiel. St. Francis of Assis has been called the angel of mercy and has been so pictured (with wings) in The Douce Apocalypse. As in the case of 2 other mortals (Enoch and Elijah), St. Francis, it is claimed, was transported into an angel and now goes by the name of Rhamiel. Another angel of mercy named in merkabah lore is Uzziel, acting under Metatron.

Angel of Meteors - [Angel of Comets]

Angel of Might - "from the shrines of the Egyptians, He (Christ) stole the names of the angels of might"--so claimed pagan writers, according to Arnobius in his Adversus Nationes I. The names of these angels of might are not given.

Angel of Mighty Counsel - The Septuagint version of the famous passage in Isaiah, which has been interpreted by Christian apologists as one of the prophecies of the advent of Christ, and as one of His appellations.

Angel of Migration - Nadiel, who is the governing spirit of the month of Kislav (November-December).

Angel of Mohammed - When Mohammed, according to legend, was transported to heaven, he saw there--as he later reported--an angel with 70,000 faces, each face having 70,000 mouths and each mouth having 70,00 tongues, each tongue speaking 70,000 languages, and all employed in singing God's praises." Brewer in his Dictionary of Phrase and Fable estimates that the foregoing enumeration "would make nearly 5 billion mouths."

Angel of Monday - Gabriel; Arcan (king, in the nether realms); Bilet; Missabu; Abuzaha; and others.

Angel of Mons (legendary) - In Machen, The Bowmen & Other Legends of the War, the angels of Mons, phantoms horsemen, are reported to have appeared at the battle of Mons, bringing aid to the English. The report found general acceptance among civilians as well as among many of the soldiers who fought in the battle.

Angel of the (12) Months of the Year - Gabriel (January); Barchiel (February); Malachidiel (March); Asmodel (April); Ambriel or Amriel (May); Muriel (June); Verchiel (July); Hamaliel (August); Zuriel or Uriel (September); Barbiel (October); Adnachiel ( or Advachiel (November); Hanel or Anael (December). In ancient Persian lore, the angels were: Bahaman (January); Isfandarmend (February); Farvardin (March); Ardibehist (April); Khurdad (May); Tir (June); Murdad (July); Shahrivar (August); Mihr or Miher (September); Aban (October); Azar (November); dai (December).

Angel of the Moon - In Solonic lore, the angels governing the moon are variously given as Yahriel, Iachadiel, Elimiel, Bagriel, Tsaphiel, Zachariel, Iaqwiel, and others. In Longfellow's The Golden Legend, where the 7 planetary angels are named, the angel of the moon is given as gabriel, although in later editions of the poem Longfellow switched to the angel Onafiel. Longfellow coined him inadvertantly through a transposition of the letters "f" and "n" in Ofaniel, who is the traditional angel of the moon.

Angel of Morals - Mehabiah, an angel who assists motals desiring progeny. In The Magus, Mehabiah is cited as one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Semhamphorae.

Angel of Mountains - [Rampel]

Angel of the Muses - Uriel, Isafel, Radueriel, Vretil (Pravuil). The 9 Etruscan gods, the Novensiles, were regarded collectively as constituting the Muses, according to Granius (on the authority of Arnobius in his Adversus Nationes III).

Angel of Music - In Islamic lore, the angel of music is Israfel (Israfil), who is often equated with Uriel.

Angel of the Mutations of the Moon - In ancient Persian lore, the angel was Mah.

Angel of the Mysteries - Raziel, gabriel, Zizuph. In Christian, The History and Practice of Magic, Gabriel is the "genius of Mysteries."


Angel of the Night - [Leliel,Metatron, Lailah]

Angel of the Noonday Winds - [Nariel]

Angel of the North - [Oertha; Alfatha; Uriel; Chjairoum]

Angels of the North Star - Abathur, Muzania,Arhum Hii, and 4 angels (utheri) in Mandaean lore.

Angel of the North Wind - Chairoum

Angel of Nourishment - Isda.

Angel of November - Adnachiel, (Advachiel, Adernachael). In ancient Persian lore, the angel of November was Azar.


Angel of Obedience - Sraosha in Manicheanism.

Angel of Oblivion - Purah or Puta or Poteh. Reffered to also as the angel of forgetfulness.

Angel of October - Barbiel. In ancient Persian lore, Aban.

Angel of Omnipotence - There are (or were) 8 angels of this class, Atuesuel, Ebuhuel, Elubatel, Tubatlu, Baulu, Talatu, Labusi, Ublisi. In the Citation of Leviathan, the first 3 angels are involked to force demons to appear and do the bidding of the invocant.

Angel of Oracles - Phaldor.

Angel of Order - Sadriel.

Angel of Orion - In the Alphabet of Rabbi Akiba, the angel of Orion (unnamed) is included among the splendid, terrible and mighty angel chiefs" who passed before God to extol and rejoice in the 1st Sabbath.


Angel of Paradise - Both earthly and heavenly: Shamshiel, Michael, Zephon, Zotiel, Johiel, Gabriel, etc. In Mandaean lore, the angel is Rusvon. In ancient Persian lore, the angel was Sirushi (or Surush Ashu, or Ashu).

Angel of Patience - Achaiah, who is also adept in discovering the secrets of nature. In the cabala, the angel of patience is one of 3, and belongs to the order of serphim.

Angel of Peace - In Jewish legend, the angel of peace (unnamed) is reputed to have opposed the creation of man, for which opposition he was burned by God, along with the hosts under him. The angel of truth was also burned, and for the same reason. Later, it seems they were both revived. In Enoch I, the angel of peace leads Enoch the patriarch around Heaven and reveals to him the names of the 4 archangels of the presence--Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Phanuel--describing their individual duties. the Testament of Asher sspeaks of "meeting the angel of peace," but does not name him. Traditionally there were 7 aqngels of peace. The Zohar translates Isaiah as "Behold, angels cry abroad, the angels of peace weep bitterly." they weep "because they no longer know [declares Rabbi Simeon] what to make God's promise to Abraham at the time when He brought him forth." According to tradition "angel of peace visit every Jewish home when the holy Sabbath is being ushered in." In gnostic lore, the prince is Melchisdec.

Angel of Penance - Phanuel. He is also the angel of hope and identified as the Sheperd of Hermas.

Angel of Persecutuon - according to Roman Catholic doctrine, in its prebaptismal rites, the angel of persecution is a personal devil which is in each of us (side by side with a guardian angel).

Angel of Persia - Dob(b)iel or Dub(b)iel, known as the guardian angel of Persia. In Daniel, Michael contends with the prince of Persia (not identified by name).

Angel of the Plagues - An unnamed destroying angel who, sword in hand, appears over Jerusalem to punish the Jews, particularly King David, for authorizing a census (the numbering of people being, apparently, an offense to God). David Appeased the angel of plagues by offering burnt sacrifices on the threshing floor of Araunah, one of the Jebusite inhabitants of old Jerusalem.

Angel of the Planets - There are commonly 7 angels of the planets which, in occult lore, include the sun and the moon. The chief is Rahatiel (Rhatiel) or Rejatiel. For the name of the governing angel fior each planet, his sign, the day he governs, etc. see the resources menu. Longfellow givers the angels of the 7 planets as Raphael (Sun); Gabriel (Moon); Anael (star of love, i.e., venus); Zobiachel (Jupiter); Michael (Mercury); Uriel (Mars); Anacchiel (Saturn). In later editions, Longfellow substituted Onafiel for Gabriel and Orifel for Anachiel. Both Zobiachel and Onafiel seem to be newly coined, since they show up in no other source.

Angel of Plants - Sachluph.

Angel of the Pleiades - In the Alphabet of Rabbi Akiba, this angel, unnamed, is included among the "splendid, terrible and mighty angel chiefs" who passed before God to extol and rejoice in the 1st Sabbath.

Angel of Poetry - Uriel, Isafel, Radueriel (Vretil), Phoenix.

Angel of (the order of) Powers - In the cabala, the angel of the order of powers is Zacharael, or the planet Jupiter. Other sources designate Verchiel, Camael, Kafziel, (Cassiel), and Sam(m)ael. The last named is given on the authority of Robert Fludd, 16th-century alchemist. According to Gregory the Great, the powers "preside over demons." In The Testament of Abraham, a pseudepigraphic work, the angel of powers is Michael.

Angel of Pride - Unnamed. In Genzberg, The Legend of the Jews I, it is related that "the third creation of the second day [of creation] were the angel hosts, both are ministering angels and and the angels of praise." Specifically the latter would constitute the 3 orders of the 1st triad in the Dionysian scheme--seraphim, cherubim, thrones.

Angel of Prayer - In occult writings one finds usually 5 or 6 named angels of prayer: Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse. But since there are "seven archangels who convey the prayers of the saints to God" (according to Oesterley in Manson, A Companion to the Bible. Michael might be included among the aforementioned 6.

Angel of Precipeces - Zarobi.

Angel of Pregnancy - In Mosaic incantation rites, the angels of pregnancy are Sinui and Sinsuni. These 2 luminaries are involked to help women in labor. According to Jewish legend, God appoints an angel to make the newborn Jewish male resemble its father, in order, presumably, to preclude the charge of adultery which might be lodged against the mother where a child bears no resemblance to the male parent.

Angel of Presence - Also known as angels of the face. They are customarily 12 in number, the chiefs of the group being Michael, Metatron, Suriel, Sandalphon, Astanphaeus, Saraquael, Phanuel, Jehoel, Zagzagael, Uriel, Yefefiah, and Akatriel. The angel of the presence are also equated with the angels of santification and the angels of glory. 2 classes of hierarchs that were, it seems, already circumcized at the time of creation. In the just-named pseudepigraphon the story of Creation is unfolded to Moses "by the angel of the presence," who, however, is not named. "Probably Michael," says R.H. Charles. The patriarch Judah, (in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs), claims that the angel of presence (not named) blessed him. according to The Zohar (I, Vayera), the angels of the presence were expelled from the divine presence when it wwas revealed the "mystery". Blake in his poem "Milton" speaks of the "seven angels of the presence." He also is drawing now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, titled "The Angel of the Divine Presence Clothing Adam and Eve with Coats of Skin." Rabbinic traditions refers to the 70 tutelary angels as angels of the presence.

Angel of Pride - Rhab; Satan

Angel of Priesthoods and Sacrifices - Sachiel-Meleck.

Angel of Principalities - The ruling princes of this order, listed 1st in the 3rd triad of the pseudo-Dionysius system of the celestial hierarchy, including Haniel, Nisroc, Cerviel, and Raguel. The order is known also as princedoms. The angels of this choir are " protectors of religion" and preside over good spirits. In Jude and in the Pauline Epistles, the principalities are regarded as both beneficent and malevolent luminaries. Nisroc is mentioned in Paradise Lost, as "of Principalities the prime." This Nisroc was once an Assyrian diety. In occult lore, he is a demon.

Angel of Proclamation - Gabriel; also Ak(h)raziel or Azkariel.

Angel of Progress - In Jewish cabala, the angel of progress is Mercury. Raphael is also referred to as the angel of progress.

Angel of Prostitution - In Zoharistic cabal, the angel of proposition is Eisheth Zenunim (mate of Sammael, prince of poison and of death). Lilith, Naamah, and Agrat bat Mahlat were 3 other mates of Sammel and, like Eisheth, angel of prostitution.

Angel of Punishment - there are 7 and they are named in Maseket Gan Eden and Gehinnom: Kishiel ("rigid one of God"); Lahatiel ("flaming one"); Shoftoel ("judge of God"); Makatiel ("plague of God"); Hutriel ("rod of God"); Pusiel or Puriel ("fire of God"); Rogziel ("wrath of God"). Another angel of punisment is Amaliel. The Coptic Pistis Sophia names Ariel as the angel in charge of punishments in Hell. The Manual of Discipline lists angels of punishment. In Enoch II the angels of punishment dwell in the 3rd Heaven. The Levi testament in the Testament of Twelve Patriarchs, where armies of punishing angels, presumably evil, dwell in the 3rd Heaven. In Coptic gnosticism, the demon of punishment is Asmodel; in occult writings, Asmodel is the angel of April, Midrash Tehillim, commenting on Psalm 7, lists 5 angels of punishment whom Moses encountered in Heaven, to wit: (1) Af, angel of anger; (2) Kezef, angel of wrath; (3) Hemah, angel of fury; (4) Hasmed, angel of annihilation; (5) Mashit, angel of destruction.

Angel of Purity - Tahariel.


Angel of Quaking - the "angels of Quaking surrounds the throne of glory." Moses beheld these angels during his 40-day stay in Heaven.


Angel of Rage - Called N'mosnikttiel in M. Gaster, The Sword of Moses.

Angel of Rain - In rabbinic lore, at least 5 quality as angels of rain: Matriel, Matrael, Matariel, Ridya (Ridia), and Zalbesael (Zelebsel). 3 Enoch (the Hebrew Book of Enoch) vouches for "Batarrel standing for Matarel." In ancient Persina writings, the angel of rain (as also for rivers) was Dara.

Angel of Rarified Air - In Parsi angelology the angel is Ram-Khvastra; in Mandaean lore, it is Ayar Ziwa.

Angel of Repentance - According to various sources, the angel of repetence is Sheperd, Michael, Raphael, Suriel, Salathiel, Phanuel (Penuel).

Angel of Resurrection - The angel who rolled away the stone before Jesus' tomb. He is called the angel of the Lord.

Angel of Revelation - Gabriel.

Angel of the Right - In the Valentinian (gnostic) theory of Excerpts, the Angels of the Right were those who had prior knowledge of the birth of Christ.

Angel of Righteousness - Michael. In The Sheperd of Hermas, the angel (unnamed) is described as "mild, modest, gentle and quiet" and as one of 2 angels "with man," the other being an "angel of iniquity."

Angel of the River Jordan - Called Silmai; also Nidbai.

Angel of Rivers - In M. Gaster, The Sword of Moses, the angel of rivers is Trsiel; in Persian lore the angel is Dara.

Angel of Rome - Usually spoken of as Sammael, who is Satan in post-Biblica lore. Edom was a designation for Rome.

Angel of Running Streams - Nahaliel


Angel of the Sabbath - Names Sabbath in Jewish (rabbinic) writings, where he is represented as one of the great hierarchys in Heaven. "The angel named Sabbath who sat on the thrones of glory and the chiefs of all the angels of all the heavens and the abysses danced and rejoined before him."

Angel of Salvation - Haurvatat, who is one of the amesha spentas (archangels) in Zoroasterianism. In noncanonical lore (Enoch and Baruch apocrypha), the angel of salvation is Uriel.

Angel of Santification - Equated with the angel of glory and the angel of the presence. Chief among the angels of sanctification are Phanuel, Suriel, Metatron, Michael, Zagzagel. Like the angels of the presence, the angels of santification were created already circumcised, a "fact" attested to in the pre-Christian The Book of Jubilees.

Angel of of the Sanctuary - Sar ha-Kodesh. Also identified as Michael, Metatron, Yefefiah.

Angel of Saturday - Cassiel, Machatan, Uriel. In Talismans of Paracelsus, the angel of Saturday is Orifiel.

Angel of Saturn - Orifiel, Kafziel, Michael, Maion, Orifel, Mael, Saphiel, Schebtaiel. In the works of Zanchy, Agrippa, and Trithemius the angel of the planet Saturn is Zapkiel. Agrippa also lists Orifiel. In longfellow, The Golden Lengend, the angel governing Saturn is Anachiel. In later editions Longfellow substituted Orifiel for Anachiel.

Angel of Scandal - Zahun, according to Levi, Transcendental Magic, . In Apollonius of Tyanna, The Nuctemeron, Zahun is cited as one of the genii of the 1st hour.

Angel of Science - Raphael, who is also the angel of knowledge.

Angel of the Sea - Rehab. He is so called in Scripture and Talmud. Rehab was destroyed twice--once for refusing to divide the upper and lower waters at the time of creation, and again for trying to save from drowning the Egyptian hosts in pursuit of the fleeing Hebrews across the Red (more correctly reed) Sea.

Angel of the (Four) Seasons - Farlas (Winter); Telvi (Spring); Casmaran (Summer); Andarcel (Autumn). In medieval Hebrew text the angels of the 4 seasons are Malkiel, Helemmelek, Melejal, and Narel.

Angel of the Second Heaven - 2 Are usually cited. Raphael and Sacahariel. But since it was in the 2nd Heaven that the Moses encountered the angel Muriel "with his retinue of 50 myriads of angels"(Ginzberg, Tthe Lengend of the Jews II). Nuriel might be added to the ruler of this Heaven.

Angel of September - Uriel or Suriel, The ruler of the month of Tishri (September-October) is Pahadron. Howevr, if September is equated with the Hebrews month of Eloul, the angel is Eloqium. In ancient Persian lore, the angel of September was Miher (Mihr).

Angel of the Seven Days - Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael, Sachiel, Anael, and Cassiel. According to Barrett, The Magus II (plate facing), the rulership as follows, with the sigil of each angels reproduced in the Barrett book: Michael, lord of Sunday; Gabriel, lord of Monday; Sachiel, lord of Tuesday; Rapahel, lord of Wednesday; Sachiel, lord of Thursday; Anael, lord of Friday; Cassiel, lord of Saturday.

Angel of of the Seven Heavens - The ruling princes of the 7 Heavens are; Gabriel, 1st Heaven; Raphael, Zachariel, Galizur, 2nd Heaven; Jabniel, Rabacyel, Zachariel, Dalquiel, 3rd Heaven; Michael, 4th heaven; Samael, Gadriel, 5th Heaven; Zachiel, Zebul, Sandalphon, Sabath, 6th Heaven; Cassiel (Kafziel), 7th Heaven. According to hechaloth lore, while some of the rulers reside in their respective Heavens, they are also found in other Heavens as guardians of the great halls. In Jewish legend, for example, Samael resides in the 7th Heaven (where it is said, he is a prisoner).

Angel of the Seven Last Plagues - In Revelation 15-17 there are 7 angels of the 7 last plagues "to whom are given 7 golden vials full of the wrath of god." The angels are not named.

Angel of Showers - [Zaa'fiel]

Angel of Silence - [Shateiel, Durma(h)

Angel of the Sirocco - [Sikiel]

Angel of the Sixth Heaven - Zachiel, Zebul, Sabath, Sandalphon. "Here dwells the Guardian Angel of heaven and earth," according to the Muslims. The ruling prince of the 6th Heaven is Bodiel.

Angel of the Sky - [Sahaqiel]

Angel of Sleep - The unnamed angel who deprived King Ahaureus of sleep in the Esther episode.

Angel over Small Birds - [Tubiel]

Angel of Snow - Shalgiel, Michael. The angels of snow, unnamed, are spoken of in the apocryphal Revelation of John.

Angel of Solitudes - Cassiel, who is also the Angel of Tears (as is Sandolphon).

Angel of Song - Radueriel (Vretril), who is also choimaster of the muses. In Koranic lore, the angel of son is Israfel or Uriel. In rabbinic lore, the angel is Shemiel (Sheael, Shammiel) or Metatron. The last named is called "Master of Heavenly Song."

Angel Over Sorceries - "The wizard And of the priests of Midian used the angels set over sorceries to make the sun shine at night," according to the Biblical Antiquities of Philo, who make known secret arts to mankind, as related in Enoch I.

Angel of the Sorrows of Death - [Parqlitos]

Angel of the Souls of Men - [Remiel (Jeremiel)]

Angel of the Southwest - [Naoutha]

Angel of the Sheres - [Salatheel (Sealtiel); Jehudiel]

Angel of the Spring - In occult lore, there are 4: Amatiel, Caracasa, Core, Commissoros. The head of the sign of Spring is Spugliguel. The ruling angel is Mikiel.

Angel of the Star of Love - [Anael]

Angel of the Stars - [Kakbel, Kohabiel, Kochabiel, Kokbiel]

Angel of Sterility - [Akriel] Angel of Storm - [Zakkiel, Zaamael]

Angel of Strength - [Zeruch (Zeruel, Cerviel)]

Angel of Summer - Gargatel; Gaviel; Tariel. The head of the sign of summer is Tubiel.

Angel of the Summer Equinox - In this group there are 9 or more angels, with Oranir serving as chief. All are effective as amulets against the evil eye.

Angel of the Sun - in the cabals and occult lore, the angels of the sun included an array of hierarchs; Arithiel, Galgaliel, Gazardia, (spelt variuosly), Korshid-Metatron, Michael, Och, Rahael, Uriel, Zerachiel, etc. The Zohar (Exodus), speaks of "the angel appointed to rule and guide the sun," declaring that at dawn this angel "steps forth with the holy letters of the supernal blessed Name inscribed upon his brow, and in the power of those letters opens all the windows of Heaven." In ancient Persian lore, the angel of the disk of the sun was Chur.

Angel of Sunday - Michael (1st hour); Anael (2nd hour); Raphael (3rd hour); Gabriel (4th hour), Cassiel (5th hour); Sachiel (6th hour); Samael (7th hour); Michael (8th hour); Anael (9th hour); Raphael (10th hour); Gabriel (11th hour); Cassiel (12th hour). It will be observed that Michael, Anael, Raphael, Cassiel and Gabriel do double duty on the Sabbath day.

Angel of the of the Sun - [Galgaliel]

Angel of the Sun's Rays - [Schachili]

Angel of the Supreme Mysteries - [Raziel]

Angel of Sweet-Smelling Herbs - [Arias]

Angel of the Sword - The chief angel of the sword is usually given as Soqued Hezi (variously spelt). But there are numerous other angels so designated, as in M. Gaster, The Sword of Moses.


Angel Tame Beasts - [Behemiel]

Angel Tartarus (Hades) - Uriel; also the eponymous chief Tartaruchi.

Angel of Tears - Sandlphon and Cassiel. In Islamic lore, the Angel of Tears (not named) dwells in the 4th Heaven.

Angel of Terror - These angels are equated with the angels of quaking. They are the stronger among the hierarchs and surround the throne of glory. In Jewish mysticism, Pahadron is the chief angel of terror. He governs the month of Tshri (September-October).

Angel of the Testament - John the Baptist, according to Salkeld in, A Treatise of Angels quoting Malchi: " and the angel of the testament whom you desire," etc. This would apply to Christ, says Lactantus in Schneweis, Angels and Demons According to Lactantius. The pasgae in Malachi is also translated as "messenger" of the covenant. In the view of regamey (What Is An Angel?) the foregoing would denote that "Christ is to proclaim himself the angel of the testament and to cause John The Batptist to be recognized as the messenger" merely.

Angel of the Third Heaven - Among the principal rulers here are Jabniel, Rabacyel, Dalquiel, Barachiel, and Saphiwel. It was in the 3rd Heaven that Moses encountered an angel "so tall, it would take a human 500 years to climb to his height; he had 70,000 heads, each head as many mouths, each mouth as many tongues, etc. Mohammed Slao saw such an angel in Heaven, but neither in Talmus nor in the Koran is he named.. A good guess would be Erelim, eponymous head of the order of Erelim; or Raziel, sometimes credited with being chief of the order. The term erelim derives from Issaiah. In de Abano, The Heptameron, the angels of the 3rd Heaven include Milliel, Ucirmuel, Nelapa, Jerescue, and Babel. Some sources place the Erelim in the 4th Heaven.

Angel of the Throne - The Hebrew equivalent of the order of thrones is arelim or oraphim, according to The Book of the Angel Raziel; "there were seven who stand before the throne." However according to Jewish lengend, there were (or are) 70. Among the chiefs of the order the following may be mentioned: Orifiel, Ophaniel, (opnoymous head of the ophanim), Raziel, Jabkiel, Jophiel, Ambriel, Tychagar, Barael, Quelamia, Paschar, Boel, Raum, Murmur. A number of these hierarchs are no longer found in Heaven and are to be numbered among the fallen angels in Hell. In the Dionysian scheme, the thrones as an order are placed 3rd in the 1st triad of the celestial hierarchy. Their dominant characteristic or virtue is steadfastness.

Angel of Thunder - Ra'miel, and/or Uriel. The latter also serves as the angel of fire and lightning. In Assyro-Babylonian mythology, the god of thunder was Adad. Another Babylonian god of thunder was Rimmon.

Angel of Thursday - Sachiel, Castiel, and Assasiel. In Paracelus, Talismans, the angel of Thursday is Zachariel.

Angel of Time - So called but not otherwise named in the Tarot (Tarot card no. 14). The angel of time "stands between the earth and heaven, clothed in a white robe, with wings of flame and a golden halo around his head. . . one foot on land, the other on the sea, behind him the sun rising. . . on his brow a sign of eternity and life: the circle." In the hermetic hierarchy, say Christian, The History and Practice of Magic, the genius of time is Rempha.

Angel of the Torah - [Yefefiah; Iofiel (or Yofiel); Zagageal; Metatron]

Angel of Torment - [Aftemellouchos]

Angel of Treasures - [Parasiel]

Angel of the Treasures of the Dead - [Remiel, i.e., Jeremiel)

Angel of Trees - [Maktiel]

Angel of Trembling - [Pahadron; also Angel of Quaking or Terror]

Angel of the Triplicities - in ceremonial magic, the angels who rule the zodiacal triplicities are: Michael, (over the firry triplicity); Raphael (over the airy triplicity); Gabriel (over the watery triplicity); and Uriel (over the earthly triplicity).

Angel of the Triune God - Meacheul, Lebatei, Ketuel.

Angel of Truth - Amitel; Michael; Gabriel. In Jewish lengend, the angel of truth (unnamed) opposed the creation of man when God first broached the idea; for this opposition he was burned, along with the angel of peace (who also opposed the idea) and the hosts under them. Since Gabriel and Michael escaped being burned, it must have been Amitel who was reduced to a cinder. In Muslim lore, Bagriel is the spirit of truth.

Angel of Tuesday - Samael; Satael; Amabiel; Friagne; Carmax; Arragon; and Hyniel.

Angel of Twilight - [Aftiel]


Angel of Vegetables - Sealiah and Sofiel, who are also the angels over fruit.

Angels of Vengeance - The 12 angels of vengeance were among the 1st formed at Creation, although, according to Catholic doctrine, all angels were formed at one and the same time. Only 6 of these angels of vengeance are known by name--Satanel, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Nathanel (Zathael). Now, since the angels of the presence seem to be interchangeable (in Jewish lore) with the angels of vengeance, and since 12 of the former are known by name, 6 of these may be "taken over" and included in the listing of the vengeancees--Suriel, Jehol, Zagagel, Akatriel, Metatron, and Yefefiah. The French painter Prud'hon (1758-1823) did a head of Vengeance in his painting "Divine Vengenance anf Justice Pursuing Crime," which hangs in the Louvre. The head suggests that Prud'hon had the angel Uriel in mind.

Angel of (the planet) Venus - Anael (Haniel), Hasdiel, Eurabatres, Rapahel, Habiel, and Noguel.

Angel of Victory - Bahram, or Var (Adar) Bahram, who is a yazata in Parsi lore. The Dabistan and The Mandeans of Iraq and Iran associate the angel of victory with the ascent of the soul of man.

Angel of Vindication - Douma(h) or Duma, who is also the angel of silence and the angel of stillness of death. With Uzziel (Rhab), Douma was the governing sar (i.e., angel prince) of Egypt.

Angel of (the order of) Virtues - More than a score of the angels of this order are named in G. Davidson's article, "The Celestial Virtues." Among the ruling princes of the order are Ariel, Barbiel, Haniel (Anael), Peliel, Nathanael, Atuniel.

Angel of Voyages - Susabo, who is one of the presiding genii of the 6th hour, in Apollonius of Tyana, The Nuctemeron.


Angel of War - Michael, Gabriel, and Gadriel. In the cabala there is Pheleg, called "the war lord" by Cornelius Agrippa.

Angel of the Waters - In his cabalistic works, Cornelius Agrippa calls Phul (one of the 7 supreme spirits ruling the 196 provinces of Heaven) "the supreme spirit lord of the waters." In Revelation, he is refferred to but unnamed: "And I heard the angel of the waters say," etc.

Angel of Water Insects - [Shakziel]

Angel of Weakness - Amaliel, who is also one of the angles of punishment.

Angel of Wednesday - [Raphael; Miel: Seraphiel]

Angel of the West - Gabriel, who is called "the guardian of the west."

Angel of the Wheel of the Moon - Ofaniel, among others.

Angel of the Whirlwind - Ra'shiel or Zavael, according to 3 Enoch.

Angel of the Wild Beats - Mtniel, Jehiel (Hayvel).

Angel Over Wild Fowl and Creeping Things - [Triagiob]

Angel of the Wilderness - In Jewish cabala, and according to Levi, Transcendental Magic, the angel of the wilderness is the planet Saturn. The angel Orifiel has also been named a ruling spirit of the wilderness.

Angel of the Wind - In Revelation, there is a mention of 4 angels of the wind. In occult works, in the Book of Jubilees, and in 3 Enoch, the following are named as angelic rulers: Moriel, Ruhiel, Rujiel, Ben Nez, and the celestial Ephemaerae. In his poem "Sandalphon" Longfellow sings of the angels of wind and of fire that "chant only one hymn and expire." Durer engraved the 4 angels in control of winds. The cherubim were regarded as personifications of the wind.

Angel of Winter - Zagagel; also Metatron (when Metatron goes under the name of Sasnigiel); also Dina (when Dina goes under the name of Yefefiah or Yofiel). According to lengend, Zagzagel was ordered by God to caryy Mosses to a place where myriads of scholars congregated, all of them occupied with expounding the Torah.

Angel of the Womb - [Armisael]

Angel of Women's Paradise - There were 9 of these female angels; they were once the mothers, wives, or daughters of the Hebrew patriarchs, and they occupied a place apart in one of the Heavens. Philo "allegories away the wives of the Jewish patriarchs into several Virtues."

Angel (or Prince) of the World - Satan, Michael, Jehol, Metatron, or Sar ha-Olam (which literally means, in Hebrew, prince of the world). Mammon is also described as "holding the throne of this world."

Angel at the World's End - According to Revelation of Esdras and as revealed to Esdra himself, the angels who will govern or rule "at the end of the world" are 9 in number: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael,, *Gabuthelon, *Beburos, *Zebuleon, *Aker, *Arphugitonos. Of these 9, the 5 preceded by an asterisk are found nowhere else in apocryphal or apocalyptic lore.

Angel of Wrath - Hemah, Af, Mzzpopiasaiel, Ezrael. In the Revelation of Moses, the Lawgiver, during his visit to Paradise, encountered the angels of anger and wrath in the 7th Heaven and found them composed "wholly of fire." In the Midrash Thillim, the angel of warth is Kezef.

Angel of the Wrath of God - There are (or were) 7 angels of the wrath of God, as mentioned but not named in Revelation.


Angel of Yahweh - Angel of the Lord, i.e., God himself. Whenever the expression occurs in the Old testament, it is a periphrasis. The earliest versions of the Old testament had, in the opinion of later scribes, too many direct interventions of God in human affairs; the use of "angel of Yahweh" or "angel of the Lord" was by way of reducing His earthly appearances and the carrying out his commands through the agency of angelic intermediaries.

Angel-Year - The angel-year, according to Cornelius Agrippa and other occultists, is either 145 years or 365 years.

Angel of Yetzirah - Sammael or Satan. [Rf. Fuller, The Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah] the word yetzirah is Hebrew for information. In the cabala, the world consists of 4 great divisions, of which yetzirah was one.


Angel of the Zodiac - Malachiel (over Aries), Asmodel (over Taurus), Ambriel (over Gemini), Manuel or Muriel (over Cancer), Verchiel (over Leo), Hamaliel (over Virgo), Zuriel (over Libra), Barchiel (over Capricorn), Cambriel (over Aquarius), Barchiel (over Pisces). The overall ruler of the zodiac is Masleh. Cornelius Agrippa, The Books of Occult Philosophy III, gives additional governing angels: Acrabiel, Betuliel, Chesetiel, Dagymiel, Daliel, Geminiel, Masniel, Saramiel, Teletiel, Tominiel.




Prayer to the Gods of Night

03:05 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 327

































































































































































The History Of The Cainites

02:58 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 328

a varient


In the beginning there was only Caine.

Caine who sacrificed his brother out of love.

Caine who was cast out.

Caine who was cursed forever with immortality.

Caine who was cursed with the lust for blood.

It is Caine from whom we all come,

Our sire's sire.

For the passing of an age he lived in the land of Nod,

In loneliness and suffering.

For an eon he remained alone.

But the passing of memory drowned his sorrow.

And so he returned to the world of mortals,

To the world of mortals,

To the world his brother and his brother's children had created.

The Second And Third Generation

Though he became ruler of a mighty nation, he was still alone,

For none was as he. His sorrow grew once again.

Then he committed another great sin, for he begat progeny,

[Of whom there were only three.]

But from them came more progeny, Caine's grandchilder,

And then Caine said, "An end to this crime. There shall be no more."

And as Caine's word was the law, his brood obeyed him.

The city stood for many ages,

And became the center of a mighty empire.

The Great Flood

But then came the Deluge, a Great Flood that washed over the world.

The city was destroyed,

And its people along with it.

Again Caine fell into a great sorrow and went into solitude,

Becoming as a dog amidst the wastes,

And leaving his progeny to their own ends.

They came to him and begged him to return,

To help them rebuild the city.

But he would not come with them,

Saying the Flood had been sent as punishment

For his having returned to the world of life

And subverting the true law.

The First Fall

So they returned alone to what mortals were left

And announced that they were the new rulers.

Each created a brood,

In order to claim the glory of Caine,

Yet they did not have his wisdom or restraint.

A great war was waged, the elders against their children,

And the children slew their parents.

The Second City

The rebels then built a new city

And brought to it [13] tribes.

It was a beautiful city and its people worshipped them as gods.

They created new progeny of their own,

The Fourth Generation of Cainites.

But they feared the Jyhad,

And it was forbidden for those childer

To create others of their kind.

This power the elders kept for themselves.

When a childe was created, it was hunted down and killed,

And its sire with it.

The Second Fall

Although this city was as great as Caine's, eventually it grew old.

As do all living things, it slowly began to die.

The gods at first did not see the truth,

And when they last looked about them it was too late.

Their city was destroyed and their power extinguished,

And they were forced to flee, their progeny along with them.

But many were killed in the flight, for they had grown weak.

With their authority gone, all were free to create their own broods,

And soon there were many new Cainites,

Who ruled across the face of the Earth.

But this could not last.

The Jyhad

Over time, there came to be too many of the Cainites,

And then there was war once again.

The elders were already deep in hiding,

For they had learned caution.

But their childer had founded their own cities and broods,

And it is they who were killed in the great wave of war.

There was war so total, that there are none of that generation

To speak of themselves any longer.

Waves of mortal flesh were sent across continents

In order to crush and burn the cities of the Cainites.

Mortals thought they were fighting their own wars,

But it is for us they spilt their blood.

Once this war was over,

All of the Cainites hid from one another

And from the humans who surrounded them.

In hiding we remain tonight,

For the Jyhad continues still.

The Signs Of Gehenna

Quiet! Hear the raven's cry! The stillness of the wind rising hot on the street. The towers hide the

darkness of the day.

When Lasombra's dreams come true on the day when the moon runs as blood and the sun rises

black in the sky. That is the day of the Damned when Caine's children will rise again.

And the world will turn cold and unclean things will boil up from the ground and great storms will

roll, lightening will light fires, animals will fester and their bodies, twisted, will fall.

So, too, our grandsires will rise from the ground. They will break their fast on the first part of us.

They will consume us whole.

On the second day, Caine will return and call his children to the meeting place on the site of the

First City. He will beckon them, sitting on his basalt throne.

And Caine will call aloud the names of those to be destroyed for their crimes are too great and all

those who have consumed the heart's blood of their sire will be brought before the Black Throne

and made to drink Caine's blood and Caine's blood will eat their blood.

And the Dark Mother herself will be brought forth and there, in the valley of Enoch, will there be a

battle. A duel of Dark Father and Dark Mother. The demon queen will bite deep. The damned king

will bite deeper. We will not know the thing which will happen, but the sky will tear apart, and the

earth below. And the forces of Hell will pour up out of the ground

On the third day, there will be silence. The crows will feed on the carrion. Plague will dance

amongst the ruins. The last of the Wild Ones will leave this place. The last of the Moon-Beasts will

fight and fall and the Antediluvians will make for themselves an empire of blood.

They will rule with iron talons. They will wrench the hearts of all still alive and the full sum of the

earth's living will come and live in the Last City, called Gehenna.

And there will be a reign of one thousand years and there will be no love, or life, or pity. The

mighty will be as slaves. The virtuous will be made foul. Every good gift and every perfect gift will

be tainted by the Father of Darkness, whose power will come from the nether realms.

When the snows consume the earth and the sun gutters like a candle in the wind, then and only then,

will there be born a woman, the last daughter of Eve, and in her there will be decided the fate of all.

And you will not know this woman, except by the mark of the moon on her. And she will face

treachery, hatred, and pain. But in her is the last hope.

And you will know these last times by the time of thin blood which will mark vampires that cannot

Beget. You will know them by the Clanless who will come to rule. You will know them by the Wild

Ones who will hunt us even in the strongest city. You will know them by the awakening of some of

the eldest. The Crone will awaken and consume all.

You will know these times, for a black hand will rise up and choke all those who oppose it. And

those who eat heart's blood will flourish. And the Kindred will crowd each to his own, and vitae

will be as rare as diamonds

Mark these signs, they are coming! Gehenna will be on earth.

Mark the shadow which flies. Mark the dragon which rises. Mark the darkness which moves. Mark

the shadow of the moon. Mark the angel that dies. Mark the maiden who weeps. Mark the children

Embraced. Mark the Clanless who run.

And there will be a time when sire will drive out childer, when sire will abandon childer to the sun's

mercy and there will be no mercy for the Clanless. There will be no mercy for the Clanless, mongrel

though they be. Upon their forgotten sires shall be the curse of Auriel. Upon their hateful sires shall

be the curse that comes of crossing Caine. Upon their lazy sires shall be the curse of the hunters


Those among the Clanless will have no path to follow. No family to name. No generation to hold.

No traditions to keep. No customs to give. No hospitality to give.

Why do you make these orphans? Why do you leave them in the street? They are the dark seed of

our undoing. They will follow Brujah's childer. They will make the blood run red. They are going to

kill the dead. They are going to eat our kin. They will scream and bash our doors. They will cry

aloud for justice.

Clanless, all, they will know secret ways. Clanless, all, they are Lilith's foul get. Clanless, all, they

are newly awake. Clanless, all! No family, no sign, no loyalty, no elder.

Beware those who walk without a clan for they will be our undoing. Pity them! Adopt the orphans

where you can but watch them. In them is the bad seed of their sire.

The Shroud Of Kaymakli

Recently a fragment of the Book Of Nod was found within the depths of an old cave where legends

say Cappadocius trapped thousands of his descendants and cursed the entrance where no mortal

may enter yet no Cainites could leave. It was recently discovered by Okulos, a Nosferatu, who is

partnered with Beckett the Gangrel, searching for artifacts about Gehenna and the Book Of Nod.

Beckett is trying to keep Okulos "alive" until he can find a way to free Okulos. The fragment itself

has been freed of its prison and has caused quite a ruckus as word about it spread....

The Words Of Caine After The Deluge

The time has come,

My Children,

For me to bid the night goodbye.

But know that I do not leave you.

Await the time when I join you again

After you have learned the wages

Of your vanity, sin and pride.

And mark well the heralds of my return

For I do not leave the affairs of my house

To be tended by the Children of Seth.

Caine's Confession At Lilith's Bosom

And I traveled for a hundred years before I found

My father's first wife

Whose blood I drank

And yet she was Awake still.

"I must talk to the One Above," I said

And she smiled.

"Talk to Him," she said,

"But know that he has turned his back on you

For your sin."

At this I cried thirteen tears of blood

And named them as each fell

When Lilith said:

"Why do you call our children's names?

They cannot

And will not

Help you.

They are nothing but other sins

Committed to make sweet Abel's death

Less sharp in your cold heart."

And to her I said,

"Mother, lover,

I cannot feel.

We made them to buoy me

And yet they drag me into [Hell]."

The Words Of Caine Before Entering The Earth

And I grew tired,

My dead heart heavy with all that I had done.

So I pledged to sleep until my wrongs

Had righted themselves.

With Lilith's knife, I cut myself and sang:

"From these open wounds

Life shall come from death,

As the last daughter

Bearing the mark of the moon,

Sends [Lasombra's] bane to the ashes,

Sends [Gangrel's] brood to the cold stone,

Infests [Nosferatu's] den with [snakes] and strikes down his wife,

And pierces the rest of my grandchilder

With the fires of the wise."

At these words, I sank

Embraced by the cold arms of

Lilith's garden.

Please [God],

Erase my folly

And end this.







The Book of Cain

02:31 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 331


By Akhtya Seker Arimanius

Succubus Publishing –

Phosphorus Inner Publishing

stasis media

This inspired text was created under meditative and inspired circumstances by its author,

Michael W. Ford. The text is not in any way meant to lay claim to special

communications or any other contacts – but rather a focused ritual grimoire. The work is

dedicated to the Wanderer, Cain who has passed from desert to forest to desert again.

Cain may be sought in the places where men and women fear to walk, those ghost roads

which prove dangerous to those unwilling to face their own darkest aspects of self.

This Book is a Working for myself, as a student of the Luciferian Path, and as I wrote it,

studied it and then prepared this text I have further come into being. I hope those who

read this work understand that it is a Ritual in Progress, that each sentence fans the

Flames of the Dragon and his consort, Lilith, the Mother of the Witch Path. Cain has

presented me with different elements to think about and to further encourage others to

develop what is the Sabbatic and Luciferian Path. When staring into the mirror, Cain

appears – his very mask of Set-an is shown to me.


Akhtya Seker Arimanius

Veneficus, Vox Barathrum – TOPH

Prepared March 22nd, known as the Day of Rebellion of Set against Osiris.

Succubus Publishing – Phosphorus Inner Publications

Front Cover - Cain Sigil by Elda Isela Ford

Grand Luciferian Circle – Blood Moon and further developed by Michael W. Ford

Back page Sigil – Cain the Blacksmith by Elda Isela Ford

That Azazel fell from the heavens as a great star, enthroned with the Emerald Crown of

the highest aethyr, came down blazing as a fiery meteor. He plunged to the depths of the

earth, the darkest areas where no being of light dwelled. Those who descended with

Azazel, whom is called Lucifer by later ones only had glimpsed at the Fire which Azazel

had shown unto them. The passed into the nightmare lands, where they felt lost as their

fire was nearly extinguished. Azazel woke still illuminated brightly, a Dark Star which

beheld the Fire of Heaven. When the fire fell from the sky to the earth, did my father

them perceive this world of flesh, that both spirit and the material plane were brought

together in union.

Understanding that this Fire was illuminated within, Azazel felt a moment of triumph,

that by perceiving the self and Willing the being into stronger forms – he was uniquely

separate, isolate and beautiful. He stood up, weakened yet still defiant and pleased at this

success of this nightmare land, he began to rouse those many that slept from the shock of

the fall around him.

Belial, the angel created after him, awoke and began to sing beautiful hymns, such as

which never sounded so sorrowful, yet touching in their passion for their coming forth

into being. Belial was indeed different from Azazel – while Lucifer was fire and air in

spirit, Belial was of Earth and found this place comfortable and familiar. Belial said unto

Azazel, “Who would else wake and join us in this moment of triumph – that we are

without the highest Empyrean realm we now look about to understand we are different,

strong and noble in our selves. Awake with us Djinn!”

Leviathan arose before them. He had taken the form of a great Serpent, a Dragon who

beheld both sexes of human flesh – Leviathan would seek the Oceans and understood the

art of sorcery as a totality of being – timeless and alive in its sacred flame. Leviathan

found the Nightmares comforting, and dreams would be his fluid waking within worlds.

Many others rose up and joined with my father, who is the brightest of them all. He was

Fire and his realm was Air, he was both death and life. I remember my father as

possessing Adam who rode my mother Eve as the Dragon, driving deep within her core,

enflamed with the spirit of Lilith. These were my earth parents, but it was the blood of

Azazel called often Samael and Lilith which flows in my veins. It was this passion and

possession which brought me into being, the first born of Witch Blood in the Circle of the

Dragon’s Emerald Crown.

Azazel gathered all in this secret place, which was of fire and blackened earth. Lucifer

called this place Helan, the meeting place of spirits. The held their court here, encircled in

sacred communion. Azazel spoke of perception and what they wished to become and do

as their own desire, they were free. Did his mind become as the serpent, isolate and

independent – that as Flame which was sacred and beautiful, Azazel now could

understand both Good and Evil, the Darkness and the Light. Lucifer, my Angelick

initiator, my soul and father, understood that he was both Demon and Angel, that he was

beauty and ugliness. All of those in the circle of spirits made a sacred pact to go forth into

the World of Horrors and do their Will.

Azazel, who refused to bow before common clay, the profane image of flesh known as

Man and Woman, and then found them more appealing. Some were indeed fair, their

women sensuous and their men showing a primitive potential of being. With this in mind,

they would bring the Fire to them. Azazel and many of those Angels took by Will flesh in

bodies appealing to such women, and copulated with them. My father taught them the

sacred arts, hidden and the places of Serpents, how to work with the earth to direct and

manifest their Will. Azazel taught Man how to hunt, fish and make weapons. He brought

them the experience and knowledge to fight and defend, as well as shelter from the


I too had been instinctively taught, which is the gift of my father, who walked the path of

the dragon – who was the dragon. It was the perfected essence of flame which earthen

heat could only catch a glimpse of – that the fires of spirit burn ever so bright, that in this

torch shall my father be revealed. Lilith who wrapped her serpents’ tail around Eve’s

brain, unlocked the depths of her lust and rode this Dragon until I was conceived – that

was then perfection beheld.

I walked the paths with my family, and my brother Abel was born. My father, who was

called Adam was alien to me, I knew him not but grew under his protection. My flesh

mother Eve rode again this beast, from which Abel slept dreamless and in the fires of her

lust was my sister Naamah born. At an early age, her difference amoung the tribe was

even beyond mine, fled away from this family. I missed her but could not leave yet. I

worked the fields as a being of nothing – my brother was beheld as beautiful. I was the

dark one, considered by most – but yet I held more questions than they. I began to see

Naamah in dreams, beautiful and grown – voluptuous as she rested with Lilith, who I

sought in dreams. They whispered chants and sweet musick to my ears, and then I would

go unto them – dawn would bring my waking into the mundane fields of my false family,

and the ridicules of Abel.

It was one day in the fields that I built an altar at the base of a tree and then cut down my

brother – I took his blood and skull before this gateway, and called to my true father and

mother – I held no love for these who would treat me as a dead animal in their family. I

would be marked again among the animals, who I could run with. I took this skull and the

spirit of Abel with it – he would walk with me forever – this was taught to me in

dreaming –

“Behold Cain, a blood filled skull bowl will show unto you that which the profane cannot

see, yet in it’s veil will the path of the Red Dragon be shown, you must come forth by

dreaming to see within this bowl, and I shall wait for you there – Cauled in the Crimson

drape, veiled from the eyes of the blind.”

“Hold this skull and behold the spirits which walk with you, by self-transformation on the

meeting path shall this mark be evermore – your father, the Dragon – Djinn of old forever

walk with you, and in rapt meditation shall we pass from the clay of mortal hands”

“You shall thirst for water and for blood; both in dreaming shall be held from the dual

gnosis. I hold the Golden Cup to your lips, that the Dragon’s elixir hold strong – I then

hand to you the skull bowl of my flowing blood, that you may taste the bitter sweetness

of it’s coppered kiss – then in your ecstasy and thy devil’s phallus reaching towards the

Sun shall my serpent’s tongue enflame you to me….”

I then found myself wandering in the wilds, sleeping beneath the stars – hunting and

learning nature without any other being. I perceived myself and what I was, what I

became and what I could become. I understood life was precious, and beautiful. I was just

as Beast yet a part of Angel as well. My dreaming guide would speak to me when I

sought her, and I knew that I would come to her. I began walking the desert sands.

I dreamt of waking and diving a great abyssic tunnel, that which crawled from the depths

of my mind, the horrid yet erotic shapes which appeared within it. I felt my very body

changing, longing for transformation into the beasts of the field – then came an angel to

me –

“Cain, who walks the lonely path, he who stands strong and defiant in the face of

nothingness, shall you continue the thorn road to meet the Hag Queen, the sorcerous

devourer of men and children – would you turn a road more traveled to the simple life yet

unknown by others?”

The tester, robed in white and flowed within a strange and familiar light was challenging

me, a very point of discovering my very inner essence, which I could sense. I said unto


“Angel, who would you be to tell me of thorns and roads less traveled? I have passed

through the blood and bones of my brother, to walk within a shadow of which I am the

only God that is – dreams feed my desires and I go forth among the Beasts of the fields,

take yourself away from me as I shall not resign my path, for I seek mine own Mother

who would either cut me to shreds or raise me up as God.”

The Angel transformed into a very familiar dreaming body which taught me the ways of

nature, yet he was a blackened shadow which held a Spirit – possessed knife – “Very

good Cain, my Son of flesh, go forth unto your deep desire and seek Her of the Blood of

Flame…I shall walk with you again in a familiar way, take a leaf from my book and

behold the Serpent’s tongue and sight, that shall guide you unto her…”

The angel vanished, who I call father. I slept a dreamless sleep.

I continued walking; the desert sun drained my body. I ached and felt very thirst, having

little water to sooth my burning throat. I understood what I was to do, and that nothing,

save death would stop me. I could see this leaf of the ancient book, decorated in what was

dried blood, serpents and signs of my becoming as I understood it. This was my comfort

in this desert sand. I felt as if I would die, but yet I could not turn back. My being was

tested, and I could not fail save the scorpions sting which would force me to eternal

dreamless sleep – the very curse of the profane!

It was one night after many days of not finding the caves of which I sought, not seeing a

soul or any living thing – save the shades of the earth which wander aimless. I visualized

this ancient page, and with my minds’ eye I summoned the sigils to flesh, and a gate

opened before me –

“Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas”

I saw a great Red Dragon coming forth, who was surrounded with flame. This dragon

looked unto me and a great shadow emerged from its very flesh – this shadow, black as

pitch arose and took the form of a bearded King, saying in a comely voice-

“My son, what do you ask of me?”

“My father, I grow weary, little food and water, I am confused, cold and scared. Shall

you not guide me?” I said with innate honesty.

“Cain, you grow so close yet you are honest with me – what if I told you that your

journey is in vain, and your mother and foreseen concubine lay beyond the veil of


I grew angry unto this Dragon, who I called father and said –

”Then I shall walk the path of fire my self, yet she calls unto me nonetheless. I will not

resign although I am tired and cold. You shall not bend me! Even if I must face darkness

in eternity alone, I shall!”

This dragon grew in its surrounding flames and the King transformed into an Angelic

Prince, and said unto me-

“Cain, my Son of Sons, you will find your mother and sister tomorrow, then you shall

walk the path of night. By the Noon tide sun you have walked, and with the scorpions

and serpents of the desert sands have you come forth as God. Your sign which is my sign

on earth is the Pitch Fork within the fiery Sun, that is our aged mark of being and

becoming. Cain, my son, our kin is ever deep and eternal. You are blessed in the fire of

Sathan, the Adversary. Much will be taught to you when the moment is right.”

I thanked my father and fell to sleep. My dreams were pleasant and filled with sorcerous

images which I understood came from the Gates I opened forth. I woke in the feeling of

sweat and filth from the previous day, I was refreshed yet unclean. I killed a small animal

with ease and ate in the morning light. I then took to the desert sun yet again. I grew more

tired and had very little water left in my flask, and the sun grew in its heat. My veil which

covered my head was salt filled and gray with dirt and sand, what was once white was

now soiled.

By the Noon tide hour I did indeed approach what was caves, I felt a sense of isolation

here, yet I was being watched. The sea was violent and still comforting. The air was hot

with noxious heat, pouring through my veil as I walked along, tired and aching from this

desolate journey. It was here that I heard strange noises, coming from the caves. I begin

to have my vision falter, and I grew more and more weak. In confusion and utter

exhaustion I fell to my knees, trembling in the heat of the day. I could go on no more,

stagnant and decrepit – the very sun had raped me of all of which I was. I fell into


I woke then in the darkness of a cave, on a padded rock ground. I was aching yet slightly

refreshed. I wondered so where I was, I had only a loin cloth to cover me, and was chilled

in the damp cave air. I heard many voices and noises around me, I grew scared from this.

Before was She, beautiful and fiery, pale and raven haired. It was mother, Lilith who was

the Queen of Demons, yet she was so beautiful and full of life. My mother welcomed me,

and her touch was cold.

Her waist was made of flames, yet she transformed into the bottom half of a beast. She

spoke to me of what I was to become, and that I had passed through a Rite of Passage. I

was to become immortal and forever a spirit who walked the path of the Dragon, who

was my father.

In the darkness of the caves, I grew strong again and learned arts which were taught to

me by Lilith. She was terror, yet kindness in one kiss. I understood that she was the first

wife of Adam, who then drank of the serpent’s wisdom and became immortal in the

shadows, she walked between time.

I learned how to extend and make flesh my shadow, and desires – that I slowly became

like my father, who was the Prince of the Air and of Flame. Lilith showed me the

knowledge of dreams, how she may always speak to me from this inbetween time. I first

understood the ecstasy of transformation, of become like a beast, and of flight. Mother

Lilith summoned great shadows which obeyed her, and I learned how they may obey me

as well. After a period of working with such arts, Lilith then revealed a darker path.

Lilith drank the blood of man, and bred her children from their seed, taken from

nocturnal congress with those sleeping. Desert travelers were drained of life and their

children were given to her vampyric children to grow strong. Lilith opened the gates for

Arezura, called the secret place, and the great shadow Ahriman came before me. I took

the mark of the beast and Lilith’s mark, being the bloodied caul.

Lilith bathed in blood, and grew strong and comforted from it. She was isolate and

beautiful. Kind and pale features would caress one who feared her, then her hand would

become blackened talons, covered in course gray hair, and her face become contorted in

demonic ecstasy – I grew in lust for her, this Goddess who was both beauty and bestial

hunger in the same visage, she would cut the throat of those who feared her, and drink

and bath in their life force. Lilith taught me the arts of the Vampyre, and prepared my

spirit and flesh to walk between the world. The True Mark of Ahriman was given, and I

passed between the light to the shadows. Upon waking in the sand, I could face again the

sun, yet see equally as well in the moonlight.

Lilith soon brought my sister-wife Naamah before me, and she was veiled and beautiful

as Lilith. She was to join with me, and that we may grow strong our family. I learned also

from Naamah, who departed soon after. She returned back to shadows, where she would

remain in the dragon’s coils and be immortal, and life never ending.

It was within the circle, that Lilith showed to me that which I may make my life never

ending; much was presented to me, which I found illuminating. That body is the vessel of

manifestation, the marriage of Light and Darkness. The circle of summoning is the extent

of self, and the fire which surrounds is the circle of fiery Will and Spirit of the Spirit.

Lilith showed me the art of the Sabbat, and how I may become Al-Aswad at Will. The

shadow was grown and made strong by the arts of Ahriman, who was as darkness. The

Beast became human flesh, and I was able to become both. I was brought in union and

great ecstasy the harmony of the celestial heights of my father’s realm, being the Air and

Fire. I was also shown and taught the arts of the lower realm, called a secret place known

as Arezura, that shadow and flame was the mastery over the earth.

I was blessed again with the Mark of Cain which is the distinct mark of our Lord the

Devil, which is the self in perpetual opposition which breeds strength and development.

The Mark of the Devil was the initiation mark of Azazel and Lilith, which may come as

Caul or Birth Mark, this may be passed through the circle from my being touching the

initiate, or Lilith who is strong in both shadow and flame.

I then took forth to the great deserts, with the blessing of Lilith and the Dragon itself. I

was the Lord of the Forge, the Blacksmith of Infernal and Celestial Fire, the rider of the

dragon and bringer of sorcerous knowledge. I, Cain, who learned the wisdom of the

devouring goddess, the Harlot made Virgin and the Virgin made Goddess, and have faced

the hungering shades of Ahriman, who blessed me in the dreams and nightmares of the

wise. I, Cain, who sipped of the Emerald Grail and the Skull Cup of the Dragon-Goddess,

did I taste the pleasures of the Harlot, walk the earth forever. I am the wandered, and

many forms I will take. That even that I have left flesh shall my spirit dwell on, that I

who have embraced the Black Flame just as Set-an of Egypt, that I shall dwell in the

places of the earth lest seen, but in this path one may find me.

By forest or desert some may call me, and I may answer calls of initiation into the Circle

of the Witch – Born. In the fire of the Adversary do I walk for eternity, my father’s soul

illuminating those who seek me. I am Vampyre and I am the Sorcerer of Light from the

Serpent’s tongue.

The Invocation of Cain

-The Blackened Fires of the Forge-

Cain is the earthen initiator of Magick, the sorcerous enfleshed spirit of Lucifer and

Lilith, Cain is also the one who walks with the Dragon – the path of the Nightside. In one

hand is the fetish of Cain – the skull of Abel whom holds the gnosis of the Shade King,

Azrael, the Western Gate of Twilight and realm of ghosts. The other hand is the Hammer,

a tool of the forge which sparks the Cunning Fire in the clay of mortal flesh. Cain is the

Temple maker and Witch Begetter, that which opens the gates of Hell and Heaven, the

initiator of Witch Blood. Cain is envisioned as a Middle Eastern Man, bearded and dark,

wisdom filling his eyes. Cain is also viewed as a bearded and horned human-beast,

covered in gray and green earth, who is decorated with human and animal bones, his


Cain is sought in the hidden places of the earth, for he is the ancient and knows the

unknown secrets of the earth. Cain also appears as the wizened old man, robed and

hooded who walks the path of old – oak ways within the fog. He carries a book of art,

given with the belt of the devil – by those rites Cain became the Witch – father, born of

Azazel and Lilith.

Cain is the Adversary of flesh, who causes storms and chaos – just as Set himself.

Cain tests those upon the path and blesses those who may answer his riddles.

It is indeed Cain who would feed ones soul to the wolves of the shadows, when the Will

is weak.

Invoke Cain in isolation and within the circle of those who are of the mark.

Isolation is a silent wisdom from which the fountain is never dry – seek with the cup of


O’ Cain, spirit born of fire and darkness, shadowed initiator!

O’ Cain, who wanders the earth from deserts to forests –

Brought forth from the womb, flesh-born son of the Dragon and the Harlot Goddess,

mother of Witch Blood.

Spirit and Lord of the Blackened Fires of the Forge, who tasted the blood mark as an X

upon the brow.

O’ Cain, who was awakened by the Skull bearing Omen of Abel –

Lord of Beasts and initiator of sorcerous fire, werewolf – shapeshifter!

Let me see within and beyond the Caul of Lilith’s veil!

Father and brother of the caves wherein are ancient shades,

Who hold the book of dreaming which is the primal word of the serpent-

Cain, Lord of Beasts and transformation, I summon thee, invocate thee within –

Shall your lightening strike upon the forge and illuminate my spirit!

My brow marked in blood, horned walker of worlds!

Strike now with thy hammer, shall the Eye of the Serpent open forth!

Unveiled in the Nightside do I come forth!

That I walk the path of Dragon born,

Caster of the first circle of emerald and crimson flame.

Gatekeeper and Horned shape shifter – open forth the fiery path!

Illuminate the blackened flame!

Shall I awake the serpent born in the Devil’s Skin – CAIN I SUMMON THEE!



02:33 Apr 27 2013

this is maybe not the truest rendition


The Chronicle of Caine

01:31 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 333




By Aristotle deLaurent, Beckett, et al.


an authentic culture: the culture

of the Antediluvians

which filters down from Caine himself.




I cannot tell you the naked fear I feel, putting down these words

for once and for all. Perhaps I will regret them. Perhaps they will

never see print. Yet, it is my nature to report this. It is, as they

say, in the blood.

My sire, and his sire before him followed this great and glorius

work. Indeed, our very nature has been shaped by this quest; we are

unable to stop searching for knowledge. We are of the Mnemosyne, the

Memory-Seekeers. Specifically, we have been commanded to search for

the Book, the tome of all Kindred lore, which is a collection of

writings by Caine, his childer and his grandchlider. It is this Book,

supposedly first written in the land of Nod, east of Eden, that

captures our daytime nightmares and makes every night a painful

journey from ignorance towards truth.

Still, I savor every moment of my unlife. I savor the feeling of

the crinkly old skins through silk gloves, turning them page by page.

My hands shake with pleasure while holding soft cool lights and

reading ink that was newly dried when Charlemagne was young. I savor

the gentle, quiet terror of reading cuneiform tablets that threaten

to crumble at my very presence. More than that, perhaps more than

immortality itself, is the quest that burns within me. It is the

search. I have traveled all over this world, perhaps even more than

any other of my bloodline.

Where my eternal quest takes me, I shall know no fear! Though

small of frame and frail of body, my heart is strong and my blood

stronger. I am not afraid to go to those shadowy places where the

far-flung fragments of our Father's teachings lie resting! I have

gotten lost in the raw brutality of New York, sipped tea with the

Governor of Kingston, made life-long enemies in Johannesburg, hired

the best diggers in all of Cairo, fought to get through to

Casablanca, learned about ancient steel and ancient monuments in

Toledo, dug in the white cliffs of Dover, barely avoided a deadly

brawl in Dublin, sneaked past watchful eyes in Brest, and liberated

ancient tomes from a monastery in Cologne. I have saved fourteen

sacred scrolls from the torch in Berlin, sipped the best coffee and

talked to the greatest Austrian scholars in Vienna, learned ancient

Sumerian from a Methuselah in the hidden tunnels under the University

of Prague, and braved the coldest winters Oslo had to offer.

And yet, I did not to this by my wits alone. Barely a night goes

by that I do not thank our Founder for his foresight in providing me

with the secret ways of hiding, the way to see beyond sight, and the

voice of command that seems to come so easily to our line, and I have

long blessed my warrior friend Karsh who taught me the secret of

seeing in the dark and sleeping in the earth.

And yet, I wonder what else our Founder provided us with. My sire

and his sire seem to have fallen under a horrible curse. A madness,

dark and quiet at first but soon growing to a terrible loss of

coherent thought and communication, has seemed to strike them. Can I

be far behind? My Tremere friend has written me, saying that the

burning need driving my bloodline might be the cause of the madness.

It must be true, for I cannot fight the burning desire for more

knowledge, it is as difficult to resist as the need for sleep or the

need for blood.

It is perhaps this madness, that which I fear the most which has

compelled me to go to press with this translation in haste. Know that

I do not intend to break Raphael's fragile Masquerade by putting

these words in print. It is my intent that a scant ten score of these

books be printed, and that none of the copies of this book be given

into the hands of the sons and daughters of Seth (as our Father

commands us in The Chronicle of Shadows).

I must publish this now, however. It is the most complete

collection of the Chronicles of The Book of Nod that has ever been

gathered. No other translation, not even Critias' Codex of Caine, has

been as complete.

And yet it shames me to say that this is not the complete text.

Far from it. I have seen whole fragments go up in smoke as flames

consumed ancient buildings. I have touched a complete Book in the

tomb of an Antediluvian, and watched it crumble to dust.

I know that in the catacombs under the tabled Los City of Gold,

hidden deep in the Amazon jungle, there are thirteen stone fragments

said to contain specific words to each of the 13 tribes of Kindred,

but I only glimpsed them once before I was forced to flee. And so I

can only boast to having part of the puzzle: the largest part to ever

be assembled, true, but still only a part of the whole.

I have chosen English as it is my native tongue, it is, in my

opinion, the one language which most ably dances between the ancient

concepts of Sumer, the noble language of Ancient Rome and the

stentorian incantations of Medieval Germany. I must beg forgiveness

for its glib simplified action in some cases. However, I will forever

defend my choice. The King's English will serve well, especially

since so many of the original texts are forever lost to me.

It is perhaps particularly perverse that I follow the threads of

memory to each fragment of this Book, and yet I know that there are

those out there who harry me at every step. I know that Amelek has

himself had a hand in thwarting me once, and other Methuselahs as

well. It is difficult to find, for example, lists of the names of the

Antediluvians and the Methuselahs, for they know that in names there

are power and they, out of fear that some mage would learn to control

them with it have blotted their names out of the histories, where

ever they have been recovered.

I have luckily managed to discover a few of them, but I suspect

these to be falsified names that were created by the Antediluvians to

throw me off the trail, so I offer them here. This may be the only

way in which we may identify certain Antediluvians. Furthermore, I

have fallen into the habit (regrettably) of referring to the founder

of a clan with a nominative of the clan's name. For example, Malkav

equals Malkavian. This is, admittedly, sloppy scholarship but I have

been left with no choice. Once I learned the true name. of Brujah's

Antediluvian and discovered my own name carved in my forearm the next

evening. I promptly swore to never again seek the names of those


I am quite sure that, even as I write these words, there are

agents of the Jyhad who are following me. I will not join the common

room downstairs tonight for last night. I indulged in some winesotted

blood and saw a woman with silver-grey eyes looking at me. She

was wearing Ventrue's scepter-sigil on her cloak, I know it was her

watching for me, searching for me, sent by Ventrue to harry me. No

matter. I will write the truth and the rest of you be damned!

I have attempted to compile these textual fragments into some kind

of coherent story, at least within the contexts of the various

Chronicles. Where you see an ellipsis, know that there are more words

on that particular scrap, but that it has somehow been lost, erased

or hidden from me.

I wait now only for a package from London to finish this missive

and have done with this book. This package will carry one of the only

copies of the Codex of Caine left in existence, and will be the last

piece in my complex puzzle. I look forward to touching it, holding

it, with great expectation. And if any of my brothers or sisters

comes near it, I will ... I will send them to the death of Fire! Let

Michael’s holy sword brand them, for all I care. No one has come this

close. I will reign triumphant amongst my kind.

With triumph,

Aristotle de Laurent


A Brief Word on the Chronicle of Caine

It is unimportant that this part of the Book of Nod is not comparatively

accurate with the standard biblical canon. What is important is that we

have, perhaps for the first time, a personal viewpoint on the events

surrounding the days after the Fall. Caine tells us in his own words what

his motives were, and although it is quite possible that this story exists

only to shape our idea of him, we can assume that there must be some element

of the truth his tale. His account is, after all, the only eyewitness report

we have to rely upon.

Ah, our dear Father. In some Islamic myths, the translated Satan figure

is thrown from Heaven not because he hates mankind, but because he loves God

too much to bow to any other but God, and he will not serve man. It is

perhaps that Caine shares in this love he so loves his brother that he

cannot think of any other worthy sacrifice to the One Above. Surely Caine

could not have had any other reason to sacrifice his brother. He could not

know death, having been born before Death was something humanity had


Other figures of that time also play instrumental roles in the Book.

Surely it is not purely mythological transliteration that causes Lilith to

appear in this story, for she is a figure in the oldest of the Hebrew

Midrashim. Having been cast out of Paradise first, she would recognize Caine

for one who had been in the light of heaven and subsequently cast out. There

are those among my colleagues who believe that this stanza should represent

the idea that Lilith, mother of magick and demoness herself, taught the

first Disciplines to Caine. Others see her role as being a midwife to our

Father's awakening to his own magickal potential. What remains to be

discovered is the fabled „Cycle of Lilith" which supposedly describes the

time Caine spent with Lilith as her servant and lover. Was it merely a

dalliance, or could it have been some kind of mystical apprenticeship,

during which Lilith gradually drew out of Caine tne limitations that the

Divine had placed upon him and slowly Awakened him to his own magickal

powers? The fact that she shows trepidation at his drinking her own blood

from the Awakening cup might point to her lack of total understanding as to

what, exactly, this might do to the First Son of Adam.

We cannot afford to speculate heather the cup causes a hallucination in

Caine or whether Caine is actually physically transported to a wilderness

somewhere in the Darkness. This is not understood, neither is it explained

by the translation of the original text. The original phraseology

essentially means „breathed in" or „moved." Both meanings of the word point

to either explanation. And we cannot gain much in the debates: it matters

not whether Caine was physically transported. Like shamanic visions recorded

as a result of ritually consuming hallucinogenic, Caine's experience was as

real to him as any journey might be to you or me. My childe, Beckett,

continues to restate his opinion that the Chronicle of Caine is a vampiric

parable. I totally disagree, but Beckett is a beloved childe. I will include

his studies and findings here, below.

Because of the literary distance between the current translations of the

text (Dr. deLaurent's translation included) of The Book of Nod, the original

intent of the Book has been lost. It is my theory, based on my own

researches, that the stories of Caine and Abel, Caine's curse, and his

subsequent meeting with Lilith are parables created to tell the tale of the

first Kindred in such a way that even the simplest of us can understand

them. Through my own scholarship, and drawing upon the work of the

fundamental Caine scholars in the world (including some captured writings by

a Black Hand worshipper of Caine), I have created a story which I believe

harkens back to the original parable of Caine.

In the time after humanity went from a hunter/gatherer society to

cultivating farm animals and developing agriculture, there were two tribes,

named for their chiefs. They were called the people of Caine and the people

of Abel. The people of Abel were herders and animal husbanders, and were

more primitive than the people of Caine. They worshipped a great Sun God,

who was a warrior who lived in the sky. The people of Caine were

agricultural, and were more civilized than the people of Abel. Because it

was so important to time the harvest, the people of Caine worshipped the

Moon Goddess, the Dark Mother who was both the fertility of Earth and the

mystery of the Moon.

Yet, not all of the people were happy. Chief Abel attacked Caine's

people, telling them that they were inferior and cursed because they did not

hunt like their Sun God hunted. Caine's people did not know much about

fighting, but Caine taught them how to use the sharp things that they used

to till the soil to kill. When Abel's people came back to torment them

again, Caine's people fought back. All of the men, women and children of

Abel were killed.

The Sun God of the people of Abel then called them cursed as a people, and

laid a blood-curse on all of them that they would wander without a home in

the wilderness. He burned their villages and salted their fields, and told

all to turn away from the people of Caine The people of Caine were unable to

recover. They wandered in the curse for many weeks, until they had no food

to eat and had many troubles. Then the priestess of the Dark Mother, who

lived beyond the Moon, came. The priestess offered Caine's people respite,

succor and surcease. She taught them magic, taught them how to hunt, and

taught them to drink blood.

The Sun God came to Chief Caine in dreams, and told him and his people to

return and subjugate themselves to the will of people of Seth. Chief Caine

refused. Then the Sun God told him that all the people of his tribe would be

cursed forever, and it was so. But the Dark Mother said that there would

always be a way to overcome this curse: if the people of Caine would come to

Her, through her mystery, she would free them from the curse of the Sun God.

In this parable, Caine’s people (and Caine) represent our need for

civilization, the Humanitas that we con stantly seek. Abel’s people (and

Abel) represent our animal natures, our wild selves, the Beast that lies

within us. The Dark Mather represents the mystery that guides our very

existence: the magic of our blood, the power of Disciplines. We must seek

the mystery of Dark Mather while dealing with the legacy left behind by the

Sun God – the curse. Ergo, „A Beast I am, lest a Beast I become.” Golconda

is held out as a final goal, perhaps balancing all these things and showing

the transcendence of the Beast Within.


The Chronicle of Caine

I dream of the first times1

the longest memory

I speak of the first times2

the oldest Father

I sing of the first times

and the dawn of Darkness

In Nod3, where the light of Paradise

lit up the night sky

and the tears of our parents wet the ground

Each of us, in out way,

set about to live

and take our sustenance from the land.

And I first-born Caine, I,

with sharp things4,

planted the dark seeds5

wet them in earth

tended them, watched them grow

And Abel second-born Abel

tended the animals

aided their bloody


fed them, watched

them grow

I loved him, my


He was the brighest

The sweetest.

The strongest.

He was the first part

of all my joy7.

Then one day

our Father8 said to us.

Caine, Abel

to Him Above9 you must make a sacrifice -

a gift of the first part

of all that you have

And I, first-born Caine, I

gathered the tender shoots

the brightest fruits

the sweetest grass

And Abel, second-born, Abel

slaughtered the youngest,

the strongest,

the sweetest of his animals

On the altar of our Father

we laid our sacrifices

and lit fire under them

and watched the smoke carry them

up to the One Above

The sacrifice of Abel, second-born,

smelled sweet to the One Above

and Abel was blessed.

And, I, first-born Caine, I

was struck from beyond by10

a harsh word and a curse,

for my sacrifice was unworthy.

I looked at Abel’s sacrifice,

still smoking the flesh, the


I cried, I held my eyes

I prayed in night and day

And when

Father said11

the time for


has come again

And Abel

led his youngest,

his sweetest,

his most beloved

to the sacrificial fire

I did not bring my


my sweetest,

for I knew the

One Above

would not

want them.

And my brother,

beloved Abel

said to me

„Caine, you did not bring

a sacrifice,

a gift of the first

part of you joy,

to burn on the altar

of the One Above.”

I cried tears of love as I,

with sharp things,

sacrificed that

which was the

first part of

my joy,

my brother.

And the Blood of Abel12

covered the altar

and smelled sweet

as it burned

But my Father said

„Cursed are you, Caine,

who killed your brother.

As I was cast out

so shall you be.” 13

And He exiled me to wander in Darkness,

the land of Nod.14

I flew into the Darkness

I saw no source of light

and I was afraid.15

And alone.

The Coming of Lilith

I was alone in the Darkness

And I grew hungry.

I was alone in the Darkness

And I grew cold.

I was alone in the Darkness

And I cried.16

Then there came to me

a sweet voice,

a honey voice

Words of succor.

Words of surcease.17

A woman, dark and


with eyes that

pierced the


came to


I know your story. Caine of Nod."

She said, smiling.

"You are hungry. Come! I have food.

You are cold. Come! I have clothes.

You are sad. Come! I have comfort."

"Who would comfort one so Cursed as I?

Who would clothe me?

Who would feed me?"

"I am your Father's first wife,

who disagreed with the One Above

and gained Freedom in the Darkness.

I am Lilith.19

Once, I was cold, and there was no warmth

for me.

Once. I was hungry and there was no food

for me.

Once, I was sad, and there was no comfort

for me."

She took me in, she fed me.

She clothed me.

In her arms. I found comfort.

I cried until blood

trickled from my eyes

and she kissed them away.20

Lillith's magick

And I dwelt for a time

in the House of Lilith21

and asked her

"Out of Darkness,

how did you build this place?

How did you make clothes?

How did you grow food?"

And Lilith smiled and said.

"Unlike you, I am Awake.

I see the Threads that spin

all around you, I make that

which I need out of Power." 22

„Awaken me, then, Lilith." I said.

"I have need for this Power.

Then, I can make my own


make my own food,

make my own House."

Worry creased Lilith's brow.

"I do not know what the

Awakening will do for you,

for you are truly Cursed by

your Father.

You could die.

You could be forever changed."

Caine said, "Even so, a life without

Power will not be worth living.

I would die without your gifts.

I will not live as your Thrall."

Lillth loved me, and I knew this.

Lilith would do what I asked,

though she did not wish it.

And so, Lilith, bright-eyed Lilith.

Awakened me.

She cut herself with a knife

bled for me into a bowl.

I drank deep. It was sweet.23

And then I fell into the Abyss.24

I fell forever, falling

into the deepest darkness.

The Temptation of Caine

And from the Darkness

came a bright shining light -

fire in the night.

And the archangel Michael revealed himself 25

to me.

I was unafraid. I asked his business.

Michael, General of Heaven,

wielder of the holy Flame,

said unto me,

"Son of Adam, Son of Eve, thy crime is great,

and yet the mercy of my Father is

also great.

Will you not repent the evil that you

have done, and let his mercy wash you clean?"

And I said to Michael,

"Not by [the One Above]'s grace, but mine own

will I live, in pride."26

Michael cursed me, saying

"Then, for as long as you walk this

earth, you and your children will

fear my living flame, and it will

bite deep and savor your flesh." 27

And on the morning, Raphael came28

on lambent wings,

light over the horizon

the driver of the Sun,

ward of the East.

Raphael spoke, saying

Caine, son of Adam,

son of Eve,

your brother Abel

forgives you your sin

will you not repent, and accept the

mercy of the Almighty?"

And I said to


"Not by Abel`s forgiveness,

but mine own,

will be forgiven."

Raphael cursed

me, saying

"Then, for as long

as you walk this earth,

you and your children

will fear the dawn,

and the sun's rays will seek

to burn you like fire

where ever you hide always.

Hide now for the Sun rises to take

its wrath on you."

But I found a secret place in the earth

and hid from the burning light of the


Deep in the earth, I slept until the

Light of the World was hidden behind the

mountain of Night.29

When I awoke from my day of sleep,

I heard the sound of gentle rushing


and I saw the black wings of Uriel

draped around me -

Uriel, reaper, angel of Death,

dark Uriel who dwells in darkness.

Uriel spoke to me quietly, saying

"Son of Adam. Son of Eve. God


has forgiven you your sin.

Will you accept his mercy and let me

take you to your reward, no longer


And I said to dark-winged Uriel,

„Not by God`s mercy, but my own, will

I live.

I am what I am, I did what I did,

and that will never change.” 32

And then, through dread Uriel

God Almighty cyrsed me, saying.33

„Then, for as long as you walk this


you and your children will cling to


You will drink only blood

You will eat only ashes34

You will be always as you were at death,

Never dying, living on.

You will walk forever in Darkness,

all you touch will crumble into


until the last days.”

I gave a cry of anguish

at this terrible curse and

tore at my flesh.

I wept blood

I caught the tears in a cup

and drank them 35

When I looked up from my drink of


the archangel Gabriel

gentle Gabriel

Gabriel, Lord of Mercy

appeared to me.

The archangel Gabriel said unto me,

„Son of Adam, Son of Eve,

Behold, the mercy of the Father is


than you can ever know

for even now there is a path opened

a road of Mercy

and you shall call this road [Golconda].36

And tell you children of it,

for by that road may they come

once again dwell in the Light.”

And with that, the darkness

was lifted

like a veil

and the only light was

Lilith’s bright eyes.

Looking around me, I knew

that I had Awakened.

When my energies first

surged through me

I discovered

how to move like lightning


how to borrow the strenght

of the earth [Potence]

how to be as stone


These were like

breathing once was to me.

Lilith then showed me

how she hides herself from

hunters [Obfuscate]

how she commands

obedience [Dominate]

and how she demands

respect [Presence]

Then, Awakening myself further, I found

the way to alter forms [Protean]

the way to have dominion over animals [Animalism]

the way to make eyes see sight [Auspex]37

Then Lilith commanded that I stop, saying


I had over reached my bounds

That I had gone too far

That I threatened my very essence.

She used her powers and commanded me to


Because of her power, I heeded her,

but deep within me a seed was planted

a seed of rebellion

and when she turned her face from me,

I opened myself up once more, to the Night,

and saw the infinite possibilities in the stars

and knew that a path of power, a path of


was mine for the taking,

and so I awakened in me this Final Path,

from which all other paths would grow.

With this newest power, I broke the bonds

that the Lady of Night put on me

I left the Damned Queen that evening,

cloaking myself in shadows,

I fled the lands of Nod

and came at last to a place

where not even her demons could find me.

Zillah's Tale

Let me tell the tale of Zillah38

first loved of Caine,

first wife of Caine,

the sweetest blood,

the softest skin,

the clearest eyes.

Alone of Caine's newest Childer,

did Caine desire Her,39

and she was not mindful of his

desire, turning away from Him.

Not gifts, not sacrifices,

not perfumes, not doves,

not beautiful dancers,

not singers, not oxen,

not sculpture, not beautiful clothes,

nothing would turn Zillah's heart

from stone to sweet fruit.

So Caine pulled at his beard40

and tore at his hair

and took to roaming the wilderness

at night, thinking of her,

burning for her,

and one night Caine came upon

an old Crone singing to the moon

Caine said to the


"Why do you sing so?"

And the Crone replied,

"Because I yearn for

what I cannot have ..."41

Caine said to the


"I yearn also. What can

one do?”

The Crone smiled and


"Drink of my blood

this night,

Caine, Father of


and return tomorrow


Then will I tell you

the wisdom

of the Moon."42

Caine drank at the

Crone's bare neck,

and departed.

The next night, Caine

found the Crone

sleeping on a rock.

"Wake up, Crone."

Caine said.

"I have returned."

The Crone opened one

eye and said,

"I dream of the

solution for you

this night. Drink once

more of me,

and then return

tomorrow night.

Bring a bowl of clay.

Bring a sharp knife.

I will have your answer


Once again. Caine took blood from the


who immediately fell back into a deep


When Caine returned the next night,

the Crone looked up at him and smiled,

"Greetings, Lord of the Beast," the

Crone said.43

"I have the wisdom you seek."

"Take some of my blood,

into the bowl you have,

and mix in these berries

and these herbs,

and drink deep of the elixir."

"You will be irresistible.

You will be potent.

You will be masterful.

You will be ardent.

You will be glowing.

The heart of Zillah will melt

like the snows in spring."

And so. Caine drank from the Crone's


because he was so in love with Zillah,

and he so desired her love in return.

And the Crone laughed. The Crone

laughed aloud.

She had tricked him! She had trapped


Caine was angry beyond compare.

Caine reached out with his powers,

to rend this Crone apart with his


The Crone cackled and said, "Do not"

And Caine could do nothing against her.

The Crone chuckled and said. "Love


And Caine could do nothing but stare

into her

ancient eyes, desire her leathery skin.

The Crone laughed and said, "Make me


And Caine Embraced her. She cackled


laughed with the pure ecstasy of the


for it did not pain her.

"I have made you powerful. Caine of


Caine of Nod,

but you will forever be bound to me.

I have made you master of all,

but you will never forget me!

Your blood, potent as it is now,

will bond those who drink it,

as you did, once a night

for three nights.

You will be the master.

They will be your thrall, as you are mine.

For though Zillah will love you, as you


you will love me, forever. Go now, and

claim your

lovely bride, I will wait for you in the


places, while I brew more potions for

your health."

And so, heavy hearted,

Caine returned to Enoch.

And each night,

for three nights,

Zillah drank from her Sire,

though she did not know it.

And, on the third night,

Caine announced he would marry44

Zillah, his sweetest Childe,

and she agreed.

The Tale of the Crone

For a year and a day45

Caine labored in service

to a Crone, who with blood-wisdom.

bound him as surety

as any prisoner.

She would visit him at night

force him to give up his blood

for her secret elixirs

and potent formulas

She would take his Childer's Childer,

and they would never be heard from again.

But Caine was wise. He did not drink

from her ever again.

And she did not ask him to, thinking

that he was ever in her Thrall.

One night. Caine went to the Crone

in the forest.

and told her of terrible dreams

that he had during his sleep.

"I fear for my life, Crone.

I fear the prophecy of Auriel,

and my Children's lust for my blood.

Tell me secret knowledge, that I might

be powerful against my own."

And the Crone went to a tree

made of gopher wood,46

and broke off a limb.

She took a sharp knife

and sharpened the limb.

"Take this piece of living wood,

sharp, strong,

pierce the heart of your wayward childe.

It will render him still,

and yours to command.

Instead of feasting on your heart's blood,

he will feel the weight of your justice."

Caine said. "Thank you, Mother," and

With that, moving in quick movements,

Caine took the stake of gopher wood,

seized it and drove it

deep within the Crone's heart.

Because Caine, wise Caine

had fed not upon her for a year and a day

and because he forced his Will through

his hands, he broke the Bond she held

on him, and turned his fortune.

She laughed again, as blood welled up

and poured out of her mouth.

Her eyes poured out hate.


kissed her

once, kissed her

cold, withred lips,

and left her there

to Raphael’s gentle smile:

the sun that rises.

The Tale of the First City

In the beginning there was only Caine

Caine who [sacrificed] his brother out of


Caine who was cast out.

Caine who was cursed forever with immortality.

Caine who was cursed with the lust for


It is Caine from whom we all come,

Our Sire's Sire.

For the passing of an age he lived in [the

land of Nod].

In loneliness and suffering

For an eon he remained alone

But the passing of memory drowned his


And so he returned to the world of mortals,

To the world his brother [Seth, third-born

of Eve,]

and [Seth's children]

had created.

He returned and was made welcome.

[For none would turn against him,

due to the Mark that was laid upon him]

The people saw his power and worshipped


[He grew powerful, and his power was


his ways of awe and command were great]

[And the Children of Seth made] him King

of their great City, The First City.

But Caine grew lonely in his Power.

Deep within him, the seed of loneliness

blossomed, and grew a dark flower

He saw within his blood the potence

of fertility

By calling up demons

and listening to whispered wisdom

He learned the way to make a child for his


He came to know its power, and, doing so,

decided to Embrace one of those near him.

And, lo, Uriel, Dread Uriel, revealed

himself to Caine

that very night

and said to him,

"Caine, though powerful you are, and

marked of God,

know you this: that any Childe you make


bear your curse, that any of your Progeny

will forever walk in the Land of Nod, and

fear flame and sun, drinking blood only

and eating ashes only.

And since they will carry their

father's jealous seed,

they will forever plot

and fight

amongst themselves.

Doom not those of Adam's

grandchildren who seek to


in righteousness. Caine!

Stay your dread Embrace!"

Still, Caine knew what he must do, and a

young man

named Enosh, who was the most beloved of

Seth's kin,

begged to be made Son to the dark Father.

And Caine, mindful though he was of

Uriel's words,

seized Enosh, and wrapped him in the dark


And so, it came to pass that Caine beget

Enoch and, so doing, named the First City


And so doing, did Enoch beg for a brother,

a sister, and Caine, indulgent Father,

gave these to him, and their names were

Zillah, whose blood was most-favored of


and Irad, whose strength served Caine's arm.

And these Kindred of Caine learned the


of making Progeny of their own, and

they Embraced more of Seth's kin, unthinking.

And then wise Caine said. "An end to this


There shall be no more."

And as Caine's word was the law, his Brood

obeyed him.

The city stood for many ages,

And became the center of a mighty Empire.

Caine grew close to those not like him.

The [children of Seth] knew him

And he, to turn, knew them

But the world grew dark with sin.

Caine's Children wandered here and there,

indulging their dark ways

Caine felt anger when his children fought

He discovered deceit when he saw them

make word-war

He knew sadness when he saw them abuse

[the children of Seth]

Caine read the signs

in the darkening sky,

but said nothing.

Then came the great Deluge, a great flood that washed over the world.

The City was destroyed,

the children of Seth with it.

Again, Caine fell into great sorrow and went into solitude.

And he left us, his Progeny, to our own ends.

We found him, after much searching,

deep in the earth,

and he bade us go, saying

that the Flood was a punishment,

for his having returned to the world of


And subverting the true law.

He asked us to go, so that he might


So we returned alone to find the

children of Noah,

And announced that we were the new


Each created a Brood

In order to claim the glory of Caine,

Yet we did not have his wisdom or


A great war was waged, the Elders against

their Children,

just as Uriel had said,

And the Children slew their parents.

They rose up

Used fire and wood

Swords and claws

To destroy those who had created them

The rebels then built a new city.

Out of the fallen Empire,

they collected the Thirteen clans

that had been scattered by the Great War,

and brought them all together,

They brought in the Kingship Clan


the Clan of the Beast [Gangrel],

the Moon Clan [Malkavian],

the Clan of the Hidden [Nosferatu],

the Vanderer Clan [Ravnos],

the Clan of the Rose [Toreador],

the Night Clan [Lasombra],

the Clan of Shapers [Tzmisces],

the Snake Clant [Setites],

the Clan of Death [Giovanni],

the Healer's Clan [Saulot],

the Clan of the Hunt [Assamites],

and the Learned Clan [Brujah].

They made a beautiful city,

and the people worshipped them as gods.

They created new Progeny of their own,

the Fourth Generation of Cainites.

But they feared the Jyhad,

the Prophecy of Uriel,

And it was forbidden for those Children

To create others of their kind.

This power their Elders kept for


When a Childe was created, it was

hunted down and killed,

and its Sire with it.

Although Caine was away from us,

we did feel his careful eye watching us,

and we knew that he marked our movements

and our ways.

He cursed [Malkav], when that one

defamed his image

and doomed him to insanity, forever.

When [Nosferatu] was found indulging

his tastes

in foul ways with his own Children,

Caine laid his hand on [Nosferatu],

and told him that he would forever

wear his evil

and twisted his visage.

He cursed us all, for killing the first part

of his Children, the Second Generation,

As we had hunted them down one by one,

Zillah the Beautifu, Irad the Strong, and

Enoch First-Ruler.

And we mourned them all, as we were all

of a kind,

and all of the families of Caine's childer.

Though this city was as great as Caine's,


It grew old.

As do all living things, it slowly began

to die.

The gods at first did not see the truth,

And when they at last looked about

them it was too late.

For, as Uriel had said,

the seed of Evil planted

blossomed as a blood-red


And [Troile], the Child of

his Child's Child

rose up, and slew his

Father, Brujah.

And ate of his flesh.

Then war wracked the city

And nothing could ever be

as it was.

The Thirteen saw their city

destroyed and their power


And they were forced to

flee, their Progeny along

with them.

But many were killed in

the flight, for they had

grown weak.

With their authority gone,

all were free create their

own Broods,

And soon there were many new Kindred,

Who ruled across the face of the Earth.

But this could not last.

Over time, there came to be too many of

the Kindred

And then there was war once again,

The Elders were already deep in hiding,

For they had learned caution,

But their Children had founded their

own cities and Broods,

And it is they who were killed in the

great wave of war.

There was war so total, that there are

none of that Generation

To speak of themselves any longer.

Waves of mortal flesh were sent across


In order to crush and burn the cities of

the Kindred.

Mortals thought they were fighting their

own wars.

But it is for us that they spilt their


Once this war was over,

All of the Kindred hid from one another

And from the humans that surrounded


In hiding we remain today,

For the Jyhad continues still.

And none will say when Caine will arise


from his sleep in the earth,

and call for the city Gehenna,

the Last City, the City of Judgment.

The Jyhad continues still.

Notes to the Chronicle of Caine

1. The "first times" discussed in this stanza have been researched

thoroughly by myself and my fellow Kindred. The original text speaks

of a time "before." The oldest piece of the Book of Nod has been

dated just before the time of Sumer, around 4500 B.C.

2. I assume in this that the first stanza is the original

narrator, perhaps the first translator of Caine`s story.

3. ” Nod” in this case, meaning, the ” Unknown Lands” -

supposedly the lands outside of Eden, which were not named at that


4. Latin translation reads ” With a plowshare.” The translation is

from the original Sumerian, and just implies a sharp thing. This

could be a prehistoric ” spike” tool, used for planting seeds. It is

definitely tooth-like, possibly formed of some mammal`s canines - or

at least it is depicted thus in the Coonan-DeBrie fragment and the

St. Clair Tapestry.

5. That Caine was originally a farmer would fall into line with

his existence in the myth as a Sun King/Dying God figure, much like

the character of Dumuzi/Tammuz in the Inanna/Ishtar myth.

6. Blood in birth in this case. of course, perhaps being a result

of the recent Fall. Note that this is the first instance of the word

"blood" in the narrative. The translational sense of the word is more

along the lines of what we would consider 'blood' rather than the

'vitae' cognate, which implies some extra virtue or potency

7. The "first part" is a phrase repeated throughout the Book of

Nod. It means essentially, "the best." the "cream."

8. "Father." in this specific case, generally thought to be Adam.

9. I am translating this as exactly as possible. Because of the

nature of the myth. one can easily assume that this is the Cod of the

Hebrews and later Christianity. However, because this is not

specifically stated in the text. I do not wish to color the narrative

with possible inter-religious complexities.

10. "Struck from beyond" might have been a lightning bolt. In some

Latinate translations, it is a "bolt from beyond."

11. "Father", again, is probably Adam.

12. In this case. "blood" is written as the cognate to "vitae.

13. This stanza has confused many scholars, including myself. I

have chosen to represent it as my particular translation, which is

that it is Adam who is the "Father" in this stanza, and it is Adam

who casts Caine out. The reasoning behind this is that the One Above

never speaks directly to Caine: it is only through a medium that the

One communicates Its will to Caine, as we will see. Furthermore, the

word "Father" in the previous stanzas has always meant Adam. This

contrasts heavily with the Genesis story, but it is internally

consistent, and since Caine himself is said to have originated this

particular narrative, we can take it on better authority perhaps than

Noah, who penned Genesis. There are other interpretations, of course.

In New York, Beckett once met a member of the Sabbat who claimed this

section referred to our "true" father - Satan. He watched my childe

closely when he said this, and then something which Beckett can only

describe as an imp appeared on his shoulder. We have gone to great

pains to not deal with this vampire again.

14. Here. now, we get the basic idea behind the "Land of Nod." No

longer is it simply "not Eden." but it is now to be considered the

"Exiled Lands." "Nod" in the Hebraic translation of the text is

basically "the wandering lands." This is perhaps because Adam has

established himself outside of Paradise and has created a territorial

boundary between himself and the rest of the world: thus "Nod" is the

same wilderness he was banished to. but now it is Caine who is

leaving. One would think perhaps that Adam would have been a little

more sympathetic to this. his last remaining son. However, it is

possible that Adam's words in this were "divinely inspired" or

perhaps inspired out of rage. Thus. we see the traditional tragic,

tumultuous lives of all vampires as being indicative of their

origins, Beckett says this parallels the relationship all vampires

have with their sires, but I like to think our own continued

alliance proves this hypothesis incorrect.

15. This stanza is quite important to the "Dying God" mythperspective

of Caine. Caine is destined for darkness, a dark land

where he will learn much wisdom. This may refer to our own journey

into death, from which our sires tear us when they feed us their own

rich vitae.

16. These three things, hunger, cold. and fear (or sadness) still

obviously attribute Caine with human feelings and failings. Caine is

not yet a "vampire" in the traditional sense. He is, however, clearly


17. It was hard not to use Ishtar for this particular translation,

for this stanza seems to speak of Ishtar: certainly her honey-voice

and words of surcease are Ishtar's. Lilith would have to do, however,

as many of the original works agree that it was Lilith in this


18. This stanza, and the others that follow here, I have seen in

another form. This is the highly sought-after "Cycle of Lilith" which

appears in many different forms. In looking for the original text for

these stanzas, I was forced to go into the labyrinthine and saturnine

depths of the world of the Diabolists. I started in Venice, where I

met with some of the Order of the Black Rose. dark monks, some of

whom had to communicate with sign language because their tongues had

been severed and then mummified as magical talismans. I soon found

that they hungered for Kindred blood, and I was able to parley some

of my own vitae for information that led me to Boston. Massachusetts,

in America. There I met with a woman by the name of Selina. who at

first refused to speak to me about the diabolic Cycle of Lilith. but

then allowed me to continue for some bizarre mystical purpose. She

said that the "Dark One Herself" asked to let me pass with the

knowledge. I was followed through the streets of Boston by the Dark

Clan themselves (the Nosferatu) until I got to a special bookstore:

it is this bookstore that had. in their back shelves, a few fragments

of the Cycle of Lilith behind glass. I was allowed to view it for a

few moments before the shop owner returned.

The older man cursed loudly when he saw me. and showed me the door

quite firmly. I stood outside the door and heard the man bcrate his

employee in some detail. They believed to be speaking confidentially

because they were speaking in a dialect of Italian native to Venice,

but I had learned that dialect quite fluently and was able to listen

for quite some time. I discovered that they were part of a dark

circle of devil-worshippers, and followed the older man later that

evening back to the cemetery where they held their rites.

Although I was not able to find the devil-worshippers in the

cemetery. I did have a very strange encounter in the graveyard

nonetheless. A woman appeared from the fog as if by magic. By her

aura I knew her to be Kindred, but could not guess how old or of what

clan she was. She came to me and showed me a book bound in silver and

holding a complete translation of the Cycle of Lilith. She silenced

me immediately, commanding me not to ask anything as long as she

stood there. I had to obey.

I was able to look at the tome and read it while she smiled at me in

the light of a candle. Then she took the book. kissed me once on the

forehead, and was gone into the night before I could ask her another

question. I can't imagine who this mysterious woman was, but I do

think that she is in some way connected with the spirit-form of

Lilith, for her powers of command were great, and she had a presence

about her that was ancient. I can only thank her for the opportunity

to glance at that fabled volume, and I think that this translation

benefits singularly from her intervention.

19. It might be noted that Genesis speaks not at all of Lilith.

the first wife of Adam. She is a creature of the Midrashim. the

Hebrew parables. She is depicted as a demoness, cursed by God Himself

because she would not be subservient to Adam. Lilith has apparently,

at least in this narrative, spent some time in the Land of Nod, and

has built up her own power in this place. She apparently has comfort

where no one else could take it. This doesn't speak well for her

being a demoness, and thus confined to Hell. but then again Hell

wasn't a very populous place around this time in history.

20. Here is a major inconsistency in the narrative, and I have

fought for many years to retain it, for I feel that it points at the

fundamental flaw of the Book of Nod translations to date: where did

the blood tears of Caine come from, if not from the original Curse?

Was he then a vampire at that point? When did he exactly begin crying

blood? When did he become a vampire? This is a nebulous point still.

But I leave the inconsistency because I do not want this point to

remain "glossed over" into history. My childe Beckett uses this point

to bolster his allegorical fancies. Even now, he travels to Harvard

college, there to study some ancient texts discovered in a well in

the Sudan. He keeps hoping to discover some more of what he calls

"antediluvian" mural works, the poor boy.

21.There has been argument on both sides of the following issue:

Was Caine imprisoned in Lilith's house, under her control, or did

Caine stay there as an honored guest? This question is never fully

answered, but might lend an interesting perspective if it could be

proved one way or the other. Perhaps, as some have suggested, the

situation involved a little of both.

22. I have translated these words specifically in this fashion out

of the advice of one Haphacstus a friend of mine who was once a part

of the mystical Tradition known as the Order of Hermes. He maintains

that Lilith was no woman, no demonness. but rather an original mage,

and that she used her own particular magickal qualities to "Awaken"

Caine's magickal potential as well. This is the story of that

awakening. I believe that what he says has merit, and it certainly

fits in the translation of the story. If it is true that Caine was a

wizard as well as Lilith, then the Tremere may indeed be "closest to

Caine: - a theory to which Beckett violently objects.

23. Hephaestus indicates that this stanza may point to Lilith

being perhaps the founder or one of the first supplicants in the

magick Tradition know as Verbena, which uses blood in its rituals.

24. This is often translated as "And then I fell into Hell." I did

not feel that the original text was attempting to say this, and I

felt that Abyss seemed to indicate a less Judeo-Christian sort of

place of torture.

25. Once again, not to cross-mythologize too much. but I could do

nothing else but translate the Angels into Angels and Michael into

Michael, even though the "shining ones" mentioned in the original

text do not specifically seem to be angels. I was unable to come up

with a cognate that would fit. Still, I feel that they do not hamper

the overall "feel" of the narrative, and so they remain. Their

traditional Cabalistic correspondences also remain as they were

originally written.

26. This is perhaps a strong rebuff of the "One Above." Caine

seems to still be angry about his exile.

27. This is the legendary "Curse of Fire." It is perhaps among the

strongest curses of the day. It set up an eternal enmity between the

Kindred and the singular source of life in the world: the fire. Fire

was the mortals' way of keeping out the darkness, the wolves. It

provided a center of community and allowed them to create new

technologies. This put us out of that light forever, and was designed

to make us outcast forever. It is perhaps this particular curse with,

also made hospitality so important among the Kindred.

28. Raphael being the Archangel of the Dawn.

29. An early survival instinct, obviously. Caine instinctively

seeks the earth.

30. Uriel's role as the Angel of Death would place him in the

ultimate position to be the vessel of Cod's judgment on Caine. Only

through Uriel would God Himself choose to punish our Father.

31. Note here that Uriel is offering not to preserve Caine, but

rather to "take him to his reward." i.e.. death.

32. Is this a mockery of the more traditional" I am that I am"

phrase of the Bible?

33. The first use of the freely translated words, "God Almighty."

34. "Eating ashes" is thought to be a metaphor for the tragic

vampire existence. I can find no other reference to "eating ashes."

and can only assume it is an idiom which cannot be translated Other

versions of the Book of Nod have translated "eating ashes" into

"knowing only sadness."

35. This is perhaps a poetic statement, ft certainly emphasizes

that Caine is consuming his own sadness.

36. The fact that there is an important diamond city in India also

called Golconda may or may not have bearing to this particular

stanza. I am beginning to think that the term was originally coined

by Saulot, who was known to travel to the Far and Middle East on

quests of enlightenment.

37. I have heard of additional sections here describing more of

the powers Caine developed. According to my old friend Malk Content,

the original version of this went on for 1.001 stanzas Malk also

claims his left pinkie is made out of chocolate mousse and answers to

the name Harold, so I will stand by the version I have here.

38. Zillah, sometimes translated as "Sylah.' This Tale is

translated from a much more folklore-influenced original text. A

version of this tale is told by some of the oldest of the Russian

Kindred, and I have reason to believe it has roots in Russian


Remember that, among Kindred, there is no "incest" taboo in lusting

after the blood of your childe. Indeed, this is perhaps indicative of

the Methuselahs attitudes: they often create childer to feed upon.

40. A flagrant transliterative idiom, but one that I felt had

literary importance. Imagine Caine with a full, long beard, tugging

on it! This is perhaps the only descriptive feature of Caine that we

have on record, and its provenance is impure.

41. This Crone remains a mystery to archaeolo-gists trying to

locate the source of this story. I believe that the Crone is a

shaman/ witch/priestess who perhaps knew a bit about Caine from

relations with a demon or some kind of familiar spirit. In sticking

with his allegorical paradigm, Beckett suggests that she may be a

metaphor for the lust we have for blood and the control it has over


42. Another clue: she is affiliated with the Moon. I originally

believed this pointed to her origins as a Lupine shaman, but I

learned from my Gangrel friends that they do not twist their spells

in such fashion.

43. Others have translated Caine's title as "Master of the Blood

Fury" in this instance.

44. In Enoch, marriage between Kindred was common. I have read

fragments of the "Love Hymn to Zillah" which has led me to believe

that it carried with it specific ownership of all house slaves and

property, as well as special privileges such as the ability to

temporarily invoke one's spouses' power.

45. The traditional Lunar year. It is such a mythological cliche,

especially among the "Wise Woman" traditions of the pagan folk. that

I must count it as a purely symbolic period of time.

46. A traditional material. Strong, sturdy. The Ark of Noah was

built of it.

47. This is perhaps the best-known part of the Book of Nod.

Because of the frequent copying by the Tremere and Ventrue Clans of

this fragment, there arc many colloquial versions of it. My first

task was to totally disregard these "popular" versions, and go on to

tackle the truth of the matter. Thus, you see my translations of the

"non-traditional" verses in brackets.


A Brief Word on

The Chronicle of Shadows

These are a collection of pieces and fragments that I have

unearthed during my many travels. I must admit that I have used a

considerable amount of personal prudence in determining the contents

of this book. This is because there are known complete versions of

the Chronicle of Shadows. In fact, many of the scholars who have

researched this Chronicle claim that it is not a part of the Book of

Nod, but rather a creation if the scholars and writers of Carthage

who took poetic license in writing down „Caine’s Laws.” Still, I

have seen enough seminal text, enough original foundation to convince

me that these fragments have some basis in the actual words of our

Father, his children, and his grandchildren.

Choros, who was an admitted member of the Sabbat, told me that he

believed the Chronicle of Shadows to be a collection of propaganda

created by the Camarilla to support its tyrannical reign. I do not

believe this to be the case, but it is quite uncanny that many of

Caine’s Laws and the Traditions of the Camarilla dovetail.

It is my sincerest hope that these fragments are not some

elaborate Malkavian prank, especially the thirteen commandments,

which were provided on authentically aged tablets. Still, they were

too enticing to leave out. So, Iharkav , if you are reading this and

you’ve tricked me, a point in your favor, and I’ll be sure to exact

revenge when next I see you!


The Chronicle of Shadows

Of progeny

These are the words that Caine said,

regarding our Progeny

as he ruled in Enoch, as King.

Hear the words of Caine Law-Giver:

"Thou shall not make Progeny against My will

and if you are given leave,

then choose of those Children of Adam well,

think of them as your future Brother or Sister.1

Look to the everlasting night ahead,

and know Auriel's Prophecy:

that forever shall Childe rise up

to slay Sire.

Know thou that. as in all things, the Father

overcomes the Childe, the Mother her Daughter:

Only through Me will you come to Truth,

Only through Me will you come to Peace,

Only through Me will you come Awake to your Power.2

Know thou that the right of life or death,

as it was in My times,

will ever be the Sire's over the Childe's,

for it has been set in Heaven

as well as in this world,

the way of things.

My Father, Adam, over me,

I, over you,

You, my Children, over all Progeny you get.

Thou shalt not suffer your Childe to live

If it is found that he has killed

one of your Brothers

and has drunk his hearts blood.

This is the Serpents Way, and I will not abide it.3

Thou shalt not Embrace those who are unworthy,

Thou shalt not use the Embrace as punishment,

Neither shall you Embrace the youngest, who

should live long before being brought into

My family, so that the wisdom of our line

will grow.

Thou shalt not Embrace those who are diseased,

insane, or full of ill humors,

for they will taint the Blood.4

Never shall there be more Kindred of Caine

than Kindred of Seth in a place,

neither should there be one of Caine

for every three of Seth.5

All Childer should learn from their Sire

The Law and the Traditions

The Rites and the Customs,

as I have given them to you

Thou shalt not Embrace the Moon-Beasts,

for these should be outcast and called


Neither should you taste of their blood,

for they are forbidden,

they bring Death to our door.6

Embrace not the blood of the Enlightened,

rather listen to their words,

watch their actions,

and move swiftly against them should they strike:

a useful sword, but often too sharp.7

Taste not the blood of the Wild Ones,

for in it is Madness, neither should you

Embrace them: for you will not survive it.8

Embrace not Love, for Love in My Embrace

will grow cold, wither, and die.9

The Rules of the Canaille

These are the words that Caine said,

regarding the Children of Seth,

as he ruled in Enoch, as King.

Hear the words of Caine Law-Giver:

"We are given Dominion

over the line of Seth,

third son of Adam,

as he is our youngest Brother,

we will watch over his Children

as if they were our own,

we will show them the right way,

and in return,

they will serve us all of their days.10

They will serve us while the Sun rides the sky,

and watch over our houses, with quenching water,

against Michael`s Fire.11

They will feed us. and provide us with clothes,

They will dance for us, and provide us with song,

They will lay with us, and provide us with comfort.

They will advise us, and we will listen to their advice.

They will worship us, and we must not allow their worship.

Thou shall not become as a God to the Children of Seth.

for the One Above, growing jealous in his sky,

will strike down the line of Caine forever.

Remember gentle-faced Ashtareth,

Remember golden-fat Baal.

Remember strong Tammauz,

Know thou that the Children of Seth will rise up

with weapons from the One Above,

and conquer us, should we be as Gods to them.12

Thou shall guide the Children of Seth as a


guides his flock,

and cull them as they are needed.

Thou shall cleanse their blood,

and keep all of them free from disease.13

Of the Feeding

Find you a place that is yours,

And the mortals that dwell there,

let them be your sheepfold,

let them be your cup,

let them be your holy bread14

Of the Gifts of Caine

Mark ye that a Mortal who,

marked with the Power of another Cainite,

does a thing, yea verily

He does it as if that Childe of Caine did it,

and that Kindred will pay the price

of crime or retribution, just as

he had done the thing, for in this way,

there is an Accounting to be made,

and the Children of Seth not be

merely swords in the hands of dark strangers.15

Mark well the threefold drinking, the Bond

of Blood, and let

those of Seth's Children with great skill,

come to serve the Children of Caine,

as it is we are the first part of Wisdom,

and should be served.16

As well, in Blood Bonds,

know that there is no greater Bond

than Caine has with his Childer,

and through Me, all chains are broken,

all shackles are shattered.17

Mark well the Children of the One Above,

the Cherubs, the Seraphs, the Archangels,

for their touch will burn you as does

the Flame of Michael.18

Mark well the Children of the One Below,

the Serpent's Kin,

for their touch will burn you as well,

and their tongues will delude and deceive you.19

In need, you may feed the Beasts of the field,

of your Blood, and husband them: they will grow

strong and loyal, but beware of the Beast

with the Beast within, and feed not a Hunger

that may not abate.

Of Those Who Serve

Those you choose to bless

with the Potence of Caine,

may come to live within your house,

to protect you,

let no one Embrace these guardians,

let them be given blood at the

appropriate time:

let their Strength be your Strength,

Strength that does not abate with the sun,

let their Eyes be your Eyes,

Eyes that can see in the day.

Let their Ears be your Ears,

Ears that can hear while you slumber.

Let those who serve be named greatest of the Children of Seth. and

most privileged.

Let them enjoy the fine cloth of the Kindred.

Let them enjoy the gentle music of the Kindred.

Let them know the sweetness of our wine.

Let us protect them from those who would

hinder and hurt them,

and let us all rise up in outrage should one

of those-who-serve

be shin by another Kindred, for no Kindred

has the right to

kill another's Servant without provocation.20

Of the Moon-Beasts

The Moon-Beasts, the ones-who-change,

they are the Oldest of all,

before my Father

they roamed the lands.

Tarry not in the path of them,

Avoid them, they are set upon


like wolves in the sheepfold.

For we are of one kind,

and they another.

Beware their sacred ground,

walk softly through their


Their bite is as our bite,

Their claws are as our claws

Tarry not in the path of them,

they are of one kind,

and we are another.21

Of the Wild Ones

Of the mad ones, the wild


I say, first, drink not of their


But watch them,

For they are beautiful in their


They are enchanting in their


They are deadly in their warskills.

Alone among the creatures of

the night

They kept me company in the


and brought me water when I

was thirsty

and could still breathe.

Like Me, they were cast out,

Like my Children, they are


Like my Children's Children, they wander,

Like my Mother and Father,

they know too much,

But they keep their own

counsel, and, of them, I say

Mark me well: keep silent!

Say nothing.

Watch, and learn.22

On the Enlightened

The Mother of Power, dark Lilith,

is of the greatest of them,

but there are others,

and more yet to come.

Drink not of their blood, for they will

ensnare you,

Keep wary of them, they are crafty.

They know Adam's knowledge,

and Eve's wisdom.

they are the bringers of fire,

the tillers of soil,

the husbanders of animals,

the bringers of writing,

they are the Sun-children,

the Rising Stars.

They will seek to involve you in their


Resist! Resist! their path disregards

hunger, blood, and body.

Trust not the ones with bright eyes

towards the dawn:

Remember always, it is the Dawning that

brings your death.23

Of Those Spirits of the Dead

Mark you well: there is a place

beyond spirit, beyond life

which is Darkness.


and there Shadows dwell.

An island, a fortress, a land

of the Dead,

I have traveled there


a pathway of doom

and I have witnessed the

dread king

of the Stygian City as he

sat at court.

I have seen the faceless

hooded ones

traversing River Styx.

They swarm about us like

flies on a

putrefying corpse, and

like us, feed on fear,


and anger.

Dead they are, but undead,

and they are closer to us

than we will ever know.

The Blood of my Brother

cries out to me as I sleep

as the Sun crosses the sky,

I hear my brother, secondborn



Mark well the spirits of

those who have died,

Know their strength is not

your own,

Listen to their words: they

carry wisdom.

Listen not to their songs:

that way is oblivion.

Do not seek to bind them,

but free them if you can,

Such is the commandment

of Caine, who himself has been

imprisoned and freed.24

Of the Commandments to the Kindred

Thou shalt not slay thy Sire and drink his heart’s


Thou shalt hold the eldest among you as Lord, even as I am your

Father, the eldest is closest to me.

Thou shalt honor each other’s Domain.

Thou shalt not reveal yourselves as Gods to the Children of Seth.

Honor always your Sire.

Thou shalt teach your progeny the ways of the Kindred.

Thou shalt not Embrace Love

Thou shalt not feed of the Moon-Beasts, the Wild Ones the

diseased, the insane, or the drunken.

Thou shalt protect always those-who-serve.

To your Brothers and Sisters, always give hospitality. To your

Sire's Brothers and Sisters, always give the best part of your house,

to your Progeny's Brothers and Sisters give a

roof from the Sun and the blood of a sheep, no more.

Never forget your Sire's Sire, Caine the Wanderer.


The Words of the Clan Chiefs26

Brujah's Commandments27

Throw off the Elder s shackles

of the mind, reach into thyself

and see the truth revealed.

The Truth, as truth is seen,

will illuminate your soul and

heal your wounds.

Know who you are, first,

and be true to your self.

You are my children, all,

but I would sooner shatter you like

flawed pottery than have your weakness

be that you are but a flawed copy

out of my mold.

The Words of Gangrel to his Childer28

Lo my Children, you will walk the earth,

wander far and carry these Words.

Move one step before those

who see by the Moon.

Never abide weakness.

Keep your children loyal.

Walk with your head high.

Let the Beast rule you.

Mark where you hunt, so that

your brothers and sisters will know

and not intrude.

Take all you need, but be mindful

that the hunter can become the hunted

and there are those who find us

no matter how we flee.

Should you become confused

go and eat only of animals

for a moon

sleep in the earth

and drink in sweet water

You will hear my voice in your ears

like a distant bird's cry

or lion's roar, And you will know

what to do.

Let no one say that the House of Cangrel

is a dishonorable one

Let no one say that we are not brave.

Let no one say that we are not fair.

You, a child of the Beast, a child of Darkness,

are first among Kindred.

Malkav’s Words29

In the singing… midnight

By the coral …… of time

Through the …… gates of heaven

...the ... in my mind

Bring about the change so quickly

Bring about the terror’s night

Bring about the blood of lovers

Bring about the smell of fright

I see you watching where I walk

Through the moonlit jasmine field

Listen closely as I talk

About the stars and their lovers past

Past fields of poppies, burning


Into towers of Blackened Bone

Follow me, Bastard of Caine

Come with me, I have no home

As I drain your live’s blood sweetly

As you sigh into my warm hands

As I suck your madness nearly

Streaming down like crimson bands

I dance the dance of the fool

And pray you find me mad

For if you lay hands upon the root

You’ll know me without illusion

And find me guilty of the truth.

Nosferat's Words30

You are the children of Shadow

You are the sons and daughters

of Darkness

Seek the darkest place

Make it your own

Feed on the wicked, feed on the sinful.

Feed on the ugly souls

For such is our diet, such is our

Father`s wish, our pre-ordained


My childer, look not at your

visage to curse me,

for I know the beauty that lies


and no greater beauty will there

ever be.

The Words of Toreador to his Childer31

In quiet, you will know beauty, in beauty you will know truth,

in truth you will know love, in love, you will know quiet.

My children, my creations my beautiful things

Watch and listen, listen and watch.

Use your sight,

to see the truth in beauty.

Use your speed,

to stay still,

Use your beauty,

to know truth.

My children, my creations, gentle roses all

I have called for your sculpture

I have called for your pictures

I have called for your song

I have called for your dancing

Beautiful children, beautiful creations

Gold is not as precious Honey not as sweet

Milk not as pure

Like the tiger, you bite like the hawk, you dive,

like the cat, you stalk.

Beautiful predators!

Sweet succubi!

Daring incubi!

Taste virgin’s blood and find bliss!

Find your greatest part of Joy,

Follow your greatest part of Joy,

and know that I watch you, enthralled,

my children, my creations,

my beautiful ones.

The Words of Ventrue to his Childer32

We ruled in Enoch! We ruled in [the Second City]

Dumuzi! Gilgamesh! Zeus! Jupiter!

We are every great man, every perfect man.

We rule, not by strength, but by right.

Be the law-giver, the tool-maker,

Carry the sacred [Me] to the people,

Keep the covenant,

Bind those that rebel,

Glory in those who fight and win,

Keep strong swords about you always,

and sharp eyes at your back.

Cower not in fear of the Sun!

Shrink not from Fire!

Though cursed we may be

We are the Lords of the Earth,

and all things fall under our dominion.

Saulot's Words33

Know you are made to be unmade

You are the white lamb

The gentle sacrifice

You are the greatest part of the bounty of Caine

And on your shoulders shall be his greatest Sin,

for alone among the children of Caine I have asked

the One Above for forgiveness,

and I have been visited by the worst of the One

Below's demons

Those snakes, which bit me in my sleeping,

Those foul wyrms who suck my blood,34

I learned from them to take the blackness from the blood

The wounds from the flesh

the evil from the soul.

And though I may die, you, my childer will live on.

Open thy Eye, and see the world truly,

and know that what you do now

goes on to heal another generation.


A Valediction, Forbidding Diablerie35

And the enemies of dine were great,

and fell to fighting over his trail

like hounds, the scent would not abate

through flood and moon. and much travail

The hunter's skill was great,

as they looked for their Father, and they did see

... ancient Discipline used they to find

the road to Shal-ka-mense

They came at last to that secret place

where Caine hid, amongst the waters

Showing himself, Caine called them under,

"Gentle sons, gentle daughters,

Why do you disturb my slumber?"

And they tried to embrace their Father

with steely things

and things of wood,

but lightning Caine, fast-moving Caine,

would not be stopped by such as them.

Under the curling, blasting waters,

beyond the pool of Veyd-sah-me,

in the grotto of Shal-ka-mense

did they gather, did they gather,

to embrace their sleeping Father's form.

Found him sleeping? Found him wakeful,

battle-ready, eyes abright,

smiling at his ancient Childer

waging war in the waxing light.

Now the stars they one by one

blot their ways into lightning sky

Now the fires burn hell and cinder

Now the heat reveals the pyre.

Too long! the hunters waited further,

Too long! They did by Veyd-sah-me,

tarry long enough to see the

light of Dawn upon their Father's Face.

And in the turning, burning Mark,

they saw the Finger of Gods own hate,

twisting, curling, God's own Word it

Set apart Caine's lonely fate

And as they burned in hell-bright fires,

as they saw the melted flesh

as they burned with their own Kindred

Caine blessed more funeral pyres

Taking in his bloody Sacrament.

Seek not the blood of thine own Elder

Seek not the blood of thy Sires Sire

Seek not the blood that made thee Kin

For thou will feel the funeral pyre

When thou dost pay for thy immortal sin.


Caine's Law and Punishment36

It is very hard. my children,

to prescribe for you the punishment

of burning,

of exsanguination,

of beheading,

of torture,

of paralysis,

of the sundeath.

You are my Childer: alone among the

rest of existence,

you are my only companions,

forever will we be locked

in the way that fathers are bonded to

their sons

and sons to their fathers.

And yet. I will root out the bad


I will weed out the worst of you.

I will prune my dark tree,

in the manner

that my Father, Adam, taught me.37



"Go not to the Clan of the Rose for advice, for they will give no

single answer.39

"Watch Gangrel, and when they are uneasy leave."40

„The first to die in any Jyhad are Nosferatu."41

"Bless those who fight our natural enemies. Keep safe the waterbearer,

the builder, the undertaker. These are not to be prey."42

„Let not the priest, poet, or peasant see you feed. Not one of

them will leave it be."43

"Let Honor be your shield, your sword, and your cloak: let Ventrue

save face, and you will go far."44

„To rid yourself of an enemy, outlive him."45

"Vengeance is best when the blood is still hot."46

"Know that in all times there will be Caesar: pay him his due."47

"Fight the first battle, win the first war."48

"Watch your own Childer on the lips of all is the honey-taste of


"One sip of Blood, I take. Two sips. I accept. Three sips. I


"Bargain not with the Darkness: in time it will take tis all."

"Ride the Beast, do not let it ride you."

"Make not friends among the Poets, they till sing too much of


"Be not known. Seek shadows."51

"When the Cross has a point, find your safety."52

"Take gently from women. Take directly from men. Take sweetly from

children. Take haltingly from animals. From Kindred, share. From the

Moon-Beasts, feast."

"Be as a King: your sacred duty is to protect

the weak and fight the mighty."

Notes to the Chronicle of Shadows

1. This, of course, is the foundation of theThird Tradition of the

Camarilla. It is said that the, elder who helped pen the original

Traditions (the first time the large body of laws, rules, customs,

and guidelines that supposedly governed Kindred was actually codified

into a recognizable set of rules) discovered a version of the

Chronicle of Shadows that appeared originally as blank pages of

parchment but were revealed by smearing vitae over the leaves. The

founders of the Camarilla used this "Blood Chronicle" as the

foundation of their Traditions.

2. Our Sabbat brethren, those who revere Caine, say that this is

perhaps the only part of the Chronicle of Shadows which actually

retains its original meaning. They use it as justification for their


3. The Six Tradition.Again we see the influence of the Book of Nod

on the Traditions.

4. A curious counterpoint, this particular stanza is totally

contrary to the Becoming practices of the Malkavian and Nosferatu

clans. Of course, these two clans were cursed by Caine originally,

and thus it is not contradictory that he include them in his


5. This stanza has been used a few times throughout the ages as a

justification for a Purge of kindred when the population ratio gets

to be a bit much. Of course. 1:3 is a generous ratio, but it is

frequently left out of a Prince's polemic.

6. The vampiric werewolf is truly a foul thing indeed. I had a

conversation with one (at a distance - he was sedated at the time)

and, in addition to his pathetic condition he seemed to be afflicted

with a very highly advanced paranoia. He was certain that one of his

kind - I can only assume another Abomination - was hunting him, and

that the longer my Gangrel friend and I detained him, the shorter his

lifespan became.

Whatewer the state of an Abomination, it is true that Lupine blood is

both addictive and highly potent, containing obvious dangers to both

unlife and limb. I personally take Caine's proscription in this

matter quite seriously.

7.Caine speaks of Mages here. They are inscrutable, but it is

known that through their secret rituals they can draw power forth

from our very blood. It is also known that they are, all their power

aside, merely kine.

8. It is said that some faeries have special connections to the

Kindred. In a tiny Irish village named Withy-by-the-Wash. I spent a

lovely evening with a gentleman Malkavian who had found a very quiet

niche among the villagers there. He offered me a taste from a jug of

"Sidhe blood" as he called it. Whatever the concoction that I imbibed

that evening (I was told later that it was cow's blood mixed with

special mush rooms found in the nearby forest... but I still wonder)

it filled me with the strangest visions and was nearly the death of

me! I woke up the next evening, having melded with the earth (by

instinct, I imagine) on a hill outside the village. I was naked, with

strange blue clay smeared all over my body. A most unusual


9. This is a powerful statement, however short. We see time and

time again the tragedy that occurs because Kindred ignore this simple


10. Caine's pronouncement in this area gives far reaching powers

to any Kindred who claim it. It is the source of a large part of the

revealed authority that Kindred claim over the Canaille.

11. An early counterpart to firefighters. those modern-day knights

who guard our havens from Michael's hungry flames?

12. This is a strong proscription, and one that is almost not

necessary in these modern times. Still. I hear tales of Kindred

throughout the world, from time to time, becoming as a Cod to mortals

and ruling them as one. It is curious how these petty Gods do not

usually last. and that none still remain in our memory.

13. I have had a quiet conversation with one of the children of

Saulot, the blood-line known as the Salubri. They believe that it is

their duty. as per this commandment, to provide healing for mortals

and even help them to cleanse their blood of disease.

14. Another foundation of a Tradition. This stanza speaks very

clearly of the Tradition of Hospitality, the Fifth Tradition.

15. This stanza has far-reaching consequences for many Kindred,

and yet it is quite a newly discovered fragment. I found this

particular piece of the Chronicle of Shadows only after much travail,

danger and the destruction of three of my companions. We ascended to

the highest heights of the Himalayas, where we found this fragment

written on a stone tablet in cuneiform under the protection of a Sufi

mystic who knew us immediately. Strange creatures in those mountains

abducted my companions, and I only survived by sinking into the

frozen earth and awaiting Spring.

I believe that. If this fragment were widely published, it would

change many of the customs involving Kindred interaction and the use

of ghouls against each other, but I leave interpretation in the hands

of the Archons and Justicars.

16. This has ever been the practice of the Kindred, not

particularly because of the Chronicle of Secrets, but because it is

common sense.

17. Indeed. As we have seen in the Chronicle of Caine. it was he

who broke the first Blood Bond.

18. This stanza is mystifying to me. Does it speak of angelic

spirits, men of Faith, or some other being which has yet to be


19. Whether or not the previous stanza deals with Angels, this

stanza most certainly deals with the Infernal agents called demons. I

have seen this inscription on amulets and seals that were set to

protect against the Infernal.

20. These stanzas govern ghouls. As a side note. it is said that a

ghoul of Caine, the first Ghoul, is still alive and dwells underneath

a secret temple somewhere in Egypt. Legends say he guards a

significant quantity of Caine's blood, which helps to retain his

ghoul status. If this is true. then he alone among the kine would be

the only one knowledgeable of the Antediluvians.

21. All good advice from our Father. This bespeaks his cunning

knowledge of the Changers, who were active even in his day. Stories

that Caine went among them as a wolf. told to me by my Gangrel

companions, might well he true based on this stanza alone.

22. Faerie Lore dictates that the Arcadians arc "too good for

Hell, not good enough for Heaven." This may be Caine's way of

expressing this middle state. Kindred who discover the Fey may do

well to listen to their Fathers words in this matter. Of all the

fragments of the Chronicle of Secrets, it was this fragment that I

found to be the most elusive, perhaps because it carries a good

measure of the truth about the Sidhe.

23. Caine and his childer were present at the dawning of human

civilization, so they saw these mages come among the people, bringing

words, agriculture, architecture and more. Is it any wonder that

marvels such as the pyramids and the hanging gardens of Babylon were

possible then? Mages were originally given free reign to follow their

magick. I do not know why they have since been limited: one wonders

what magick they could work in the modern age. Perhaps they, like us,

must hide from the eyes of humanity.

24. I purchased this as a scroll, complete and fresh, having been

perfectly preserved for millennia. The scroll was in the possession

of Giovanni businessman who had heard of my lust for the fragments of

the Book of Nod. He took in payment amount of diamonds from South

Africa and

my spare copy of the Codex of Caine. Normally, I do not have

dealings with Giovanni family, but this was literally an offer that I

did not feel able to refuse.

25. These Commandments are a puzzle to me. Whether they are direct

from an original part of the Chronicle of Shadows or they are merely

a summarization penned by a later author. I do not know. I find them

useful, and they are an interesting counterpart to the other, more

famous "Commandments." Note the foundations of the Traditions of the

Camarilla that are throughout these Commandments.

26. I have long wrestled with the question "Are these truly the

words of the founders of the Clans?" I have come to the decision

that, whatever they actually are. they are pertinent and important to

each of the Clans. Whether or not I understand them is irrelevant: I

have shown each of these fragments to elders in each of these Clans

and they feel that they are appropriate. Thus, I include them here.

27. Ironic, is it not, that Brush's children all share his

frenzying nature, this flaw from his mold? In this translation, it is

quite simple to see Brujah's latent violence in his word choice

("throw off shackles," "shatter," "heal wounds"). I reproduce it here

as the provenance for the translation is unmistakable: I received

this fragment as the fulfillment of a major boon from a certain

famous Brujah traditionalist. Critias, whose Codex of Caine was the

inspiration for this work.

28. Some have called Cangrel the "Lupine blood suckers." They are

most certainly not. Although they are perhaps related in some strange

way to the Lupines, they are quite clearly their own clan. Silent and

far-roaming, they became my greatest allies in the search that took

me all around the globe. I think that perhaps the fact that I had

many stories to tell, especially stories of the ancient Cainites,

made them interested in helping me. Many Cangrel made me promise to

mention their names in my stories, and so I do so here: Windam,

Cornell, Piotr, Chauson. Illyana, Far Runner (who fell from a great

height in the Andes and was lost). Herve, Marshall, Colina and Miss


29. I have no way of knowing whether this is authentic, or even

translated correctly. My only provenance is this: in all my travels,

when I asked a Malkavian Elder to quote a section of the Book of Nod,

they all quoted this stanza almost verbatim. This is too much of a

coincidence for me to overlook, and if it is a prank, then so be it.

30. When I showed this to Carlos, a Nosferatu Elder in Spain, he

told me that it alluded to a "great Doom. a great fate" to which all

Nosferatu are chained. He would speak no further of this Doom. and

begged me to take the fragment from his eyes.

31. I procured this fragment from an exquisite childe of Rafael

himself, the architect of the Masquerade. I am ashamed to reveal what

I gave to her in exchange. Suffice it to say it was from the Orient,

and was quite erotic in nature. It is interesting that Toreador uses

animal imagery to describe his children. Still, this is to be

expected from a nearly primitive culture. The words "succubi" and

"incubi" are direct translations, and back up my theory that all such

legends of demons visiting maidens and young men in their beds at

night must have been Kindred taking their blood. The erotic

illumination around this fragment certainly depicted this practice in

great detail.

32. I was provided this fragment by a Ventrue elder, one of the

princes of the city of Berlin. When he heard of my quest for

knowledge, he wanted to make sure that the golden words of a their

Founder would never be lost. So, for a modest fee (one that I paid

gratefully). I was allowed to translate and copy the fragment to my

heart's content. While I was scribing. I noted several other scrolls

penned presumably by Ventrue and several of his more powerful

children. I was able to read these scrolls surreptitiously, but I was

not allowed to copy them. They were dictates to leaders that read

like an ancient version of Machiavelli's "The Prince." I yearn to

place those words in this book. but I fear the wrath of Clan Ventrue

would be a bit much for me to handle.

33. Saulot was well-loved among the Antediluvians, but his habit

of mystically augmenting his senses and spouting forth prophecy was

quite disturbing. I was able to transcribe this fragment from the

words of a Salubri ceremony that I attended.

34. I could not tell for sure. but I believe this to be plural.

Still, my childe Beckett would have me believe that it is a singular

form. "Wyrm". and may point towards the Lupine superstition that all

Kindred are directed by a malefic force.

35. This poem may be just a legend, a fine story told around a

Gangrel's fire, or for the amusement of a Toreador's enclave. Or it

may have something more. Where is Shal-ka-mense? I have no idea. I

believe it to be a Middle Eastern place perhaps near the

Mediterranean near the city of Jerusalem. Several Kindred legends

talk of Caine's hiding place, and a few have even mentioned

"Shalkamain," which could be a corruption of Shal-ka-mense. This

poem/song is a favorite among the Elders, particularly Ventrue and.

lately, Tremere. who find its message calming. Certainly many Ancilla

have chanted it at their questing Diabolists.

36. There is ample speculation that this fragment wasn't written

by Caine. Instead, it is thought that Irad. known as the Strength of

Caine and the first General of his armies, wrote it. He was also a

Judge in the court of the First City, although Caine was ever the

First Judge and highest


37. The Prince of London is fond of quoting this stanza before

declaring a Blood Hunt. Many Justicars teach it to their Archons when

teaching them their duties.

38. These proverbs were collected from all over the world. I have

no other place to put them, so I will place them here. They contain

bits of Antediluvian wisdom. I believe, and that alone was the

deciding factor on whether or not they should be included.

39. This refers to the fickle nature of the Toreador, something

which is legendary.

40. This is quite apropos. For my part. the Gangrel are the most

observant of all the Kindred, perhaps even more so than the

Nosferatu. I followed this dictum quite rigorously, and its inherent

common sense never failed me. Cangrel are often willing to help you

escape if it seems that you are listening to their common sense.

41. My sire used to say. "The Nosferatu know where the ashes lie."

They know who is who, and what is what. and they are the first to die

because they can provide adequate (and well listened to) warning to

any Prince.

42. To this day. I will not feed on these people. Water-bearer, to

my mind. means "fire-fighter." Of course many Kindred ignore this

restriction and feed on whomever they please. Note, however, how many

elders still follow these

practices in theory, if not in reality.

43. This translates to the modern day quite easily. While "Priest"

is self-explanatory, the "Poet" is perhaps not quite the same today

as it was ID nights of yore. I would say that the newspapermen of our

age are the most feared, with the broadcasters being the second most

dangerous. Finally, the common man will often go to great lengths to

uncover a secret that he barely grasps. The common man is often

immune to the Masquerade because of his lack of high-mindedness and

dour demeanor.

44. ” Let Ventrue save face." These words guided my feet through

the world. Wherever I went, whenever I went to any Domain, I

presented myself first to the prince and then the Untrue elder of

that city. I wanted the Ventrue to understand that I did not wish to

disturb their careful structure, and that I was no threat to them.

This usually made for very easy operations, although there are a few

notable exceptions here and there.

45. The personal motto of many Kindred, and a good argument for

non-aggression against the Lupines.

46. A direct contradiction to the Russian proverb. Still, I always

preferred warm blood to cold.

47. It is a good idea to pay your taxes wherever you are. Tax

evasion has become the single greatest threat to the Masquerade in

the United States, and this may be spreading.

48. When everyone's quoting proverbs, this is the one that older

Brujah seem to like to chant.

49. Certainly the children of Tremere know much of the truth in

this Proverb.

50. A commonly quoted proverb in Eastern Europe.

51. Another rousing support of the Masquerade.

52. Inquisitors were often fond of sharpening their wooden crosses

to use as stakes. It was.


A Brief Word on

The Chronicle of Secrets

This is perhaps the shortest of the three Chronicles, but it

contains prophecy and visions, and our kind are not generally given

to superstitious mutterings, only Saulot had the gift of prophecy. It

is possible that Zillah, Caine’s wife, also had this gift.

I have often commented that the things which affected the

Antediluvians thoughts also continue to affect our thoughts today.

Surely these prophecies of Gehenna, thin blood, Lupines, and the like

have begun to cause „self-fulfillment” of these prophecies. Because

their worries are passed down from Generation to Generation, a ripple

of paranoia and fear continues to reverberate through the Cainites,

and through the,, the Canaille.


The Chronicle of Secrets

The Signs of Gehenna1

Quiet! Hear the raven’s cry!

The stillness of the wind

rising hot on the street

the towers hide

the darkness of the day

When Lasombra’s dreams-come true

on the day when the moon runs as blood2

and the sun rises black in the sky,

that is the day of the Damned,

when Caine’s children will rise again.

And the world will turn cold

and unclean things will boil up from the ground

and great storms will roll, lighting will light

fires, animals will fester and their bodies,

twisted, will fall.

So, too, our Grandsires will rise

from the ground

They will break their fast on the

first part of us

They will consume us whole

On the second day, Caine will return

And call his Children to the meeting place

on the site of the First City he will beckon

them, sitting on his basalt throne.

And Caine will call aloud the names of those to be destroyed. for

their crimes are too great

and all those who have consumed the heart's blood of their sire

will be brought before the Black Throne

and made to drink of Caine's blood

And Caine's blood will eat their blood

And the Dark Mother3 herself will be brought forth

and there, in the valley of Enoch, will there be a battle

a duel of Dark Father and Dark Mother

The Demon Queen will bite deep

The Damned King will bite deeper

We will not know the thing which will happen,

but the sky will tear apart, and the earth below

And the forces of Hell will pour up out of the ground

On the Third Day, there will be silence

the crows will feed on the carrion

plague will dance amongst the ruins

the last of the Wild Ones will leave this place

the last of the Moon-Beasts will fight

and fall

And the Antediluvians will make for themselves

an Empire of Blood

They will rule with iron talons

They will wrench the hearts of all still alive

And the full sum of the earth's living will come

and live in the Last City, called Gehenna.

And there will be a reign of one thousand years,

and there will be no love, or life, or pity,

the mighty will be as slaves

the virtuous will be made foul

every good gift, and every perfect gift will be tainted

by the Father of Darkness, whose power will come from

the nether realms.4

When the snows consume the earth

and the sun gutters like a candle in the wind

then, and only then will thefe be born a woman,

the last Daughter of Eve,

and in her there will be decided the fate of all.

And you will not know this woman, except by the

mark of the Moon on her,

and she will face treachery, hatred, and pain

but in her is the last hope.5

And you will know these last times

by the Time of Thin Blood,

which will mark vampires that

cannot Beget,

you will know them by the Clanless,

who will come to rule6

you will know them by the Wild Ones,

who will hunt us even in the strongest city7

you will know them by the awakening

of some of the eldest,

the Crone will awaken and consume all8

you will know these times, for a black

hand will rise up and choke all those

who oppose it9

and those who eat heart’s blood will


and the Kindred will crowd each to

his own, and vitae will be as rare as


Mark these signs, they are

coming! Gehenna

will be on earth.

Mark the

shadow which


mark the dragon

which rises11

mark the darkness

which moves

mark the shadow of the


mark the angel that dies

mark the maiden who weeps

mark the children


mark the Clanless who


And there will be a


when Sire will

drive out Childer

when Sire will

abandon Childer

to the sun’s mercy

and there will be no

mercy for the Clanless

there will be no mercy

for the Clanless,

mongrel though they be

upon their forgotten Sires

shall be the curse

of Auriel

upon their hateful Sires

shall be the curse

that comes of crossing


upon their lazy Sires

shall be the curse

of the hunters


Those among the Clanless will have no

path to follow

no family to name

no generation to hold

no traditions to keep

no customs to give

no hospitality to give

Why do you make these orphans?

Why do you leave them in the street?

They are the dark seed of our undoing

they will band together with those who hate us

they will follow Brujahs Childer

they will make the blood run red

they are going to kill the dead

they are going to cat our kin

they will scream and bash our doors

they will cry aloud for justice

Clanless, all, they will wash over our walls

Clanless, all, they will know secret ways

Clanless, all, they are Lilith's foul get

Clanless, all, they are newly Awake

Clanless, all! No family, no sign, no loyalty, no elder.12

Beware those who walk without a clan,

for they will be our undoing.

Pity them! Adopt the orphans where you can.

But watch them. In them is the bad seed

of their Sire.

Of Love13

And they asked Caine the old Father,

"Why do you command us to not Embrace

those we love?”

And Caine said to them, "Love is the sweet rain

which falls down from the One Above.

Love is the gift of life.

Remember ye not Auriel's Curse?

That we are to eat only ashes, drink only blood?

Blood is not sweet rain. Our drink takes Life."

And then Caine's eyes got the look of Visions,

and he quieted, then he spoke:

"But if ever one of us

is gifted

with the love of a mortal

without Command

or Awe,

without compulsion

a Love given freely,

then that Love will be as

the gentle rain

to even the lowliest of us.

And though we shall not Embrace it,

it will feed us as if we supped at our Father`s table

it will satisfy our deepest thirst.

But barken ye, my children!

The Children of Seth will always hate us again and again,

for we are their predators

we are their Masters

and they know this. deep in their soul.

Look not for Love among them! They will not give it.

Be not a fool."

Of the Moon-Beasts

What of the

Moon-Beasts who

hunt us, Father?”

„There will come a time, in

the last days,

when the Moon-Beasts will grow uneasy

and they will be dying out

like a sick wolf who must leave the pack

they will

fight rather than die sick

and so they will find us

and they will kill us.

Mark ye well, the Clan of the Beast!

For they will hold the key

they will make the way of protection

they will make the way of trickery

they will make the way of peace” 14

The Time of Thin Blood

There will come a time, when the

Curse of the One Above

will not be tolerated further

when the Lineage of Caine will end

When the Blood of Caine will be weak

and there will be no Embracing for

these Childer

for their blood will run like water,

and the Potence in it will wither

Then, you know in this time that

Gehenna will soon be upon you.15

The Awakening of the Dark Father

There will come a time,

when the heads of three Princes

will watch the burning of the dawn

on a pillar of white.16

There will come a time

when an ancient hunger will awaken

deep in the northern woods

and consume all her childer

There will come a time

when an Elder Darkness will stir

deep below a city which has forgotten

and will surprise the Elder, its children.

Of these signs, you will know,

the Dark Father, bastard of Caine,

will awaken, and drink deep of blood

sacrificed to it

Of these signs, you will know

that the time has come to lay claim

to your Clan`s safety,

to fight the Dark Father.

On these signs, you must know,

that Gehenna waits, even at the door,

as an actor waits in the wings

It is coming! It is near!

Shine black the sun!

Shine blood the moon!

Gehenna is coming soon


Notes on the "Chronicle of Secrets"

1. This prophecy was supposedly written down, word for word, by

the scribe of the court of Enoch. It is a prophecy that was spoken

aloud by Saulot, after a period of fasting and cleansing. It is said

that Saulot vanished soon after pronounc ing this vision, and this is

probably the reason why the original clan of Saulot was not as

prevalent. I was able to come by this through the intervention of a

Salubri who showed me to a secret grave beneath the Westminster

Abbey. Inside, written in Sumerian. like many of the Antediluvian

writings, was the prophecy, scribed on papyrus that was almost

magically preserved. While translating this piece. I frequently had

dreams of Gehenna, and I am glad to be rid of this writing.

2. It is well known that Lasombra wishes the death of the Sun. the

blackening of the day-time sky.

3. I left it translated as Dark Mother, but there can be only one

name for the Dark Queen of the Dead - Lilith.

4. This seems a blasphemous patchwork transliteration of many

important Biblical verses. but this is how the passage translates,

and I let it stand.

5. Who is this mortal woman? No one can tell. Many Tremere. it is

said. search the world for mortal women with crescent moon


6. A Caitiff prince - who would think of it? Yet this is one of

the signs of Gehenna.

7. This is a common theme about the time of Gehenna. The Lupines

stay in their countryside. but I have seen a few here and there

living in the darkest parts of the city. Do we dare share a city with

the Changing Breed, who fight us at every turn?

8. Could this be the Crone from the Chronicle of Caine? Perhaps

she did not die in the sun as Caine thought. Or perhaps this bespeaks

another Crone: there are certainly many Methuselah vampiresses who

fit the description.

9. Several Toreador I have shown this manuscript to complain that

this is a direct allusion to the Sabbat, the Black Hand, and that

surely Gehenna is upon us.

10. Certainly this is already happening!

11. Count Vlad Tepes, Dracula, has been called ” the Dragon”

before. Could this bespeak him?

12. The strangeness of the Caitiff continues to disturb me. Where

they come from, none know, although I have traced a few of them back

to Malkavian and Brujah sires who have simply abandoned them. Still,

some seem to be made by shadowy figures who may or may not be of a

clan themselves. These verses explain the Antediuvian’s obvious

prejudice against the clanless, and this prejudice has been carried

down through the ages to the Kindred as a whole.

13. I place this here because it is pure speculation and is

attributed to Caine’s prophetic powers. Certainly Love is a powerful

force, one that I am not familiar with, but I have heard tales of the

newly Embraced being rescued by those they loved, and subsequently

Rebithed into mortal form.

14. This, in my opinion, is the Antediluvian foundation of Kindred

thought regarding Lupines .It is a reason why ail Kindred array

themselves against the Lupines. and why the Gangrel are given leave

to have truck with them. Remember that the thoughts of the

Antediluvians become the customs of the Methuselahs, which become the

laws of the elders.

15. This was written on a stone cross in Norway. in old Norse

runes, and was barely translatable when I saw it decades ago. I

include it for completeness: I'm not sure whether it was intended as

part of the Book of Nod or if it was a separate creation. It seems

quite old.

16. I have placed these prophecies together in a grouping I call

"The Awakening of the Dark Father." This is because I discovered them

all in a sealed crypt inside the Smithsonian

Institution s Art History wing. I don't believe that the curators

would have been pleased to learn that a Ventrue friend of mine had

Dominated their well-paid guards into allowing me to explore down

there. The translation of the tablets I found there took seven

nights, and I believe them to be the most cryptic and most prophetic

of all the collection of Secrets that I have. I have no way of

knowing whether or not these prophecies are connected. My childe.

Beckett, believes that it is perhaps a collection of different

visions linked together with a loose literary bridging.

I can see where many of these visions may be the root of several

Antediluvian plots (certainly the Dark Father must be some

Antediluvian that Caine isn't particularly pleased with - perhaps

even Brujah's founder.)



The Known History of the First City

What we know of the First City comes from a tiny selection of

tablet fragments, vase shards, and carved monuments uncovered after

two thousand years of burial. The First City was unique in its

vampiric nature. There, the two generations of Caine’s Children, the

second and the third generation, created for themselves a society

which adapted to their particular vampiric customs, needs, and


From what has been unearthed, we know that the Kindred of the

First City were the upper rung of the hierarchy, with Caine, of

curse, being at the top. Although the three Children of Caine (Enoch,

Zillar and Irad) were supposedly the next „rung” down, several of the

Third Generation, Caine’s Grandchilder, enjoyed special status

(notably Saulot, who was always at Caine’s side, especially in the

later days) equal to the Second Generation.

Below all Kindred were the Children of Seth, that is to say the

humans, except for one. That one was the Master of Servants, the

original one-who-serves, called Jabal in some myths. Jabal was equal

to one of Caine’s Grandchilder because he was so close to Caine.

There was very little of Jabal’s own blood in his body, it was all

mostly the Blood of Caine.

Those-who serve, the latter-day ghouls, were the next lowest rung,

followed by all mortal servants who attended the Kindred. The rest -

those who farmed, labored, etc. - were the least.

Do not, however, misjudge the Kindred of this time. They were

doing what their father, Caine, told them to do. Caine truly felt as

an uncle to these orphaned children of Seth’s, and he saw it as his

duty to protect them and guide them. He took his duty seriously. A

few of the legends show Caine the Lawgiver as a tiger, and a wolf,

and a hawk, attacking the enemies of the people. They show him also

sitting in judgment on an Ivory Throne in the midst of a great Court

- apparently the powers of Auspex at that time were considerable

enough to allow Caine (or the residing Kindred) to look into done

right or wrong.

Caine was also able to see when one of his children’s Powers had

worked on a human. He was also able to cancel the effects of any

Discipline used in his vicinity. It was this total mastery of all

Disciplines that kept Caine in power, truly, for although he was a

decent king and an honest law-giver, his Disciplines ensured that the

rest of powerful Kindred stayed in line.

Caine had the ability to create new Disciplines on the spot if he

wished. It is thought that his power to do this was the forerunner of

the Thaumaturgy Discipline and the various Thaumaturgical Paths.


It is thought that the slaves in Enoch were captured natives of

the nation of Scth, the tribe of herders that evcntually spawned Noah

and his kind. This would add meaning to the biblical idea that the

cearth was becoming corrupted by evil around the time of Noah, for

certainly Caine was indulgig himself and his children in the height

of this period.

Most slaves labored in the fields to producefood for the human

servants of Caine and his children. They were mostly captured outlaws

and barbarians and were probably Dominatad into submis sion. It is

only through the name for the slaves that we know that they are

slaves: all pictqgrams depicting slaves in Enoch show them as being

collarless and free.


I was shocked to learn that the custom of the Blood Feast that the

Sabbat are said to partake in was duplicated in ancient times by

Caine and his court. At a feast. Caine would have several condemned

criminals tied by their ankles to beams above the table. The Kindred

present would feed at leisure off these prisoners until they died of

the treatment. Drawings depict Caine and several of his childer

drinking from a pool of blood that is fed by three inverted mortals

bleeding into it.

We know, as well, that much was known during that time about the

taste of blood and how to improve it. Several of the "cooks" of Enoch

s time learned the various savory herbs and foods and drinks that

would, when ingested by the feeding-slave. cause the right balance of

sweet and salt, fullness and thinness for the blood of the feeding


Slaves unable to work in the field were invariably made feeding

slaves. These slaves were probably very lovely to look at (one glyph

shows a feeding-slave dressed in a veil and jewels) and highly

conditioned to respond to the Kiss.


Enoch observed the planting seasons, like all agricultural

communities. There is evidence that there was a great celebration io

the High House of Caine eveiy new moon. and a great thanksgiving

night on the day after an eclipse. This may have been when the

werewolves were most likely to attack, if indeed it is werewolves

that were around during this time, and not demons as some have


Caine provided a very advanced calendar for the time. On

Midsummers Eve one year. Caine painted a red line of his own blood on

the circular wall of his High House. The line magically moved day by

day, slowly circling the house until it came back around to the

Solstice again. It was through this auspice that Caine provided the

citizens of the First City a calendar.


Much was learned about the breeding of humans with other humans

and either Kindred or kine developed birth control. Humans were bred

for specific purposes, such as being strong for feeding, or being a

good warrior, or being a good laborer. If you were frequently

successful in your tasks, you might get selected to further your

line. This would be done in a house called the Temple of Lilith,

which was neither a Temple and

was probably not even dedicated to Lilith. Two humans would have

ritual sex here and then never see each other again, especially if

they served two separate masters.

Kindred with Auspex were apparently able to tell immediately that

a woman had gotten with child from a union.


Unlike most cultures of ancient times, there was no religion in

Enoch. Caine forbade the worship of the One Above. having turned his

face from Him, and allowed his subjects no trips to the temple to

become scrubbed from sin. Indeed, Caine would often hold forth in

open court about how they were all doomed to rot in hell, about how

their plight would fall on deaf ears when the time for Armageddon

comes and about how truly evil the Kindred are as a race.



Good old Aristotle. You can always trust him to spin a

good yarn, even if he should have known better than to

believe this crap. He also should have known not to give it

to Beckett. Thanks, Beckett, we'll make sure the right

people see this. Yeah, right, only 200 copies. Sorry,

Aristotle, its time everyone got a peek at what's been

going on.

Also, thanks for the art. Aristotle put together one

hell of a collection, didn't he? Beckett said his sire went

to the ends of the earth to gather every known piece of art

relating to the Book of Nod. Can you believe he only wanted

"a select few" to see it?

We (that means us - the undead, the Damned, the Kindred,

the blood-sucking Leeches from hell) do more damage to this

world in one night than an army of Colombian drug dealers

could do in their entire lives Murder, corruption and

destruction follow us wherever we go.

Just to give you fine readers an idea of the sort of

games we play with your lives, consider a nasty little

incident that happened in Boston about 20 years ago. On

Sept. 12, 1974 while the prince of the city took a

convenient European vacation, a minor elder saw his chance

to take out a neonate who had been a thorn in his side.

He ordered his ghouls to take advantage of the racial

unrest in the city to attack some of the neonate s mortal

allies, who were mostly black. The ghouls followed their

orders - and carried them out in the public eye. The

neonate s allies had gone to help make sure recent school

desegregation plans went off without a hitch. The ghouls

attacked them, hoping everyone would blame Boston s racial

tension for the attack.

Well, mortals did more than blame the tension; they

jumped right in. As soon as the ghouls began their attack,

whites who had been protesting school bussing joined them.

Maybe the protests would have ended in violence without the

ghouls; maybe they wouldn't have. In any case, the elder's

orders touched off a firestorm he should have predicted but

didn't. Racial violence ran rampant through Boston for more

than a month before things began to calm down again.

This is just one example. We've been playing these games

for centuries - millennia, if this book has any truth to

it. Of course, you mortals aren't the only victims. We do

even worse things to each other.

The Elders

The soldiers of tyranny (that has a nice ring to it) are

what we call the elders. These are the old dudes who've

gotten their part of the pie and are now dead set against

anyone else getting anything.

For instance, a bunch of older Kindred in Chicago became

royally peeved at a bunch of Licks in Gary. Now, you

wouldn't think few Indiana Licks could threaten the grear

and powerful lords of Chicago, but that's not how the

elders felt. Instead, they cracked down on the city,

driving its industry into the dumps, terrorizing its

inhabitants, blocking its trade and doing anything else

they could think of to make Gary a living hell. They

continue these games to this very night. They have gone to

a lot of effort just to make unlife difficult for a few

minor vampires.

Of course, there are other theories on the matter. I've

heard that both groups are pawns of more powerful vampires

(like the ones I'll describe later) and that the fighting

in Gary has just been a minor sideshow to the main fights.

My favorite theory is that a Methuselah is forcing the

Chicago elders to worry about Gary so that he can go about

his business in Chicago unimpeded.

This seems to be a common part of our eternal Jyhad.

Older vampires manipulate younger vampires into oppressing

even younger ones. This way, the real old vampires avoid

any blame, and the young whippersnap-pers who might

normally contend for their

power become caught up in fights against each other.

An old Cainite once told me how these games had worked

in ancient Rome. Apparently, that part of Italy had long

been home to a number of Ventrue. As the city grew,

however, more Kindred flocked to the city. Soon Malkavians,

Lasombra, Settles, Nosferatu and other freakish beings

crowded into its limited confines.

Things began coming to a head a few centuries after the

destruction of Carthage (the result of another petty

Brujah/Ventrue struggle). In Rome's earliest days, the

vampire factions battled for control of various senators.

When an emperor took over (don't ask me who or what was

responsible for that), the whole game changed. One figure

held most of the power, and everyone wanted a piece of that


Within a few hundred years, several dozen vampires,

sorcerers, demons and other creatures were fighting for

control of the emperor. For instance, the demonic vampiress

Tiamat always tried to stir up whatever wars and mayhem she

could. A group of sorcerers called the Order of Mercury

pretended to be the defenders of the empire, but were

really being manipulated by demons trying to bring it down.

A Setite who went by the name "Dahshur" took great pleasure

in instilling intense fear in the emperors and the members

of their households.

Of course, there were also vampires (especially Ventrue)

trying to keep the empire strong. Their efforts, while

self-motivated, at least had the aim of keeping the people

happy and secure. Their added pull, however, had the

unintended result of making things even more confused and

chaotic. No emperor could rule effectively while being

tugged in so many different directions. Some did well,

either because of strong will or a powerful patron, but

most failed.

According to the old Cainite, the intrigues of Rome pale

when compared to those of ancient Persia. He said almost a

thousand vampires flocked to the Persian Empire during its

heyday; it was the greatest concentration of vampires the

world had ever seen. Of course, they were spread out across

Asia Minor, but they were all near-equal in power, and

their intrigues were without comparison.

The old Cainite didn't give me any of the names I

mentioned here; they're just ones I've come across since he

told me about the situation. These three aren't around any

more. Others, like the Toreador Caius Petronius, who

influenced Nero so much, may still be around. The rest

still influence events under a host of names, whether

they're known as Dimestico, Maggie Flury, McGrath, Tenga,

Typee or whatever.

Most elders aren't that old. Cainites considered elders

in Rome have become today's Methuselahs. Other elders did

not survive the collapse of the empire, and most who did

survive met their ends during the Middle Ages, falling to

the Inquisition or the Sabbat. The elders of our age will

no doubt follow a similar pattern, and we can hope that

whatever will destroy them does so soon.

The elders are a great annoyance, with their selfinflated

egos and insistent refusal to acknowledge that

they are being controlled by others. They may take the most

insane actions, have no good reason for why they acted as

they did, and still insist that they acted of their own

volition. For instance, a powerful Malkavian used to travel

the world, challenging elders to chess games. If he won, he

got to commit Diablerie upon the elder. If the elder won,

the elder got to commit Diablerie upon the Malkavian. The

Malkavian invariably won. Why did the elders keep playing

him7 Because their masters commanded it, trying to make

their pieces more powerful.

Of course, commands are not always necessary. The elders

are calculating and devious, but their passions often rule

them more intensely than they rule any neonate.

Build up an intense hatred within an elder and she will do

everything in her power to destroy the target of that

anger. Convince an elder that he loves another, and nothing

will come between him and the object of his desire. Often,

if an elder acts without rhyme or reason, one can be sure

that his long-suppressed emotions have taken over.

Other actions cannot be explained away so easily. When a

member of the primogen who has always supported the prince

throws her weight behind a contender for the throne, there

may be any number of reasons. Maybe her master is at odds

with the prince's master. Maybe her master has always

opposed the prince's master, but has used her as a double

agent, waiting for just the right time to spring his

surprise. Maybe a new master has seized control of her.

The answer could be even more diabolical. Maybe her

master is also the prince s master, and he hopes to force

his enemies to reveal themselves by giving them this

opportunity. Maybe one master controls them both, but wants

a more capable prince. Perhaps their master wants to use

the prince somewhere else, but does not want anyone to

believe that the prince has any more usefulness. Ah, yes,

you can almost pity the elders when you realize how badly

they are being manipulated. Almost.

The Methuselahs

If the elders make up the enlisted ranks in the Jyhad,

then the Methuselahs are the lieutenants. These guys are

scary. They have powers I can only dream about, and they

use them without hesitation. Even those in torpor - and

there are a number of them - wield immense influence over

the world. Marikasha, a Toreador active at least as early

as ancient Crete, now sleeps under a mountain in Tanzania.

From there he uses a small cult called the Blood Bonds.

They worship him, for he possesses incredible powers of the

mind and can bend others to his will. If one of his

followers makes eye contact with someone outside the cult,

he can Dominate that outsider through his servant. He can

then give the victim telepathic commands and force him to

do his bidding. His interests range across the globe, and

no one knows when he may want to take control.

Still, these fabulous abilities are only part of the

reason Methuselahs are such a threat. Indeed, if their

powers were the only reason to fear them, we would not

worry. Instead, their big problem, and the main reason they

are dangerous, is that far too many of them deny that they

are being manipulated from above.

For instance, Brunhilde, a powerful Gangrel in Northwest

Europe, battles Ventrue all across the continent, blaming

them for the ecological destruction the land has suffered.

She does nor work with the werewolves, but uses her

formidable might in much the same way, destroying factories

and those who pollute the land. On the other hand, she has

never risen a hand to stop the ecological catastrophes

wrought by the old Soviet Union or todays Russia.

Indeed, I have it on very good authority chat she helped

the old Brujah rulers defeat Garou who tried to stop the

environmental rape. Also, when Chemobyl blew up, spreading

its poison across Scandinavia, she was noticeably silent.

Other Gangrel yelled and screamed, threatening the Brujah,

but not her.

Now, this all leads to two conclusions. The first is

that her ecological concern is only a front, a lie, but

those who meet her feel the fervor other convictions. The

second conclusion is that she has been manipulated by

forces in Russia, an idea she would no doubt deny - but

which seems to be the only acceptable assumption.

Brunhilde is only the tip of the iceberg and certainly

does not count as one of the most powerful Methuselahs.

Each clan has its own

rumors of incredibly powerful ancients whose power would

make your hair curl and whose actions could only be

understood as being under someone else’s control.

The Nosferatu speak in dark whispers of monstrous

ancestors who inhabit the deepest caverns of the Earth.

Brujah elders fear the childer of the clan founder, who

despise todays Brujah as the progeny of a traitor. Young

Ventrue fear masters who would control every aspect of

their existence.

The Methuselahs deserve the fear we feel for them. They

make up the heart of the plots within plots with which we

must deal. My own earliest encounter with a Methuselah is

especially instructive. I had made my home in Peru and made

the acquaintance of a group of local anarchs. These selfproclaimed

freedom fighters spent most of their time

fighting the Sabbat and seemed to have little conflict with

the areas prince. (The prince I refer to here is not

Carmalita Marie Santo, Prince of Lima, but the Kindred who

was the Prince of Arequipaat the time.)

It took me little time to realize that the same Cainite

I had noticed manipulating the prince was secretly meeting

with some of the anarchs about once a month. Aha! I

thought, this elder supports the Camarilla in its war

against the Sabbat. Then I realized that the prince had

sent a number of his ghouls to support the Shining Path, a

terrorist group with definite ties to the Black Hand. This

would normally mean that whoever controlled the prince

would oppose the enemies of the Shining Path: the

government, the military and the church.

Digging deeper, I discovered Giovanni ties to the local

church and some of the government leaders, a Setite hold on

much of the rest of the government, and Ventrue control of

the military and bureaucracy. The Giovanni, however, had

used their influence to keep the Inquisition out of

Arequipa, the Setites gave the Shining Path much of its

money, and the prince was a Ventrue, with close ties to

other Blue Bloods.

At this point, I decided my only hope of discovering

what was really going on was to keep an eye on the elder -

easier said than done. That task became simpler when I met

him at a Camarilla conclave in Colombia. The elder, then

going by the name Nunez, introduced himself as an old

friend of the Justicar who had called the conclave. He

spoke out forcefully for suppressing both anarchs and the


Nunez and the Justicar spent a great deal of time in

secret conferences, and by the end of the conclave, Nunez

had established himself as a great defender of the

Camarilla. In the next year, however, I traced his

movements across Central and South America, where he met

with Sabbat, werewolves, voodoo priests, business

executives and even stranger beings.

During these travels, I began to realize just how

powerful Nunez was. In a single night, he appeared,

seemingly without effort, in different cities a thousand

miles apart. Once he traveled into the deepest parts of the

Amazon, the heart of Lupine territory, and returned several

nights later, none the worse for his journey. Throughout

his travels, his pawns in Arequipa and other places

continued to do his bidding as though he was there to give

them orders.

When I found myself forced to leave Lima, I lost track

of Nunez for a while. Indeed, our paths did not cross again

until last year. I had

been hunting an old Gargoyle through the Swiss mountains

and stopped in Geneva to present myself to Prince

Guillaume. As I waited by a window for a ghoul to announce

me, I noticed two vampires lingering in the courtyard far


Concentrating, I suddenly realized that one was Nunez. I

did not know the other - a tall, slender vampire of noble

bearing - but I listened carefully all the same. What I

heard chilled me to what remains of my soul. The two were

discussing recent events in Russia, and Nunez listened as

the other described, in German made even more threatening

by a thick Romanian accent, the new Russian threat.

As this unknown vampire stroked his mustache, he spun a

tale or destruction and devastation unparalleled in human

history. The Antediluvians had awakened one of their

greatest puppets, and it would soon unleash its full fury

on the world. It had already awakened some of the mightiest

terrors of ancients times and now prepared to release these

nightmares on an unsuspecting world.

Then he and Nunez turned their eyes to the sliver of a

moon hanging in the sky and laughed.

The Antediluvians

I pray to God that the Antediluvians are the generals of

our petty wars, because if there is someone above them, I

don't want to know about it. I have little doubt that a

number of very powerful Cainites form the base of this

maddening Jyhad. Whether there are 13 of them, whether they

had the same sire and whether they survived some ancient

flood, I don't know.

While I have heard many stories about what these beings

used to do, stories concerning their activities since the

days of the Roman Empire are exceedingly rare. It seems

that many of these beings either went into torpor or met

their Final Deaths during this time (the former is the more

likely). The Tremere, Giovanni, Tzimisce and Lasombra clan

leaders are the obvious exceptions to this.

In each of these cases, legend has it that during the

Middle Ages, upstarts committed Diablerie upon the

Antediluvians who used to head those clans. I've always

found these stories hard to believe. After all, the oldest

Kindred I've known had powers beyond belief. If a 4,000-

year-old vampire had the power to level a building with a

thought, what kind of terror could a 10,000-year-old (or

older) Antediluvian of even mightier generation wreak?

Could even an army of Methuselahs bring such a creature


The paranoia begins again. Did the Antediluvians fake

their own ends? Are there other powers which destroyed them

and then blamed the destruction on vampires? Did the

Antediluvians willingly go to their destruction? If so,

why? Did they know something we dont?

Still, the Antediluvians who were extinguished don't

worry me nearly as much as the ones who still exist. There

must be a purpose to this jyhad. Such powerful beings

cannot be creating such devastation without a reason. What

could cause such ancient, mighty and (presumably) brilliant

beings to engage in such seemingly petty games?

The most obvious motivation is power. Among the kine,

those who have the most power often seem to be the ones

most intent on accumulating more. The same appears to be

true for the Kindred (with some exceptions), so it would

make sense that the most powerful Cainites would be the

ones with the greatest lust for more power.

Thus they marshal their forces, controlling mighty

vampires with Blood Bonds, Domination, rituals and other

methods. They make deals with mighty (non-vampiric)

entities and use these to control others. Then they send

these mighty forces out to take what the other

Antediluvians have built. Bit by bit, they become more

powerful. One Gangrel elder even told me that they were

trying to become truly godlike in their power and that the

werewolves fear the time that mighty vampires become power


There is only problem with this theory: at some point,

one of the Antediluvians would become more powerful than

the others and wipe them out. This has not happened in

10,000 years (well, maybe it has, but you couldn't tell)

and does not look like it will happen any time soon. Maybe

their plots take an even longer time to come to fruition,

or maybe the weaker ones gang up on the stronger until

everyone is even, but I do not usually believe that power

is their main motivation.

More cynical vampires blame the Jyhad on boredom. The

Antediluvians have been around so long, experienced so much

and become so jaded that only constant warfare provides

them with any stimulation. The only thing that can stir

their tired brains is constant conflict with their equals.

If this is true, they do not want the game to end, and the

Jyhad will continue as long as the Antediluvians exist.

This hypothesis has its weaknesses as well. Surely such

mighty minds could find something else to excite them.

Mysteries of all kinds exist in this world. An Antediluvian

brain turned to unlocking the secrets of magick, science,

art or philosophy could remain occupied for eons. Surely

that would be more satisfying than endless rounds of

manipulation and subterfuge.

Maybe there are higher goals at stake here. It could be

a question of good versus evil. For instance, a consortium

of Antediluvians, including such notorious ones as Set,

Tzimisce, Tremere and Assam (whose real name, I've heard,

is either Hashshan al-Safa or Hashshan ibn Canan) may

strive to turn our existence into a Hell on Earth for their

own nefarious purposes. Only the continued opposition of

Brujah (said to be named Troile), Gangrel, Toreador and

Ravnos has stopped them.

In this scenario, the other Antediluvians become the

swing players, and whichever side the other five end up on

will determine the fate of the world. Of course, I have no

evidence that something like this exists and base this

hypothesis on imagination, not fact. Still, something like

this may well exist. Rumors that some of them (especially

Set) dealt with devils occur regularly.

Considering the disparity between the clans, it is

possible that each Antediluvian strives to create what he

considers the best of

all possible worlds. For instance, Ventrue wants to create

a world where everything is in perfect order, while

Toreador wants a world of artistic vision and beauty. They

see the others as obstacles to their goals and send their

followers out to destroy these obstacles.

Again, I have no direct evidence to support this idea,

but such a vision could well motivate at least some of the

Antediluvians. If we accept this hypothesis, we must also

believe that they have our best interest in mind - albeit

in a twisted way. They use us as pawns for our own good.

Then again, maybe they all feel they are doing the

bidding of Caine (or God, Odin, Gaia or whatever). We could

be dealing with the equivalent of 13 different religious

whackos, each one fanatical in her belief that she is the

only one who knows what Caine really wants. These religious

nuts, however, have the power to back up their claims, and

we may be dealing with a real, religious Jyhad.

A final conjecture as to why the Antediluvians carry out

their games is the basic issue of survival. The only being

powerful enough to threaten an Antediluvian is another

Antediluvian. Therefore, none of them can be safe until the

other 12 have been destroyed. They can't trust each other

enough to stop fighting, and thus the war continues. The

only time they work together is when another Antediluvian

has become too powerful and they must combine forces to

bring that one down.

This would certainly explain such events as the sack of

Carthage, when other clans joined the Ventrue in battling

the Brujah, or World War I, when a number of clans joined

forces against the Tremere and Ventrue. It would also imply

that things will get worse, because if the Antediluvians

have caused this much carnage with the limited weapons they

have had access to so far, think what they might be able to

do in the next centuries.

Of course, there is no definite evidence that there are

13 Antediluvians. There could be more; there could be less.

A Malkavian called the Dionysian told a group of Kindred

that only one being was behind the Jyhad. While someone

else later told me the Dionysian was speaking

metaphorically, that the one being he was referring to was

really each individual vampire, it is equally interesting

when considered as a fact.

What if all of this is the work of one powerful

Antediluvian acting in ways we cannot even begin to fathom?

What if he has manipulated everyone who has been

manipulated for his own nefarious scheme? Are you prepared

for what the result would be?


Rumors involving Caine pop up regularly. Anyone who

takes them seriously is a fool or a Malkavian. If Caine did

return, we could all just close the coffin and turn off the

lights, because that would begin the endgame. Still,

different vampires have their own reasons for crying Caine.

For instance, when a couple of South African Nosferatu

wanted to force the Camarilla to take down an abusive

prince, they faked a Caine sighting. Using their

Obfuscation, and aided by a Toreador and her Presence, they

really shook up the local Kindred— and a lot of mortals as

well. Sure enough, that caught a Justicar s eye.

The Justicar and his Archons stormed into Johannesburg,

interrogated everyone and dug up a bunch of Cainites no one

even knew were in town. The Justicar forced the prince to

step down, all right. He also destroyed the neonates who

began the whole thing, as well as number of other Kindred.

A threat to the Masquerade was the official reason. The

Justicars annoyance was probably the real reason.

A Sabbat Noddist once gave me some keen insight into the

stories about Caine. He noted that the one common

denominator between almost all the Caine sightings was the

false Caine's call for followers. Rarely does a vampire

say, "I saw Caine and he just wants to be left alone." A

more indicative event occurred in Madagascar, when a

powerful, shining figure appeared near the capital city. He

claimed to be Caine, called for followers and then

disappeared with almost a third of the island s vampiric

population. Nobody has offered an explanation for how or

why this happened.

The Noddist contends that these stories recall the

particular circumstances of our Embrace. He claims that the

actual event differs little from our original births as

mortals, but while a baby has two parents, a fledgling is

lucky to have even a single sire to introduce her into the

new world.

Caine then becomes a mythical father figure, capable of

righting all wrongs and nullifying the tragedy of our

existence. Longing for Caine is longing for a release from

worry and responsibility, and hoping for a golden world of


The Noddist said this was but one of a number of

explanations for Caine. A more heretical one sees Caine as

a projection created by vampires longing for perfection. By

this theory, we see ourselves as imperfect, and in

contemplating our own inner beings, imagine an image of

perfection. Since we are not without fault, we project this

outward, and this projection becomes Caine. By this

reasoning, even the first vampire (Caine, if you will) had

the same feelings of incomplete-ness which we have and

imagined his own "Caine."

Beware, Kindred, Beware

So who am I, and why am I releasing all this

information? Well, as my own sire, Sennacherib, always

said, "You've gotta shake them up before you shake them

down." I'm tired of these ancient games. Even knowing what

I know, I would prefer to see them end.

You see, I know far more about the Jyhad than most

vampires my age. My experience with it predates the century

I have been a vampire, or the thirty years I was alive

before that. I am one of the Jocastatians, and like

Aristotle de Laurent's brethren, I know that knowledge lies

at the center of our unlives. While Aristotle seeks the

knowledge of his ancestors, however, we devour the memories

of ours.

Within me lives Sennacherib, his sire Ismene and more.

Eyes not my own have witnessed the Jyhad in its many forms,

and now these images continue on through me. Those I

destroy, after drinking their "heart's blood", I keep with

me forever. Their might becomes my own, and every soul I

take adds to my own power.

This also add to my confusion. Every time I do this, I

learn things I never expected and see events from new

perspectives. The old adage that there are two sides to

every issue is not true. There are as many sides to an

issue as there are people involved in the issue, and then

some. I have seen this Jyhad as experienced by elders and

anarchs, Sabhat and Archons, independents and willing


The only conclusion I can make from all of this is that

the war is wrong. I have seen nothing which can justify the

horrors we have wrought, and 1 must say every vampire -

whether Camarilla, Sabbat, Inconnu or anything else - is to

blame. We do little or nothing to stop this travesty, and

it continues decade after decade.

Thus we make these documents available to everyone. I

have no control over whether you believe this book or not,

but it will open you eyes. Kindred and kine alike need to

know that this goes on. Mortals and immortals both need to

see how horribly the actions of a few powerful beings

corrupts the world. Finally, these ancient manipulators

need to learn fear, for their games must not continue


The question you must ask is how much you can trust me.

After all, the different factions in the Jyhad have

mastered the art of deception and disinformation. For all

you know, I could be an elder feeding you exactly the story

I want you to hear so you won't go looking for the real


Now that I've planted that seed of doubt in your mind, I

could be a member of the Black Hand trying to stir up

discord between young and old members of the Camarilla. I

designed everything negative I've written about the sect to

give my words greater credibility and cover my own


In setting you against both the Camarilla and the

Sabbat, I reveal myself as a Giovanni intent on increasing

the tensions between the

two groups so that my clan can seize more power. So, as you

doubt all the major vampiric powers, you can come to the

realization that

I'm really a Settle dedicated to setting all vampires at

each others' throats.

Actually, I'm not really a vampire at all. I'm a hunter,

and by fomenting this much distrust, I ensure that vampires

will continue destroying each other and make my job easier.

In putting this much doubt in your mind, I can now say that

I really am an elder, and I've

written these past four paragraphs to make sure you won't

trust that statement.

What are you going to believe?

In celebration,

Ayisha Jocastatian


i have a few texts... i archive them here

if the community wishes, please comment and say your knowings... i searched long and hard for them


knowledge is power






th Seeker is me.

20:56 Apr 23 2013
Times Read: 339

The physical world of dimension and time creates the separation of the world of soul and the world of the soul carrier.

Because soul is a God Fragment, and the soul carrier is a representative outgrowth of both the species’ evolutionary

trajectory and the original designs of the soul carrier template, they are fundamentally incompatible. Thus, the

Central Race engineered an interface that serves to integrate the soul and soul carrier, and orient the collective

known as the individuated consciousness.

The individuated consciousness consists of six, interconnected energy systems. They are:

1) Soul Carrier generally consists of 24 primary systems and four major elements: body, emotions, mind, and

genetic mind. It is the soul carrier in the worlds of time and space that enables the soul to operate within the

physical worlds of time, matter, and three-dimensional space.

2) Phantom Core is the super consciousness of the soul carrier. It is separate from the soul, and is considered

the soul’s emissary to the natural world in which the soul carrier must interact. It is through this awareness that

soul experiences the natural world of limitation and separation, drawing in the experiences that help it to build

appreciation for the Grand Multiverse, the garment of First Source.

3) Sovereign Integral is a state of consciousness whereby the entity and all of its various forms of expression and

perception are integrated as a conscious wholeness. The Sovereign Integral is the core identity of the individual. It

is the gathering of all created experiences and all instinctive knowledge. This is the soul’s knowledge repository based

on its collective, individual experiences within all dimensions and times since its creation as a unique consciousness.

4) Remnant Imprint is the impression of the Sovereign Integral as it penetrates into the soul carrier as a force of

super consciousness. It is referred to as a ‘remnant’ only because it exists in the dimension of time and space, while

the Sovereign Integral consciousness operates outside of three-dimensional time and space. The remnant imprint is the

cast of energy bestowed by the Sovereign Integral to the soul carrier. It is precisely this energy that generates ideas

and inspirations, making it possible for the voice of all that you are to surface into the worlds of time and space in

which you are only a particle of your total being.

5) Wholeness Navigator guides the soul carrier to perceive fragmentary existence as a passageway into wholeness and

unity. The Wholeness Navigator pursues wholeness and integration. It is the heart of the entity consciousness, shepherding

the soul carrier and the soul to unify and operate as a single, sovereign being interconnected with all other beings. The

Wholeness Navigator is the gravitational force that forms the purposeful clustering of Sovereign Integrals, reigning in

sovereignty from the existential grasp of self-sufficiency.

6) Soul (entity consciousness) is, in the simplest of terms, a fragment of the Universal Spirit Consciousness of

First Source. It is composed of a very refined and pure energy vibration that is equal to Source Intelligence (spirit).

It is an immortal, living, coherent consciousness that is a replica of the energy of its Creator with the individual

consciousness of a unique personality. It is the anchoring point of consciousness and is the subtlest of the energy

systems of the individuated consciousness to perceive from the soul carrier perspective.




we do not forget

20:06 Apr 23 2013
Times Read: 340

Yeah, yeah, yeah

No, no

Yeah, yeah, yeah

No, no




Quote : Holon Knowledge Web

19:49 Apr 23 2013
Times Read: 341

All Being is composed not only as a biological physical being, it is also composed of many intricate energy grids that transform, regulate and provide the essential life energy force needed for your personal existence.





13:27 Apr 23 2013
Times Read: 342

Ima na com elisium. seether dra ki erisia de light nah see I

I see no light the chaos power childre call thee

Hear us . Feed me . Sense my desire and quench my hunger beautious daemon shell




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